RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – Shockoe Hills Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, Shockhoe [i.e. Shockoe] Hills Cemetery: 1936 Mar. 5 Research made by Malcolm T. Earley Cemetery Location: North side of Shockoe Hill, between 4th and 7th Streets, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: 1808 is the earliest date of burial inscribed on any of the stones. OWNERS: (blank) DESCRIPTION: (blank) HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The inscriptions copied from the stones are as follows: Frances Leiper Born 1773 Died Dec. 23, 1853 Wife of Andrew Leiper, M.D. A native of Edinburg, Scotland For many years a prominent physician of this city In memory of Richard Crouch Born 1790 Died Aug. 26, 1859 In Memory of Doct. Jno. G. Crouch Son of Jno. & Lucy Crouch of Goochland Born Nov. 25th, 1792 Married to Virginia Daughter of Col. Thos. Hudgins of Mathews County, Va. May 8th, 1829 Died June 11th, 1835 Daughter of Dr. ________ Died ____ 1831 Aged _____ 7 months This stone is erected at the request of Dr. Jno. G. Crouch Sacred to the memory of Johnson Brackett a native of Portland Maine Who died Sept. 17th, 1831 Aged 26 years Sacred to the memory of Cornelius Murphy A native of County Cork, Ireland Who died July 9th, 1840 Aged 53 years In Memory of Joseph S. Son of J. & M. Vandevewter Who died 16th, July 1841 Aged 20 mos. In Memory of Ann S. Tyack Wife of Samuel Tyack and daughter of Sarah T. Wilkins Formerly of Norfolk, Va. Born November 15, 1807 Died June 29, 1818 Husband, Mother, Brother and a large circle of friends and relatives mourn the decease of one who fulfilled and the duties of a wife, daughter, relative and friend and Christian. In her life charms, Everyone to humanity by her Death is a victory is gained to Christianity and In the same grave rest the remains of her first husband P. S. Burcher In memory of Hellen Edward Daughter of James & Elizabeth Alexander Who died Jan. 20th, 1842 Aged 2 years & 2 months Also Alice E. Who died Aug. 11th, 1843 Aged 1 year & 5 months In memory of John P. Moody Departed this life on the 19th of Feb. 1851 Aged 6 years To the memory of John Dennegri A native of Italy Who died September the 11th, 1841 Aged 33 years May he rest in peace. Amen. He was a loving husband and an affectionate father, a faithful friend and was respected by all that knew him and left a wife and one child to bemoan their irreparable loss Remember man as you pas by, As you are now, so once was I. As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me. In memory of Abner Robinson Who died Dec. 18, 1841 Aged 63 years In memory of Our Brother Charles F. M. Fisher Youngest son of Geo. & Ann Fisher Born Dec. 2nd, 1818 Died Sept. 7, 1848 Sacred to the memory of Daniel Norborne Norton, M.D. Son of John Hatley Norton of England and his wife Catherine Bush of Winchester, Virginia Born in November 1791 Twice married with Elizabeth Jaquelin Call and afterwards with Lucy Marshall Fisher Departed this life the 23rd day of January 1842 Sacred to the memory of Andrew Sweeny Born 24th May, 1777 Died 21st, Nov. 1841 Aged 64 years In memory of ? T. C. Krischmann Who departed this life July 5th, 1823 in the 22d year of her age My husband dear, weep not for me, when in this yard my grave you see. My time was short, and blest be He that called me to Eternity Our dear Parents Peter Winston Born Nov. 1801 Died July 2, 1841 Diligently, humbly serving the Lord and Eliza Ann Woodward Born Sept. 17, 1812 Wife of Peter Winston, 1830-1844 Wife of Ben Hancock 1844-1849 Died March 23, 1878 A wise and faithful Christian Mother Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven In memory of Maria Harrison Born July 25, 1780 Died May 18th, 1848 In memory of Philip Harrison born May 31, 1781 Died Jan. 4, 1852 In memory of Jane Reeve Infant daughter of John F. & Sarah Alvey Died 1832 Sacred to the memory of Frances Nott Wife of William Nott Who departed this life July 2, 1842 In the 80th year of her life. she now enjoys that rest that remaineth for the people of God. Sacred to the memory of William Nott Who departed this life Nov. 3, 1835 In the 24th year of his life. He was born in ____ and died in the ____ Church of Christ. I am the resurrection and the life saith the Lord. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Archibald B. Botts of the 4th U.S. Infantry Who died at Camargo, Mexico Jan. 4th, 1847 He graduated at the U.S. Military Academy in June 1840 His classmates have erected this monument to evince their lively appreciation of his character, in which shown pre-eminent a high sense of honor, an excellent intellect and a generous heart. His body is here assimulating with earth, his virtue displayed through his life shall live forever. In memory of Mary L. Daughter of ____ Lacy Who died ____, 1840 Aged 2 mo. 8 days In memory of Ann Eliza Daughter of (The rest is illegible) In memory of Charles H. Son of J. ? Lacy Born ___, 1820 (The rest is illegible) In memory of Frances Wife of Joseph Danforth born May 12, A.D. 1781 Departed this life Sept. 26, 18?4 In Memory of Joseph Danforth Who was born March 11th, 178? Departed this life May 11th, 1844 (The rest is illegible) Edmund Walls Died April 17, 1841 Erected by the Female Humane Association Mary Blair Smith Born Aug. 12, 1839 Died Dec. 28th, 1842 Sallie Adams Smith Born July 9th, 1842 Died Dec. 27th, 1842 Sacred to the memory of Virginia (The rest is illegible) Robert K. Brock Born Dec. 15, 1801 Died May 27th, 1850 Alleine Daughter of Luther P. & Margaret V. Ellis Born Feb. 8, 1850 Died June 21, 1852 Fannie Daughter of Luther P. & Margaret Ellis Born July 2, 1850 Died Aug. 13, 1855 Sacred to the memory of Almeria Carolina Consort of Ro. K. Brock Born May 7th, 1806 Died 29th May, 1835 ... left a bereaved husband ... to mourn their irreparable loss ... ... was an obedient daughter ... ... and truly an affectionate ... Though her afflictions were ... and severe, she bore them with fortitude and in her last moments met death with ... composure, re- signed her ... ... who gave it and breathed her ... ... morning of the resurrection ... ... lose the love and beauties of her. The rose of May that bloomed so sweet And spread it fragrant charms ... soon destined its God to meet And gain its Saviour’s arms. ... Sweet Almeria, Oh my love, ... we are doomed to part. ... that dear Jesus from above That called thee from my heart. Oh may we meet in heaven above When we no more shall part But spend our days in a Saviour’s ... ... no pain of heart. In memory of Martha Trent Daughter of Richard Crump of Powhatan Co. And wife of Edward Trent of Richmond Born Sept. 10, 1781 Died May 27, 1860 She was faithful to her God and to humanity. And so He giveth His beloved sleep. James Brock Born May 20th, 183? Died ____, 1831 (The rest is illegible) In memory of _____ Foster Born ____, 1805 Died ____, 1830 (The rest is illegible) Sacred to the memory of Lucy Ann Born 2nd. Dec. 1832 Died 13 ____ 1840 and Mary Jane Born 25th Feb. 1835 Died 24th, Nov. 1840 Children of Joseph & Martha T. Mosby They live with Jesus ... these little lambs. ___ joy them ... Sacred to the memory of Robt. Richardson, M.D. Born in James City County 12th May 1798 Died 30th, Oct. 1841 (The rest is illegible) With the world and with God Erected by her daughter Julia Griswold To the memory of John O. Sullivan A native of Ireland who died Sept. 15, 1841 and left a wife and two children to lament his loss. May he rest in everlasting peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Aged 41 James Grogan Watson Born in Dublin, Ireland Oct. 20, 1809 Died in Richmond, Va., April 29th, 1851 In memory of Mother Margaret Watson Who died February 26, 1850 Aged 65 A tribute to virtue and maternal worth Sacred to the memory of Jacintha Consort of Benjamin W. Totty Who died June 29, 1848 In the 43rd year of her age Leaving an affectionate husband and aged mother and five children to mourn her loss. She was a devoted and affectionate wife, a dutiful daughter. Her illness which was a severely painful nature she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation. And died relying upon the mercy of God. Through the merits of his blessed Son, Jesus Christ. Then shall the ___ return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. Our Brother Robert M. Sully Died Oct. 30th, 1855 There is rest in Heaven Mary E. Chamberlayne Wife of ___man B. Baldwin Died June 25, 1855 Beloved in memory Mrs. Elizabeth Sully A native of Edinburgh, Scotland Died 1851 aged 79 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Also her daughter Sarah Sully Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Jas. P. Sully of U. S. (The rest is illegible) In memory of John C. Bolling (The rest is illegible) In memory of Mrs. Catharine Strother Who died May 24, 1816 In the 75th year of her age In loving memory of Eliza A. Graham Born Sept. 21, 1795 Entered into rest Oct. 4, 1859 John Cosby Born July 20th 1789 Died May 11th, 180 In memory of Lewis Courtney Who died ____ 1840 Aged 1 month, 18 days And of Edwin Swift (The rest is illegible) Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth P. Wife of H. A. Pearce And daughter of Delia Collin Palmer Who departed this life 16 March, 1847 In the 18th year of her age She was beloved of all who knew her In memory of Mary Ann Forge Departed this life July 17, 1849 in the 55th year (The rest is illegible) John Marshall son of Thomas & Mary Marshall Was born 27th day of Sept. 1755 Intermarried with Mary Willis Ambler 3rd January 1783 Departed this life 6th day of July 1835 Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Willis Marshall Consort of John Marshall born 13th of March 1766 Departed this life on the 25th of December, 1831 This stone is devoted to her memory by him who best knew her worth, and most deplores her loss Mrs. Anne Fisher Daughter of Jacuqelin Ambler Died 28th of June, 1852 John D. Blair Who was a close friend of John Marshall and the first Pastor of the Presbyterian Church on Shockhoe Hill. William H. Cabell Governor, 1805-1808 Peter Francisco December 1831 A soldier of Revolutionary fame John Ambler Esq. of Jamestown, Va. born Sept. 24th, 1742 Died April 8th, 1836 Mrs. Jane Standard Wife of Robert Standard (The rest of this is illegible except for the following verse.) Helen, life thy human eye, there th’ uneasy violets lie There the reedy grass doth wave Over the old forgotten grave One by one from the tree top There the eternal dews do drop. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________