RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Shockoe Cemetery (part 1) ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Shockoe Cemetery: 1936 April Research made by Madge Goodrich Cemetery Location: The four squares are bounded by Fourth Street on the east, Second Street on the west, Hospital Street on the north and Bates Street on the south, and is opposite the City Home, Richmond, Virginia Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: 1820. OWNERS: The City of Richmond. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In Shockoe lie many of Richmond’s citizens who were famous in their day. Among them are William Foushee, well known physician and Richmond’s first mayor, Peter Francisco, a hero of the Revolution, Jane Stith Stanard, the “Helen” of Poe’s poem, and her husband, Robert Stanard, jurist and statesman and judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals. Here lie Elizabeth Van Lews, who figured conspicuously in war times, David Roper, a pioneer of the Baptist Church, John D. Blair, first pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Shockoe Hill and who with Parson Buchanan figured in the story of the “Two Parsons”, John Wickham, well known lawyer, the artist, Robert Sully, and John Hampden Pleasants, Republican Whig editor, “unyielding advocate of the great principles as understood and practiced by its founders.”. Inscriptions: In memory of The amiable daughter of Andrew Etta (unreadable) Frances Leiper Born 1773 Died Dec. 23, 1853 Wife of Andrew Leiper, M.D. A native of Edinburg, Scotland For many years a prominent physician of this city In memory of Richard Crouch Born 1790 Died Aug. 26, 1859 In Memory of Doct. Jno. G. Crouch Son of Jno. & Lucy Crouch of Goochland Born Nov. 25th, 1792 Married to Virginia Daughter of Col. Thos. Hudgins of Mathews County, Va. May 8th, 1829 Died June 11th, 1835 Daughter of Dr. ________ Died ____ 1831 Aged _____ 7 months This stone is erected at the request of Dr. Jno. G. Crouch Sacred to the memory of Johnson Brackett a native of Portland Maine Who died Sept. 17th, 1831 Aged 26 years Sacred to the memory of Cornelius Murphy A native of County Cork, Ireland Who died July 29th, 1840 Aged 53 years In Memory of Joseph S. Son of J. & M. Vandeventer Who died 16th, July 1841 Aged 20 mos. In Memory of Ann S. Tyack Wife of Samuel Tyack and daughter of Sarah T. Wilkins Formerly of Norfolk, Va. Born November 15, 1807 Died June 29, 1818 Husband, Mother, Brother and a large circle of friends and relatives mourn the decease of one who fulfilled and the duties of a wife, daughter, relative and friend and Christian. In her life charms, Everyone to humanity by her Death is a victory is gained to Christianity and In the same grave rest the remains of her first husband P. S. Burcher In memory of Helen Edward Daughter of James S. & Elizabeth Alexander Who died Jan. 20th, 1842 Aged 2 years & 2 months Also Abie E. Who died Aug. 11th, 1843 Aged 1 year & 5 months In memory of John P. Moody Departed this life on the 19th of Feb. 1851 Aged 6 years To the memory of John Dennegri A native of Italy Who died September the 11th, 1841 Aged 33 years May he rest in peace. Amen. He was a loving husband and an affectionate father, a faithful friend and was respected by all that knew him and left a wife and one child to bemoan their irreparable loss Remember man as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I. As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me. In memory of Abner Robinson Who died Decr. 18, 1842 Aged 63 years In memory of Our Brother Charles F. M. Fisher Youngest son of Geo. & Ann Fisher Born Decr. 22nd, 1818 Died Sept. 7, 1848 Sacred to the memory of Daniel Norborne Norton, M.D. Son of John Hatley Norton of England and his wife Catherine Bush of Winchester, Virginia Born in November 1791 Twice married with Elizabeth Jaquelin Call and afterwards with Lucy Marshall Fisher Departed this life the 23rd day of January 1842 Sacred to the memory of Andrew Sweeny Born 24th May, 1770 Died 21st, Nov. 1841 Aged 64 years In memory of ? T. C. Krischmann Who departed this life July 5th, 1823 in the 22d year of her age My husband dear, weep not for me, when in this yard my grave you see. My time was short, and blest be He that called me to Eternity Our dear Parents Peter Winston Born Nov. 1801 Died July 2, 1841 Diligently, humbly serving the Lord and Eliza Ann Woodward Born Sept. 17, 1812 Wife of Peter Winston, 1830-1844 Wife of Ben Hancock 1844-1849 Died March 23, 1878 A wise and faithful Christian Mother Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven In memory of Maria Harrison Born July 25, 1780 Died May 18th, 1848 In memory of Philip Harrison born May 31, 1781 Died Jan. 4, 1852 In memory of Jane Reeve Infant daughter of John F. & Sarah Alvey Died 1832 Sacred to the memory of Frances Nott Wife of William Nott Who departed this life July 2, 1842 In the 80th year of her life. she now enjoys that rest that remaineth for the people of God. Sacred to the memory of William Nott Who departed this life Nov. 3, 1835 In the 24th year of his life. He was born in ____ and died in the ____ Church of Christ. I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Archibald B. Botts of the 4th U.S. Infantry Who died at Carnargo, Mexico Jan. 4th, 1847 He graduated at the U.S. Military Academy in June 1846 His classmates have erected this monument to evince their lively appreciation of his character, in which shown pre-eminent a high sense of honor, an excellent intellect and a generous heart. His body is here assimulating with earth, his virtue displayed through his life shall live forever. In memory of Mary L. (effaced) In memory of Ann Eliza (effaced) In memory of Charles H. Son of T. ? Lacy Born ___, 1820 (effaced) In memory of Frances Wife of Joseph Danforth born May 12, A.D. 1781 Departed this life Sept. 26, 18?4 (unreadable) In Memory of Joseph Danforth Who was born March 11th, 178? Departed this life May 11th, 1844 //my ? -- shall stand at the – day upon the earth; and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God. Edmund Walls Died April 17, 1841 Erected by the Female Humane Association Mary Blair Smith Born Aug. 12, 1839 Died Dec. 27th, 1842 Sallie Adams Smith Born July 9th, 1842 Died Dec. 27th, 1842 Robert K. Brook Born Dec. 1801 Died May 27th, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Almeria Carolina Consort of Ro. K. Brock Born May 7th, 1806 Died 29th May, 1835 ... left a bereaved husband ... to mourn their irreparable loss ... ... was an obedient daughter ... ... and truly an affectionate ... Though her afflictions were ... and severe, she bore them with fortitude and in her last moments met death with ... composure, re- signed her ... ... who gave it and breathed her ... ... morning of the resurrection ... ... lose the love and beauties of her. The rose of May that bloomed so sweet And spread it fragrant charms ... soon destined its God to meet And gain its Saviour’s arms. ... Sweet Almeria, Oh my love, ... we are doomed to part. ... that dear Jesus from above That called thee from my heart. Oh may we meet in heaven above When we no more shall part But spend our days in a Saviour’s ... ... no pain of heart. Alleine Daughter of Luther P. & Margaret V. Ellis Born Feb. 8, 1850 Died June 21, 1852 Fannie Daughter of Luther P. & Margaret Ellis Born July 2, 1850 Died Aug. 13, 1855 In memory of Martha Trent Daughter of Richard Crump of Powhatan Co. And wife of Edward Trent of Richmond Born Sept. 10, 1781 Died May 27, 1860 She was faithful to her God and to humanity. And so He giveth His beloved sleep. James Brock (effaced) Born May 20th, 183? Died ____, 183? Sacred to the memory of Lucy Ann Born 2nd. Dec. 1832 Died 13 ____ 1840 and Mary Jane Born 25th Feb. 1835 Died 24th, Nov. 1840 Children of Joseph & Martha T. Mosby They live with Jesus ... these little lambs. ___ joy them ... In memory of _____ Foster Born ____, 1805 Died ____, 1830 (unreadable) Sacred to the memory of Robt. Richardson, M.D. Born in James City County 12th May 1798 Died 30th, Oct. 1841 To the memory of John O. Sullivan A native of Ireland who died Sept. 15, 1841 and left a wife and two children to lament his loss. May he rest in everlasting peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Aged 41 Sacred to the memory of Jacintha Consort of Benjamin W. Totty Who died June 29, 1848 In the 43rd year of her age Leaving an affectionate husband and aged mother and five children to mourn her loss. She was a devoted and affectionate wife, a dutiful daughter. Her illness which was a severely painful nature she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation. And died relying upon the mercy of God. Through the merits of his blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Then shall the ___ return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. James Grogan Watson Born in Dublin, Ireland Oct. 20, 1809 Died in Richmond, Va., April 29th, 1851 Our Brother Robert M. Sully Died Oct. 30th, 1855 There is rest in Heaven Mary E. Chamberlayne Wife of ___man B. Baldwin Died June 25, 1855 Beloved in memory Mrs. Elizabeth Sully A native of Edinburgh, Scotland Died 1851 aged 79 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Also her daughter Sarah Sully Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Jas. P. Sully of U. S. (effaced) In memory of John C. Bolling (effaced) In memory of Mrs. Catharine Strother Who died May 24, 1816 In the 75th year of her age In loving memory of Eliza A. Graham Born Sept. 21, 1795 Entered into rest Oct. 4, 1859 In Memory of Mary L. daughter of ___ Lacy Who died __ 1840 Aged 2 mo. 8 days (effaced) In memory of Lewis Courtney Who died ____ 1840 Aged 1 month, 18 days And of Edwin Swift (unreadable) John Cosby Born March 16th 1788 Died Oct. 11, 1830 Samuel Cosby Born March a6th 1788 Died Oct. 11, 1830 Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth P. Wife of H. A. Pearce And daughter of Delia Collin Palmer Who departed this life 16 March, 1847 In the 18th year of her age She was beloved of all who knew her In memory of Mary Ann Forge Departed this life July 17, 1849 in the 55th year (Unreadable) In memory of Virginia Catherine Wife of Wm. Bowen and daughter of George and Mary Coxen who died on the 4th of May 1844 The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed by the name of the Lord. Job 1st Ch. 21v. Sister Spirit, fare thee well, We soon will meet again, Through the blood of Emanuel Without guile or stain. In Memory of Edward William Only Son of Ewd. Wm. and Hermine De Voss Born January 19th, 1845 Died 14th 1847 In memory of Octavia Wife of Jas. ? Taylor Born March 11, 1823 Died Feb. 25, 1851 An affectionate wife and a mother. She has left her husband a son and daughter to await their summons to join the best of wives and mothers. Mary Emma Left to live July 21, 1848 Julia Etta Died June 22, 1849 In Memory of Our Father Jesse Snead Born Aug. 13th, 1794 Died Sept. 7, 1855 In memory of Gertrude Wife of Silvanus Smith Born in ? Cod ? Co., N.Y. Oct. 31, 1807 Died in Richmond, Va. Nov. 21, 1859 In the 71 year of her age. In God I put my trust. In Memory of Our Mother Jane J. Snead Born June 3rd, 1801 Died Septr. 9th, 1856 Also Our brother Gary Winn Snead Born March 9th 1839 Died March 20th, 1842 Mathew 6:21 Mary Julia Born 19, Oct. 1841 Died 13 May, 1842 Ellore Virginia Born 19, Oct. 1838 Died 16, Aug. 1842 Children of J. L. & Sarah B. Cary Sweet little buds without a thorn will bloom in heaven Saact. Smith of ? Died April 24, 1841 Aged 35 Sacred to the Memory of John Frederich Allen Born in ? Ireland Nov. 28, 1817 Died in Richmond Aug. 23, 1834 (?) In Memory of Anne Allen Born in Malerford Ireland Died in Richmond June 8, 1858 Aged 66 years Her life was marked by Sincerity, Truth and Justice and a fine reliance on the mercy of her Savior. In Memory of John Allen Born in Malerford Ireland Died in Richmond July 11, 1841 Aged 62 years Sacred to the Memory of Wallace Allen Who in the bloom of youth was snatched from the embrace of his friends and suddenly consigned to the cold and noiseless tomb. Born in Dublin, Ireland Sept. 17, 1818 Died in Richmond March 4, 1841 in the 28th year of his age This simple monument which marks the spot of a beloved brother’s rest was erected by B. B. A. Mrs. Anne Hickman Died 25, December 1847 Aged 60 years In Memory of Chas. Theodore 9th child of W. W. Nolting Born 24th Sept. 1846 Died 3 July, 1847 Here Rest the remains of John Paul Fifth child of A. W. & Johann P. Nolting Who died the 12th Decr. 1839 Aged 13 weeks and 1 day To the Memory of Benjamin William first child of Johanne Pauline and A. W. Nolting Born 20th May 1834 Departed 1st July 1835 In memory of Mrs. Mary Wife of Capt. Jas. Myer of Baltimore Who died in this city March 25th, 1837 in the 37th year of her age In Memory of George Nolting Merchant recently of ? Kingdom of ? Born 19th July 1806 Died 10th Feb. 1844 In Memory of J. M. W. Nolting who died 25 Nov. 1848 Aged 85 years, 1 mo. and 5 days And after about 5 years residence in this country Peter A. Dudley A native of King and Queen County but for many years a resident of this city Lamented by all who knew him and ? cheering guidance of his ? with God through Jesus Christ the only ?. (hand written: Died at home of brother-in-law William B. Crafton, New Kent Co. buried in Shockoe Apl. 14, 1835, age 22. A druggist; brother of Thos. U. Dudley Sr., Mary Ann Dudley Crafton, Jane Dudley Woodson (Mrs. Linneaus) Laura E. Dudley Dandridge.) James Harvie Dudley A native of King and Queen Co., Va. but for the last 22 years of his life a citizen of New Orleans where he was highly respected and esteemed by those who knew him. Possessed of a strong and active mind with great decision and energy of character he was quite successful in his business pursuits and from his ? integrity & straightfordness was known as an honest man He died in New York Sept. 5, 1858 in the 42nd year of his age An honest man is the noblest work of God. (hand written: Brother of Thos U. Dudley, d. 1876, Peter A. Dudley buried Apl. 14, 1835, Mary Ann Dudley Crafton, Jane Dudley Woodson and Laura E. Dudley Dandridge. Buried in Shockoe Sept. 10, 1855) In Memory of Charles Friend son of Thos & Martha Maria Dudley Born Oct. 6, 1839 Died April 4, 1843 In Affectionate Remembrance of Alexander Barrett Shelton Born in the city of Richmond Died at the College in the County of Henrico July 12, 1841 In the 37th year of his age His life was unexceptionable. His end was peace. also The dear children of A.B. & S.E. Shelton ___ ___ Sarah Elmira Who died July 17, 1840 & April 30, 1843 In the 2nd & 3rd year of their age. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven In Memory of Mary A. Varilla Daughter of Jno. D. & Mary M. Graff Born 30th Oct, 1838 Died 8th Aug. 1839 Sacred to the memory of William Shepard who departed this life the 16th of Feb. 1813 in the 73rd year of his age To the memory of Mary Ann Barney Wife of Charles B. Barney of Baltimore and daughter of Robert Gwathmey of Richmond She departed this life on the 16th March, 1840 Aged 26 years Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God! Near her lies her infant daughter Mary Ann Born 16th March 1840 Who survived her only four months Here also repose the remains of Margaret T. Gwathmey Wife of Robert Gwathmey Who died on the 9th of August 1821 in the 34th year of her age Robert Gwathmey Born Sept. 10th, 1778 Died March 18th, 1855 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord inputed not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Virginia Heth Relict of Beverly Heth and eldest daughter of the late Robert Gwathmey, Esq. She was born in Liverpool, England Oct. 11th, 1811 And died in this city March 23rd, 1860 Leaving two sons and many affectionate friends to mourn their irreparable loss. Here in the place where once the Saviour lay where he shall wake thee on a future day, like a tired child upon its Mother’s breast, Rest ? rest. IHS Owen G ? ? County of Ireland ? 2 ? George J. Dooley Son of John & Sarah Dooley Born Oct. 2, 1837 In the 23rd year of his age Requiescat in peace Alice Erina Daughter of John & Sarah Dooley Born Feb. 13 Died April 5, 1844 IHS Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Dooley a native of the city of Limerick Ireland Who departed this life August 19th, 1838 in the ? year of her age In memory of Hannah P. daughter of John and Anna P. Tolbert of Philadelphia and wife of ? R M. Burton of Richmond Who departed this life 18th August 1834 in the 20th year of her age Under this simple monument repose the remains of one of nature’s purest models of virtue and innocence. In Memory of Edward Fitzgerald Martin Born in Bandon, County of Cork Ireland July 23, 1803 Died in Richmond, Va. Aug. 10, 1860 He was a good man In memory of Charles Tolbert son of Hilary & Margaret M. Baker Who died Nov. 6th, 1849 Aged 15 years and 9 months In memory of Hilary Son of Hilary & Margaret M. Baker Who died October 14th, 1843 Aged 14 years and 10 months Sacred to the memory of Hilary Baker who departed this life March 28, 1840 Aged 50 years In memory of Anna Klapp Daughter of Hilary and M. M. Baker Who died March 16, 1832 Aged 21 months Sacred to the memory of Edmund Burke The lamented son of W. ? & C. G. Burke Who departed this life March 16th, 1852 Aged 5 years and 11 months Hinc miseranda puer! se qua fata aspera rumperis Tu Marcellus aris. To the memory of Philip Norborne Nicholas Who died 18th August 1849 in the 74 year of his age In early manhood he was appointed Attorney General of Virginia and from that time until his death, occupied positions of high trust and responsibility, As a judge, though firm and decided he was always bland and courteous. His principles were those of a patriot and republican. In all the social relations his uniform kindness gained him many devoted friends who will long lament his loss. John Ambler Son of ? ? Born January 1827 Died January 21, 1852 Edward Son of (effaced) John Ambler Esq. of Jamestown, Va. born Sept. 25, 1762 Died April 6, 1836 In the memory of Wm. Foster Son of Jos. & Ruth Foster who departed this life on the 8th of Sep. 1822 in the 26 year of his age In memory of Ruth Foster Consort of Joseph Foster who departed this life Decr. 2nd 1831 In the 63rd year of her age In memory of Margaret Wife of O. Williams Who died ? 12th 1832 Caroline Wife of Orren Williams Died March 1 ? 1841 Orran Williams Died June 22, 1841 Aged 32 years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them Mary (?) Died Decr. 19th, 1833 Aged 83 years (This is in the Van Lew lot.) John Van Lew Born March 4, 1790 Died September 13, 1843 Made perfect through suffering Margaret Van Lew Born April 27th, 1787 Died Oct. 26th, 1858 Aged 66 years I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. Sacred to the memory of Caleb Tyree Born January 1st, 17795 Died August 13th, 1839 He lived a Christian and died in peace. This stone is erected by his bereaved Wife as a tribute to his worth, and a monument of that affection which survives the grave. And shall shine in beauty when brass & monuments of Marble crumble into decay. In memory of Joshua Leigh Infant son of Caleb & Susan Tyree Born 17th July 1850 Died 17th Dec. 1852 IHS In memory of Domenigo Ferrar He died in this ? July 1839 Aged 34 years His loss is deeply lamented by his family and friends. In memory of Avise E. Plant Who died in this city 1844 In the 63rd year of his age Maria O. Roper Wife of George Roper Born Dec. 25, 1787 Died March 4, 1858 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city. Sacred to the memory of George Roper Who departed this life Aug. 12th, 1838 Aged 49 years Who loved, how ? once avails thee now. To whom related or by whom begot: ? all the proved ? Sacred to the memory of Joseph Ann T. Whaites consort of ? and Whaites who died 12th Sep. 1838 in the 29th year of her age and of ? Whaites Who died 27th Sep. 1842 in the 7th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Richard Whaites Who died 20 April, 1840 in the 9th year of his age Sacred to the memory of Margaret Whaites Who died 20th ? 1840 in the 78 year of her age Sacred to the memory of Abnery England Who died ? 18?8 in the ? ? ? Gloria in Excelsis Deo IHS Here lieth the Body of Mrs. Catherine Gallagher who departed this life on the 16th day of Octr. 1839 aged 36 years She was a kind affectionate wife and a good mother. IHS In Memory of Danl. M. Amin who departed this life Decr. 1st 1838 Aged 22 years Formerly a Resident of the town of Lifford County Donegal Ireland IHS Sacred to the memory of Daniel B. (?) Lawler a native (?) of ? Ireland ? ? ? ? ? 28 ? 1839 May he rest in peace IHS Sacred to the memory of Mary Mariarty of Castle Gregory Parish of Killiney County Keny Ireland Wife of F. Moriarty who departed this life on the 12th of Oct. 1842 aged 28 years Also Ellen her infant Child aged 8 months R.I.P. Ann Couch 1756-1829 Margaret Couch 1784-1829 Mary Couch Crenshaw 1802-1826 In Memory of My husband John H. McCarthy Born Nov. 18, 1833 Died Jan. 18, 1850 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Erected by his surviving relatives In memory of Gurdon H. Bacchus For many years a respectable Lawyer at the bar in Richmond Who died 11th Decr. 1834 Aged 48 years To the Memory of Garland H. Mitchell Merchant born in Louisa County on 20th June 1787 Died 20th October 1834 Margaret Anne daughter of J. M. & C. O. Sublett Born June 14, 1858 Died March 21, 1859 Marian Daughter of J. M.& C. O. Sublett Born October 18th, 1815 Died July 21, 1844 (Note: There is a birth date discrepancy in the above stones but I do not know the correct date.) Samuel Son of J. M. & C. O. Sublett Born September 25th, 1843 Died July 28, 1849 George McCue son of J. M. & C. O. Sublett Born March 17, 1850 Died October 22, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Caladonia H. M. The affectionate and devoted wife of C. J. Coionuitt and daughter of ? ? Brooks Born 11th Aug. 1821 and departed this life 24th March 1843 Yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Judith W. Nicholson Died April 15, 1849 Aged 72 years Julia Nicholson Burwell Died Aug. 10, 1849 Aged 9 years 2 months Sacred to the memory of William James Son of Jno. T. & Ann M. Sizer Born Jan’y 25th, 1844 Died March 19th, 1841 Sacred to the memory of Ann Maria Wife of John T. Sizer and daughter of ? Dickinson of ? Born July 23, 1818 Died Jan. ? 1821 She was a dutiful wife and daughter, a devoted mother. ? loved her most. (Note: There is an error in the above dates but I do not know the correct ones.) Sacred to the memory of Elenoire Fitzpatrick daughter of ? & ? Fitzpatrick Aged 1 year 11 months and 11 days died August 21st, 1837 In Memory of James Ira Sizer M.D. Son of James & Ann H. Sizer Born June 7, 1828 Died Dec. 27, 1858 Sacred to the memory of Thomas Henry Hanbury Who died 10th Decr. 1830 Sacred to the memory of ? Hanbury Who died ? 22, 1842 Aged 32 years May he rest in peace ? Erected by his Mother Ann Boach Sacred to the memory of Ellen Augusta Died 18th March 1842 in her 4th year also Alice Lester died March 22nd, 1842 in her 3rd year Infant daughters of John and Margaret Wigb? Companions in death as in life Gone before, not lost. In memory of Bettie Christian Folkes died June 4, 1839 In her 43 year Asleep in Jesus The Grave of Frances Wife of Edwin Wortham and daughter of Doct. George & Frances Hopkins Born in Caroline County, Va. 14, March 1820 Died in Richmond 22 March 1844 Fanny Guy Wortham Born Aug. 16th, 1843 Died Sept. 4th, 1845 Alice Wortham Born March 17th, 1846 Died July 11, 1847 In memory of Arrena L. wife of George Keesee who died Oct. 6, 1840 Aged 45 years In memory of George Keesee who died Sept. 14, 1847 Aged 59 years The grave of Emily Fletcher Daughter of George & Arrena L. Keesee Born Aug. 11, 1844 Died Aug. 30, 1845 The grave of Infant daughter of George & Arrena L. Keesee Born and died Nov. 11, 1839 The grave of Mary Agnes Daughter of George & Arrena L. Keesee Born Octr. 15, 1834 Died Decr. 14, 1835 Sacred to the memory of Emily daughter of Dr. Peter M. & Agnes Hardama? of Dinwiddie County Va. and beloved wife of John G. McCabe of this city Born Oct. 26th, 1813 Died July 18th, 1837 She was a Christian When kindred spirits part no more, for fond hearts hopes by death be riven, Well meet again life’s sorrows o’er, and sweet one ever dwell in heaven. In memory of Mary Daughter of John G. & Emily McCabe born 10th Jan. Died ? July 1852 ? for Christ she died. Sacred to the memory of William Anderson Who died 23rd Dec. 1836 Aged 51 years Sacred to the memory of Mary G. Anderson Wife of William Anderson Who died 12th Dec. 1837 Aged 43 years John Exall Youngest son of Thomas & Maria Baxter Born Dec. 17th, 1835 Died Oct. 3rd, 1841 Thomas Fourth Son of Thomas & Maria Baxter Died May 13th, 1852 In the 20th year of his age Beloved by all who knew him Thomas Samson Second Son of Thomas and Maria Baxter Born in Richmond Feb. 1st, 1825 Died in Havana Cuba July 3rd 1830 Suffer the little children to come unto me In Memory of Thomas Hume Son of Rev. Geo. G. & Angelina E. P. Exall Died Oct. 29, 1859 Aged 3 years & 6 mo. Suffer the little children to come unto me In memory of Maria Wife of Thos Baxter & daughter of John & Lucy B. Exall born 9th Nov. 1805 Died 19th June 1830 In memory of Mary Wife of Jacob Frey Fogel Born 7 Sept. 1802 Died 7 Aug. 1846 Our humble faith here takes her rise, while setting round his board. And back to Calvary she flies to view her groaning Lord. In Memory of Christian Greyfogel A native of the Grand Duchy of Baden Who died 6th March 1810 Aged 63 years He was a daring soldier, a good citizen and an honest man. The affection of his widow raised this stone to his memory. And that of his infant children, Jacob and Mary Jane Who knew him best loved him most. Ellen M. & Virginia C. Palmer A Mother and her daughter One Grave - - One Destiny Sent to earth but never given, Offerings only due to Heaven Virginia The embodiment of all that could make a parent’s heart glad in life & sorrowful in death, left this world to repose again upon the bosom of an affectionate and devoted Mother, On the 19th June 1846 In the 7th year of her age Not my will but thine, O Lord, Be Don. and The grave of Ellen M. Palmer born Nov. 12, 1845 Died April 27, 1846 The daughter of Thomas and Mary ? The wife of John Palmer The Mother of Maryellen Virginia In memory of Josephine Died June 11th, 1841 Aged 1 years and 6 mos. and of Virginia Died Sep. 23rd, 1841 Aged 4 years & 3 mos. Children of Marianni Mahala Giannini Sacred to the memory of Mariana Giannini Who died Aug. 16th, 1834 Aged 16 months Walter P. Allen 1815 – 1851 Dedicated to the memory of Elizabeth Coggins who departed this life June 11th, 1839 in the 45th year of her age Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Ann Lawson second daughter of John & Ann Randolph of Chesterfield Co., Va. who departed this life January 13th, 1852 in the 67th year of her age She has left a son and daughter to mourn her loss, but they have one consolation in the hope that she is at rest. In memory of the departed ? Anna Wife of ? Briggs Born Aug. 25th, 1801 Died ? 183? (Three stones effaced.) In memory of Eugene Nicholas Son of Giles and Prudence R. Picot Born in this city Dec. 29th, 1827 Died at Georgetown College D.C. Octr. 2nd, 1845 He was taken away lest wickedness should alter his understanding or deceit beguile his soul. Wisdom Iv:ll Prudence and virtue adorned his life. Unstained with ill, undisturbed by strife. Chaste, humble, meek, he kept his heart. Till bid by heaven from life depart. Requiescat in peace. In memory of Giles Picot Born in France October 18th, 1776 Died July 30th, 1811 To his children he has left an untarnished name and a bright example of Christian and social virtue. To his widow the cheering solace of meeting in a world of eternal happiness. I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Requiescat in peace. Giles Hampton Son of Daniel and Angelique C. L. Howell Born Dec. 30th, 1833 Died Feb. 10th, 1837 To the memory of John Robertson A native of Philadelphia And the only son of James & Mary Robertson Born March 13th, 1811 Departed this life Nov. 23, 1832 In the 22nd year of his age. (Three stones effaced.) Rev. David Roper Born 27 Sep. 1792 Died 28 Feb. 1827 Mary Roper Wife of Rev. D. Roper Born 9 Mar. 1794 Died 6 Sep. 1844 James M. Son of D. & M. Roper Born 8 Sep. 1821 Died 5 Aug. 1823 Anna J. Daughter of D. & M. Roper Born 2 Jan. 1828 Died 25 Nov. 1827 Sacred to the memory of Sarah Consort of Elijah M. Arouis Born 11th March 1722 Died 21 Decr. 1831 Anna B. Gordon Wife of S. H. Gordon And daughter of Archibald Blair Died Sept. 21st, 1857 Aged 33 years Isabella N. Wife of Rev. Imlah R. Barber Died Apr. 6, 1815 ? 31 yrs. W. C. M. (Effaced) In memory of Dr. Robert Johnston Third son of Robert & Elizabeth Johnston Born February 5th, 1803 Died March 10th, 1847 Penitent for sin he searched the scriptures and found truth and comfort. Erring but hopeful he passed a long period of sickness and suffering and died trusting to the mercy of God through the merits of the Saviour Jesus Christ. In memory of James M. Johnston Eldest son of Robert & Elizabeth Johnston Born Apr. 11th, 1799 Died July 7th, 1833 Sacred to the Memory of Robert Johnston a native of Riselan in the County of Berwicksline Scotland He was born June 10 in 1780 (or June 19, 1765) and Died July 5th, 1832 also Sacred to the Memory also of Anne Blackburn Johnston Youngest Daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Johnston Who died January 2nd 1832 In the Sixteenth year of her age In the memory of Elizabeth McCaw Wife of Robert Johnston She was born in Scotland Nov. 17th 1775 Died Nov. 19th 1837 (hand written: Obit Whig Nov. 23, 1838) Sacred to the memory of Sally Harrison Daughter of Dr. John Minge and wife of Capt. George E. Pickett, U.S.A. Born August 9th, 1829 Died at Fort Gates, Texas Nov. 13th, 1851 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Sacred to the Memory of Robert Pickett youngest son of George and Margaret Pickett of Richmond, Va. Born March 24th, 1799 Died Dec. 19th, 1856 Here are buried also the remains of the deceased children of Robert and Mary Pickett Elizabeth Johnston Born Oct. 29th, 1826 Died Fe. 15th, 1827 Mary Seldon Born Aug. 12th, 1829 Died July 23rd, 1830 Olivia Born Oct. 27th, 1831 Died April 22nd, 1832 Mary born Nov. 8th, 1835 Died April 3rd, 1836 Robert Johnston Born Jan 2nd 1838 Died April 29th, 1838 Sally Winston daughter of ? Tompkins Died ? ? 1838 Aged 9 days In memory of Sophia Consort of William T. Davis Born February 24, 1818 Died July 30, 1845 In Memory of James Bosher Born July 19th 1791 Died June 30th, 1854 He brought me up also Out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay and set My feet upon a rock, and established my goings, And he hath put a new song In my mouth, even praise unto Our God: Many shall see And fear, and shall trust In the Lord. Psalms 40 Chap. 2nd & 33 Verses. In Memory of Ann H. Wife of James Bosher of this city and daughter of Walter & Abigal Hopkins of New Kent Co. in this state Born 25, Sep. 1791 Died 3 Nov. 1843 This monument is erected by her husband as a tribute to her worth and virtues. Ann Bosher Daughter of G. H. & G. H. Tompkins Born Aug. 1, 1815 Died May 21, 1850 Of such is the kingdom of God Sacred to the memory of Abigail Osborn Consort of Robert Osborn of the county of New Kent She died July 2, 1846 In the 79th year of her age after a residence of 25 years in this City 1757 – 1800 Walter Hopkinson First Husband of Abigail Herbert Osborn 1762 – 1840 Daughter of Henry Herbert 1710 – 1778 of Herbertsville, Norfolk Co., Va. The Grave of Frances A. Hopkins Died 20 Feb. 1819 Aged 55 years Beloved by all who knew her ? Good ? To the memory of Mrs. Mary Middleton Died July 6th, 1854 In memory of ? Lambeth daughter of George & Clotilda J. Lambeth Born July 22nd, 1833 and died April 2nd, 1836 In memory of Clotilda Wife of George L. Lambeth Who departed this life Oct. 19th, 1840 In memory of Elizabeth M. Fisher Daughter of Elizabeth & Robert M. F. ? and wife of James Fisher Jun. Who died the 19th May 1833 In the 26th year of her age The affectionate remembrance in which she is held bears testimony to her worth. To the memory of Anna Louisa daughter of William & Winifred B. Norwood She was born March 18, 1847 and died March 18, 1848 This corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. Cor. XV. 55. Here Lie the mortal remains of Mary Winifred daughter of William & Winifred B. Norwood She was born March 10th, 1858 She is not dead but sleepeth. St. Luke VIII Chap. 52v. This Stone is erected By her parents to the Memory of Bobina Daughter of William and Winifred B. Norwood born Jan. 20, 1835 Died Oct. 30th, 1838 Jesus called them unto him and said, suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18th, 16th Geo. Wells Departed this life Feb. 5th, 1826 Aged 31 years Martin Luther Son of Rich & Martha Ann Patterson Born Sep. 20, 1845 Died April 20, 1846 IHS Sacred to the memory of Michl. Barrett A native of the County of Mayo Ireland who departed this life on the 12th July 1842 Aged 26 years R.I.P. In memory of Thos. R. Coner Halifax Co., Va. bur for the last 15 years a residence of this city aged 42 years Dradema Melvin Died Sept. 19 in Washington in the 66 year of her age In memory of Harriet Eliza daughter of John & Sarah W. Bioren who died Jan. 30th, 1843 aged 3 years In memory of Margaret Melvin Consort of Capt. Josiah Melvin formerly of Suffolk, Va. but for the last 5 years a resident of this City. aged 18 years In memory of Capt. Josiah Melvin formerly of Suffolk, Va. but for the last 5 years a resident of this city Aged 57 years In memory of ? ? Vial who departed this life ? 1819 Aged 2 years In memory of Thomas H. son of Thos. P. & Vianna Vial Born Sept. 17, 1840 Died Jan. 12, 1840 (Note: There is an obvious error in the dates noted on the report.) In memory of John Powell Son of Thomas P. & Vianna Vial who died on the 5th Septr. 1843 Aged 7 days In memory of Julia Wilkins daughter of Thos. P. & Vianna Vial Died July 16th, 1839 Aged 12 months 14 days Sacred to the memory of Edwd. C. Rees Born in Tredegar, Wales May 6, 1806 and died in this city July 16, 1849 There’s not a joy the world can give like that it takes away. Also Matilda & Wm. Henry, Twins of Edwr. C. & Matilda Rees born Nov. 30, 1844 The former died Nov. 30 The latter died Dec. 3rd, 1844 Heaven rejoices while affection weeps. This stone is erected by his widow I.H.S. Michael Murphy Born in Cork Ireland 1805 Died Sep. 24, 1845 Aged 40 He left a wife and two children to bemoan his loss. May he rest in peace, Amen. In memory of Wm. M. Alvis Son of ? and ? Alvis Who departed this life December 18th, 1842 Aged 15 years 10 months and 21 days Rest gentle youth, here rest in peace, Secure from vanity and noise For here thy ? sorrows cease. To the memory of Ann Jane daughter of Joseph and Mary Lacey who departed this life October the 8th, 1841 aged 15 months and 17 days Mary Wife of Jacob S. Atlee of Columbia, Pa. who died Jany 14th, 1841 Aged about 25 years Samuel J. Born Sep. 17th, 1846 Died May 17th, 1837 Sarah Ann Born Dec. 21st Died Dec. 24th, 1837 Mary Virginia Born Jan. 1st, 1841 Died Aug. 17th In Memory of William Son of John and Mary Williams who departed this life May 1st in the year of our Lord 1840 aged 6 months In memory of Philip S. son of John and Caroline Williams who departed this life August 3rd in the year of our Lord 1840 Aged 2 years 7 months and 8 days In memory of John Son of Wm. & Gwenllian Edwards Late of Wales who departed this life July 4th, 1841 Aged 12 months and 15 days Susanna Wife of Robert L. Smith Died June 18th, 1838 Aged 34 years Sacred to the memory of Isa ? ? field Born ? ? 1838 Aged 73 years In Memory of James J. Binford Died Oct. 11th, 1857 Aged 57 years Archibald Bryce, M.D. Died Feby 20th, 1854 Helen E. Pickett Born July 19th, 1801 Died Oct. 13th, 1853 Sacred to the memory of Thos Bolling Macmurdo who departed this life July 3rd, 1837 Aged 30 years Farewell, but not forever Hope replies, Trace but his steps, and met him in the skies, There nothing shall renew our parting pain Thou shalt not wither, nor I weep again. Catherine Anna Macmurdo Born 24, Oct. 1774 Died 7 May 1849 Charles James Macmurdo Born 5 Jan’y 1771 Died 29 Dec’r 1848 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher Born 12th, July 1770 Died 24, Jan’y 1845 In Memory of Helen M. Infant daughter of J. H. & Catherine T. Eustice Born March 9th, 1858 Died Jan. 2nd, 1859 Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. In memory of Martha Jane Fourth Daughter of F. B. & M. J. Hart Born July 3rd, 1849 Died Feb’y 22nd, 1853 This lovely bud so young and fair Called home by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom. God gave ___ he took and will restore. He doeth all things well. Sacred to the memory of Martha Jane Wife of F. B. Hart Born Nov. 3rd, 1840 Died July 16th, 1849 Sacred to the memory of Francis ?erton Infant son of M. J. & F. B. Hart ? Oct. 11th, 1838 ? 17 days Sacred to the memory of Archd. Dandridge A consistant member of 1st Bapt. Church Richd. who died Oct. 20th, 1838 Sacred to the memory of ? Son of ? ? Shell Born Aug. 16th, 1838 Died ? Feb. 1839 Sacred to the memory of George Anderson Infant son of George D. & Virginia H. Shell Born Apl. 5th, 1834 Died 25th July following. Sacred to the memory of ? ? Consort of George D. Shell and Daughter of Mansfield & Mary R. Watkins Born July 24th, 1807 Died Oct. 5, 1834 Sacred to the memory of Hall Neilson Who departed this life the 29th of Nov. 1860 In the 70th year of his age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they shall rest from their labors. Sacred to the memory of Ann Eliza Daughter of Hall & Edmonia Lee Neilson Who departed this life on the 24th June 1849 In the 17 year of her age Sacred to the memory of Edmonia Lee Neilson Wife of Hall Neilson and daughter of William Byrd and Ann Page of Frederick County Va. A mind intelligent and cultivated, a temper generous and ardent. A heart alive to every sacred affection and made pure by faith formed a Character admired and loved; the recollection of which is itself the true consolation. Died 21st Dec’r 1834 In the 23rd year of her age Sacred to the memory of Andrew Thompson Shepherd Eldest son of John Madison & Judith Shepherd of Fredericksburg Va. Who departed this life Octr. 4th, 1832 Aged 23 years He was dutiful son, an affectionate brother and a sincere friend. Here Rest the Remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Jeffries Who was born on the 27th day of January 1756 And died on the 10th day of January 1848 Sacred to the memory of Dr. Robert Crump Eldest son of Sterling I. Crump, Esq. Who departed this life on the 12th day of October 1816 In the 20th year of his age Gifted with extraordinary intellectual powers with a mind highly cultivated and refined with a heart warm, generous and confiding, by the inscrutable wisdom of Providence he was taken hence in early manhood, leaving to his mourning relative a memory which will ever be kindly cherished by them. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth R. Crump Relict of Sterling I. Crump and daughter of Basil Wood and Elizabeth Richardson his wife Who departed this life upon the 26th day of June 1855 in the sixty-fourth year of her age For more than thirty years a member in full communion with the First Presbyterian Church of this city. She has gone down to the tomb in the joyous hope of a glorious resurrection. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works shall follow them. Here Rest the Remains of Richard Jeffries Who was born on the 16th day of April, 1790 and died on the 20th day of July 1858 Sacred to the memory of Sterling Crump who departed this life on the morning of the 5th day of January 1847 in the ? year of his age Distinguished through ? ? of more than forty years ? pursuits for unfailing ? and ? integrity the deceased discharged the ? duties of Citizen, Husband, Father ? ? ? scrupulous ? ? fidelity. He was esteemed by his fellow citizens for his unspotted and ? and for his upright and ? condi___ by his friends for his kindly qualities and gentle virtues tenderly and devotedly beloved by all who composed his family circle for this uniformly generous and affectionate disposition ? gone to his ? rest attended by the tearful yet hopeful ? of his ? sorrowing and bereaved relatives. In memory of William Smyth A native of Scotland and for 21 years a resident and merchant of this city Died 26th May 1839 Aged 46 years Sacred to the memory of Hannah Smyth Consort of William Smyth Who departed this life on the 1st day of December 1831 in the 34th year of her age Elizabeth W. Daughter of Mrs. Hannah Smyth Died 15th July 1838 In the 13th year of her age To the Memory of Ann Booker Wife of Richard Whitfield Born 20th, Sept. 1792 Died 21st Sept. 1846 Richard Born 25th Jan. 1821 Died 1st Aug. 1821 Clara Diddep Born 15th Sept. 1826 Died 20 June 1828 Richard Jeffries Born 24 May 1829 Died 17 Sept. 1830 Virginia Born 27 Dec. 1827 Died 19 Dec. 1833 Richard Jeffries Born 17 June 1832 Died 29th Nov. 1833 Children of R. & A. B. Whitfield Elizabeth Evans Wife of William Evans Born 1796 Died Nov. 2, 1851 Aged 35 years Beautiful her life, Peaceful her death, Glorious her rest above. She is not dead, but sleepeth. William Evans Born Sept. 1789 Died May 23, 1854 Aged 65 years He lived a Christian. He died in peace. He dwells in glory. Rest from thy labors, man of God. Thy work on earth is done. And thou hast reached thy blessed abode. Thy fadeless crown hast won. and William Died March 19, 1825 Aged 15 months Georgianna Died Aug. 2, 1830 Aged 15 months Jane Died July 25, 1833 Children of Wm. & Elizabeth Evans Wm. Oliver Died July 24, 1838 Aged 3 years Margaret Died Dec. 1, 1841 Aged 10 weeks Amelia Died Aug. 20, 1844 Aged 4 years Children of Wm. & Julia P. Evans Heaven is their home. To the memory of Mrs. Martha B. P. Nolley Wife of Rev. Geo. W. Nolley (unreadable) (3 stones effaced) Mary Ann Stark Died 3rd Nov. 1847 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again ? so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1st Thess. 4 Chap. 14 verse. The Grave of Edmund W. Rootes Who died 11th Feb’y 1836 Sacred to the Memory of Claiborne Watts Gooch Born 1st June 1798 Died 21 Apl. 1844 Leaving a wife and three children to mourn his irreparable loss, and to cherish his respected memory. Sacred to the memory of Richard Barnes Gooch Born Sept. 13th, 1820 Died May ? 1851 (unreadable) Sacred to the memory of Philip Claiborne Gooch (unreadable) In Memory of Rev. John Howard Born Novb. 2nd, 1819 Died Feby 27th, 1857 Where I am there shall also my servant be. Sacred to the memory of Edmund R. Hall Son of Joseph & ? Hall (unreadable) In Memory of Our Mother Catherine E. Howard Widow of the Late Thomas C. Howard She was born March 24, 1793 She died in the faith of Christ September 28, 1849 In the 57th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Henry Alexander Price ? born on the 12th day of June 1804 and died on the 30th of October 1836 (unreadable) Here lies the body of Sarah B. Meade Who was born on the 14th of Novr. 1818 and died on the 7th of March 1833 Samuel Jordan Blair Born Aug. 13, 1789 Died March 11, 1845 Infant son of ? Rutherford Died 11th Feb. 1839 R. 23 Sept. 1833 Infant son of S. J. & F. G. R. Feb. 21, 185? Sacred to the memory of Mary Hardaway wife of Richard E. Hardaway of Nottoway County and daughter of Thomas and Sarah Rutherford of Richmond, Va. Born April 10, 1801 Married April 6, 1826 Died January 10th, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Thomas Rutherford youngest son of Thomas Rutherford of Fife Shire, Scotland and Janet Meldrum his wife, Born Jan 9 1766 in the city of Glasgow Died Jan. 31st, 1852 in the city of Richmond where he resided sixty seven years Behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. Psalms xxxvii ch. 37v In memory of Sarah Ann Wife of John E. Laughton and daughter of John & Elizabeth O. Cook Born Decr. 19th 1811 Died Oct. 6th, 1856 Asleep in Jesus In Memory of Charles Ellis ? distinguished for his uprightness as a merchant his usefullness as a citizen and the amiable virtue of domestic life He was born the 19th of June 1772 and died the 22 of November 1810 Erected to the memory of Samuel Teel Who departed this life May 2nd 1839 In the 54th year of his age To his family his loss is irreparable as few men in life have fulfilled their duty as a Husband, a Father, a master more faithfully. His Eulogy soon pronounced, he was the noblest work of God, A consistant Honest Man. Caroline Ester daughter of R. L.& P. A. Teel born April 8, 1844 Died July 25, 1844 In memory of Esther Wife of the late Saml. Teel Born Dec. 9th, 1795 Died Apl. 17th, 1840 She has left three Sons and Two Daughters to wait the summons which shall bid them join the best of Mothers. Daughter of R. L. & P. A. Teel Born and died Dec. 24, 1841 Mary Elizabeth daughter of R. L. & P. A. Teel Born Aug. 24, 1845 Died Aug. 3, 1847 Ella Twin daughter of R.L. & P. A. Teel Born May 31, 1853 Died July 26, 1853 In Memory of my Dear Husband John A. Son of Alexander & Eliza Russell born in Baltimore, Md. April 13th 1829 Died in Richmond, Va. October 3rd, 1856 Alexander Russell Born March 28, 1798 In Cupany, Fifeshire, Scotland Died August 15, 1849 For what is your life: it is a ? that appeareth for a little time and then it vanisheth away. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Rutherford wife of Thomas Rutherford of Richmond and daughter of Geddes and Mary Winston of Hanover County, Va. Born August 2nd, 1769 Married Aug. 21, 1790 Died March 2, 1839 In memory of Thomas Rutherford of Hanover County Son of Thos. & Sarah Rutherford of Richmond Born March 20th, 1805 Died June 14th, 1853 Isabella J. Rutherford wife of Thos. Rutherford of Hanover County Born Jan’y 27th, 1823 Married July 30th, 1840 Died Sept. 22nd, 1849 Their daughter Sally W. Rutherford Born June 5th, 1846 Died Sept. 9th, 1849 John Rutherford Son of J. C. & A. S. Rutherford Aug. 3, 1857 Aug. 14, 1857 Thomas R. Blair Born Oct. 3rd, 1804 Died Dec. 10th, 1846 In his 43rd year Margaret Wife of Thomas R. Blair Born September 16th, 1816 Died July 13th, 1842 Courtney Heron Blair Daughter of John & Sarah A. E. Blair Died June 26, 1819 Aged 22 years John Geddes Blair Born October 21, 1787 Died March 7, 1851 In memory of Douglas Son of John G. & Sarah A. E. Blair Born Aug. 1, 1856 Died April 5, 1857 In memory of Fred Chamberlaine Son of John G. & Sarah A. E. Blair Born Oct. 21, 1858 Died Jan. 20, 1860 In memory of Mrs. Mary Patrick Died January 14th, 1833 Aged 75 years Mr. Mother Ellen Maria Dabney only daughter of James B. and Elizabeth A. Heath and wife of Virginius Dabney Born ? 29th, 1836 Died April 24th, 1860 She is not dead, but sleepeth Edmund Bailey Born 1769 and died 29 July 1842 Elizabeth Bailey Departed this life Sept. 30, 1828 Aged 68 years In Memory of Mr. Wray Thomas of Lebanon, Conneticut who departed this life 15th of March A.D. 1807 in the 44th year of his age Friends and strangers, all drawing, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, soon you must be. Then be prepared to follow me. Mr. Nathl. Thomas Son of Mr. Abijah Thomas of Lebanon, Conneticut Who died Oct. 15th, 1801 in the 36th year of his age. This stone lies here to show the place where his dust lies, not what he was. When saints arise, that day will show the part he acted here below. Sacred to the memory of Benjamin Thomas who was born July 22, 1777 and died Oct. 26, 1843 In Memory of Rhoda Thomas wife of Benjamin Thomas born March 15th, 1788 Died January 3rd, 1859 Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Sacred to the memory of Reese Thomas who was born May 30, 1819 and died Sep. 10, 1844 In memory of Virginia Thomas wife of Charles ? Born February 13 ____ Married July 27, 1817 Died May 5, 1818 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Freeborn Garretson Crenshaw died Feb. 17, 1826 Aged 43 years In memory of Mary Cornick Thomas Wife of James Thomas, Jr. Who departed this life May 8, 1830 in the 23rd year of her age Thus early has death torn from the embrace of her husband a tender affectionate and dutiful wife. Thus early deprived two infant children of the inestimible blessing and sweetest name of Mother. And thus early released from the ills of life a believer in Jesus. Thomas (effaced) Sacred to the memory of James Sibbett Who died April ? 182? aged 55 years This stone is erected by his disconsolate Widow as a humble tribute of respect to his inestimable worth. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Probst Wife of Henry Probst Who departed this life 26th September 1852 Aged 50 years Sacred to the memory of William Henry Son of Henry & Elizabeth Probst Born in Richmond, Va. April 30th, 1821 Died Sept. 10th, 1832 Aged 10 years 4 mos. & 19 days In memory of Elizabeth Georgiana W. Wife of Nathl. Talley and daughter of James D. & Sarah McCarr Born 22nd February 1806 Died 25th, July 1834 Also the infant son of M. & E. G. W. Talley Who died on the same day aged about 17 hours Sacred to the memory of Mary Ludwell The beloved and lamented wife of William D. Shepard She was born Sep. 21st, 1803 and died May 21st, 1841 Helen Shepard Daughter of William P. and Mary L. Shepard Was born 2 Jan’y 1831 ? April 1832 This lovely bud so young so ?, called home by ?, ?? In paradise would bloom. Mary Randolph Harrison Daughter of Randolph H. C. Harrison Born 26th, Nov. 1825 Died 2?th May 1832 Sacred to the memory of Archer Ferguson Who departed this life March 21st, 1833 Sacred to the memory of William Ford Son of Boaz Ford Senior Born in the County of Buckingham Va. 10th June 1793 Died in the City of Richmond 3rd Decr. 1835 He lived beloved and died lamented; Let memory drop the sympathizing tear and profit by his death. Sacred to the memory of Nancy C. Carter Born 6th, July 1799 Died 24th, Augt. 1833 In the 35th year of her age Here lies the remains of John F. M. & Virginia M. Son & Daughter of Thomas B. & E. B. Carter Who died 4th May 1833 The former aged 4 years The latter 1 year 9 mos. In memory of Sarah Dews Manson Consort of Otis Manson Born 18th Sept. 1796 Died 3rd April 1834 Virtue needs no epitaph Sacred to the memory of Dorothy Jane Consort of J. C. Courtney Who died Sept. 1st, 1839 Aged 11 years, 28 days Also Robert Harvey Their only Son who died Augt. 8th, 1830 Aged 8 months 24 days In Memory of our dear father Archilles Lumpkin Born in ESSEX Co. Nov. 21, 1799 and gently collapsed in the arms of Jesus April 25, 1859 at this residence in Hanover Co. In life we fondly loved him & in death we will not forget him. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saint. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that way one may receive the things done in the body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad. In Memory of our dear mother Nancy Lumpkin Born in Essex Co., July 28, 1799 and quietly passed to the spirit land May 21, 1855 at her residence in Hanover Co. May memory’s freshest flowers bloom o’er thy grave till flowers hall fade to blossom no more on earth. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Isham Son of D. C. & H. R. Randolph Born August 31st, 1858 Died June 18th, 1859 In memory of our mother Ann Randolph Wife of Isham Randolph Died April 14th, 1855 In the 76th year of her age In memory of Juliana Wife of Thomas N. Page and daughter of Isham and Ann Randolph Born October 29, 1805 Died January 9, 1854 In memory of Jane G. daughter of Isham & Ann B. Randolph Born August 14th, 1796 Died July 1st, 1860 It is well. Sacred to the memory of Robert Sharp Who died 22nd October 1838 Aged 43 years In memory of John G. McCredie Who departed this life Nov. 1st, 1812 Aged 36 years 3 months He was a man of high integrity and honesty. Warm and confiding in his affections. Trustful and true in his ?. Possessing the esteem of all while living. He died universally regretted. To the Memory of Dr. William Foushee A Virginian by birth, A patriot in his principles, In his manner the accomplished Gentleman, He was a distinguished physician and graduated at Edinburgh. So great was ? the confidence reposed in his skill and so bright and cheering was his countenance even after the age of three score and ten that his very presence at the bed side of the suffer seemed to operate as a balmy medicine upon the heart of the sick. He was born 26th October 1719 And died 21st August 1824 A memorial of conjugal and parental love to Sarah Milnor Consort of William J. Armstrong And daughter of Lucius Horatio Stockton and Elizabeth Stockton of Trenton, N.J. Who was born 17th February A.D. 1805 and died Apr. 9th A.D. 1825 In the lively hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Too soon beloved friend for mourning friends but not too soon for thee, thy spirit heard thy Saviour’s call and leaning on his arm, Pass’d tranquil through the dark and gloomy vale and perfect in his lifeness upward pose, Rejoicing to the bosom of thy God. Oh may that grace which shone in thee teach us whom thou hast left lonely and desolate to follow thee as thou didst follow Christ and bring us soon to rest with thee in him where sin can never enter and all tears are wiped from every eye. ? Stockton Armstrong Born Feb. 11th, 1827 Died ? Armstrong Mead Born June ? 1828 Died Augt. 2nd, 1832 Mary Whiting and Cornelia Porter Daughters of Russell A. & Cornelia G. Barnum of New York Born Nov. 11, 1826 Died May 3, 1832 ? ? A native of Huntington Co. Born Oct. 1, 1792 Died Mar. 9, 1829 To the Memory of Rev. Joseph W. Barr Distinguished as a Missionary under the direction of the Western Foreign Missionary Society, Who died suddenly in this city Oct. 1832 Elizabeth Mason ? In Memory of David J. Burr Born June 1st 1782 Died July 17th, 1838 In Memory of Annabella Shedden Wife of David J. Burr Born Nov. 14th, 1789 Died Jan. 11th, 1840 Sacred to the memory of Charles M. Mitchell Who departed this life July 27th, 1829 Aged 60 years Reuben Norvell born Aug. 6, 1768 Died June 17, 1852 In Memory of John Caskie Born in Stewarton Ayrshire, Scotland February 1790 Died in Richmond, Va. September 13th, 1867 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Martha Jane Wife of John Caskie Born January 16th, 1798 Died December 2nd, 1844 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalms 51:17 To the memory of Reuben Reeve Infant son of ? Who departed this life ? July 1837 Aged 6 months and 2 days In Memory of Lizzie Caskie Bulloch Born Feb. 18th, 1831 Died Jan. 31, 1851 Mattie J. Daughter of John Caskie Born Sept. 24, 1829 Died Sept. 28, 1854 In Memory of Dr. Thomas Johnson Born Dec. 12, 1802 Died Feb. 14, 1859 Ella Chapman Died June 21, 1859 Aged 16 years and Bettie Breckinridge Died May 10, 1852 Aged 6 years Children of Frances B. & Dr. Thomas Johnson He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom. In Memory of Ann Eliza Wife of Norborne K. Thomas and daughter of Col. Lewis Burwell Aged 74 years In Memory of James Dibrell Son of Norborne K. & Ann E. Thomas Aged 32 years In Memory of George Son of George & Eliza Howard Who departed this life July 1, 1821 Aged 9 months & 22 days To the Memory of Mrs. Anne Love Johnson Died April 25th, 1852 Sacred to the memory of John Walker Merchant, Richmond Born in Rothesay, Island of Bute, Scotland 14th Feb’y 1794 Died 12th Feb’y 1845 Esteemed and respected, he adorned every relation of life in which he was placed, left an unsullied name, and died a Christian. Sacred to the memory of David Walker Merchant in Richmond A native of Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland Born 10th, August, 1799 Died 7th May 1845 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Amanda Walker Consort of David Walker Born 18th April 1802 Died 11th Septr. 1838 She possessed every virtue which adorns the female character & the Christian, was dearly and deservedly beloved & has left us the solemn warning that “In the midst of life we are in death”. In memory of our beloved son Thomas B. Nowland Son of Thomas & Cilina Nowland Born Nov. 4, 1837 Died July 15th, 1848 Sacred to the memory of Rosalie consort of Wm. H. Smith died 29th Jan. 1844 in the 31st year of her age Her soul has risen and stretched its wings its better portion traced. Has risen from transitory things to heaven its destined place. Judah Myers Born in Richmond, Va. March 19th, 1807 Died in the Same place March 1st, 1852 A Christian. There shall be no night. Our Little Frank Son of B. H. L. and Lizzie M. Tighe Born Sept. 6th, 1855 Died March 18th, 1858 A member of Christ, the Child of God, and an ? of the kingdom of Heaven. In memory of Elizabeth Myers Consort of Judah Myers born Sept. 2nd, 1801 Died Oct. 29th, 1835 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. In memory of Fayette Lathrop who departed this life May 20th, 1851 in the 54th year of his age He is not dead but sleepeth. In memory of Dr. William Robertson Skipwith Born 27 February 1819 Died 18 May 1847 Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Bolling Robertson Second daughter of Wyndham & Mary Smith Robertson Who died of Consumption in Savannah April 2nd 1853 In the 17th year of her age In memory of Mary Smith Wife of Francis Smith of Abingdon, Va. and daughter of the late Daniel Trigg of Montgomery County, Va. who died in Richmond on the 24th April 1839 In the 18th year of her age and is laid by the side of her little William Eldest child of Mary Francis Trigg Her only daughter ? Wyndham Robertson of this city. ? In memory of William eldest child of Wyndham & Mary Smith Robertson born June 26th, 1832 died of scarlet fever March 23rd 1835 In memory of Thomas B. Bigger Born Oct 27th 1825 Died Nov. 14, 1845 In memory of Sarah Ann Smith Wife of Francis J. Smith Born 19th December 1810 Died 14th December 1830 The obedient daughter, The affectionate wife, The devoted mother, The faithful friend, The exemplary Christian. This may serve to point the passing stranger to the depository of her mortal remains. But in his heart by whose direction ? placed here her virtues have erected a monument that must endure with life. Sacred to the memory of Lydia Wife of Thomas Cowles of the city of Richmond and only child of ? Sarah Rou?ton ? England Born in the City of New York 10th Feb’y, 1780 Died 17th Jan’y 1834(?) Here lies ? Thomas C. Infant son of Francis J. & Sarah A. Smith Born in Richmond 7th February 1833 Died 1st Oct. 1834 Ere sin could blight or g??? sooner fade, death came with ???? friendly ? ? ? daughter of Fleming & Mary A. James Born Dec. 2, 18?? Died Dec. 26, 1817 Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. Joseph Sheppard James Born August 21st 1794 Died March 15th 1839 The memory of the just is blessed. This stone is erected in memory of Francis Redd James (?) wife of Joseph Sheppard James ? In memory of Lucy ?mple ? John D. Hamilton ? a member of the House of Delegates of Virginia from the County of Bath He died in this city on the 10th day of march 1848 in the 45th year of his age This simple shaft has been erected by his Fellow members as a memorial of his virtues. Sacred to the memory of Emory Mayo Born Jan 3rd 1820 Died Sept. 17, 1854 and of her sister Lottie Mayo Born May 12th, 1836 Died April 4th, 1855 Lovely and pleasant in their live and in their death not divided. Sacred to the memory of Catherine P. Trice Consort of Jefferson E. Trice of the city of Richmond and eldest daughter of David & Susan Anderson who was born in Milton County the 13th day of January A.D. and departed this life the 28th day of June A.D. 1822 Aged 25 years and 15 days Hugh Rose Pleasants Died April 27, 1870 in the 62 year of his age A distinguished journalist & essayist; a passionate lover of letters; a profound master of history in its details and its philosophy. A kind and generous relative and friend of child-like simplicity and affection. Tomb of Eliza W. Pleasants Relict of the Late John W. Pleasants of this city and daughter of Major Sam Coleman of the Army of the First War for the Independence of America 1776 A woman of Rare energy of Character & of High Integrity & Moral Worth. Died Dec. 4, 1822 in the 78 year of her age Leaving two Daughters To the Memory of Albert Charles M.D. Son of Archibald & Mary Pleasants Born in Richmond October 5, 1816 & Died May 27, 1854 The Grave of Mary the wife of A. Pleasants Born Jan. 24, 1789 & Died July 22, 1846 Best appreciated and most beloved & lamented by him who best knew her worth. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Susanna Pleasants Widow of the late governor James Pleasants and mother of John Hampden Pleasants Who was born in the County of Amherst January 1st 1772 and died in Richmond May 12th 1854 In the 83d year of her age Sacred to the memory of John Woodson Oldest son of Archibald Pleasants of Goochland Born Nov. 25, 1778 removed to this city 1795 intermarried with Eliza W. Coleman May 16th, 1807 Died March 5th, 1836 John Hampden Pleasants Died Feb. 27th 1846 in the 50th year of his age A Republican Whig Editor from Principle, Of Unquestioned Ability & Patriotism. Of Self Sacrificing Gallant & Generous Bearing; The unyielding advocate of the Great Principles of the Constitution as understood & practiced by its Founders: With a Genius Above Talent, A Courage Above Heroism. Filial affection in memory of Frederick Pleasants third son of Archibald Pleasants of Goochland Born Mar. 11, 1785 intermarried with Sarah Marian Eustace Nov. 30, 1812 For many years in ? ? ? of this city Died Oct. 9, 1827 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Maria Pleasants the affectionate wife of Frederick Pleasants of the city of Richmond and eldest daughter of Hancock and Tabitha Eustice of the County of Stafford Virginia who departed this life April 21st, 1835 Aged 31 years and ? months Miss Virginia Bat ? Was born in the city of Williamsburg ? ? ? 1776 A true woman of 76, True to herself, True to her friends, True to her country, Faithful to her God. Miss Eliza Brent Was born in Richmond in the year of 178? Died in the year 18?? ? Philanthropy ? never ? ? This Lowly Spire of Native Granite, Stands Here As a lasting Memento of the Bereaved Husband & Father to the Lost Wife & Sons A. D. 1846 Here also lies buried with his Mother Mary Mortal remains of Archibald The Second Son of Archibald & Mary Pleasants Born Nov. 16th, 1824 & Died Octr. 27th, 1826 In Memory of Bernard Rexton Born March 14th 1792 Died Jany 21st, 1854 To the best of Husbands and Fathers This monument was erected by his devoted Wife and Children. Here lie the mortal remains of John Macrae Was born on the twenty ninth of April in the year of our Lord 1791 He served with reputation in the second War with Great Britain and after its close devoted himself to the profession of the Law in which he gave great promise of future eminence. He was elected from the Counties of Culpeper and Fauquier to the convention of 1829 which formed the Constitution of Virginia and was a valuable member of that distinguished body. He died on the sixteenth day of January, in the year of 1850 before it had finished its labors. In memory of John Green Peyton Son of Bernard and Julia Peyton Born 15th Dec. 1818 Died 2nd July 1839 In his 21st year In memory of Elizabeth Green Peyton Daughter of Bernard & Julia A. Peyton Born 31st July 1821 & died 3rd June 1829 aged 7 years 10 months & 3 days To the Memory of Jane Stith Stanard Daughter of ? of the city of Richmond and the beloved wife of Robert Stanard This monument is dedicated by the conjugal affection which retaining a fondly cherished recollection of the graces of mind and person by which it was inspired of the purity and tenderness of heart, gentleness benignity of temper the piety and virtue in which it was presented, strengthened & ? mourns with deep but resigned sorrow the sad dispensation which has consigned its beloved object to this early tomb. She departed this life on the 28th of April in the year 1821 in the thirty first year of her age. Poe’s Helen Helen, like thy humble eye, There th’ uneasy violets lie There the reedy grass doth wave O’er the old forgotten grave One by one from the tree top There the eternal dews do drop. Henry Vick Second Son of Robert & Martha Stanard Born Sept. 29th 1839 Died July 29th 18?? Robert Eldest Son Born July 27th 1838 Died March 5th, 1845 To the Memory of Robert Craig Stanard The Eminent Jurist, The Patriotic Citizen The Man of Honor and Truth, The Faithful Friend, The Dutiful Son, The Tender and Devoted Father and Husband. Robert Craig Stanard Son of Robert and Jane Stith Stanard Was born at Fredericksburg Virginia on the 17th of May A.D. 1814 and Died at Richmond on the 2nd of June 1857 Robert Stanard Born 17th August A.D. 1781 Died 14th May A.D. 1846 Eminent Alike at the Bar, on the bench and in the Legislative Halls with an intelligence of the Highest Order Comprehensive ? Rapid and powerful in analysis and singularly unerring in deduction. A mind stored with the most profound learning – thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the Common Law and Master of its Philosophy. A heart instinct with every noble and generous feeling – Lofty in its ?, devoted in its attachments, inflexible in it adherence to truth and right. He was not more admired as a Jurist and Statesman than beloved, revered and venerated as a man. With him the duties of life were indeed more than life itself. And as he had lived so he died. At the post of duty on the night of the 11th May A.D. 1846. While engaged at a late hour in the severest duties incident to his station as Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals he was stricken down by paralysis and expired on the 14th, leaving to his children, as their noblest heritage, the Bright example of a life well spent – A name and memory on which they may ever proudly dwell. Sarah daughter of Rev. James Blythe D.D. wife of Rev. Thomas Verner Moore Born in Lexington, Ky. June 20th 1816 Died in Richmond, Va. March 11th, 1849 Erected by the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church Richmond, Va. Mary Ruffin Butler May 18, 1835 Jan. 14, 1853 and Harrison Butler Oct. 14, 1840 Oct. 10, 1842 In memory of Keter Grayson son of Socrates & Sally H. Harper born 3d Aug. 1852 Died 23d Octr. 1852 In memory of Mary Chapman daughter of Socrates & Sally H. Harper Born ?th Feb’y 18?? Died 28th Dec’y 1844 To the memory of Wm. Cole Anderson son of Jasper Anderson who died Oct. 16th, 1839 Aged 34 years Sacred to the memory of Amanda M. consort of Benj. F. Peters and daughter of Edmund and Nancy Anderson who died Feb. 13th, 1844 Aged 23 years Sacred to the memory of Susan E. Daughter of Edmund and Nancy Anderson who died June 18th, 1851 Aged 36 years Sacred to the memory of Nancy Anderson consort of Edmund Anderson who died April 13th, 1853 Aged 69 years This stone covers the remains of three beloved children of John R. & Louisa Triplett Robert Macfarland who departed this life May 26th, 1829 aged 2 years John Richards Dec. 16th, 1829 aged 6 years 9 mo. Charles Henry June 23rd, 1834 Aged 9 months Here Rest the remains of John Richards Triplett Who died Octr. 7th, 1854 Aged 38 years to the Memory of our Mother Louisa R. S. Triplett As a monument of love and sorrow. She died 29th December 1850 Aged 56 years In Memory of our Father Edmund Jordan Who died Nov. 18, 1854 Aged 64 years & 30 days Thomas Elliott husband of Mary Elliott departed this life July 18, 1811 Aged 67 years 5 months 5 days Mary Elliott Wife of Thomas Elliott departed this life 12th March 1796 Aged 43 years William Elliott Son of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 12th Sept. 1806 Aged 29 Y. 8M. 10D Thomas Elliott son of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 7th Sept. 1787 Aged 6Y 1M 16D Mary Elliott Daughter of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 17th July 1806 Aged 19Y 10M 28D Susanah Elliott Daughter of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 24th July, 1796 Aged 4Y 25D Nancy Elliott Daughter of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 16th Feb. 1792 Aged 7Y 25D Patsy Elliott Daughter of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life 7th August, 1796 Aged 2Y 3M 6D Peggy Elliott Daughter of Thos. & Mary Elliott departed this life Feb. 1792 Aged 1Y 7M 7D to the memory of Sarah McSorley A native of Ireland Tyrone County Aged 54 years Sacred to the memory of Mary A. Haley who died Oct. 17, 1818 Aged 52 years My Husband John G. T. Haley son of John & M. A. Haley was killed on the Fair Ground Oct. 30th, 1857 Aged 36 years Here lies me who was generous to a fault ever ready to share the pittance he had with his fellowman, the Widow, the Orphan, but alas! he was cut down in the midst of life leaving a wife & 3 children to lament his ad end. Take warning, fellow traveller, watch and pray. In memory ? Son of ? Stearns Died ? 1857 Mary J. Jones Born May 25, 1810 Died Sept. 9, 1846 In Memory of Emma F. Consort of Franklin Stearns Born Sep. 10, 1818 Died Nov. 10, 1845 A consistant Christian and loved wife. Her body here lies mouldering to dust while her spirit has gone to her Saviour above. How calm her ?, night dew fall no ? gently to the ground, Nor ? ? ? In Memory of Charles Hagan Nephew of Charles Hagan Who was born in Philadelphia and accidentally drowned in James River Feb. 8, 1853 Aged 13 years In memory of Sarah L. Burke who died Oct. 14th, 1849 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. In memory of Elizabeth Burke who died August 6th, 1854 And there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither light of the sun. For the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever. Joseph Abbott Died Sept. 23(?) 1819 Aged 57 (4 stone effaced) Lucy W. Saunders Wife of Robert A. Saunders Born in Richmond, Va. Feb. 14, 1821 Died in Henderson, Ky. Oct. 26, 1858 (4 stones effaced) James Randolph Son of R. A. & L. W. Saunders Born June 15 and died Aug. 1853 Sacred to the memory of John Camack Died March 14th, 1851 in the 43rd year of his age Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. Susan Bruce Beloved Wife of John Turpin Born in Chesterfield Co., Va. March 19th, 1801 Died in Richmond, Va. June 26th, 1852 Here Lie The Remains Of Alexander C. Brander Born November 1st, 1792 Died December 4th, 1844 Also of his infant son James Carter Born May 31st, 1838 Died March 6th, 1841 This tomb to their memory is erected by a bereaved wife and mother. In Memory of John B. Martin Born in Bandon County of Cork, Ireland Sept. 5, 1797 Died in this City Oct. 22, 1857 John Martin Son of John B. and Elizabeth Anne Martin Born 26 Oct. 1824 Died 23 Aug. 1842 Anne Winfree Martin His infant sister Born 15 Dec. 1838 Died 27 Aug. 1842 Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him, “And there shall be no more death.” Mary Jane Crenshaw Daughter of Thomas J. Glenn Born Oct. 2, 1820 Died Nov. 17, 1848 In Memory of Mrs. Mary M. Garland Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Garland of Goochland County Born 21, ___ 1801 In memory of Lewis S. Sharp Son of Turner & Eliza P. Sharp Born February 2, 1828 Turner Sharp 23 Va. Mil. Was 1812 In the memory of Susan Jane Wife of John M. Sharp & Daughter of John Lester of this City who was born Sepr. 24, 1821 In memory of Charles Clinton Infant son of John M. & S. Sharp Born 3 Aug. 1847 Died 3 March 1849 Sally Roane Meredith Born Mar. 4th, 1845 Died June 4th, 1858 John Clopton Meredith Born June 2nd, 1852 Died June 4th, 1858 Julian Meredith Born Sept. 17th, 1855 Died July 9th, 1856 Our Mother In Memory of Sarah Relict of William Bernard, Esq. of King George County, Va. Born April 28, 1799 Died May 7, 1860 Aged 63 years (3 effaced on one stone) Samuel Howard the last of four children of Samuel & Eliza A. Putney Died Feb. 23, 1852 Aged 13 years, 8 mos. 25 days Indiana Pleasants daughter of Alex. & Emeline Mebane died on September 6th 18?0 Aged 21 years It lives again. Rev. Alexr. Mebane Departed this life July 1st 1846 aged 39 years His end was peace, his widow and children erect this tribute to his memory. From the burden of the flesh and from care and fear released, where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. Sacred to the Memory of IHS James Stodart A native of Limerick, Ireland Who departed this life 22 Nov. 1844 Aged 42 years Here also repose the bodies of his two children Joseph aged 5 years James aged 2 years both of whom died in March 1838 Requiescat in Peace. Amen Father & Mother Wm. Horan Died May 3, 1860 Erected to the Memory of Our Mother Catherine Dwyer Died June 14, 1845 in the 46th year of her age Erected to the Memory of IHS Our Father Michael Dwyer Died Dec. 20, 1859 in the 60th year of his age by his Daughter Julia My heart is lonely, My heart is drear and sad, Twas his dear presence only that made my spirit glad. From morning until even, care rests upon my brow, he has gone from me to Heaven, I have no father now. IHS In Memory of Michael Son of John & Bridget Dwyer Born Nov. 1st 1848 Died June 27th, 1852 Aged 2 years 7 Mo. & 27 days The flower of life that early here decay, will bloom unfaded in an eternal day. There is rest in heaven Here lies the body of Martha Ann the wife of Nicholas Anthony who died Dec. 26th 1843 in the 34th year of her age In sure and steadfast hope to rise and claim her mansion in the skies. A Christian here her flesh laid down the cross exchanging for a crown. William Son of Rev. Geo. & Eliza R. Phippen of Tyringham, Mass. Born Sept. 30, 1835 Died Jan. 8, 1845 I am the Resurrection & the life. Our Mother Lucy Lee Died Dec. 25, 1844 Aged 34 years Sweet rest in heaven John A. Cooke Died 1851 and Maria P. Cooke Died 1850 Susan Edmund Philip John O. Henry St. George Children of John O. and Mary P. Steger 1843-1855 Sacred to the Memory of Sally Magee late consort of Abraham Warwick Born the 9th Oct. 1816 Departed this life on the 15th June 1846 (1 stone effaced) Ann Marcella Wife of Wm. J. Waldrop and daughter of Wm. & A. H. Tyree Born April 29, 1857 Died March 22, 1855 Nannie daughter of Joseph R. & Sarah E. Anderson Born Aug. 12th, 1842 Died Aug. 5th, 1852 Rev. Eli Ball Born in Marlborough, Vermont Nov. 2nd 1786 Died in Richmond July 21st, 1853 As a man he was modest, amiable and dignified. As a Christian earnest, upright and consistent; and as a minister, laborious and useful. In memory of his many virtues, faithful labors and eminent usefulness. This monument is erected by the Baptist of Richmond. In Memory of Mrs. Sarah A. Jeter Wife of Rev. J. B. Jeter Born Dec. 29, 1807 Died Oct. 29, 1847 A life of fervant piety prepared her for a triumphant death. Her dying words were: All is well! All is well! Peace , Joy, Heaven. I shall see Jesus, that is enough. William Graham Son of Joseph & Sarah E. Anderson Born June 9, 1844 Died December 26, 1845 Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me; for the such is the kingdom of Heaven. Children of Dr. Robert & Fanny Archer Ella Virginia Born April 30th 1839 Died March 25th 1850 Ross Sylvester Born Jan. 18th, 1845 Died March 19th, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Dorothea C. Wife of Edwr. A. J. Clopton Born March 9, 1821 Died April 5, 1816 (Note: The reports states a definite error in dates.) Sacred to the memory of Mary Exle Infant child of E. A. J. & D. C. Clopton Born Jan’y 5, 1845 Died April 19, 1846 In memory of William Latane Son of ? ? Clopton Born April 20, 18?? Died March 22, 1850 Catesby Jones Son of E. A. J. & Anne W. Clopton Born July 30th, 1852 Died March 25th, 1855 Gloria in Excelsis IHS Erected by Bertrand Labourroir to the memory of his Beloved wife Mary Anne Labourroir Who departed this list August 24, 1856 Aged 50 years May her soul rest in peace, Amen. IHS Erected by Patrick Fogarty to the memory of his wife Margaret Fogarty Who departed this life 15 Sep. 1846 Aged 22 years In memory of William Son of Tho. J. & Sarah J. Sterling Died 5 Jan. 1847 Aged 5 mo. 24 days There is rest in heaven Sacred to the memory of Mary D. wife of John Hutcheson Died Nov. 3, 1853 Aged 56 years In Memory of John Hutcheson Born Feb. 19th, 1797 Died Feb. 28th 1857 Aged 60 years 3 days In memory of Caroline B. Wife of Wilmot H. Ward Died June 1, 1847 Sacred to the memory of Patterson Ward Died March 4th 1853 Aged 29 years 10 months & 22 days In memory of Jackson Baily Born 5 July 1825 Died 5 April 1846 Are also interred in the same grave his mother Sarah Aged 45 years The Grave of Mary Ann Wife of James W. Shields Born February 20, 1817 Died July 25, 1849 A tribute of love and affection by him who most laments her and who best knew her WORTH. Lucy Tilman Wife of Edwin Hillyard and daughter of Charles & Catherine Woodward Born Nov’r 1816 Died 5, March 1848 Now we are called to part, How ? how deep the pain. But we still are joined in heart and hope to meet again. To the memory of Flora Bella infant daughter of Juan & Celeste Pizzini Born Sept. 25, 18__ Died June 28, 1850 (1 effaced) Sacred to the memory of Mary T. Lumpkin daughter of Rev. Thomas W. Lumpkin Stepdaughter of Rev. Joseph E. Curtis Born Nov. 25th, 1800 Died July __ 1855 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. In memory of Paulina S. Curtis Daughter of Rev. Jos. E. & Elizabeth J. Curtis Born Dec. 24, 1818 Died Sp. 4, 1847 Erected as a tribute of affectionate remembrance by her sister. M. T. L. In memory of Wm. A. Johnson Who died Dec. the __ 1860 Aged 34 years Fanny Mutter Daughter of Alex. & Elizabeth S. Martin Born July 27, 1854 Died Feb. 21, 1859 It is well with the child and she answered, It is well. Sacred to the memory of Ellen B. Wife of Geo. Y. Bradley Died 20, January 1850 Aged 52 years A devoted Christian, she was exemplary in all the holy duties of wife, sister and friend. She rests from her labours. For God hath said I have blotted out as a ? cloud thy transgressions and, as a cloud thy sins. Return unto me for I have redeem thee. Isaiah Chap. ? 22v. Friendships tribute to the memory of David Barclay, Jr. who died June 2, 1848 in the 36th year of his age Than he no son was more dutiful. No brother more devoted. No friend more true. No Gentleman more pure and unsullied. ... Peace to his Ashes. Moses Branch Born Nov. 25, 1795 Died March 8, 1856 In memory of Mrs. Aphra Johnson Born in Bandon Ireland June 9th 1799 Died in Hanover Co., Dec. 1861 Christopher Johnson A native of Ireland Died Oct. 17th, 1853 Aged 76 years Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Curtis consort of Rev. Joseph Curtis Born Dec. 24th 1788 Died June 19, 1847 This stone is erected as a token of affectionate remembrance by the bereaved Husband and her only surviving Daughter. Edmund W. Caskie Nov. 2-12 1860 John Croke Son of James K. & Ellen J. Caskie Born Dec’r ? 1845 Died Feb’y 19, 18?? Emma Armstead daughter of Armstead Russell Wife of John N. Caskie Born April 15th, 1822 Died Oct. 27th, 1846 John Norvell Caskie Born March 24th, 1820 Died January 13th, 1846 Robert Huthinson Son of J. N. & E. A. Caskie Born Dec. 31, 1848 Died July 14, 1849 (1 effaced) My Husband Aged 48 A. E. Hudgins So he giveth his beloved sleep James C. Spotts fell asleep in Jesus June 6th, 1857 Aged 40 years In Memory of IHS Francis McGarrey Born March 17, 1795 Died March 21, 1857 (4 effaced) In Memory of Selina Nickolls Daughter of Genl. Daniel Roberdeau And wife of Scudmore Nickolls Died 4 Oct. 1837 Aged 63 years Her children arise up & call her blessed. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Josephine Daughter of Thomas & Ann Mosby Norvell wife of Rev. Robert Ryland, D.D. 1807 – 1846 He will beautify the meek with salvation. In memory of George Edward, M.D. Son of Wilbain E. & Rebecca Ward of Nottoway County, Virginia Born January 1st 1832 Died March 25th 1851 Eliza Ann Gibbons Wife of Daniel M. Harden Born Harrisonburg, Va. January 1, 1815 Died Richmond, Va. July 14, 1848 At Rest In Memory of Joseph Adkins Born June 29, 1799 Died May 7, 1858 In memory of Barbary Beloved wife of Earnest Schuman Died in this city December 12th, 1856 Aged __ years Also her children Arthur & Edgar Robert Carter Gwathmey Born Jan. 11, 1818 Died July 2, 1859 Emily Carter Daughter of H. B. & ? Gwathmey Died Apr. ? 1810 Aged 2 years H. B. Gwathmey Son of Temple Gwathmey March 29, 1794 Oct. 22, 1852 Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. Mary Jane Daughter of H. B. & E. F. Gwathmey Died May 3, 1819 Aged 8 years Caroline Heth daughter of H. B. & E. F. Gwathmey Died April 8, 1812 Aged 1 year Temple Son of H. B. & E. F. Gwathmey Died Nov. 2, 1811 Aged 8 years Sallie Gatewood Ball Died Oct. 28, 1849 Aged 66 yrs. In memory of Mary W. Goulling Wife of James M. Goulling Who died in peace Decr. 14th, 1852 in the 66th year of her age For 47 years she was an exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Blessed are they which die in the Lord. In memory of Elizabeth C. Stubbs Wife of Albert G. Stubbs She lived a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and died in the peace of the gospel of Christ Feb. 9th, 1853 Her 37th birthday. Changed from to glory to glory in life a Christian, In eternity a saint. James Goulling Son of A. G. & E. C. Stubbs Born March 17th, 1852 Died August 31st, 1858 (1 effaced) Robert Frances Son of A. G. & E. C. Stubbs Born Nov. 30, 1817 Died July 21st, 181? Of such is the kingdom of Heaven In memory of William Cabell Carrington Born Aug. 27th, 1821 Died Dec. 29, 1851 He ran a brief race but lived much in a little time. Leaving to his children a name honored and beloved. Louise Edmonia only child of Wm. & Maria L. Carrington Born 9 Nov. 1846 Died 22 Feb. 1847 William H. Cabell Born in Amberst County 16 December 1772 Died in this city 12 January 1853 Full of honors, full of years, Universally esteemed and beloved. He died a Christian. The records of this state attest the fidelity with which he discharged the duties as Legislator, Governor, Judge and President of the Court of Appeals. In Memory of Sallie Marshall Wife of J. G. Cabell Born December 1821 Died 15 March 1855 Noble, Generous, and Frank. She bore through life a heart where dwelt every tender emotion. Alas that one so lovely should have years so few. In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Tate Born November 24th, 1801 Died March 31, 1853 In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Ferguson who was born September 16th, 1799 and Died January 10th, 1847 in the 48th year of her age Out mother, her body rests here; her memory in the hearts of her friends; her spirit bright and pure with her God. In memory of our Mother Jane Charters Born at Hudson N.Y. April 4th, 1812 Died in this city June 5th, 1842 Aged 37 years In memory of Wm. Charters A native of Belfast, England But for many years a resident of this city Born May 10, 1807 Died Nov. 8, 1844 37th year of his age This monument is erected to his memory by his disconsolate widow. Sallie Daughter of Peter and Sarah W. Tinsley Died July 21, 1853 Aged 5 years and 4 mos. (continued) SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________