RICHMOND COUNTY, VA - CEMETERIES – St. John’s Cemetery ----¤¤¤---- Source: Library of Virginia Digital Collection LVA Titled Files: Survey Report, St. John’s cemetery: 1936 Mar. 18 Research made by Horace G. Brown Cemetery Location: Twenty-fifth and Broad Streets, Richmond, Virginia Richmond Co., Virginia DATE: (blank) OWNERS: Trustees of St. Johns Church. DESCRIPTION: (blank) HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The inscriptions copied from the stones are as follows: Here lies the body of Mary Jennings Wife of Tunson Jennings Who departed this life April 3rd, 1817 Age 31 years Sacred to the memory of Allen Pollak Merchant born in Glasgow, Scotland 20th January, 1780 Died at his house Ehelsia near Richmond Jan. 29th, 1816 In memory of Thos. Humes Who departed this life June 22, 1817 in the 17th year of his age Here lies buried Rhoda Winston the affectionate and beloved wife of Jno. Winston Who died on 22 of July 1826 Age 40 years In memory of John W. Denegree Born in Scotland Died in Richmond April 20, 1837 In memory of Mary Thos. Pulling Wife of Thos. Pulling Died Nov. 20, 1817 Age 27 years Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Jas. Thompson of Cheshire Coun. Also their daughter Sarah Died Feb. 10, 1818 Age 3 years Here lies interred the body of James McClurg, M.D. In Life Admired and honoured for learning, taste and genius and venerated for virtues of studies and retired habits. Yet of the most easy and polished manners, of the readiest and happiest wit, tempered with modesty and humanity, with a native dignity of character and deportment, always sustained without effort, united with unaffected simplicity and softened with utmost suavity of temper, formed to delight, instructed and adorned society, his conversation and acquaintance were courted by the most distinguished persons of his country and his age. Having studied his profession in the most celebrated schools of Europe and distinguished himself in youth, by the eloquence and ability of his writings, he was early placed without pretention on his part, by common consent abroad and at home, in the highest rank among its professions which he occupied for half a century. In Old Age Cheerful and tranquil. His mental faculties unimpaired, the severity of his temper undisturbed. Even his social gaity hardly clouded to the last by the day and infirmities of his body, honoured, beloved and revered, content to live content to die with equal mind, he sunk to rest, departed on the 9th day of July, 1825 in the 78 year of his age. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Granger Who departed this life on the 1st day of Nov. 1825 Age 24 years In memory of Jane Granger daughter of William and Elizabeth Granger Who departed this life July 12, 1834 Sacred to the memory of Andrew White Who departed this life April 20, 1824 Age 2 years In memory of Hannah Fleisher Who died May 11th, 1830 in the 69th year of her age In memory of Capt. Fleisher Who died Dec. 6th, 1811 Age 61 years Sacred to the memory of Margaret Ann consort of Thos. W. White born July 24th, 1794 died Dec. 12, 1837 In memory of T. W. White late editor and proprietor of The Southern Literary Messenger Born Mar. 28, 1788 Died Jan. 19, 1843 Sacred to the memory of Thos. Henry White only son of Thos. W. and Margaret H. White Who died of the prevailing epidemic Oct. 7, 1832 Age 19 years Thanks to the blessed colume which has brought light, life and immortality to man. Death has no terror to the heir of Heaven. It is the portal of his Father’s throne. This world is full of care and evil and suffering. Illusive as a shadow, happy is he at peace with God who quits it earliest for purer bliss rather rejoice than mourn that I so soon, have earth exchanged for Heaven. In memory of S. C. Younghusband Who departed this life on 22nd of October, 1793 Age 19 years Here lyeth the body of Robert Rose Rector of Albermarle Parrish His extraordinary genius of capacity in all the polite and useful arts of life the equaled by few, were yet exceeded by the great goodness of his heart, humanity, benevolence and charity ran through the whole course of his life. And was exerted with uncommon penetration and judgement upon the proper object without noise or ostentation. In his friendships he was warm and stead; in his manners gentle and easy; in his conversation entertaining and instructive, with the most tender piety, he discharged all the domestic duties of a husband, father, son and brother. In short he was a friend of the whole universe. And upon that principal: strenuous assertor and defender of liberty. He died the 30th day of June, 1731 in the 47th year of his age. Daniel McFall who died Nov. 15, 1837 In the 50th year of his age A native of Londonery Ireland and for 24 years a resident of Richmond, Va. Also Mary consort of Daniel McFall who died April 25th, 1843 in the 45th year of her age a native of Phila. Sacred to the memory of Ebenezer S. Burling son of Thomas and Martha Burling who was born Sept. 6th, 1807 and departed this life on the 20th of Oct. 1832 Here rests his mother Mrs. Martha Burling who died on the sixth day of Jan. 1846 in the 67 year of her age In memory of Abner Goode who was born Sept. 10, 1802 Died Oct. 20th, 1813 Age 11 years, 1 month, 2 days also Miss Mary Anne Widewetch Age about 18 years (In the same grave with Abner Goode) In memory of John Sheppard Copeland born Oct. 4th, 1815 Died July 8, 1847 Here lies the body of Miss D. Faukner Who departed this life Mar. 17, 1811 Age 25 years Sacred to the memory of Dr. Erastus Willey who departed this life Feb. 24th, 1839 Aged 46 years also Hannah his wife who died March 12, 1822 age 24 years These bodies rest in peace In the calm and silent grave and while affection mourns the departed Faith soothes the wounded spirits and hope points to their home in immortality. Sacred to the memory of Jacob Philson of New York Was born Oct. 31st, 1798 Died Oct. 19th, 1818 In memory of Ann Mathews born Aug. 1st, 1788 Died Jan. 24th, 1817 Consort of George Mathews and Daughter of James and Ann Hill When Christ who is our life shall appear Shall we all with him appear. In memory of Sarah Ann Butler The consort of Thos. P. Butler Born July 4, 1800 Died the 31st, July 1840 In memory of James Wilson native of Bamffeshire in Scotland and by profession a Mason who departed this life at Fial Creek Oct. 5, 1818 Age 58 years Sacred to the memory of John A. Bayne Who was born on the 3rd day of Jan. 1793 and departed this life 17 day of Dec. 1817 being at that time a delegate in the General Assembly of Virginia from Accomac his native county. In memory of Jermina Hill daughter of James and Ann Hill who was born the 4th day of June 1798 Died the 24th October, 1817 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Samuel Sheppard A native of Boston is here entombed. Died Sept. 21st, 1815 age near 53 years Eighteen years of faithful services in the honorable station of Auditor of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Had so endeared him to the Legislature, that it was with great reluctance his resignation was accepted by that body, the session of 1814. In the heart of his relatives and of the citizens of Richmond, is erected a monument of affection and esteem which time alone can efface. Sacred to the memory of Eliza Ross Who departed this life in the city of Richmond 24th day of Dec. 1817 She was the daughter of Jno. Precill Miller and Born 12, April, 1790 Married to Randolph Ross in Lexington Va., July 17th, 1810 She died as she lived with the exclamation I am happy – I am happy. In her three surviving children lost the most tender and endearing Mother – A disconsolate husband, the most affectionate wife, may the guardian angel of Heaven conduct them whilst there in the paths of that virtue. Sacred to the memory of Francis Applewhite Relict of the late Dr. John Whatte Obiet Feb. 3rd, 1818 In memory of Elizabeth Ann wife of Daniel C. Hutchinson who departed this life 26 November 1813 age 25 years To the memory of Jacob P. Widson of New York Who was born Oct. 31st, 1793 and died Oct. 19, 1818 In memory of Elizabeth Dalton Wife of John Dalton late of Lexington, Rockbridge County, Va. Who died Oct. 5th, 1817 Age 30 years and 15 days Sacred to the memory of Lucy F. Fouchee wife of William Fouchee who departed this life Nov. 2nd, 1813 Age 26 years So unaffected so composed of mind So firm yet soft, so strong, yet so refined Heaven has its purest gold by nature tried The saints sustained it but the woman died. Sacred to the memory of Frances Strobia Born May 6th, 1787 Died Feb. 28,1815 In memory of Charlotte Carter wife of Wm. Carter and daughter of Dr. Wm. Fouchee She died July 28th, 1822 in the 35th year of her age also Isabella Fouchee Carter her daughter who dies Dec. 17, 1836 in her 22nd year of her age Under this memorial are entombed the remains of both Mother and Daughter. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Moss wife of Capt. John Moss Who departed this life on the 19th Oct. 1813 Age 65(?) years Sacred to the memory of Capt. John Moss Who departed this life on the 14th day of Dec. 1813 Age 63 Here lies the body of Col. Robt. Gamble born on the 3rd day of Sept. 1754 in the County of Augusta and the State of Virginia Died on the 12 day of April 1810 in the city of Richmond The place of his residence since 1790. After having done his duty faithfully as an officer throughout the Revolutionary War with Great Britain and passed unhurt through all his perils. He was suddenly when in good health killed by a fall from his horse, in the streets of Richmond. But death however sudden never finds the sincere, and fervent Christian unprepared and such was he. Sacred to the memory of Lewis M. Todd Born Nov. 15, 1802 Died Nov. 18th, 1833 His bereaved widow caused this monument to be erected to his memory. Our Mother Mary G. Royster Died Feb. 14, 1858 Age 82 years She rests in peace. In memory of Eliza Donaldson Who died May 10, 1813 Age 72 years This head and foot stone is in memory of Didier Colins who was born in Parice on the 10 April in the year of our Lord 1759 Who died the 3rd April 1815 This family vault contains the remains of Mary Strobia wife of Jno. Strobia who died May 31, 1795 in the 63 year of her age Also Jno. H. Strobia born April 1785 Died Oct. 10th, 1850 and Ann Strobia born May 27, 1758 died Sept. 4, 1875 (Note: Ann Strobia according to the above inscription lived to be 117 years old.) In February 1934 while repairs were being made to the Strobia family vault the workers discovered that the vault contained three or four skeletons and one metal casket. The casket was large at each end and small in the middle with metal clamp holding it together. The vault was six feet deep and about eight feet square. The sides were of brick covered with stone slabs four inches thick and about two feet wide. Earth was placed over the vault about twenty four inches and the surface is finished with a stone foundation with an iron fence about five feet high sunk into the stone. Sacred to the memory of Patsey Harrison wife of Jacob Harrison who died 3rd of November, 1805 in the 31st year of her age Sacred to the memory of James Reat who died Feb. 18, 1815 in the 33 year of his age Sacred to the memory of Mr. Samuel Pointer Who died July 12, 1808 Age 38 years In memory of Mrs. Jarve Wiseham Who died the 1st May, 1790 Age 42 years In memory of Mary G. Carrington daughter of John and Sarah Taylor and wife of A. B. Carrington This stone is a monument of conjugal affection by her husband who although desolate and bereaved sorrows not without hope. Deserved from the words of gracious redeemer repeated by her even in the agonies of death in me though he were dead yet shall live. She was born Nov. 25th, 1801. Married Sept. 3, 1820 and died Feb. 18, 1821 Shall live again when Jesus come. Sacred to the memory of Henry Heth who died January 27, 1825 Age 31 years Blessed in all the social ties of life. Possessed of every Christian and manly virtue. He resigned his feeling breath in the sure hope and firm belief of the mercies of his redeeming Saviour. Death’s terror is the mountain faith removes. Tis faith disarms destruction. Believe and look with triumph on the tomb. Sacred to the memory of Benj. Hemmingway who died Jan. 11, 1830 Age 40 years Here are deposited the remains of Lavania Consort of Beverly Randolph and daughter of Harry and Ann Nancy Heith She departed this life on the 15 March 1815 in the 25 year of her age. It is left to the flowing tears and the deep grief of all that knew her, to speak in silent eloquence her funeral applause, for such were the engaging manners, such the amiable virtues of Alvania Randolph. That no one ever lived more beloved or died more lamented to her precious memory parental and conjugal. Affection consecrates this stone. In the grave for a while she must lie but in peace and in silence profound. That when Jesus shall call from the skies she may instant awake at the sound. Oh Ye parents and husband that grieve, Let his consolation remain, that they day will most surely arrive when you will se your Lavinia again. In memory of John Oliver son of Robert and Rebecca Oliver who died April 1st, 1817 Age 6 years Sacred to the memory of Charles W. McGinnis A native of Ireland but for many years A citizen of this city Who died Aug. 19, 1841 In the 50 year of his age Sum up his character as a Christian, he was an Israelite indeed in whom there was no guile. This stone is a monument of the devoted affection of his bereaved surviving widow. Whosoever rejoices I hope of the Resurrection of the just and to be a partaker with her beloved husband. Sacred to the memory of Ann E. Birch born 1799 Died 1841 In memory of Sarah Minor Died Feb. 28th, 1846 Age 44 years It being only four weeks since her beloved husband was committed to the grave. In memoriam Ann Eliza Dave consort of Doct. Jno. Dove Born Aug. 20, 1799 Died Oct. 12, 1865 Her house was well ordered Her children taught the way of life Who rising up in honour called her blessed. The poor with earnest benedictions on her steps attend. (R. W.) John Dave, M. D. Born in Richmond Sept. 2, 1792 Died in Richmond Nov. 16, 1876 Grand Sect. of the Grand Lodge of Va. (Note: Dove Lodge #51 A.F. & A.M. which was chartered Dec. 10, 1850 is named after the above John Dove.) Our Mother Sarah Lambert Enders Born Aug. 10th, 1785 Died Feb. 27, 1853 My meditation shall be sweet Our Father John Enders Born in York County, Pennsylvania July 18, 1776 Died Oct. 20, 1851 He being dead yet speaketh. Capt. William Pearson Departed this life June 2nd, 1833 in his 35 year Also his wife Mary Ann Departed this life Oct. 9th, 1849 in her 49th year of age Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth W. Ege Born Feb. 14, 1746 Died Jan. 8, 1820 Here lies the body of Jacob Ege Born March 13, 1754 Died Oct. 6, 1795 Age 41 years 8 months and 24 days A tender wife will long his love deplore Her hind indulgent husband now no more To all relatives and acquaintances dear From them he claims a tribute of a tear But he while genuine worth can find a friend In horrors path he has unerring trod And proved himself the noble work of God. Capt. Joseph a. Myers Was born on the 24th of May, A.D. 1765 And departed this life on the 29 Sept. A.D. 1827 Age 62 years, 4 mos. and 5 days To the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Myers relict of the late Capt. Joseph A. Myers Who was born on the 23 day of Oct. A.D. 1769 and departed this life suddenly on the evening of the 11th day of June A.D. 1829 Age 59 years and 2 mos. In memory of Louis Pizzini infant son of Jaun and C.N. Pizzini Died Sept. 30, 1840 In memory of James Kinnamond Who died Oct. 6th, 1806 James McBride Was born July 1803 Died the 27 of the same month. SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Informant: T. D. Carlisle, Keeper of Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions Visit by worker. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Joan Renfrow NOTICE: I have no relationship or further information in regards to this family. ___________________________________________________________________