RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Shockoe Cemetery (part 2) ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Shockoe Cemetery: 1936 April Research made by Madge Goodrich Cemetery Location: The four squares are bounded by Fourth Street on the east, Second Street on the west, Hospital Street on the north and Bates Street on the south, and is opposite the City Home, Richmond, Virginia Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: 1820. OWNERS: The City of Richmond. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In Shockoe lie many of Richmond’s citizens who were famous in their day. Among them are William Foushee, well known physician and Richmond’s first mayor, Peter Francisco, a hero of the Revolution, Jane Stith Stanard, the “Helen” of Poe’s poem, and her husband, Robert Stanard, jurist and statesman and judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals. Here lie Elizabeth Van Lews, who figured conspicuously in war times, David Roper, a pioneer of the Baptist Church, John D. Blair, first pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Shockoe Hill and who with Parson Buchanan figured in the story of the “Two Parsons”, John Wickham, well known lawyer, the artist, Robert Sully, and John Hampden Pleasants, Republican Whig editor, “unyielding advocate of the great principles as understood and practiced by its founders.”. Inscriptions: (continued from part 1) Sacred to the memory of Susanna the affectionate daughter of Wm. N. and Martha C. Hill Born Dec. 22nd 1830 departed this life Feb. 16th, 1850 aged 10 years, 1 month and 26 days She now enjoys that rest which remains for the people of God. Nannie daughter of John Caskie Wife of Saml. J. Harrison Born Nov. 11, 1824 Died July 15, 1887 Here Rest the remains of Mary Caskie daughter of John Caskie of this city and wife of Robert Hitchison of Savannah, Georgia Born 22 April 1822(?) Died 3rd July 1852 Beside her lies the body of her eldest daughter Mary Born 30th September 1819 Died 13th November 1851 Heir Ruhet In Gott John Frischcorn Born Jan. 31, 1846 Died Nov. ? 184? Erennerung An Josephine Frischcorn Born July 23rd 1854 Died April 1st 1856 Christus apricht Lasset die Kindlein zumir kommen und _____ ihnen nicht, dennihnen gehorct das Himmelreich. Zum Anderken An unsem Vater Johananes Schliesser Born Feb. 18th, 1798 Died 18th 1855 Sei ihm die Erde leicht. Here rest our dear little Emilie Brauer Born Aug. 2th, 1855 Died July 2nd, 1856 She is not dead but slumbers Robert A. Bruauer Born & died Aug. 21st, 1850 In Memory of Walter H. Infant child of Wm. R. & R. E. Robinson Born Sept. 29th 1855 Died July 31st 1856 In memory of Anthony Infant child of Wm. R. & R. E. Robinson born April 9th and died April 17th 1852 In memory of Wm. Henry & Laura Infant children of Wm. & R. E. Robinson born June 15th and died June 15th, 1851 In memory of Wirt Infant son of W. R. & R. E. Robinson Born 24th July and died 9th August 1850 In Memory of Ella daughter of W. R. & R.E. Robinson Born Dec. 20, 1844 Died Feb. 28, 1859 Poitiaux Robinson Born July 6th 1809 Died Sept. 15th 1852 James Nesbitt Sr. 1805 – 1858 James Nesbitt Jr. 1838 – 1850 In Memory of John Jeter 2nd son of J. V. & Maria M. Ramos Born Sept. 12, 1848 Died June 18, 1854 Aged 5 years, 9 mo. & 6 days I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. 2 Sam. xii 23. In memory of J. Silas Ramos son of J. V. & Maria M. Ramos Born April 20, 1846 Died Sept. 4, 1856 Aged 10 yrs, 4 mos. & 15 ds Mary Virginia Ramos youngest daughter of J. V. & Maria M. Ramos Born March 15, 1851 Died Sept. 9, 1856 Aged 5 yrs. 5 m. 25 das. Not my will but thine be done. Luke 11-12 Sacred to the memory of Mary Scott who was born in England and died in Richmond on the 20th January 1851 In the __th year of her age By faith she lived, by hope she died, by love she lives in heaven. IHS Eliza Daughter of Stephen & Eliza Mason Born 4 Jan’y 1847 Died 30th Octr. 1850 Aged 6 years & 10 mos. Parents, consider God is kind. In heaven you will have a glorious share and as a solace to the mind. Reflect your dearest Eliza there. Sacred to the memory of Jesse Franklin who departed this life January 25th, 1852 Aged 72 yrs. To the Memory of Alois Dewald Born in Bavaria 1795 Died in this city Sept. 1, 1858 Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Franklin daughter of David and Ann Tinsley and wife of Jesse Franklin who was born Septr. 27th 1786 and died June 23rd 1842 aged 55 years 9 months and 26 days Leaving an affectionate Husband and three children to bemoan their loss. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me: Write Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth—Yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them. Rev. xiv Chap. 13th verse. The following is the last words of the above deceased: Alas! and did my Saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head for such a worm as I? Ann E. Bosher died March 27, 1851 In the 66 year of her age In Memory of Geo. Washington Born May 20, 1840 Died July 18, 1856 Also Louis Phillipp born Nov. 29, 1845 Died July 2, 1858 Sons of George & Henrietta Lintz Farewell, dear parents. Weep no more we are not lost but gone before. In memory of Henry Karr Son of Henry & Betti Karr Born June 3, 1846 Died July __ 1854 In memory of Wm. Henry Son of Jacob & Mary Karr Born Sep. 18, 1819 Died May 18, 1851 Thomas Ruppert Born June 23rd, 1815 Died in Richmond July 22nd, 1855 Aged 40 years 1 month In memory of Virginia E. daughter of Henry I.(?) & Gracey E. Atkinson Born April 12, 1813 Died Dec. 1st, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Margaret Ann Consort of Robert H. Rowe Born Sept. 18__ Died March __ 1850 In memory of Ira D. Parker Born Feb. 18th 1816 Died Sept. 14th 1857 In memory of Elizabeth McClure Died March 31, 1858 Her many virtues are rewarded in Heaven. She lived respected, she died regretted. Gone, but not forgotten. In memory of Martha Vaughan Consort of James Yarrington and daughter of James and Martha Shields Born March 22nd, 1796 Died March 15th, 1857 Our Charlie Chas. Alexander Son of W. E. & F. P. Johnson Born Oct. 31st, 1856 Died Sept. 26, 1857 Aged 10 months & 26 days We hope to meet thee in heaven In memory of Thomas Adams Born August 31, 1786 Died August 30, 1852 Aged 66 years In memory of William N. Adams Born Oct. 10th Died Janry 26th, 1858 Aged 33 years Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Annis The wife of James Honycott Died March 20, 1851 Aged 38(?) years Sacred to the memory of Nathaniel Glinn who departed this life on the 20th day of May 1855 In the 57th year of his age They that knew him best loved him most. An honest man is the noblest work of God. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Priddy Won of John & Susan Priddy of Hanover who was born the 31st day of May 1800 and departed this life on the 5th day of January 1832 (or1852) Green be the turf above thee, friend of my better days. None knew thee but to love thee or spoke of thee but to praise. Sacred to the memory of Susan Thomas Died March 8, 1860 (2 effaced) My Sallie To the memory of Mrs. Sallie G. Arnall Daughter of Mrs. C. Gatewood Died Sept. 18, 1854 Aged 19 years Leaving a bereaved Mother and Sisters to mourn her loss. They mourn not as those without hope. Believing their loss her gain. Weep not, she is not dead but sleepeth. Sallie, thou hast gone & left us we thy loss so deeply feel, yet tis God that has bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal. William Thomas Son of John R. & Mary H. Taylor Born June 7, 1840 Died July 18, 1849 The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Henry Brimmall Born April 25, 1816 Died May 25, 1842 To the memory of Emma Jane Frances Infant daughter of Nathl. ? & Jane W. Sems Born 8th March 1849 Died 5th July 1850 Aged 1 year, 3 mos. & 25 days But Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven. St. Mat. xix ch 14 ver. In memory of Permelia R. Eldest daughter of Nelson & Elizabeth Flournoy Born Jan. 22, 1802 Died Feb. 1, 1860 She died as she lived with a firm and unshaken confidence in Christ. Her dying words were: I am going to Heaven. Asleep in Jesus, beloved sleep, from which none ever wakes to weep. A calm and undisturbed repose unbroken by the Last of Foes. Josephine Gasser Born June 7, 1859 Died Nov. 13th, 1859 Josephine Gasser Born Apr. 17, 1860 Died June 2, 1860 (NOTE: The above two are separate stones, not an error in names.) Albert Snead Potter died Nov. 7th 1855 aged 18 mos. & 18 days Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Nancy Lambert My Mother Sacred to the memory of Maria L. Wife of Rowlett Winfree Born Dec. __ 1826 Married June 18th 1851 Died April 1st, 1852 Asleep Sebastian Delarue Born in France Died May 18th 1835 Clara Petit Died April 15, 1857 Aged 6 years Pauline Petit Born in France June 1785 Died Aug. __ 1855 Sacred to the memory of Joseph B. Petit ? ? Died 18 ? ? Sacred to the memory of Mary E. Wife of Wm. G. Wyatt Born April 15, 1821 Died Nov. 7, 1852 She died as she lived a Christian ___ rest Mary thou hast left us ____ thy loss but tis God that has bereft us, he can all our sorrows heal. Again we hope to meet thee when the day of life is fled. There in heaven with joy to greet thee. Where no farewell tear is shed. (1 effaced) In memory of Willis W. Cowling Born Aug. 14, 1812 Died Oct. 10, 1854 Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Richard Wife of Robert W. Bigelow Born March 30, 1832 Died May 5, 1854 Pause a moment and drop a tear over a mother buried here. (1 effaced) In memory of Mary Mills adopted daughter of Ann E. Thomas Born August 1st, 1850 Died Feby. 28th, 1856 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time. When what we now deplore shall rise in full immortal prime. Susan Thomas Born Dec. 18th, 1780 Died Feb. 17th, 1854 We loved her yes no one can tell how much we loved her and how well. God loved her too & he thought best to take her home she would be at rest. Jesse Read Born in Connecticut Oct. 2, 1790 Died April 18, 1855 Aged 65 years Eliza M. Clarke Born Mar. 13, 1837 Died Oct. 12, 1854 IHS Sacred to the memory of Ann Gaul Daughter of Mary Gaul Native of the County Kill ? Ireland Who departed this life August 2nd 1855 Aged 28 years May she rest in peace Amen. Sarah H. Easton Born Jan. 31, 1852 Died Dec. 6, 1858 In Memory of Mary E. Pendleton Died June 12, 185_ Aged 25 years Blessed, Lord To the memory of Robert Muirhead an affectionate son and brother Died Oct. 8, 1852 Aged 59 years In Memory of George J. Ware Died March 21, 1859 In the 2 year of his age (3 effaced) William T. Son of Wm. H. & Mary A. Stringfellow born Jan. 13, 1854 Died Jan. 27, 1854 Anna Louisa daughter of Wm. H. & Mary A. Stringfellow Born Feb. 7, 1851 Died Aug. 8, 1852 Ellen Bell daughter of Wm. H. & Mary A. Stringfellow born Dec. 19, 1854 Died May 18, 1856 Edward McDonald Born Nov. 25th, 1816 Died March 14th, 1855 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord John George Born October 30, A.D. 1803 Died November 23, A.D. 1855 Mrs. Anna Burton George Born July 19, A.D. 1808 Married November 18, A.D. 1828 Died September 27, A.D. 1855 Mary E. C. Bourn Born May 5, 1811 Died March 12, 1856 William Driespe Born June 8th 1823 Died May 21, 1860 He doeth all things well Susan Ellis Ellett ? ? Born ? 28, 18?? Died ? ? 1852 Susan E. Bowles Wife of Charles C. Ellett Born May 13th 1818 Died March 4th, 1852 Meet me in Heaven In Memory of Ann Eliza Daughter of the late John K. & Mary C. Hendrick Born March 27, 1835 Died Sept. 21, 1857 Hope beyond the bounds of time and her we now deplore. Shall rise in full immortal prime and bloom to fade no more. Rest my child in Heaven thy home. Our Mother Judith E. Neale Fell asleep May 20, 1850 Aged 70 years 2 months and ? days Her life is hid with Christ in God and when he who is the life shall appear then will she also appear with him in glory. Sacred to the memory of Francis McKinney Born in the Parish of Clantibnet(?) County Monaghan, Ireland Dec. 18th 1817 and to this Country in 1843 Died March 1_th 1852 May he rest in peace. Amen. Also His infant children Susan McKinney Born October 31st, 1847 Died January 1st, 1848 Catherine McKinney Born Feb. 23rd, 1852 Died March 9th 1852 Ann R. Redford Mother Died April 5, 1857 Elener C. Tyack Wife of Saml. Tyack and daughter of Capt. ? & S. Allen Died 1 Sept. 18_0 Aged 27 years Peter P. Perkinson Died Feb. 14, 1850 Aged 67 years Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Philip Fitzimons a native of Virginia County, Capar Ireland Died March 8th 1859 Aged 10 years IHS In memory of James Sherlock A native of the parish of Capar County of Meath Ireland He lived in the parish of Trian ? for 28 years and emigrated to this Country in 1852 And died April 26th, 1857 in the 75 year of his age Erected to his memory by his two sons Joseph and Patrick Sherlock May his soul rest in peace, Amen. We miss thee Fell Asleep in Jesus March 19th, 1857 John Gary in his 48th year Farewell fond husband till we shall meet in the paradise of our God. Dedicated to his memory by his deeply bereaved widow. In memory of Maria Ellen Daughter of L. T. & M. L. Chandler Born Aug. 29th, 1851 Died Dec. 21st, 1855 (1 effaced) Selden C. Macon Born in New Kent May 1795 Died in Richmond 1860 (1 effaced) Richard Y. Yarrington Died April 10th, 1856 Aged 51 years Alfred M. Yarrington Died August 11th 1855 Aged 7 years Anna Barrow Allegre Died May 20, 1860 Aged 72 years Our Father John M. Bossieux Died Feb. 26, 1855 Aged 70 years Martha J. Bossieux First wife of Louis J. Bossieux born April 17, 1818 Died August 1, 1843 Aged 25 years Sacred to the memory of Rosina S. Ross born Feb. 7th, 1813 died Aug. 29th, 1854 Jane A. Wife of W. B. Ross Daughter of Dr. E. Willey Born Nov. 20, 1816 Died July 24th, 1854 In Memory of our Father Merit M. Elton Born Aug. 17th, 1717 Died April ? 18__ Sacred to the memory of Edward Harrington Who died __ 1852 Aged 20 years In Memory of Emily E. Wife of John H. Bosher Daughter of A. D. & H. Dill Born Decr. 4th, 1818 Died Sept. 3rd, 1857 Aged 39 years Sacred to the memory of Georgianna T. Wife of Charles M. Bosher Born July 5, 1840 Died Sep. 18, 1860 In memory of James Bosher Son of John H. & E. E. Bosher Born Aug. 28, 1817 Died March 28, 1818 Aged 7 months Josephine Dill Bosher Daughter of John H. & E. E. Bosher Born Aug. 31, 1852 Died May 18, 1853 Aged 7 months John Henry Bosher Son of John H. & e. E. Bosher Born May 6, 1851 Died Nov. 14, 1851 Aged 7 months In Memory of Charles Russell son of John H. & E. E. Bosher Born ? Died March ? Louisa W. David Born Novr. 19th, 1853 Died June 20th, 1855 Virginia David Born Oct. 21st, 1817 Died Aug. 11th, 1819 Henry G. Davis Born Septr. 15, 1819 Died Aug. 11th, 1851 Mary Burgoot Wife of Lawson Nunnally 1816 – 1852 Mary E. Nunnally only child of L. & M. B. Nunnally 1843 – 1857 Rosalee ? of ??goode ? ? 1819 Died July 15, 1852 In memory of my Mother Bettie Mitchell Crump Died June 30, 1854 Aged 48 years In memory of Thomas Kearns Sr. Died Oct. 1, 1852 Aged 74 years In memory of Thomas F. Eldest son of Felix & Elizabeth Mathews Died May 24, 1851 Aged 14 years (1 effaced) In memory of Lutilda Maria Consort of James B. Williams and daughter of Thomas and Lucy S. Burton Born May 18, 1819 Died July 8, 1855 In memory of James E. oldest son of James & Ann M. Williams Born Aug. 21st, 1810 Died Nov. 14th, 1852 He is not dead but sleepeth. Not dead: A marble seal is prest where his bright glance did part. A weight is on his pulseless breast and ice around the heart. No more he makes with willing smile. Gay voice and buoyant tread but yet ye calmly say this while he sleeps, he is not dead. Yes, he sleepeth until the resurrection morn. This stone is erected by his affectionate parents. In memory of Elmonia Daughter of J. W. & Susan H. Green Died April 14, 1851 Aged 3 years, 4 mo. & 6 d. (1 effaced) In memory of Martha C. Consort of Andrew Green Born Sept. 18th, 1825 Died July 17th, 1853 With the beloved ? saints are ? ? beyond the starry sky. Rest in peace. In memory of Edward, Wallace and ? ? Infant children of Andrew & Martha Green Edwin Powell Born June 1, 1835 Died June 3, 1859 Sacred to the memory of Catherine Clair consort of Francis Regnault Born May 31st, 1787 Died March 20th 1850 I have loved O Lord the beauty of thy house and the place where thy glory dwelleth. The remains of a GOOD MAN Joseph Maule Aged 56 years To the memory of Robert Nott A fond husband and indulgent father who departed this life Oct. 17, 1850 Aged 55 years 9 months Margaret Daughter of Thomas & Eugenia A. Vaden Born Jan 22nd 1859 Died March 12th, 1859 And they shall reign forever and ever. Julia Lavinia daughter of Thomas & Judith O. Vaden Born Dec. 17th, 1821 Died Nov. 2nd, 1826 Of such is the kingdom of heaven Judith Charlotte Wife of Thomas Vaden born April 25th, 1799 Died August 5th, 1826 I am the resurrection and the life he that believieth I me though he were dead yet shall he live. Julia Lavinia Wife of G. G. McRae and daughter of Thomas & Eugenia A. Vaden Born March 15th, 1855 Died May 25th, 1858 Let her gentle spirit still guide us, in with holding all praise and thus alone in praise her. In memory of Mrs. Isabella Wife of Andrew McMecham and daughter of Richard & Eliza Harris Born in Manchester, Va. May 12th, 1820 Died Sept. 11th, 1856 She was a member of the Central Presbyterian Church of St. Louis, Mo. As for me I will behold thy face in righteousness, I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness. Elizabeth Ana daughter of Thomas Vaden Wife of Robert Thomas Brooke born in Manchester, Va. December 12, 1810 Died in Richmond June __ 185_ Weep not she is not dead but sleepeth Robert Cunningham infant son of Robert T. & Elizabeth A. Brooke Born January 23, 1850 Died January 8, 1851 But God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. In memory of Henrietta Daughter of Silas & Sarah J. Beazley Departed this life Feb’y the 5th 1851 Aged 5 y. 11 m. & 2 d. In memory of Mary Roseta Daughter of William S. & M. J. Wood Who departed this life Jan’y 3d 1851 Age 12 years & 4 mo. Weep not for me as you pass by, In the world you live once lived I. But now my body lies beneath this sod and my soul has gone to rest God. In memory of John P. Willis Died Feb’y 13, 1850 In his 25th year His soul has now taken its flight to mansion of glory above. To mingle with angels of light and dwell in the Kingdom of love. Erected at the request of his ____ In memory of an infant daughter of George W. & Mary B. Royster born & died April 5, 1818 In memory of George Emmet Infant son of George W. & Mary B. Royster Born October 21, 1819 Died January 20, 1820 Beneath this ... ? ? of light and beauty ere it died. Sacred to the memory of W. H. Ligon who was killed by the falling of a wall on the night of the 22nd of August 1854 at a large fire in the City of Richmond in the 20th year of his age. This stone is erected to his memory by the Richmond Fire Association and the office members of Fire Co. In memory of William Hunter Lucke Born in Richmond Jan. 10, 1818 Died in New Orleans March 23, 1851 Lamented in death as loved in life. Emma Taylor daughter of John W. & Frances S. Smith Born March 4th 1849 Died May 2nd 1850 John Wesley Smith Jan. 19 – May 23, 1854 In memory of Lettie Jane Infant daughter of Jas. L. & Eliza Davis Born March 11th Died Dec. 4, 185_ (2 effaced) In memory of Eliza J. Wife of James L. Davis Born Nov. 22, 1822 Died March 6, 1859 In memory of Maria Louisa Eldest daughter of Peter D. & Mary E. Glinn Died Aug. 9th 1847 In the 18th year of her age In memory of Corrie Bell Daughter of Peter & Mary E. Glinn Died Feb. 3rd 1857 Aged 3 years & 1 month In memory of Mrs. Cordelia M. Crump Born Nov. 14th 1814 Died Sept. 2nd, 1853 Her life was one of sincerity, truth and justice and a firm reliance on the mercy of her Saviour. In memory of Adelaide Olivia daughter of Peter D. & Mary E. Glinn Born Jan. 31, 18__ Died Nov. 11, 1850 Aged 7 years 10 months & 11 days Sleep on sweet child, thou hast gone to rest, Fair as that rose bud on thy drooping breast. In memory of Oscar Park Son of Peter D. & Mary E. Glinn Born June 28 18__ Died June 21, 18__ Aged 1 year, 11 months & 28 days The rose but is trans[planted in the skies to bloom forever in yon paradise. In memory of John Warrock Died March 7, 1850 Aged 84 years, 4 months and 3 days He was entered, passed and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in Richmond Lodge No. 10 of ancient free and accepted Masons, by whom this tribute of esteem is erected. He was an active member of the Lodge 48 years and served with fidelity and zeal as Secretary Junior Senior Warden, Master and as Treasurer __ years. Walter P. Son of Elijah & Cordelia M. Crump Departed this life May the 26th 1852 In the 16th year of his age He was a dutiful & affectionate Son. ? to keep thy dear remains ? lost to sight to memory dear. Eleanor Wife of John Warrock and daughter of William and Mary Kirkpatrick of Franklin County P. Died April 28, 1855 Aged 76 Tis over but never from my heart shall time thine image blot: The dreams of other days depart thou shalt not be forgot. And never in the suppliants sigh poured forth to him who sways the sky, shall mine own name be breathed on high and thine remembered not. Virginia Daughter of John & Eleanor Warrock Died November 17, 1856 This book of life how fairly it was written and fancy pen had sketched its frontispiece. But why, O Fancy didst thou mock her thus! Scarce had she time to read its preface through before an angel from the throne of God sealed up the book no more to be pursued. Til he who breaks the seven prophetic seals shall open it again. In memory of Mary Webster Pleasants Wife of John G. Mosby Born April 25th, 1792 Died Nov. 19th, 1844 In memory of John G. Mosby Born in Powhatan Co. in the year 1784 Died in this city __ 21, 1855 Aged 71 years (1 effaced) In memory of Mary E. Davis Consort of Hardin Davis Born July 19, 1820 Died Dec. 7, 1849 In memory of Hardin Davis Hanover ? ? Died Richmond 7 Nov. 1850 Aged 55 years & 10 months In memory of Joseph T. Son of Hardin & Mary E. Davis Born Oct. ? 18? Died Sept. 19th 1848 Philip Slaughter Born Dec. 1759 Died 1848 A Soldier of the Revolution Capt. in 8 Continental Regiment Sacred to the memory of John Mercer Patton Born in Fredericksburg August 10, 1797 Died in Richmond October 28, 1858 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. P. F. Patton Widow of John M. Patton, Sr. She entered into rest on the 14th day of Sept. 1873 In the 69th year of her age Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Nannie Wife of Franklin H. Link & Daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth Trueheart Born Oct. 30, 1835 Died Feb. 9, 1851 In remembrance of Jno. Searbook Trueheart Son of Danl. & Elizabeth S. Trueheart Who died on the 19th July 1842 in the 21 year of his age In memory of Elizabeth S. Wife of Danl. Trueheart Died 8 July 1849 A fond & affectionate wife & the most devoted of Mothers. (1 effaced) Wm. Watts 1759 – 1804 In Memory of Mrs. Mariana Anderson Born March 30, 1764 Died in the triumph of faith July 17, 1849 In the 86 year of her age Also her son John Anderson Born Nov. 12, 1788 Died July 20, 1849 In the 61 year of his age In memory of M. Dandridge Born May 12th 1809 Died Octr. 18th 1849 Thou hast left us: Sweet be thy slumbers until the morning of the resurrection when Christ will come in the fullness of his glory and bring you with him. Emilia Born 17 June 1845 Died 14 July 1846 Margo Born 17 Dec. 1842 Died 22 May 1849 Carlo Born 29 June 1848 Died 29 May 1849 Children of Carlo & Angelina Brizzolawn In memory of Obadiah Gathright Born in Henrico County April 7th 1766 Died in the City of Richmond March 28th 1849 In strength of mind, conversational points and true fortitude he had few equals. In goodness of heart, high sense of honor and ? integrity, no superior. He possessed in an eminent degree, the respect, admiration and love of his fellow citizens. In memory of Mary Wife of R. M. Burton born January 26th 1819 died March 19th 18?? Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Mary Joseph Born 1774 Died 1857 Ann Joseph Jan. 1853 Jan. 1853 In memory of Mary W. M. and her infant Babe The beloved wife of Robert S. Joseph and only daughter of Wm. M. & Mary Faris of Fluvana County, Va. Who departed this life on the 8th of August 1848 In the 30th year of her age in full hope of a blessed immortality. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Pa. 116-15 In memory of Andrew McAlister Son of W. J. & M. E. Riddick Born May 28th 1857 Died Aug. 11th 1858 Aged 14 mos & 14 days In memory of Edward Henry Son of W. J. & M. E. Riddick Born 25 Apl. 1846 Died 22 Feb’y 1848 Aged 22 months In memory of John Henry Son of William & Laura Bailey Born January 16, 1850 Died April 2, 1851 M. H. Forbes Born Nov. 12, 1846 Died Aug. 16, 1855 Charlotte Forbes Died Nov. 5, 1854 Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes Born March 19, 1782 Died February 23, 1859 Joseph Bigelow Son of B. Royall Born 27 Dec. 1842 Died 28 Oct. 1847 In memory of Nathaniel Ragland Born in the County of Hanover September 1792 Died at his residence in Richmond July 25, 1849 ? afflictions of the righteous ? the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Mary Massie Ragland Daughter of ? H. and Sarah Ragland Born in Richmond June 21, 1828 Died at Charlotte C.H. May 9, 1858 No sin, no grief, no pain. Safe in her happy home. Her fears all fled, her doubts all slain her hour of triumph come. She had learned the song they sing whom Jesus hath made free. And the glorious walls on high still ring, with her new-born melody. In memory of John Augustine Taylor Born Sept. 15th, 1792 Departed this life June ? 18__ The last of the ?. An honest man is the noblest work of God. Love not the world, but Love the Lord, and ? your hopes on high. The ? of glory ? ? and ? ?. This stone is erected by his bereaved children. In memory of William son of James M. & Susan A. Stewart born at Alexandria, Dec. 5, 1815 died at Richmond, Aug. 2, 1847 (1 effaced) William Allison Died April 12th 1850 Aged 66 years Ann Allison Wife of Wm. Allison Died Dec. 15th 1860 Aged 61 years Maria Ann Wife of Francis Baptist Died 19 April 1848 in the 26 year of her age Though lost to sight, to memory dear Also her infant Aged 1 week Also Theoderick C. Died 29 Apl. 1848 Aged 18 mos. This tribute of Love & respect is placed by her husband In Memory of Bernard O’Niell A native of County Tyrone Ireland A resident of this City 26 years Died July 17th 1854 aged 47 years Beneath this ? And ? of ? Best these rem ? In sweet repose. May he rest in peace. Frances Goosley Wife of James Brown Born in ? Dec. 29, 1783 Died in Richmond Jan. 19, 1849 In memory of James Brown Born in Mecklenburg Co., Va. June 17, 1780 Died in Richmond Jan. 3, 1859 Sacred to the memory of William W. Bethel Who departed this life the 1 day of August 1854 in the 17 year of his age The few last years of his life he enjoyed the forgiveness of his sins and from that time he spent his life in sincerity and truth with a full reliance on his Saviour. Tho lost in sight yet ever dear in memory. This last tribute of respect is paid to him by his sincere and affection wife. Remember friend as you pass by As you are now so once was I. As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me. Mary E. Newburn wife of E. M. Newburn born Sept. 20th 1820 died July 1st 1854 In memory of E. M. Newburn Born May ? 1815 Died June 14th 1852 Those that knew him best loved him most. Simon Son of Simon & Amelia Bonavita Died June 25, 1849 Aged 8 months & 15 days Virginia Annina daughter of Simon & Amelia Bonavita Died Aug. 31st 1852 Aged 5 years Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade death came with friendly care. The opening buds to heaven conveyed and bade them blossom there. In memory of Simon Bonavita A native of Corsica, France but for the last 20 years a resident of Richmond Died August 15, 1855 Aged 43 years Devoted Husband thou hast left us and we thy loss mostly deeply feel: But tis God who hast bereft us; He can all our sorrows heal. Rest in peace. Joseph Bonavita Died November 11, 1852 A native of Corsica France but for the last 14 years a resident of Richmond Aged 56 years (2 effaced) Sacred to the memory of James M. Underwood Who was born in the City of Richmond October 16th 1822 and died December 21st, 1856 Rest thou in peace In memory of John Brooks Prentis Son of the late Judge Joseph Prentis of Williamsburg, Va. Who departed this life 13 Sept. 1848 In the 60 year of his age Behold where they laid him. In memory of William C. Teller Departed this life 10 April 1819 In the 31 year of his age At ? Stafford County Va. ? ? ? ? (1 unreadable) In Memory of Rachel the eldest daughter of Rhys and Emma Davis and wife of Charles Campbell and their three children Emma, Marion ? sisters Born Sept. 11th 1809 Marion died Sept. 18th 1810 Aged 1 year & 4 days Emma died June 18th 1812 Aged 2 years 9 mo. & 4 days Rhys born Oct. 1st, 1810 Died July 2, 1812 Aged 1 year 8 mo. & 28 days Rachel departed this life July 7, 1815 Aged 21 years 9 mo. and 25 days She was a devoted wife, an affectionate mother and kind friend, when in life beloved by all who knew her. Thus in the bloom of youth she was taken from her friends on earth to God ? children and friends in Heaven. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14th Chap. 13th verse. In memory of William Son of J. H. & E. S. Tyler Born June 23 Died Sept. 21, 1846 AE 2 mos. & 29 days A flower transplanted in Paradise. In memory of George Bruce Son of Jn. H. & Elizabeth S. Tyler Born Aug. 27th 1851 Died Jan. 18th 1854 Aged 2 years 4 mos. & 22 days In memory of Mary Louisa Brooks Wife of James G. Brooks Born Oct. 16th, 1816 Died May 8th, 1845 Aged 29 years Faithful in the holy relations of Wife, Child & Mother: True to her Saviour and herself. She fulfilled her short mission and died in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection unto life. Sacred to the memory of Marion Morson Roy Wife of James G. Brooks, Esq. Born Feb. 14th 1828 Died May 3rd 1854 Calm on the bosom of thy God young spirit; rest thee now: Evn while with us thy foot steps ? his soul was on thy brow. Sacred to the memory of Nathanial Barr A native of Scotland who died Sept. 27, 1813 in the 31st year of his age He’s gone we trust by angels guided, his fate is with God confided. Sacred to the memory of James P. Wilkinson who departed this life in the City of Richmond June 30, 1815 in the 31 year of his age Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Catherine Hill Who died October 6th 1856 In the 52nd year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Sacred to the memory of Edward Bruce Ward who died in Augusta ? Feb. 19, 1856 Aged 40 years In memory of a mother and her four children Sarah Ann Consort of William S. Blank Born Feb. 28th, 1812 Died Dec. 14th, 1842 Catherine E. Born July 12th, 1835 Died Nov. 6th 1839 Clara Pulliam Born Jan. 3rd 1833 Died Oct. 8th 1842 Henrietta Born July 6th 1839 Died Feb. 16th, 1840 Sarah Ann Born June 6th 1841 Died Oct. 8th 1842 In memory of Clara Bettie second daughter of Wm. S. & Virginia L. Blank Born Feb. 5, 1859 Died June 30, 1859 In memory of Archibald Son of John F. & C. H. Meely Born May 19, 1842 Died March 11, 1844 Sacred to the memory of Dr. Peter Barr Born June 28, 1823 Died April 13, 1846 In memory of Martha Ann wife of William C. Smith Born January 18th, 1819 Died July 22, 1849 The grave of Royal F. Shepherd Born January 12th, 1789 Died January 9th, 1850 Though lost to sight, to memory dear. In memory of Julia C. Wife of Thomas Otey Who departed this life May 7, 1842 in the 32nd year of her age This monument of affection is erected by her surviving bereaved companion. In memory of Geo. F. Kendall A native of Connecticut but for many years a resident of this city Died Nov. 7, 1849 Aged 40 years Sacred to the memory of Mary Bruce Daughter of Edwr. & Louisa Ward Died Nov. 9, 1816 Aged 10 mos. Robert Henry Born December 5, 184_ Died September 20, 1842 William Howard Born October 31, 1842 Died September 6, 1846 A Infant Son Born October 19, 1850 Died November 3, 1850 John Wallace Born November 20, 1855 Died August 31, 1858 Children of Wm. & Martha E. Tyree Even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Absolom B. Tyree Born April 28, 1797 Died Dec. 15, 1858 Charles C. Richardson Servant of God and Follower of Jesus Died at Houghton June 15, 1815 Age 12 years In memory of David Corrington Born in Essex County England May 6th 1782 Died in this City July 29, 1852 This stone is erected as a humble testimony by one who will always bear with her a grateful remembrance of his warm & kind heart and his self sacrificing disposition. In memory of Mrs. Carrie Rives the beloved and affectionate wife of Dr. J. J. Rives She was married on 3rd of Aug. 1854 and died on the 7th of June 1855 In memory of our Mother Sally Folkes who departed this life February 16, 1856 Aged 73 years Mary V. Tyler Born March 1833 Died June 11, 1866 Engaging in manner, sweet in heart with ? the ? and ? Lord. She showed in her life the power & beauty of the faith in the triumphs of which she died. (2 effaced) In memory of Benjamin ? Jacob Born Sept. 22nd 1811 Died May 5th 1846 The Lord remembered the soul of his Servants and name of them that trust in Him shall be lost. Psalms 34th Chapter, 22nd Verse Father Joseph Farrar Born in Yorkshire, Eng. May 5th 1815 Died April 1st 1857 No condemnation now I dread; Jesus and all in him is mine. Sacred to the memory of Margaret Barker Wife of Russell D. Vandeursen Died June 6, 1858 Aged 28 years In memory of William Byrd Infant son of Adwin H. & Sarah M. Chamberlayne Born May 7th 1850 Died August 25th 1850 Sacred to the memory of Susan Randolph wife of Robert C. Scott only daughter of the Right Reverend James Madison First Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia This Estimable Lady died in the City of Richmond on the 27 May 1817 In the 58 year of her age Equally respected & admired for her Benevolence, her Christian piety, her ? purity of life. As she was Beloved for her devotion & affection as a Mother and a Wife. Joseph A. Starke Born Feb. 23rd 1820 Died October 27th 1856 Eliza C. Starke Wife of Bowling Starke Born July 24th, 1799 Died November 4th, 1852 Bowling Starke Born May 21st 1790 Died Octr. 17th, 1848 Anna Mary Daughter of Thos. H. & S. Gardner Died 9 May 1848 Aged 7 years Her little ? sleep, how ? the blooming flower has lost its sweetness and faded as the rose. Eubenia K. Youngest daughter of Thos. H. & S. Gardner Born ? ? 1846 Died 21 May 1849 In memory of James Mortimer Gardner Born Feb. 5, 1829 Died Feb. 21, 1859 Sacred to the memory of Charles Bell Son of Charles Bell & Ellen Gibson Born Sept. 6th, 1847 Died Aug. 7, 1848 Ellen Eyre daughter of Charles Bell and Ellen Gibson Born Jan 28 Died May 25, 1855 Efford Bolling April 26, 1846 Dec. 8, 1848 Lucy Parke Jan. 11, 1854 Aug. 22, 1859 Henry Alexander Dec. 13, 1855 Sept. 1, 1859 Children of Efford B. and Lucy W. Bentley Robert Kitchingham Husband of Mary Kitchingham Died June 28, 1819 in the 44th year of his age Betty Howe Mother of Mary Kitchingham Died July 5, 1849 in the 70th year of her age (1 effaced) Sarah Mills Born Feb. 20, 1788 Died Jan. 17, 1857 Here rest the remains of Sarah Mills, daughter of the late Andrew & Sally Payne Roland and for fifty one years, the devoted Christian wife of Nicholas Mills. Sarah Mills. From early life a native & consistent member of the Visible Church of Christ, her character may be read in Prov. xxxi, 20. “She stretcheth forth her hand to the poor: yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.” Mary Cooper Wife of Robert B. Corbin of Caroline County and daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Mills of this city Born October 12th 1814 Died April 10th, 1852 Sacred to the memory of Samuel Taylor Born in Cumberland County, Va. September 13, 1781 Died in this city February 1, 1853 Our world is poorer by the nobl ? ? sorer Incorputa? c viritas Quando ? ? William T. Son of H. T. & J. R. Blair Died March 3, 1855 Lost but no forever. William L. Infant son of J. G. & E. L. Chenery Born 15 Oct. 1845 Died 19 Aug. 1846 Emily e wife of James G. Chenery Died June 16, 1852 Aged 52 years In memory of Catherine Amanda Born 5 December 1842 Died 28 June 1845 Also of an Infant son Born 25 April 1842 Died same day Children of ? W. & Julia Tompkins Sallie G. Duval Nov. 9, 1855 April 9, 1858 Govan Duval Aug. 8, 1847 May 27, 1853 Harriet Duval Sept. 3, 1844 March 3, 1848 Sacred to the memory of Philip Duval, Jr. Who died in Richmond on the 3d day of Decr. 1817 In the 59th year of his age Died as he lived an honest man and not without hope in Jesus In memory of Rev. Wm. Duval Born May 5th 1822 Died Feb. 22nd, 1850 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Maria B. Wife of Philip Duval, Jr. of this city and daughter of Richard Randolph of Curles, who departed this life June 10th, 1845 in the 52nd year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Marion Daughter of Dr. Wm. H. & A. S. Denny Died July 16, 1851 Aged 20 months & 8 days In memory of Eliza Denny who died Oct. 7, 1821 Aged 8 mos. 9 days Sarah Jane Denny Died Sep. 1, 1825 Aged 12 mos. 8 days Richard Denny Died Sep. 27, 1826 Aged 8 mos. 8 days Ann Eliza Denny Died Feb. 12, 1834 Aged 4 yrs 11 mos. 18 days Children of Richard & Matilda F. Denny Also their Sister Maria H. Walker who died July 5, 1823 Aged 16 years Richard Denny Died April 16, 1852 Aged 61 years Sacred to the memory of Samuel Denny who was born July 20, 1819 and died Novr. 5, 1845 Edward Moseley Son of Samuel & Martha M. Denny was born June 20th and died July 3rd, 1844 Mary J. Denny Died June 18, 1858 Age 18 years and Isabella W. Denny Died Sept. 17, 1859 Age 18 years My Mother Mrs. Rebecca Fresee widow of James Fresee Native of Chesterfield Died in this city 1 June 1851 in her 84th year In memory of Joseph Brown Born the 24th Decr. 1780 and died 3rd July 1845 in the 65 year of his age Remember friends as you pass by as you are now so once was I. As I am now soon you will be, prepare yourself to follow me. Sister and Brother in Memory of Mrs. Mary R. Bonnan widow of the late John Bonnan Sr. of Petersburg, Va. and daughter of John H. & Mary E. Boyd Born 29th February 1820 and died 18th December 1854 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henseforth, yea saith the Spirit they may rest from their labours. Rev. 11 Chap. 13 Verse No chilling winds nor poisonous breath can reach that happy shore. Sickness and sorrow pain & death are felt and feared no more. In memory of Thomas Cone Son of John H. and Mary E. Boy born 27th May 1829 (Remainder is under ground) To the memory of John William Boyd son of John W. and Virginia E. Boyd born in the City of Richmond, State of Virginia on the 10th of November 1848 Died on the 17th, of January 1852 Tis thus the joy of a Father and the idol of his Mother has been taken home to God who gave him. (1 effaced) Here rest the mortal remains of Mary Frances consort of P. Woodson Harwood and daughter of James and Mary s. Bray who departed this life on the 6th day of May 1846 in the 24th year of her age In memory of Emmet Son of P. W. & Mary F. Harwood who died the 5 June 1845 Aged 4 years, 6 mos. 27 days As the sunset flower that scents the morn, best within the rising day thus lovely was this infants dawn thus swiftly fled its life away. In memory of Walker James Son of P. W. & Mary F. Harwood who died ? ? 1845 Aged 1 year 27 days Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, death came with friendly care. The opening bud to heaven conveyed and bade it blossom there. W. E. Snead A. N. Va. Mary E. wife 1819 – 1847 In memory of Barbara Nugent Broon A Native of ? who died in this city on the ? of Septr. 1843 Aged 72 years In memory of Andrew Clarke Who died Feb. 10, 1860 in the 78th year of his age In memory of Mary Clarke Consort of Andrew Clarke Born November 25, 1790 Died November 5, 1851 in the 61st year of her age Royal Freeman Was born June 2nd, 1788 and died June 30th, 1822 Aged 34 years In memory of Mary Freeman Who died Feb. 1843 In the 46th year of her age Sacred to the memory of the Reverend John D. Blair First Pastor of the Presbyterian Church on Shockoe Hill who died in January 1823 Aged 61 years and 2 Months Miss Hannah Blair Sister of the Rev. John D. Blair Died on the 29th of August 1831 In the 70th year of her age Under this stone lie the remains of Mrs. Ann Gibbon who died Novr. 20th, 1825 aged 56 years Forty of which she had been an affectionate companion of a Husband and children, who are left to deplore a loss to them not to be repaired. This Marble covers the body of Majr. James Gibbon distinguished for his gallantry in the war of the Revolution. For thirty years collector at the port of Richmond He died on the second day of July 1835 in the seventy seventh year of his age. Respected and loved by all who knew him. The grave of Elizabeth the daughter of Ann and James Gibbon and wife of Richard Randolph Died December 18, 1821 In memory of Martha Pollard wife of Edwin Burton Jr. and daughter of John & Sarah Jones Born June 22d 1823 Died August 20th, 1849 Edwin Burton Jr. Born 1814 Died 1857 Frances Ella Daughter of Benj. Watkins and Julia Leigh Born Aug. 23, 1829 Died Feb. 5, 1830 Frances P. Daughter of Benj. Watkins and Julia Leigh Born June 27, 1837 Died Jany. 2, 1843 Ferdinando Son of Benj. Watkins and Julia Leigh Born July 25, 1840 Died Sept. 4, 1841 Benjamin Watkins Leigh Born 18th June A.D. 1781 Died 2nd Feb. A.D. 1849 This monument is erected to his beloved and honored memory by his wife Julia Leigh Sacred to the memory of Herbert A. Claiborne born 5th March 1784 died 5th August 1841 aged 57 years Here also rest the remains of Delia Hays his wife born 27th December 1791 died 2nd August 1838 Their sons thus fully manifest their reverence Here lies Mary Burnet Claiborne eldest daughter of Herbert A. Claiborne and Delia Hayes his wife born 2nd June 1821 died 18th January 1844 aged 22 years Her brothers thus cherish her memory Here lies Cornelia Augusta Infant daughter of Herbert A. Claiborne and Delia his wife born ? June 1831 died ? October 1831 Sacred to the Memory of Ann Hayes Infant daughter of Herbert A. Claiborne and Delia his wife born 10th September 1836 died 2nd June 1837 (1 effaced) Mary R. Wife of J. T. Sutton Jr. Fell asleep in Jesus March 30th, 1815 in the 25th year of her age Possessing a firm and unwavering faith in the promises and power of God that he would raise her again from the grave at the resurrection morn and crown her with the unfading diadem of glory and honour, incorruptibility and eternal life. Sacred to the memory of C. W. B. Hale Who was born in April 1806 and died July 19th 1812 Aged _ years _ months Sacred to the memory of Dabney Gathright Born 19th March 1799 Departed this life 29th April 1839 Aged 40 years Sacred to the memory of Sarah Lucker who was born May 29th 1794 and died August 19th, 1841 in the 48th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Gustavas Lucke A native of Germany Born Feby 21st 1775 Died April 17th, 1834 Aged 59 years Littleton Waller Tazewell Wickham Born Jan. 20th 1821 Died June 18 ? Here lie the remains of Elizabeth Peyre Daughter of Thomas Ashby of Charleston, S.C. and wife of L. W. T. Wickham of Henrico Co. Born May 1824 Died July 14, 1859 To the memory of Mrs. Gabriella Leigh the daughter of John Wickham and wife of William Leigh She was born on the 17th August 1809 and died on the 27th March 1851 and of her daughter Ella Born March 1851 and died December 1852 Here repose George Son of John Wickham Born on the 2 April 1812 and died on the ? September 1845 William Carter (nothing more) To the memory of Cary Selden Wickham Born 20th Aug. 1811 Died 8th Feb. 1831 and his sister Susan Dec ? Wickham Born 2nd Sept. 1819 Died 18th Dec. 1832 In life most deserving ? of the ? and highest hopes of their parents John and Elizabeth S. Wickham who survive to inscribe their monument on their early grave. To the memory of John Wickham who was born at Southold in Long Island on the 6th day of June A.D. 1763 For more than thirty years he pursued in this city with distinguished reputation and success the profession of the law. His mind was enlarged by extensive knowledge and adorned with various accomplishments; To great firmness of character he united a most affiable temper and a gentleness of manner that endeared him to his friends in a singular degree. He closed his long and virtuous life on the 22nd day of January A.D. 1839. Elizabeth Selden Daughter of Dr. J. McClurg Wife of John Wickham Born 25 Decr. 1781 Died 10, Augt. 1853 In memory of James McClurg Son of Elizabeth Selden Wickham Born May 20, 1802 Died March 19, 1850 Elizabeth McClurg daughter of John & Elizabeth S. Wickham Born Octr. 1815 Died 8 Sept 1853 John K. Martin 1818 – 1883 and John K. 1848 – 1849 Carrie E. 1856 – 1856 Children of John K. and Elizabeth H. Martin In Memory of Mercy Wife of Michael Howell Born Oct. 3, 1786 Died Feb. 12, 1860 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord In Memory of Wm. P. Howell Son of Michael & Mary Howell Who departed this life Sept. 17th, 1829 Aged 6 years, 10 Mo. To the memory of Jane Russell Consort of M. E. Poitia ? Chit. 1st Jan. 1832 Aetate 49 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord (2 effaced) Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Infant daughter of Frederick and Cornelia Boyden born in New York June 14th 1840 and died June 23rd, 1841 Aged 1 year and 9 days From ? blasts and lowering storms (remainder is under ground) Sacred to the memory of Anthony R. Thornton Who departed this life on the 6th Feb. 1888 In the 45th year of his Age For a number of years he was beloved and ? member of the Baptist Church. He lived the life and died the death of the righteous. My flesh shall rest in hope. An angels end ? Legions of Angels ? (1 effaced) In memory of Wm. Bradford Wallace Of Burlington, New Jersey Who died Nov. 9th 1841 In the 25th year of his age Peter Francisco Died Dec. 16, 1831 “A Soldier of Revolutionary Fame.” (NOTE: Wrong date: should be January 16, 1831. This is an uncorrected error of the stonecutter.) Sacred to the memory of Robert Bell Saddler A native of Scotland who died August 7th 1817(?) aged 64 years In memory of Mary Lyle Infant Daughter of Jos. & Mary Ann Allen Who was born Oct. 14th, 1833 Died June 12th, 1834 As the sweet flower that scents the morn, but withers in the rising day; Thus lovely was this infants’ dawn thus swiftly fled its life away. In Memory of our Father and Mother Thomas Mann Randolph born Aug. 5, 1792 Died at Tuckahoe March 15, 1848 In Memory of James C. Son of Jos. & Mary Ann Allen Who was born July 4th 1837 Died Augt. 2nd, 1838 Beyond the trials of this wintry clime, ere yet life’s thorny path his feet had trod. His joyous spirit yet unstained by crime is borne in triumph to the throne of God. In memory of Isabella Infant daughter of Jos. & Mary Ann Allen Who was born March 26th, 1839 Died Sept. 16th, 1840 Rest sweet babe in gentle slumber, till the resurrection morn: Then arise to join in the number that its triumphs shall adorn. In Memory of Anne Moore Valentine Who departed this life on the 25th day of Jan’y 1850 In the 65 year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth, yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. In memory of Mrs. Louisa E. F. Patterson Widow of John W. Patterson formerly of New York Died July 15, 1860 In the 87th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Wm. DeHart Patterson who died August the 5th 1851 Ever ready to aid the distressed and in sickness an untiring friend. Blessed be the ? In memory of ? Son of the late Robert W. Kem ? He was born July 13th 1817 and died Sept. 2nd 1838 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Rosanna Galt The consort of William Galt who departed this life on the 17th April 1828 in the 27th year of her age after a painful illness of several months which she bore with Christian resignation. Exemplary in every relation of her life an affectionate wife and tender parent a friend ever ready to re-ciprocate the kindnesses and Charities of life She died lamented by a numerous circle of friends who deeply sympathizing with her bereaved consort and children feel that they have sustained a loss never to be replaced. She’s gone in peace to those blest joys above where angels rest in everlasting love. (4 effaced) Here lies the body of Martha Ann Kuhn ? departed this life August 23d 1827 Aged 4 years and 10 months Also the body of Harriet Kuhn In memory of Adam Murray Youngest son of the late John Murray of Musselburgh Scotland who died on the 20th Feb. 1823 Aged 39 years Sacred to the memory of Charles ? of Boston, Mass. Who died Oct. 6th, 1836 Aged 33 years This tribute of respect is placed here by his Friends In memory of Judith Staples wife of Nathaniel Staples who departed this life on the 29th of August 1822 aged 31 years Martha M. Allen Daughter of Wm. & Maria Allen Born 21 January 1821 and Died 26th April 1821 IHS Sacred to the memory of Michael Hagen A native of Ireland Aged 56 years John D. Hagen of Richmond Born June 5th 1852 Died Sep 5th 1852 aged 56 years & 5 months (NOTE: One of the above dates is incorrectly written but I do not know which one is correct. I strongly suspect that the birth year is 1796) William H. Allen Born March 26, 1799 Died March 30, 1818 Thos. Diddep Infant Son of Clara D. & G. H. Budd Born 22 Aug. 1848 Died 15 July 1849 Aged 10 mo. 25 days Also An infant Daughter Born 10 Oct. 1849 One Grave, one destiny John Diddep Infant Son of Ellis S. & Caroline M. McElroy Born 1 August 1846 Died 22 Dec. 1847 Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heave. In memory of Willie D. McElroy Born Feb. 11, 1851 Died Feb. 26, 1858 Our little Willie blooming in the Spirit land. In memory of Edward C. McElroy Born June 6, 1848 Died Nov. 17, 1858 Thy pure spirit bright and free, Immortal dwells with God. (2 effaced) Rachel Angelina Daughter of Wm. & Maria Graves Born May 26th 1818 Died Aug. 19th, 1832 Sacred to the memory of William Galt who departed this life on Saturday the 26th day of March Anno Domini 1825 aged 70 years The deceased was a native of Scotland born in the Parish of Dondonald Shire at Ayr in the year 1755. He embarked for arrival in the Colony of Virginia where he resided the last Fifty years of his life. As a merchant he was liberal, just and honorable as a friend kind and sincere, as humane master, a generous and feeling relative, benevolent and charitable to the distressed or deserving: But above all a sincere Christian: and having finished his labours, He has gone to receive the promises made to those who died in the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Frances Keeling Allen who departed this transitory life on the morning of the 28th of February 1829 This monument is erected by John Allen, her husband. In testimony of his gratitude for her unabated affection to him the zeal to discharge her domestic duties; and the fervor she manifested both by precept and example in persuading all to trust in the promises of the Gospel. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved. In memory of William Son of James & Mary Galt Born 15th February 1851 Died 23rd September 1852 In Memory of Frances Twin daughter of James and Mary Galt of this City Born 31st July 1829 Died 29th Octr. 1831 In memory of Frances Allen Daughter of William & Rosanne Galt. Born April 3rd, 1828 Died Aug’t 12th, 1829 In memory of William Son of William & Rosanne Galt Born Septr. 1st, 1826 Died May 28th, 1831 In Memory of Anna R. Sherrard Daughter of John & Anna R. Sherrard Died April 26th 1845 Aged 18 In Memory of Emily R. Sherrard Daughter of John & Anna R. Sherrard Died Septr. 5th 1845 Aged 16 In Memory of Elizabeth M. and John N. Wife and Infant son of John D. Munford She was the only daughter of Job and Elizabeth D. Northrup Was born in New Haven, Connecticut July 12, 1814 An died in this City July 31, 1836 When the Long ___ shall __ in Christ __. When the long __ of the tomb is o’er, these two shall meet in Christ __ for the Lord which __ ___ shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Re. vii, 17 Departed this life on Tuesday morning June 21, 1825(?) William Munford Aged 49 years, 10 months and 6 days __ with a Christian, virtues he lived in public __ private admired and ___ with affectionate ___ proved that Religious ways are ways __ Peace __ Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary G. McEnery who gently fell asleep in Jesus July 29, 1858 in 79th year of her age. __ shall the dead return to the earth __ and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Eccl. Chap. 11 ? Affectionate tribute to our dear mother Mrs. Martha Smithey who sweetly fell asleep in Jesus Sept. 17, 1819 Mrs. Smithey was the Mother of Mrs. Mary Jane Wilson who with her husband the Rev. Dr. Wilson of N.C. were sent as Missionaries to Africa by the A.B.C.F.M. in 1851. There they labored, there they died, there they were buried. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. To the Memory of Mrs. Joanna Wife of Michael Gretter Born Jan. 3rd 1788 Died Aug. 17th, 1858 in the blessed hope of life eternal through Jesus Christ her Saviour. Willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Here rests in Christ the body of Joanna Gretter Youngest daughter of Michael & Joanna Gretter Who died Nov. 2nd 1838 In the 18th year of her age Thou are gone to the grave but t’were wrong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian & girde; He gave thee & took thee & soon will restore thee, Where death hath no sting, since the Saviour has died. The grave of Sallie & David Children of George W. and Sarah M. C. Gretter Sallie Born Aug. 31, 1845 Died Dec. 30, 1850 David Born Nov. 30, 1850 Died Dec. 31, 1850 A happy New Year Michael Son of George W. & S.M.E. Gretter Born Jan. 2, 1857 Died July 2, 1857 In Memory of George Steel who died in Richmond Oct. 24, 1856 Aged 61 years For as we believe Jesus died and rose again, even so them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Rest loved one till Christ shall bed thee arise. In memory of Elizabeth Wife of George Steel and daughter of Elizabeth Dorsett who departed this life March 18, 1842 Aged 50 years In Memory of Elizabeth Dorsett Wife of ____ Dorsett ___ Died April ? 1850 Aged ? ? (1 effaced) In memory of Jane Louisa wife of Rev. W. Carey Crane and daughter of Wm. & Mary Wright Born at Rome, N.Y. May 21st, 1815 Died at Richmond, Va. Dec. 26th, 1842 Not dead but gone before In memory of Ward Crane Son of ____ Who died of Scarlett fever April 16th, 1832 Aged 6 years __ months and 10 days In memory of Mrs. Araminta Steel formerly of Philadelphia who departed this life Octr. 4th 1831 Aged 71 years This stone is erected as a testimony of ___ In Memory of Thos. H. Edmunds Born in Cape May Co., N.Y. Aug. 16, 1818 Died in Richmond of Typhoid Fever Jany 14th 1857 Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy Charles Hughes Son of Thomas ? ? Edmunds Born December 21, 1832 Died April 2, 1833 Suffer little children to come unto me Charles Mills Second son of M.B. & L.G. Godwin Born Aug. 2, 1852 Died Sept. 25, 1858 (3 effaced) Ann M. Converse Born Lyme(?) N.H. May 6, 1817 Died Richmond Dec. 1, 1851 ? John xi.25. Charles H. Son of F. & T. N. Childs Age 5 months Sacred to the memory of William A. Infant son of Robert H. & Sarah Isbell (?) Born Oct. 5th 1834 Died Sept. 2nd, 1835 In memory of Mrs. Jane Dunn who died Nov. 28, 1844 Aged 84 years Her life was an example of and benevolence. Erected by her friend M.E.D. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann Wife of Gottfred K. Noll Who died Nov. 4th 1839 Aged 39 years What e’re of mild affection twere beloved, Rever’d of virtue, and of sense approv’d; What e’er of candour female bosoms know. Once arrid the gentle heart that rest below. James Allen Born July 13th 1805 Died March 17th, 1857 Sacred to the memory of Martha Tillinghast Wife of James Allen Born Nov. 30, 1806 Died Nov. 13, 1845 Julia Davenport Born Jan. 5, 1835 Died July 31, 1835 Isaac Davenport Born Sep. 19, 1837 Died Dec. 3, 1837 James Henry Born March 28, 1836 Died Dec. 10, 1837 Ella Myers Allen Born April 1st, 1843 Died April 13th, 1856 James Born Feb. 7, 1841 Died __ 25, 1841 Children of ________ Sacred to the memory of Isabella M. Brag Consort of Hiram Brag Who departed this life 13th Feb’y 1836 In the 29th year of her age In the hope of a Joyful resurrection to eternal life. My Mother Mrs. Susanna Day Died January 15, 1851 Aged 82 years and 11 months Erected by the youngest daughter Elizabeth E. MacFarlane Peacefully sleeping My Mother Susan B. Hooper Died May 6th, 1838 Aged 36 years She is not dead, but sleepeth In Memory of Wm. Wallace Day Born in Richmond, Va. May 10, 1818 Died July 28, 1855 Erected by his brother Joseph Day To the memory of David & Margaret Graeme Children of John & Margaret Graeme David was born 12th Jan. 1822 Died 6th Sept. 1825 Margaret was born 23d Oct. 1825 Died 5th Dec. 1826 Martha Mastain She was the widow of Robert Graeme Consort of John McKenna Born Feb. 22 ? Died Oct. 12, 1855 The grave of Mrs. Elizabeth Kerr Wife of the late Rev. John Kerr Who died in this city on the 31st of October 1834 in the 58 year of her age This stone is dedicated to her memory as an offering of affection from her surviving children, John Kerr, Mary G., William & Martha W. Martin. This Stone placed here by the family of the late B. Yancy of North Carolina As an humble tribute to the Memory of his eldest Son and their mourned, and loved, and lost relative, Rufus Augustus Yancy Who died in Richmond, far from his friends and home on the 5th of Nov. 1829 Aged __ years In Memory of Hugh who died December 25th 1812 Aged 2 years 4 months and 16 days Also of Ann Eliza who died March 28th, 1815 Aged 1 year and 8 months Also of Caroline Collme ? who died December 29th 1815 Aged 10 months and 20 days Children of George W. and Ann Eliza Smith In memory of Barbara Nugent Broome a native of ? Who died in this City on the ? of Septr. 1843 Aged 72 years Royal Freeman Was born June 2nd 1788 and died June 30th 1822 Aged 34 years By his relatives Eliza Caskie Born 10th October 182_ and died 28th August 1829 Suffer the little children to come unto me To Ellen Laura the beloved wife of Robert Hutchison This memorial is dedicated by her grateful and sorrowing husband. She died at Savannah just one week after giving birth to an only child: a daughter, on Monday 22d March 1858 Aged 22 years and 16 days To a gentle artless disposition and a trusting loving heart, which rendered her home one of constant happiness, she united a solidity of judgment, a sincerity and truthfullness of character and strength of principle which secured for her the respect confidence and affection of all with whom she associated. Richard Worsham Passed away July 16, 1847 In the 43rd year of his age This stone is erected by his disconsolate widow. Behold he taketh away who can hinder him. Who will say unto him What doest thou. Job LX ( 1 effaced) John C. S. Keesee Born in Pittsylvania Co., Va. April 30, 1828 Died January 21, 1854 Sacred to the memory of William Meriam Who departed this life the 6th of January 1836 in the 36th year of his age The affectionate regard of the bereaved widow, has caused this stone to be erected to his Memory. Sacred to the memory of Susan T. Meriam Who departed this life June 27th, 1844 aged 42 years She died in the faith of Christ, the last of a numerous family, experiencing the truth that “the Lord loveth whom he chasteneth.” Farewell conflicting hopes and fears, where lights and shades alternate dwell. How bright the unchanging morn appears. Farewell, inconstant world, farewell. To the memory of Martha G. Wife of Clement White who departed this life Feb. 28th, 1826 In the 25th year of her age To the memory of Catharine E. youngest daughter of Clement and Martha G. White who departed this life Sept. 20th 1827 In the 5th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Mr. Jacob Michaels Who departed this life on the 5th of October 1825 In the 36th year of his age And of Jacob Henry His infant Son, A promising and an only child, Who died September 13th, 1827 Aged 17 Months Ther’s age & youth promiscuous around the Tomb. Nor mortal head can shun this impending doom. But these shall rise again immortal and devine and in their Saviours image shine. The affectionate regard to the bereaved Widow and distressed Mother, has consecrated this Monument to their Memory. Sacred to the memory of William H. Carter who died Sept. 6th, 1822 Aged 10 Mo. & 21 days and James T. Carter who died March 13th, 1823 Aged 2 Mo. & 26 days and Henrietta A. Carter who died Oct. 9th, 1832 Aged 3 Mo. & 17 days and James E. Carter who died March 17th 1834 Aged 3 Yrs. 4 Mo. & 27 days and Henry L. Carter who died June 10th 1834 Aged 6 Mo. & 15 days All children of Henry L. & Ann G. Carter These lovely buds so young & fair called hence by early doom, just came to show what sweet flowers ? ? ? could bloom. In memory of Lydia Crane Consort of William Crane and daughter of Elizabeth Dorsett Died Sept. 26th, 1830 Aged 41 years 2 months, 1 day Leaving Husband and nine Children to mourn their irrepairable loss. During twenty four days she had been a disciple of the Lord Jesus... (remainder is under ground.) In Memory of Catherine Ann Daughter of William and Lydia Crane who died Augt. 13th 1831 ? ? Aged 7 years 4 months and 24 days In memory of Nathaniel Wood of Worcester, Mass. Who died in this City Octr. 22nd, 1832 In memory of ? Davenport Daughter of James & Martha T. Allen Born Jan’y 5th and died July 31, 1835 Sacred to the memory of ? ? Consort of Edmund V. St. ? Born Nov. 27, 1803 Died June 4, 1836 and her infant daughter Maria Louisa Died Sept. 2, 1837 Aged 13 months. ? Of wife, mother, daughter, Sister and friend ? from ? loss to mourn. The grave of Lucy A. Lay Who died December 21, 1832 Aged 36 years To the Memory of Martha Isabel daughter of Thomas ? White who departed this life July 21st, 1857 In the 14th year of her age Sacred to the memory of Margaret Wife of David D. Ross Born 16 Jany 1826 Died 25 Septr. 1844 Also John Alexander Son of the above Born 7 Augt. 1844 Died 7 Oct. 1844 ? ? ? ? Erected by her Mother and Husband Erected to the memory of two sons of Rev. T. Converse: ? Born Feb’y 2th 1831 Died Feb’y 23rd 1831 ? Born Jan’y 25th 1835 Died July 24th, 1835 In memory of Christopher Tompkins Born Jan. 9, 1776 Died Jan. 7, 1826 In memory of Mary Frances daughter of Christopher & Mary Tompkins Born March 23, 1816 Died Oct. 9, 1844 In Memory of Mary Wife of Christopher Tompkins Born Sept. 24, 1778 Died April 18, 1858 CONTINUED IN PART 3 SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________