RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Shockoe Cemetery (part 3) ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Shockoe Cemetery: 1936 April Research made by Madge Goodrich Cemetery Location: The four squares are bounded by Fourth Street on the east, Second Street on the west, Hospital Street on the north and Bates Street on the south, and is opposite the City Home, Richmond, Virginia Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: 1820. OWNERS: The City of Richmond. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: In Shockoe lie many of Richmond’s citizens who were famous in their day. Among them are William Foushee, well known physician and Richmond’s first mayor, Peter Francisco, a hero of the Revolution, Jane Stith Stanard, the “Helen” of Poe’s poem, and her husband, Robert Stanard, jurist and statesman and judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals. Here lie Elizabeth Van Lews, who figured conspicuously in war times, David Roper, a pioneer of the Baptist Church, John D. Blair, first pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Shockoe Hill and who with Parson Buchanan figured in the story of the “Two Parsons”, John Wickham, well known lawyer, the artist, Robert Sully, and John Hampden Pleasants, Republican Whig editor, “unyielding advocate of the great principles as understood and practiced by its founders.”. Inscriptions: (continued from part 2) In memory of Janet Hudson Born May 20th 1777 at Albany, N.Y. Died Feb. 6th, 1852 Also her son Wm. J. T. Hudson Died March 15th, 1851 Aged 26 years Sacred to the memory of My Father John Gibson Robert Born June 3rd, 1799 Died Septr. 17th, 1830 (1 effaced) My Uncle Francis Robert Born October 27th, 1808 Died September 11th, 1823 My Sister Ann Hayes Child of John G. and Amanda F. Robert Born December 12th 1829 Died January 2nd 1831 Sacred to the memory of Clara D. Rudd Consort of Geo. W. Rudd Born 22 Jany. 1813 Died 22 Octr. 1849 Leaving an affectionate Husband and an only Daughter to mourn her loss. She was a kind mistress ? and a fond and affection Mother and a devoted WIFE. Thos. Diddep Infant son of Clara D. & G. W. Rudd Born 22 Aug. 1848 Died 15 July 1849 Aged 10 Mo. 25 Days Also An Infant Daughter Born 10 Oct. 1849 One Grave, One Destiny The Grave of Dabney Carr The delight of his friends. The idol of his family. The ornament of the bench and the pride of his country. In his character were be auatifully mingled all the ? with every manly virtue alone the ? warm ? clustered together with firmness, constancy, fortitude and perseverance: The modesty of youth blended with the distinguished endowments of the ? ? profound jurist, and the wisdom ? with the simplicity of a child. He was created chancellor in 1811. He was elevated for this worth asiduity and ? to the Court of Appeals in 1824. ? discharged every duty of life both Public and Private ? his course at the age of 64 leaving to his countrymen ? specimen of a faithful ? servant without a spot or blemish ? the rare instinct of a ? ? without an enemy ? the world the most ? Husband, Father, friend and perfect gentleman. He was born April 27th 1773 and died July 18th 1837 (2 effaced) In Memory of Christianna Frances Wife of Thomas Otey and Daughter of Thos. & Catherine Tinsley Born April 9, 1816 Died Jan’y 19, 1846 This is a tribute of conjugal affection for departed worth. The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance. In Memory of Joseph Kimbrough Who departed this life Septr. 2, 1829 Aged 55 years Sacred to the memory of Hannah Dill who was born at Louisa County November 2, 1793 and departed this life November 29, 1822 Aged 29 years & 27 days She ____ pure ____ skies which could ___ from the skies ___ love ___ above to find all her pain below ___ She triumphed o’er the grave, could love ___ about God decreed ___ would ___ to bleed. ___ no more complain ___ blest ___ God ____ In memory of William Dill Son of Adolph ? Dill Born July 19th 1821 died April ? 1822 Aged 1 year & 13 days In memory of Adolph Son of Adolph & Hannah Dill born ? 1820 Died ? 1821 ___ ____ ... Though not more innocent. Gone to Heaven To the memory of Elizabeth Dill Infant Daughter of Adolph & Hannah Dill Born ? Died 25th, 1839 Sacred to the memory of ? ? Carr Only son of ? and Elizabeth Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Carr Wife of Judge Dabney Carr Who died May 28th 1838 Aged 58 years 1 Month 28 Days Gilliat Frederick died May 1827 and Virginia died June 1828 Infant Children of Villiam & Sophia Gilliat In memory of James W. Webb Son of Judge James Webb of Texas Born in Florida 1855 Died in Richmond Aug. 11th, 1852 In memory of Ann ? Kimbrough Daughter of Susan ? Kimbrough Born ? July 1820 Died 2nd July 1830 Early my lovely Babe was called to quit this ? world. Her body in the grave did fall, her soul to Heaven did go. ? while here below ? her dead. (2 effaced) Elizabeth Denoon Wife of Lieut. James J. Denoon, U.S. Died July 1, 1860 Aged 81 years To the memory of Eliza F. Wife of Jno. B. Glazebrook And daughter of James J. and Elizabeth Denoon Born 8 Sep. 1800 Died 6 May 1848 As the bird to its sheltering rest, when the storm on the hill is abroad; So her spirit has flown from this world of unrest, to repose on the bosom of God. Sacred to the memory of Catherine R. Shore Widow of Henry S. Shore Who died Dec. 21st 1854 In the 78th year of her age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Janet Hamilton The Youngest Died 28th Apl. 1852 Aged 2 Weeks Janet Hamilton The Oldest Died 28th July 1851 Aged 2 years 8 mo. & 28 days In memory of Mary C. Daughter of James & Mary Hamilton Died Jan’y 27th 1831 Aged 6 weeks & 5 days Sacred to the memory of Richard James Infant son of James M. and Isabella T. Ratcliffe who departed this life January 23rd in the year of our Lord 1852 age five months & six days Now in his grave this infant lies; To earth whose body lent; Hereafter shall more glorious rise But not more innocent. When the archangel’s trumpet shall blow and souls to bodies join; ? unite their lives below. In affectionate remembrance of Victoria Wife of John J. Werth Born 19th July 1809 Died 17th Oct. 1838 Green be the turf ? the ? happiest days. None knew thee but to love thee. Nor named thee but to praise. and In the same grave sleep the remains of her infant son Edward Born 3rd Feby 1838 Died 22nd Feby. 1839 Our Brother Channing Moore Son of John J. and Amanda P. Werth Born May 16th 1848 Died September 9th 1852 Of such is the kingdom of Heaven (1 effaced) Erected in memory of Elizabeth Persico Who died Aug. 23, 1842 James Bolton Son of James B. & Mary B. Smith Born October 6, 1844 Died August 5, 1849 Heaven rejoices whilst affection weeps. In Memory of ? ? January 18, 1801 Died Sept. 5, 1831 Sacred to the memory of Andrey Hervey Son of John D. & M. E. Webster Died July 29, 1819 Aged 13 months Weep not for me my Mother dear, I am not dead but sleeping here. In memory of Mrs. Mary Weidemyer who died Sept. 19, 1819 Aged 57 years Erected by a friend Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Breeden Daughter of Wm. & Mary Breeden Born 21st July 1800 Died 28th Octr. 1851 Mary Daughter of John & Martha ___ Worth Born Jan. 8, 1813 And died Dec. 8, 1819 The lovely bud so young and fair called hence by early death. (2 effaced) IHS This testimony of sorrow has been erected by Miss Honora Flaherty, a native of the Co. Galway, Ireland in memory of the beloved brothers John and Patrick John departed this life March 17th 1850 aged 31 years Patrick departed this life Oct. 28th 1856 Aged 29 years May their souls rest in peace, Amen. In memory of George W. Lyle who died 6 Oct. 1842 In the 20th year of his age In memory of Gideon D. Son of Thomas & Sarah M. Hatcher who died Dec. 6th 1812 in his 17th year (2 effaced) Eliza Hargrove Aged 52 years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Also her sister Sallie Christian I H S In memory of Mr. Fco. Scachi From Italy, born in the Village of Meischio Aged 60 years Who died on the 20th Jany. 1831 Remember man as you pass by, as you are now so once was I. As I am now so will you be, Remember man on Eternity. Mary Glinn The Daughter of William & Sarah Glinn Departed this life July 1st, 1831 Aged 54 years ? ? son of Isaac T. & Sarah Hinton Born 28th 1833 Died 12th Aug. 1834 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lucy E. Haxall wife of Richard Barton Haxall and Daughter of Doctor John Thomson who died January 25th, 1834 In the 23 year of her age Daniel Call Died 20th May 1840 Aged 75 years George Wythe Son of G. W. & L. S. Munford Born June 13, 1836 Died March 17, 1858 George Son of G. W. & L. S. Munford died June 20th 1835 He was sixteen days old In memory of Lucy Singleton wife of George Wythe Munford she died June 13th 1835 in her 24th year She was mild and engaging, kind, generous and affectionate and above all, truly pious. Lucy Harrison daughter of G. W. & L. S. Munford died July 17th 1836 in her 3d year The sweet little bud, without a thorn, will bloom in Heaven. In Memory of Mary Wife of Thos. Mieure Born 4th Nov. 1808 Died Apl. 19th 1852 By faith she lived on earth; In hope she died, by love she lives in Heaven. In memory of Thomas Mieure Born July 26, 1792 Died July 17, 1846 In memory of Thomas P. Infant son of Tho. & Mary R. Mieure Died Sept. 8th 1852 Aged 5 Mo. 5 days Wilmuth Dibrell Born Feb. 16th 1774 Died June 13th 1851 She lived and died a true follower of Christ. In memory of James Watson Dibrell Born Feb. 9, 1793 Died March 3, 1844 George Fisher Husband of Ann Fisher Born May 6th 1775 Died March 25th 1857 John Marshall Son of Thomas and Mary Marshall was born the 24 of September 1755 Intermarried with Mary Willis Ambler the 3rd of January 1783 Departed this life the 6th day of July 1835 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Willis Marshall Consort of John Marshall Born the 13th of March 1766 Departed this life on the 25th of December 1831 This stone is devoted to her memory by him who best knew her worth, and most deplored her loss. Mrs. Anne Fisher Daughter of Jaquelin Ambler Died 28th June 1852 To the memory of Mrs. Mary Harvie only daughter of John & Mary W. Marshall and wife of Jaqueline B. Harvie Born 13th Sep. 1795 Died 29th Apl. 1841 None was ever more sincerely loved, nor did any ever more fully merit it. Our Father Thomas Richardson Born January 1st, 1776 Died December 18th, 1831 In memory of Robert Pollard Born July 3rd 1756 Died Oct. 10th 1842 Here lies the remains of Hael Pollard Wife of Robert Pollard Born 23rd Augt. 1759 Married 10th July 1774 Departed this life 17th Sept. 1839 John Marshall Tyler Died July 1st 1852 in the 21st year of his age None knew him but to love him. None named him but to praise. Sacred to the Memory of Marietta Jane Tyler Born 22nd Sept. 1807 and died 15th January 1832 ? marble can never ful nor tell her worth but her amiable qualities as a wife, mother ? have inscribed here. Triumph in living lives upon the hearts of all who knew her. Upon this humble stone her ? Husband with a heart full of ? his love of her until the morning of the resurrection in the following lines. Rest sweet woman. Wait the almighty’s will. Rise with the just and be an angel still. ? day down in the night of the grave. ? in triumph descending ? glowing in Eden’s first bloom of death smiles and ? ? and beauty immortal ? from the tomb. Erected by her bereaved Husband, John Tyler. In memory of Julia A. Wyatt Wife of J. G. Wyatt Died Feb. 12th 1856 Aged 18 years Also Her infant child. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Ann Consort of William M. Puckett Who died Decr. 28th 1836 In the 27th year of her age She died in full hopes of a blessed immortality. Sacred to the memory of Susan B. Puckett Consort of William Puckett She died Nov. 18th 1829 Aged 24 years 3 months & 5 days Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. In Memory of William J. Smith Died June 12, 1858 Aged 55 years Erected by his devoted wife. Sacred to the memory of Fanny Oliver the affectionate wife of Wm. J. Smith who departed this life March 8th 1854 in the 48th year of her age In Memory of Mary Lyon Wife of A. M. Lyon Died 21st June 1831 Aged 28 years In Memory of Adolph S. E. L. Son of A. ? ? L. Bigger Who departed this life the 27th January 1829 Aged 3 years 7 Months & 22 days Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Catherine Andrew Wife of Rev. Jno. T. Andrew She died July 12th 1828 Aged ? years This sacred monument shall tell in years to come. Sacred to the memory of Frances Allen Who departed this life on the 4th day of March 1843 In the 75th year of her age She was one of the best of Mothers. This tomb is erected to her memory by her Only son Wm. C. Allen. Sacred to the memory of William P. Cook Son of John S. & Elizabeth O. Cook Born 7 Aug. 1825 Died 27 Aug. 1849 Sacred to the memory of Francis S. Cook Son of Jno. L. & Elizabeth O. Cook Born 2nd Feb’y 1813 Died 1st Sept. 1834 Sacred to the memory of John H. Cook son of John L. & Elizabeth O. Cook Born January 28th 1810 Died February 6th 1852 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Sacred to the memory of John L. Cook Born in Hanover County 16th Novr. 1783 Died in this City 22nd April 1836 On living tablets of the heart, his virtues are engraved. Then seek not on the works of art, the record of his praise. Sacred to the memory of John H. Miller born June 22nd 1852 Died Feb. 24th 1858 Requiescat in peace. I am the resurrection & the life, saith the Lord: he who believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: and every one who liveth and believeth in me shall not die forever. In memory of Richard Walsh Born Nov. 24th 1827 Died Aug. 10th 1860 Thou hast gone to a peaceful shore. Earthly cares are thine no more. Requiescat in peace. Sacred to the memory of Richard Walsh A native of Killarney County, Ireland Who departed this life Decr. 7th 1829 Aged 46 years Also his Daughter Catherine Aged 5 years and Son John Walsh Aged 15 mo. My dear wife weep not for me, I am but gone before to meet my God where soon we’ll join and then we part no more. Erected to his memory by his loving wife Alice Walsh. IHS In memory of John McCarthy A native of Ireland who died Feb’y 2nd 1834 Aged 35 years And of Mary Daughter of Jno. & Elizabeth McCarthy who died Feb’y 20th 1823 Aged 2 Mo. His humble tribute of respect is placed here by his Widow. IHS Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann Wife of James O. Maher Who died 19th Septr. 1835 Aged 43 years May she rest in peace, Amen. Also her daughter Catherine Born Augt. 14th 1827 Died Nov’r 22nd 1829 Sacred to the memory of John B. Southall Who was born August 21st, 1808 Died July 18th 1856 in the 48th year of his age His memory & virtues are cherished by many. To the memory of Bernard Finney of the County of Sligo, Ireland Who died Sep. 19, 1841 Aged 70 years He lived beloved & died lamented. His labors done, scarcely laid in this his last retreat. Unheeded o’er his silent dust, the forms of life shall heal. Sacred to the memory of ? Wife of Peter Everett Who died Nov’r 3rd 1834 Aged 32 years 1 mo. & 18 days She died a convert to the Catholic Religion. May she rest in peace, Amen. She’s gone from all affliction here to reign in joys eternal there. Lucy Moore daughter of S. P. & E. J. Earnest died ? 4, 1856 Aged 2 years & 11 months John Cunningham Son of Thos. R. & Eliza Cummingham Harrison Born Sept. 30, 1813 Died July 24, 1820 and Randolph Harrison Son of Thos. R. & Eliza C. Harrison Born Dec. 20, 1825 Died Aug. 8, 1826 Both buried at Clifton. Of such is the kingdom of Heaven Our Father Thos. Randolph Harrison Son of Randolph & Mary Randolph Harrison Born Feb. 9, 1791 Died Nov. 3, 1833 Buried at Clifton, Cumberland Co., Va. His last words were, “I see Heaven open to receive me.” Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Martha Smith Who departed this life Nov. 12th 1844 Aged 65 IHS In memory of Mrs. Susan Consort of Timy. McCarthy & Daughter of Timy. & Clotilda Plane of New Haven, Connecticut Died July 20th 1851 Aged 28 years Peace to thy gentle shade and endless rest. Thy errors pardoned & thy virtues blest. Sleep sweetly sleep beneath the sod, till angels wake thee to meet thy God. A convert to the Holy Catholic Church. May the Lord have mercy on her soul, Amen. Erected in testimony of her many and endearing virtues, by her Husband. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Thomas W. Cleland Born April 10th 1805 Died November 19th 1849 His ? are highly cherished by his bereaved widow and friends. Penitence, Repentance, and faith characterized his death. Illness which was protracted and the bow of hope illumes the soul that we shall meet again at the resurrection of the just. In memory of my Uncle & Aunt Archibald Taylor Died August 1832 and Lettitia H. his Widow, and Daughter of John & Mary A. Cunningham Died Dec. 1832 Sweet be their rest until Christ bids them arise. Henry Kuhn Born Lancaster, Penn. 1759 Died in Richmond, 1834 John Kuhn Son of Henry Kuhn Born Adams Co. Penn. Feb. 15, 1798 May 29, 1835 Ann Hewlett Wife of John Kuhn Feb. 15, 1796 Nov. 27, 1838 Sacred to the memory of John D. Murray Who was born July 17, 1833 and Decs. June 22, 1836 Sarah C. Johnson Died April 17, 1849 Age 16 years Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. (2 effaced) In memory of Michel Bonan Who departed this life July 8th 1837 Aged 31 years A native of the Parish of A_dfeld County of Cork, Ireland In Memory of Mr. Morto Sullivan A Native of the County of Cork, Ireland Who departed this life on the 7th Octr. 1825 In the 4th year of his age In memory of Nicholas Caire Was born in France 1809 and lost his life the 8th March 1850 in the vain attempt to save his Daughter from a watery grave. and Leonora Was born November 19th 1845 She sleeps here with him. Wilmar E. O?verry born April 19, 1817 died July 6, 1848 Here rest in God Caroline G. Low Daughter of G. E. & H. C. Low Born 2 June 1847 Died 29 July 1848 Sacred to the memory of John Son of William Wright who departed this (stone broken) 1823 in the 2d year of (stone broken) In memory of William Barnes Born Oct. 22, 1820 Died Jan. 26, 1833 (2 effaced) In memory of Samuella daughter of Sam’l & Rebecca Andrew Killed on the Steamer Reindeer, Sept. 3, 1852 Aged 18 years & 7 days She was the most conscientious and devoted Christian for her age, that I ever knew. Extract from her funeral sermon. In memory of Margaret daughter of Sam’l & Rebecca Andrew Who with her sister was killed on the Steamer Reindeer Sept. 3, 1852 Aged 19 years They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. Sacred to the memory of Jas. B. Son of Jas. A. & M. A. Snell Born Sept. 2nd 1843 Died Feb’y 28th 1844 Sacred to the memory of Sally Archer Daughter of Jas. A. & M. A. Snell Born 16 Dec. 1844 Died 8 March 1845 In memory of Hugh A. Raleigh Killed on the Steamer Reindeer Septr. 3, 1852 Aged 40 years He was a member of the City Council and was universally esteemed and beloved. In memory of Rebecca Wife of Hugh A. Raleigh and daughter of Jas. & Millison Snell Died June 24, 1852 Aged 35 years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Samuel Andrew born in the County of Antrim, Shrivedom of Ireland March 1, 1793 ? of this City Died October 25, 1831 Aged 39 years 7 months & 21 days Millison Archer Snell 1854 and William Booker Snell 1852-1857 To the Memory of James Snell A native of Ireland Who died Nov. 23, 1841 Aged 63 years He was a man of sterling integrity, exemplary in all the relations of life and above all he was a Christian. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord even so saith the spirit for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them. In memory of William H. Son of Jas. & Millison Snell who with her nieces & brothers-in-law were involved in one common ? by the ? of the Steamer Reindeer on the Hudson River Sept. 3, 1852 The grave of Elvira J. Wife of Y. S. Rust And Daughter of Jabez & Ann Watkins of Powhatan County Who died June 26, 1841 In her 23rd year Jane Ann Daughter of Y. S. & Elvira Rust Born Sep. 21, 1839 Died Eec. 24, 1840 The grave of Agnes Wife of U. S. Rust & Daughter of Wm. Davidson born January 1, 1809 Died March 29, 1833 Leaving three sons, Youel Rust, James S. Rust & Richard L. Rust. Awaiting the summons which shall bid them join a tender Mother, loving Wife and affectionate Daughter. (remainder is under ground.) In memory of Jane Eliza Daughter of John & Rebecca McKeage born 5th March 1829 Died 23rd Sept. (Remainder is under ground) In memory of Lucy Ann Watkins Who died 4th April 1837 Aged 25 years. She was a member of the (Remainder is under ground) In memory of Benjamin J. Son of Jno. & Lucy Watkins Died June 10, 1834 Aged 10 Months Sacred to the memory of McCurdy of Curdy who departed this life 8th 183_ Our little Lelia Daughter of E. A. & M. E. Smith Born July 28, 1853 Died April 23, 1855 Not my will but thine be done. Mary Teresa Daughter of E. A. & M. E. Smith Born June 2, 1819 Died March 2, 1855 For of such is the kingdom of Heaven Sacred to the memory of Julia Ann Starr Relict of the Late Hezekiah Starr, Esq. of this City who departed this life in the City of New York Dec. 25th 1830 aged 45 years Also their son John S. Starr who departed this life in the City of Baltimore Dec. 9th 1825 aged 23 years Their spirit to their Maker ?. Their Saviour claims them as his own. He had prepared a place for them which he has called them now to fill. And they do now their Sovereign but will ? with him dwell, of matchless ? ?, their Saviour now their dearest Friend. Sacred to the memory of Caroline Daughter of Hezekiah & Julia Starr Who was born January 13th 1808 and departed this life July 17th 1824 Thus in the morning of her virgin bloom She like a sweet and lovely flower assailed by frost’s unsparing power fades from the scene and sinks into the tomb. But heaven that gave has taken away ? child that was his own ? not our will ? her parents say ? O Lord be done. (stone broken) (1 effaced) Here lies entombed with her Catherine ? daughter of Charles & Mary Jane Palmer Born July 2, 1824 Died Dec. 28, 1828 Here also is entombed with his Mother Randolph Lewis Son of Charles & Mary Jane Palmer Born Feb. 15 & Died June 30, 1825 and Here lies the remains of Mary Jane Daughter of Randolph and Mary Lewis of Goochland And the beloved wife of Charles Palmer (These are all on one stone) Sacred to the memory of Robert Poore who departed this life Dec. 5, 1841 Aged 65 years The memory of the just is blessed. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ann Thornton Poore Who departed this life August 20th 1854 in hope of a blessed immortality. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ann Walton Who departed this life April 29th 1854 Aged 65 To the memory of Major William Price Who died June 27th 1850 Aged 75 In memory of Mrs. Sarah Price Daughter of Robert Lewis, Esq. of Goochland and wife of Major William Price of this city Born June 8th 1772 Died Jan’y 26th 1837 Her life was an example of true virtue, piety and benevolence. In memory of Robt. W. Henry Atty at Law of this City Born in Pittsylvania County, Va. May 15, 1814 Died Jan’y 20, 1847 Frater Et Amicus In memory of Harriet Willis Rust Wife of Thomas A. Rust Died 5, March 1844 in the 27 year of her age Thomas Son of T. A. & A. L. Rust died Sept. 13, 1834 aged ? Sarah Ann daughter of T. A. & A. L. Rust died Jan. 21, 1837 Aged 4 months In memory of Charles Adams Son of Thomas A. & H. W. Rust Born 24 June 1841 died July 1843 Rosa Heaton Born Dec. 25, 1852 Died June 12, 1853 and Augusta Heaton Born Dec. 25, 1852 Died Aug. 16, 1853 Children of Thos. A. & Phebe C. Rust Edwin B. Chisholm Died October 5, 1837 Aged 45 years In memory of Jacob Shook Born Dec. 16, 1787 Died Aug. 7, 1858 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Martha Ann Shook Wife of Jacob Shook Born February 6th 1802 Died April 28th, 1856 Aged 54 years Died on the 25 June 1847 Ann Chisholme Aged 65 years Maria Louisa Daughter of Jacob & Martha Shook Born Sep. 22, 1832 Died Apl. 3, 1834 Sacred to the memory of Mary Victoria Daughter of Jacob & Maria Shook Born 28th Apl. 1837 Died 12th July 1838 To the memory of Jane Eliza Daughter of Jacob & Maria A. Shook Born 8th May 1841 Died 26th Feb. 1842 Lydia S. Harvis Born September 5th, 1799 Died July 27th 1818 Mary Emalia Fehrman born April 14, 1816 (?) Died May 18, 1817 In Memory of Gesina Eitzen Daughter of Diederich & Cora Fehrman Born July 5, 1844 Died ? 1845 and In Memory of John Diederich Son of John & Cora Fehrman Born April 28 1842 Died January 20, 1843 In memory of Angelina C. Only daughter of William & Ann ? Lumsden Born April 18, 1816 Died Aug. 22, 1819 The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In memory of Jas. Spence A native of Dumfries, Scotland Died July 24, 1831 Aged 33 years (1 effaced) F. W. Hoppe Born at Meissen Prussia 28 Aug. 1820 Died 25 July 1844 In Memory of Mrs. Maria Roberts Who died March 1st 1829 Aged 30 years In memory of Charles Wasson Carpenter a native of Charleston, Massachusetts and a resident of this City six years. Natus December 13th, 1807 Obut March 24th 1829 As a testimony of their respect & esteem his associates in this City have erected this monument. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Brosnigham a native of Castletown County Cork Ireland died 29th August 1839 aged 42 years Also In memory of Timothy Brosnigham brother to Thomas died 29th December 1831 aged 27 years Sacred to the memory of Francis Buck, Esq. Professor of Music Who departed this life June 22, 1818 Aged 27 years His genius was only excelled by his modesty. As a testiment of affection, this stone is erected by the Richmond Amateur Musical Club. Sacred to the memory of Major Philip Triplett Who departed this life the 3rd of July 1832 Aged 53 years Mary E. Daughter of ? ? E. Hopkins Died 2(?) Feb. 1847 In the 2(?) Year Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me. In memory of Mr. John Cassady a native of Ireland who departed this life the 15th Novr. 1829 in the 36th year of his age His affectionate widow has erected this stone to his memory. Moses O. Lipscomb Born Sept. 26, 1779 Died July 29th 1850 (3 effaced) In memory of Frances Wilson Who departed this life ? ? 1815 (stone broken) To the gentle virtues of Ellen Taylor Consort of Henry Clark Died March 15th, 1847 Affectionately dedicated by her husband. In memory of Benetick Ihler Born October 20th 1817 died Feb. 28th 1860 Eilamene Ihler Aged 2 Months Bennidroa Ihler Aged 7 months Thedore Leiges Born May 17th 1817 Died June 13th 1850 Elizabeth Leiges born June 25th 1845 Died July 20th 1846 Theresia Leiges Born October 6th 1819 died July 4th 1850 In memory of Rowland Reynolds Professor of Ancient Languages at the Richmond Academy who departed this life Jan. 30th 1838 Died ? January ? Margaret Joanna daughter of Anthony & Celia Dasory Age 11 months In memory of Cecelia ? Dasory Consort of J. Dasory Who departed this life Oct. 24 1827 Aged 26 years In Memory of George Ives who died 28 Oct. 1831 AE. ?3 In Memory of George R. Myers Died Dec. 27, 1860 Aged 70 years No further seek his merits to disclose, or draw his frailties from their dread abode, there they alike in trembling hope repose the bosom of his Father and his God. Our Beloved Father Major Charles H. Hyde Died March 11th, 1847 Aged 50 years His name is our best heritage. Sacred to the memory of Frances Ann Daughter of Geo. R. & Lucy Ann Myers Who died on the 26th Decr. 182? Aged 8 years ? months 20 days Her infant spirit stayed a while to cheer her friends ?. But Jesus called her with a smile to leave this world of ?. In Memory of John Wren Born in Baltimore, Md. March 3rd 1806 Died suddenly Aug. 10th 1838 Aged 32 years 5 mos. 2 days (1 effaced) In memory of Eliza Malarie Daughter of Jacob & Eliza Mall Who died 27 Sept. 1840 Aged 11 Mo. 14 Days Ere the world’s blight ? Death came with friendly ? and ? bosom there., Sacred to the memory of Catherine Sully Born Augt. 14th 1836 Died Jany. 29th 1839 Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to Heaven ? and had it blossom there. Sacred to the memory of Ann Francis Daughter of Richd. & Ann King of England And wife of Daniel Francis Born Sept. 13th 1809 Died May 13th 1840 Also William Thomas Son of the above Born Jany. 30th 1838 Died March 3rd 1840 To the memory of William W. Winston who died the 26th of Feb. 1837 aged 14 months and 9 days Weep not for me my mother dear, I am not dead but sleeping here. Prepare for death & follow me that we a happier home may see. Sacred to Patrick Connor of Cork Ireland Died 12 Jany. 1848 Aged 46 years Sacred to the memory of James McDaniel A native of Greenville, D.C. South Carolina who departed this life 3rd July 1835 Aged 50 years In memory of Joel Blankenship Who departed this life May 27th 1835 in the Forty Fifth year of his age Also his Wife America P. Who died Oct. 27, 1838 in Her 37th Year (1 effaced) Sacred to the memory of Mary Y. Crittenden who died May 7th 1835 in the 14th year of her age In memory of Mary Barnes Born Nov. 30th 1830 Died March 28th 1835 To the memory of John P. Heaton of Halliwell England Died June 16, 1833 Aged 25 years Mary Toler Died 1815 Aged 18 years This stone was erected by her devoted Brother ? Toler To the memory of James Webster a native of Scotland who departed this life the 13th of October 1828 In memory of Louisiana Carter aged 5 years & ? months Died Oct. 12, 1828 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Southall Wife of James Southall & Daughter of Wilson & Elizabeth Bryan Who departed this life March 4th 1828 Aged 25 years 6 months and 21 days George Mills Born in Dublin, Ireland Died in Richmond 12 August 1826 Aged 50 years Erected to his memory by his pupil. In memory of Ann V. Knight Born Nov. 18th 1822 Died Oct 5th 1853 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Here are deposited the mortal remains of Thomas W. West of Richmond Who departed this life on the 21 of Octr. 1851 Aged 65 years He was a native of Annag ? Ireland IHS Here rests the body of Bridget Daughter of Patrick & Mary Reynolds Born in ? ? County of ? Ireland May 11, 1834 Died in Richmond Feb’y 28, 1852 In memory of our Patents Elmora Died Feb. 14, 1853 & her husband Joseph Protzman Died May 9, 1853 and Grand Children Andrew J. and C. V. Children of J. W. & C. A. Gregory May they rest in peace (1 broken, 1 effaced) Here Lieth the mortal remains of Patrick Beers a native of Co. Kildare, Ireland Who departed this life September 25th, 1854 This stone was erected to his memory by his disconsolate widow Margaret Beers. Requiescat in peace. Also Sarah Daughter of Patrick & Margaret Beers Born Aug. 6th 1853 Died May 18th 1854 IHS Erected by Catherine Sullivan in memory of her faithful husband John Sullivan who departed this life January 31st 1854 In the 36th year of his age Harriet Parsons Died Sept. 22, 1852 Aged 25 Years In Memory of James Roach A native of County Clare, Ireland Died in this City Sep. 10, 1855 Aged 23 years Also his daughter Mary Died Aug. 6, 1853 Aged 6 months Sacred to the memory of Garland Delaware Thomason Born July 31st 1836 Died Jan. 2? 1856 Erected by his friends and associates as a remembrance of his many virtues. IHS Erected by Mary Nagle to the memory of her husband David Nagle a native of the County of Cork Ireland Who died Nov 6, 1855 Aged 33 years Also of her three children Requiescat in peace Lund Shinn native of Bathready Parish of Rathcormack Co. Cork Ireland Died June 24, 1860 Aged 42 years Also his wife Johanah Died July 7, 1854 May they rest in peace, Amen. Mary Ann Born June 18th 1854 Died April 12th, 1856 and Louis Born Oct. 28th 1850 Died April 12th 1856 Those we loved have left our number for the dark and silent tomb. Closed their eyes in deathless slumber. (Remainder under ground) In memory of Christian Erhard Born June 16th 1823 Died Sept. 13th 1855 Also his son Christian Erhard Born Oct. 27th 1855 Died Dec. 18th 1855 Wieder seahen unser hoffung; Trennung ist unser loos. Gloria in Excelsis Deo IHS Here lie the remains of Pierce Ryan and his son Martin Native of Ireland Martin Aged 29 years Pierce died June 18, 1857 Aged 78 years This stone was erected to the memory of my Father & Dear Brother. By Patrick Ryan of California. Requiescat in peace. Mrs. Catherine A. Manning Born Aug. 4, 1822 Died June 6, 1859 Sacred to the memory of John O’Brian a native of Fermocy County Cork Ireland Who departed this life Feb. ? 1858 in his 29th year He was a loving dutiful son. This tribute of respect is erected by his affectionate mother. May he rest in peace. Sacred to the memory of Owen ? Disart In the County of West Heath Ireland Who died in the 20th of June 1858 aged 28 years Also his son Bartholamew Aged 10 months & 19 days May he rest in peace. In memory of Lillie Walker Only daughter of John W. & Judith F. French Born June 27th 1856 Died Aug. 11th 1857 Aged 1 year 1 mo. 15 days Hier Ruhet Johan F. Fischer Geboren ? ? ? Feb. 1829 Gestorben ? 1 ? Ma ? 1860 W. L. Wagener Born 4th June 1825 Died 25th Oct. 1860 Hier Ruhet Rosa Bischoff Geboren 28 Feb. 1835 Gestorben 1 July 1860 and Hier ruhet in Gott unserve 7 lieben Kinder C. & K. Tauber Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen urd ? iknen nicht; denn solcher ist das Reich Gottes. In memory of Elizabeth Alice Born June 12, 1845 Died July 13, 1845 and William Born Jan. 24, 1851 Died June 19, 1852 and Sarah Hibernia Born Sept. 22, 1855 Died June 18, 1856 Children of William & Sarah English Martha Elizabeth Wife of William Walsh and Daughter of George & Nancy Metter Born December 22, 1836 Died June 24, 1854 A household tomb to faith ? how dear. A ? ? gone ? linger here until all in love and hope one household still. Together we shall sleep. Together may we rise and sing our morning hymn. One household still. William Goodwin son of W. C. & Cordelia Freeman Born Sept. 2, 1856 Died ? ? 1857 Sacred to the memory of Horatio Gates Sheaff Born in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. June 24th 1811 Died June 10, 1855 My Mother Jane Ann Smith Wife of John Elder Born in Northumberland Co., Pa. Jan. 10, 1798 Died May 17, 1855 (3 effaced) Michael Wall a native of County Cork, Ireland Died July 5th 1857 Aged 40 years Edward Wall a native of the County of Cork, Parish of Kilmichael Died August 27th 1854 Aged 33 years Also Richard Wall Son of Edward & Catherine Wall Died June 27th, 1851 Aged 2 Mos. Erected by Catherine Wall Thomas Wall a native of County Cork, Ireland Died July 3rd 1853 Aged 53 years In memory of Mary Butler A native of Co. Kilkenny Parish of Duninnagan, Ireland Died Nov. 20, 1850 In the 60th year of her age May her soul rest in peace, Amen. Erected by her affectionate Daughter, Maria Lahnan Baby Died Apr. 11, 1857 Son of R. & S. Alvis In memory of Mary Ryan A Native of Co., Kilkenny Parish of Bollyragget Ireland Died Aug. 15, 1852 In the 25th year of her age. May her soul rest in peace Amen. Erected by her Sister-in-law Maria Lannan In Memory of Andrew C. Bradford Born April 13th 1853 Died Aug. 6th 1856 There is rest in heaven Sacred to the memory of Jos. T. Kearns who departed this life Octr. 10th 1854 in the 44th year of her age In memory of Eliza Brannan Wife of Patrick Brannan of Ball?llin County of ? Ireland Died August 11, 1851 Aged 32 years Also Martin Son of Patrick & Eliza Brannan Died March 25th 1852 Aged 15 Mo. & 15 days. Requiescat in peace. In memory of Wilomer Abrahams Born ? 1855 Died ? 1856 (2 effaced) Andrew Skenonia who departed this life July 11th 1834 in the 24th year of his age In Memory of my Husband Samuel W. Pearce Born ? 26, 1813 Departed this life May ? 1859 Sacred to the memory of Valentine Pieri A native of Italy Died Sept. 23, 1853 In the 31st year of his age Grave! the guardian of his dust. Grave! the treasury of the skies. Every atom of thy ? rests in hope again to rise. Erected in memory of my beloved Wife Mary McCarthy Born in Carrigaline County Cork, Ireland Died July 16, 1854 Aged 82 years Requiescat in peace In memory of Anton Cude Died Aug. 7th 1854 Aged 39 years Leaving a Wife and Four Children to mourn his loss. May his soul rest in peace, Amen. In Memory of Anton Gude Born in Rheine Westphalie Died Aug. 7, 1854 Sacred to the memory of Francis M. Childress Born Oct. 13th 1789 Died Oct. 30, 1854 Thou art gone dear Husband. Earth holds thee from my eyes! Safe by thy slumbers in the tomb, till Christ shall bid thee rise. Erected by his widow. Sacred to the memory of William Childress Born July 3rd 1819 Died Sept. 4th 1849 Though lost to sight to memory dear. Sacred to the memory of Caroline M. H. Born Aug. 10th 1803 in Hanover County, Va. Married Alexander Simpson May 10, 1843 Died April 24th 1855 She was for many years a consistent member of the Church of Christ, lived in the discharge of her religious duties; and was an affectionate wife, sincere friend, and kind neighbor. Her last sickness tho severely painful and protracted—She bore with patient resignation; and in the blessed hope of the resurrection willingly “fell on sleep”. In memory of Alex. Anderson a native of Kirkendbright Scotland Died Jan. 4, 1859 in the 25the year of her age In memory of Wm. J. Heath Born Jan. 9, 1836 Died Sept. 6, 1857 Lord make me to know mine end and the measure of my days. What it is that I may know, how frail I am. In Memory of Francis Samanni Born in the year 1812 Died July 1, 1860 Aged 48 years A native of Corsica France but a resident of this City 20 years In memory of James McCarthy A native of Carringlass, County Cork Ireland but for the last 12 years a resident of this City Born May 10, 1844 Died July 28, 1860 He lived beloved & died lamented. May his soul rest in peace, Amen. IHS Sacred to the memory of Patrick McCarthy Who was born in Carringlass, County Cork, Ireland March 20th, 1839 Died in Richmond, June 24th, 1857 Aged 18 years & 3 Months He lived beloved & died lamented. May his soul rest in peace, Amen. In memory of Little Shaver N. Son of Thomas & Martha Goolsby Born Oct. 26, 1854 Died Aug. 20, 1857 In memory of Wister N. Son of Thos. & Martha Goolsby Born April 14th, 1841 Died Feb. 15th, 1855 In memory of Shaver only child of David N. & ? Jam Born May 30, 1851 Died Aug. 2, 1852 In memory of Ann P. Wife of William H. Clark Born Aug. 20th 1776 Died Dec. 24th, 1856 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Mary Ann Satterwhite Wife of J. W. Satterwhite who was born in Alexandria May 2d 1806 Died in Petersburg July 31st 1857 Aged 51 yrs. 2 mos. & 20 days Captain Joseph B. Wingfield Departed this life April 11th, 1855 in the ? year of his age Mrs. Sarah Wingfield Consort of Captain Joseph B. Wingfield Died ? 2 1855 in the ? year of her age My Brothers In memory of a Brother Joseph Wingfield, Jr. Born Oct. ? 1810 Died Nov. 26th 1852 IHS In memory of G. Frostmann Born Dec. 12, 1820 Died July ? 1855 (3 effaced) Corry Son of R. & O. Jones Born Sept. 13th 1850 Died June 17th 1852 Sacred to the memory of Virginia Ann Weed Daughter of Joseph & Mary Weed Born in this City 31st March 1832 Died June 13th 1852 Looking unto Jesus Sacred to the memory of Martha N. Weed Born Nov. 21, 1826 Died Jan. 22, 1858 Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thes. iv. 14 Sacred to the Memory of Joseph A. Weed Born Mar. 6, 1735 Died Jan. 18, 1857 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13 (Note: Birth year is incorrect) Sacred to the Memory of Mary Weed Wife of Joseph A. Weed Born Nov. 1792 Died July 30, 1853 In thy presence is fullness of joy. Psalms xvi. 11 (Last three are on one stone) James Pleasants Infant Son of John C. & Rebecca ? Born ? 1850 Died ? 1852 Sacred to the memory of Mintae Wife of William H. Pleasants Born April 23rd 1831 Died January 27th 1857 Her children arise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praiseth her.. Prov. xxxl, 28 Ro. Chamberlayne Son of R. J. & S. A. Christian Born May 24th 1850 Died July 29th 1851 Lonely the house and the hours since thy sweet smiles are gone. But oh, a brighter home than ours in Heaven is now thine own. J. Richard Son of Dr. D.W. & M. M. Thomas Born July 21st, 1855 Died Jan. 12th, 1857 In memory of Charles E. Infant son of Eusebius H. & Mary H. Crutchfield Died July 15th, 1852 Aged 6 months & 18 days In memory of Bernard H. Hulcher Born March 13, 1820 Died Sep. 13, 1854 He leaves a devoted Wife and 8 children to mourn his loss. May he rest in peace, Amen. IHS Sacred to the memory of Patrick Cahill A native of the Parish of Templetinny, County to Tipperary, Ireland Who departed this life January 9th 1857 Aged 37 years Rest in Peace. Erected by his beloved wife, Catherine Cahill IHS Joseph Henebry Born in the Parish Nacharylla County Tipperary, Ireland Died in Richmond Sept. 7, 1851 May thy soul rest in peace, Amen. (1 effaced) IHS James Henry A native of Naran County Meath, Ireland Who departed this life Sept. 27th 1856 Aged 25 years Erected by his disconsolate Widow, Catherine Henry. May his soul rest in peace. Sacred to the memory of John Wirth Born in Ruppurt, Grand Duchy of Baden Germany Oct. 17, 1831 Died March 11, 1858 Erected as a tribute of affection by his beloved wife and brother Lewis. Joseph Neurohr Died Dec. 12, 1859 Aged 50 years To the memory of William H. Fitzwhylsohn A native of Wales Who departed this life June 20th 1837 Aged 51 years He was beloved and respected. James F. son of Mary M. & James C. Lowry was born October 3rd, 1854 and died April 18th 1858 Aged 3 years & 8 months & 14 days In memory of George W. Pulliam who died March 16, 1850 Aged 12 years Dearest thou hast left us. Thy loss to mourn. Tis Jesus has taken thee. He will have his own. In memory of Onezime Leteigneux Wife of R. Duquesne A Native of Paris France Died Feb. 11, 1859 Aged 35 years Also her two children In memory of Elizabeth Wife of James Balmain She was born Apr. 20, 1819 Died Jan. 10, 1859 and their son James Milne Born May 29, 1854 Died June 28, 1858 Heir Ruhet in Gott Margaretha Barbara Fox Geb. Schmidt Geb. 27 April 1818 in Willmersbach Baum Gest. 20 January 1859 in Richmond, Va. Der Leib der nach die Schoepfers Schluss. Zu Staub und Erde weden muss Er blicht nicht immer Asch und Staub Nicht immer Verwesung Paub Er wird wann Christus einsterscheint Mit seiner Sulenen vereint. In Memory of Edward Jefferson Sims Son of E. R. & Pernetta Sims Born June 13, 1831 Died Nov. 12, 1858 Erect by his sister In memory of Bettie Beal Infant daughter of John H. & Sarah F. Charles Died July 17th, 1857 Aged 1 year 11 months 17 days Of such is the kingdom of heaven Andrew Son of Henry & Margaret Oneil Died May 25, 1858 Aged 5 years In memory of Rebecca The daughter of Rowland and Alice Williams and Consort of Jas. W. Johnson Born March 11th, 1814 and died January 21st, 1855 Sacred to the memory of Margaret A. Wife of Henry ONeil A native of the County Killerny, Ireland Died Aug. 4, 1859 Aged 24 years A true and loving wife. May her soul rest in peace, Amen. Judith Walden Wife of James Seal Born May 3, 1789 Died July 14, 1859 James Seal Born May 9, 1782 Died January 6, 1859 In memory of William A. Lipscomb who was born 27 December 1834 and died 15 February 1859 He was born to die to live again. A mother’s tribute. S. Wassmer died May 12th 1860 aged 37 years In memory of Catherine Elizabeth Heyer Wife of Egnaiz Wassmer Born February 23rd, 1825 Died April 17th, 1859 Rosine Wassmer infant daughter of Catherine Elizabeth and Egnaiz Wassmer born Sept. 11, 1857 died Sept. 13, 1858 Jacob A. Wassmer born 12 April 1859 died August 8th 1859 Here rests in God B. Heinrich Born at Munster Germany Jan. 3rd 1810 Died July 27th 1857 In memory of Joseph Remke born October 22nd 1827 died August 30, 1860 Rest in peace. In Memoriam Dorcas Lankford Born Nov. 12, 1774 Died May 14, 1836 and her children Ann Died 1871, aged 74 Elizabeth S. died 1860, aged 61 Sarah Chamberlain Edwin died 1881, aged 73 John Beverley died 1886, aged 87 In memory of Nathaniel Taylor died Nov. 1? 1853 Aged 68 years and Susan Taylor his wife Died April 28th 1840 Aged 56 years Sacred to the memory of Joseph A. Gurotti Born in Italy on 14th March 1810 died in Richmond 9th August 1855 in the 45th year of his age He is gone we hope by angels guarded. His fate is with God confided. Though lost to sight to memory dear. In memory of Joseph A. Son of Joseph A. and Mary A. Gurotti Born June 8th 1850 died May 28th 1851 Of such is the Kingdom of heaven. Nicholas Krouse Born Dec. 19, 1807 Died Feb. 17, 1856 In memory of Annastasia E. Iaege Born Feby. 11th 1848 Died May 2, 1860 ? rest in Heaven (2 effaced) In Memory of Jacob Beck born 22nd July 1795 died 10th October 1857 Farewell my wife and children all. Mourn not for me it is in vain. We’ll meet again in realms above. Hezekiah Bourn Born Dec. 20, 1777 Died Dec. 31, 1806 In memory of John G. Andre Who died March 20, 1811 Erected by T. J. Bolster In memory of his beloved Wife Johanna A native of Corrigaline Co. Cork, Ireland Who died March 1st, 1855 Aged 24 years (End of Report) SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________