Richmond County, VA - Court Order Book 27 (abstracts) Court Orders, Miscellaneous abstracts (partial) File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Pat Tanner USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic page may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. ============================================================================== Richmond County, Virginia Order Book No. 27, 1825-1832 (indexed) Library of Virginia Microfilm Reel 44 Page 1; Sept 1825 - Catharine Dobyns, widow of Daniel Dobyns decd. - John B. Garland, orphan of Peter R. Garland decd. Page 2; 5 Sept 1825 John Cooke, a native of Ireland, having resided within the United States for seven years, declared on oath that it is his intention to becme a Citizen. Page 4; 5 Sept 1825 - Polly R. Neasome, orphan of Robert Neasome decd. - John Plummer, who intermarried with Elizabeth Garland, who was Elizabeth Jackson Page 6; 3 Oct 1825 - Joseph Newman, Ann Newman, Martha Newman, George Newman, Arsione Newman, Fanney Newman, and Mary Newman, infants of James B. Newman decd. - Griffin G. Dudley (father John Dudley decd.) - Commonwealth of Virginia vs Richard N. Mariner, peace warrant; complaint of George Crask. Required to give security for twelve months. Page 8; 3 Oct 1825 Elizabeth Downman, orphan of Richard Downman decd. Page 10; 3 Oct 1825 Commonwealth of Virginia vs George Crask; peace warrant; complaint of Richard N. Mariner. Discharged. Page 13; 7 Nov 1825 Last Will and Testament of Charles Bell decd. was presented by Elizabeth Bell his widow and exor. and Charles L. Bell exor; proved by Rodham Clarke and Malinda A. Lamkin. Page 19; 5 Dec 1825 Robert Forbes, orphan of William Forbes decd. (Chose gdn, Gordon Forbes). Page 26; 7 Dec 1825 - Griffin Garner, orphan of Jessee Garner decd, a poor orphan. Complaint against Chichester Dobyns, shoemaker, to whom he was bound. Ordered to appear in January to answer the complaint. - The Commonwealth of Virginia vs Peter Northen and William Thrift upon a charge for stabbing and maiming George Rich, a free person of Colour, the Prisoners being now in the jail of this county, on the motion of the prisoners by Philip A. Bramham, their attorney, to be admitted to bail until a court shall be regarly [?] for the examination of the said charge. The Court is of the opinion that the said Peter Northen and William Thrift may be bailed for their appearance at the said court. to wit, the said Northen to be bound himself in the sum of Two hundred dollars and two securities in the sum of One hundred dollars each and the said William Thrift in the sum of One hundred dollars and two securities in the sum of Fifty dollars each. Page 29; 12 Dec 1825 At a court held at the Courthouse of Richmond County on Monday the 12th day of December 1825 and in the 50th year of the Commonwealth for the examination of Peter G. Northen and William Thrift charged with having stabbed and maimed George Rich a free man of Colour. This day came the attorney prosecuting for the Commonwealth and the prisoners being put to the bar in custody of Joseph Palmer, Coroner of this county. William Thrift, one of the prisoners by the [assens?] of the attorney for the Commonwealth is discharged for cause of there being no evidence against him touching the said charge. Whereupon sundry witnesses being sworn and examined and the matter fully heard and considered upon agreement the court is of the opinion that the said Peter Northen be also discharged from this prosecution and this court is ordered to be dissolved. Page 31; 2 Jan 1826 Griffin Garner, orphan of Jesse Garner decd vs his master Chichester Dobyns. Complaint of ill treatment (insufficiency of food). Dobyns did not appear. Apprenticeship rescinded. Page 36; 6 Feb 1826 Overseer of the Poor vs Thomas B. Berrick, upon complaint of Betsy Galloway, a single woman, as being the Father of a male Bastard child begotten on her body by the said Thomas B. Berrick. This day came the attorney prosecuting for the Commonwealth and the deft appearing in Court according to the condition of his recognizance entered into before William G. Smith, Esq., a justice of the peace, for that purpose and on hearing, the said Betsy Galloway being absent. Was ordered that this cause be continued till the next court and that the said Thomas B. Berrick be bound for his appearance here at the next to answer the said complaint and do not depart from [illegible] of the said Court. [Illegible] the Thomas B. Berrick the sum of Fifty dollars and [?] securities in the sum of Twenty five dollars each. Whereupon the said Thomas B. Berrick, John D. Efford, John Alderson, and Griffin Berrick, his securities, came into Court and acknowledged themselves to owe and be indebted to John Tyler Esq., Governor of Virginia, and his sucessors for the time being, & his successors for the use of the Commonwealth to be levied of their respective goods and chattels Lands and tenements, to wit the said Thomas B. Berrick the sum of Fifty dollars and the said John D. Efford, John Alderson, and Griffin Berrick as aforesaid each the sum of Twenty five dollars, who thereupon acknowledged this recognizance accordingly. Page 37; 6 Feb 1826 Robert Weir vs John W. Hammack, Samuel E. Fallin, and Thomas H. Headley defs.... Page 40; 6 Mar 1826 Grand Jury; vs James Daughity and Fanny Dawson for being in adultery. Discharged. Return next term. Page 46; 6 Mar 1826 On the motion of Sam Johnson, a black man, son of Darcas Adams, a free woman of colour, he having shown satisfactorily to the Court that he is a free person. Was ordered that the Clerk of this Court register him the said Samuel Johnson as such according to law. Page 47; 6 Mar 1826 Whitfield Brook plt vs Alexander Bryant deft upon a motion to recover the amt of an [escow?] in the name of the plt vs Jane Northen and George Thrift. Page 48; 6 Mar 1826 Moore F. Brockenbrough one of ye Overseers of the Poor vs Thomas B. Berrick Deft Basty - The deft appeared in discharge of his recognizance once entered into for his appearance at this court, and Betsy Galloway not appearing, he is accordingly discharged from this prosecution. Page 58; 1 May 1826 Deed of Bargain and Sale; Westley Pope and Lucy his wife and Elizabeth Hammack. Page 59; 1 May 1826 Nicholas N. Pope vs Turner Hanks, debt. Page 60; 1 May 1826 Commonwealth of Virginia vs William Scott, larceny. Page 72; 4 May 1826 Polly Burwell, woman of color, wife of Spencer Burwell, age above 21 years, 5' 3 1/4" high, a bright mullato, born of Rachel Hinds, a free white woman, with no marks or scars - registered as a free person. Page 75; 4 May 1826 Eppa Clarke, orphan of Reuben Clarke decd. Page 76; 5 June 1826 Division of land of Letty L. Smith between her children; David C. Belfield in right of his wife who was Maria S. Smith; Frances G. M. B. Smith; Letty L. Smith. Page 79; 5 June 1826 - Elizabeth Garland, orphan of Vincent Garland Jr. decd (chose William Garland as gdn) - James Garland, orphan of Vincent Garland Jr. decd (chose William Garland as gdn) Page 80; 5 June 1826 Maria and Ann Bispham, orphans of Robert Bispham decd. Page 84; 6 June 1826 On the motion of Darcas Venee, dau. of Judy Venie a free woman of color, between 47 and 48 years, 5 feet 6 inches high, of a tawney color with a slight scar upon the forehead occasioned by the bite of a spider and no other apparent mark or scar upon her head, face, or hands, the Court being satisfied that she is a free woman. It is therefore ordered that the clerk of this Court register the said Darcas Venie and grant her a copy of her register now taken before the Court agreeably to Law. Page 84; 6 June 1826 On the motion of Daniel Venie, son of Darcas Venie a free woman of Colour, about 28 or 29 years of age, a dark Mulatto man with no apparent mark or scar ....... Page 84; 6 June 1826 Milly Rich, daughter of Hannah Jones, now Hannah Rich, a free woman, about 28 or 30 years of age, a dark mulatto woman. 5 feet 5 1/4 inches high with a scar over the left Eye and a slight scar over the left eye in the edge of the hair of the forehead ...... Page 84; 6 June 1826 Nancy Rich, daughter of Betty Rich, a free woman of Colour, about 25 years of age. 5 feet 2 3/4 inches high, a stout black woman with a scar above the join of the small finger upon the left hand. ...... Page 84; 6 June 1826 Sally Rich, daughter of Hannah Jones, now Hannah Rich, wife of David Rich. 18 or 19 years of age....... Page 84; 6 June 1826 Linsey Rich, son of Mary Rich, 27 or 28 years of age..... Page 84; 6 June 1826 Registration of free persons of colour... Eliza Sanford, daughter of Nancy Sanford. Born Dec 1818. William Sanford, son of Nancy Sanford. Born 9 Oct 1820. John Sanford, son of Nancy Sanford. Born 26 Feb 1823. Mary Ann Sanford, daughter of Nancy Sanford. Born 5 Jan 1825. Page 99; 8 Aug 1826 On the motion of John H. F. Thornton and others heirs of Charles Thornton decd. The annexed affidavits of Thomas Sydnor and Vincent Bramham were taken in open court and the facts therein confirmed are to be used as evidence by the said heirs in Kentucky or elsewhere as their interests may require. The Deposition of Thomas Sydnor of lawful age sworn to by him in open Court. This deponent says that he was intimately acquainted with the family of Leroy Griffin decd. late of Richmond County State of Virginia, that the said Leroy had only three children to wit: Ann C. who intermarried with Thomas Pinckard; Elizabeth who first intermarried with Joseph Chinn and after his death with John Seward; and Judith who died in the said County of Richmond Intestate without issue and unmarried. That Ann C. was a sister of the half blood only of the said Judith and that Elizabeth was a Sister of the said Judith of the whole Blood and that the said Ann C. at the time of her death left an only child Thomas Pinckard - and further this deponent saith not - Page 116; 18 Sept 1826 - David Greenlaw, charged with felony. ... of having, between the first day of January and the sixth day of September in the year of our Lord 1826, passed he to a certain James V. Berrick and to divers other persons a large number to wit: Fifty (and to a large amount, of False, forged, and Counterfeited Notes, partly printed and partly written, purporting to be Notes on the Bank of Virginia to wit: the amount of $1,000; he the said David Greenlaw then and there knowing the said notes to be false, forged, and Counterfeited. - David Greenlaw was free on his own recognizance and did not appear at court on the required date. Conditions of recognizance: David Greenlaw, Laborer, $3,000; James Shephard, Dominic Benneham, and Richard O. Jeffries, securities $1,000 each. [Note: Securities all listed as laborers.] Page 118; 2 Oct 1826 - John T. Beale, orphan of Reubin Beale, decd. - Felicia C. Beale, orphan of Reubin Beale, decd. - David Greenlaw plt. vs Bennet Knight and Robert W. Carter deft. - In Chancery. The deft. Bennet Knight not having entered his appearance and given security according to the act of assembly and the Rules of this Court and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that he is not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth. On motion of the plt. by his attorney it is ordered that the said defendant do appear here on or before the first Monday in December next to answer the bill of the plt. and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper, published in the Town of Fredericksburg, for two months successively and posted at the front door of the Courthouse of this County - Page 120; 2 Oct 1826 Ordered that the former order of this court referg the settlement of Richard B. Hutt Guardianship account of the Orphans of William Hammack decd. be rescinded and ordered that Master Commissioner John Darby do Examine Hale and Settle the said account and make report thereof to the Court [illegible] deemed pertinent by himself or required to be stated specially by others concerned. Page 120; 2 Oct 1826 A Deed of Gift from Samuel Hudson to his son John Hudson acknowledged in open Court by the said Samuel Hudson and admitted to Record. Page 126; 7 Nov 1826 Virginia and Elizabeth Webb, infant children of Isaac Webb decd against William Alderson and Nancy his wife which Nancy was another child of the said Isaac Webb. Page 128; 2 Jan 1827 - Madison Ann and Maria M.Carty, infant children of Daniel L. M.Carty - Fanny the wife of Joseph Zucarello, who was Fanny Sisson Page 133; 5 Feb 1827 Greenlaw vs Knight and Carter. In Chancery. The deft Bennet Knight being out of ye County and [?] whom the plt. appears to have proceeded in ye made prescribed by law [?] absent Def. and he still failing to appear: On the motion of pltf by Counsel the Court doth take his bill for confessed [?]. See Decree filed. Page 139; 6 Feb 1827 Vincent and Lemuel Morriss, orphans of John Morriss decd. Page 146; 5 Mar 1827 Deed of Gift; from John Eidson to his children: Rachel R. Eidson, Susanna [P.?] Eidson, Winifred D. Eidson. Page 147; 5 Mar 1827 Lewis Thompson, a free man of colour, not guilty. Page 150; 2 April 1827 John W. Hammock; appraisor for the estate of Fanny Downman, decd. Griffin Garland & Jeremiah B. Garland, orphans of Jeremiah Garland decd. Page 152; 7 May 1827 Elijah Scates who intermarried with Louise Bartlett, and Henry Bartlett - sale of lands of John Bartlett decd. Page 156; 7 Mary 1827 Widow of George Jesper decd and now intermarried with Edmund N. Northen. Page 157; 7 May 1827 - Emmanual Rich, a son of David Rich, and his wife Hannah Rich, formerly Hannah Jones, a free person of colour be registered. - David Rich, a son of same, same order as to him. - Tom Rich, a son of same, same order as to him. - Griffin Rich, a son of Betty Rich, same. Page 164; June 1827 Thomas H. Asbury, orphan of William Asbury decd. Page 169; 5 June 1827 Vincent Jones, orphan of Vincent Jones decd. Page 173; 2 July 1827 George Haydon is appointed guardian to his son John Haydon. Page 173; 2 July 1827 Copy of the order of Spencer County Court in the State of Kentucky Evidencing the aptm. of Thomas Barker as Gdn to Mary Ann Barker infant heir of Joseph Redman decd. and a Copy of the Gdns. Bond given by the said Thomas his securities being autheticated according to Law & Certified to this Court are ordered to be admitted to record here - A Letter of Attorney from Joseph Redman and others of the County of Spencer and State of Kentucky to Joseph Swope of the same County and State being duly authenticated & Certified to this Court is ordered to be recorded here. A Copy of the order of Spencer County Court in the State of Kentucky Evidencing the aptm. of Thomas Barker as Gdn to Mary Ann Barker Orp. child of Milly Barker decd, wife of the said Thomas Barker and a Copy of the Gdns Bond given by the said Thomas ..... Page 177; 6 Aug 1827 Lovell Marders this day produced Credentials of his ordination, and also of his being in regular communion with the Baptist Church... Page 180; 7 Aug 1827 Fanny Sisson, orphan of Martin Sisson decd. Page 182; 3 Sept 1827 Fanny Kelly, aged about 37 years, 5' 1" high, a dark mulatto woman, mark from her birth under the right eye; registered as a free woman. John Maiden, son of Fanny Maiden, age about 23, 5' 9 1/2"; registered as free. Page 210; 5 May 1828 John Dungy; charge of murdering Welmuth Rich; guilty [Note: There followed several eyewitness accounts of this crime, which I did not transcribe. In one, John Dungy is described as the husband of Welmuth Rich] Page 215; 6 May 1828 Admon. of the estate of William Deatley decd. granted to Robert Scott. Appraisors - Jno. W. Hammock, Henry Saunders, Richard O. Jeffries, and Jno. English. Page 237; 5 Aug 1828 Ordered that Richard B. Hutt guardian of Wm Hammack do bind his said ward to James B. Marmaduke to learn the trade of harness & saddle maker until he attains the age of 21 years. Page 257; 1 Dec 1828 On the motion of Robert Weir ordered that the widow of George Thrift decd be summoned to appear here at the [?] next term to say whether or not she will take admon of her said husband's estate. Page 258; 1 Dec 1828 Ordered that Master Commor Jno F B Jeffries do examine State and Settle Jno W Hammocks account of the admor of the estate of William Hammock decd & report. Page 258; 1 Dec 1828 Ordered that Jo. Palmer Master Comm examine Hale and Settle Milton S. Glasscock's account of his guardianship of Polly [N.?] Neasome and report. Page 268; 2 Mar 1829 Admon. of the Estate of Geo Thrift decd granted to Sam. W. Neasom. [Note: Named as Samuel W. Neasom in other entries] Page 323; 7 Dec 1829 Wanefred [S./L.?] Hammock appointed gdn to Napolean, Augustine, Wm, & John Hammock - Bond & secy given. Page 367; 8 June 1830 On the motion of John T. B. Jeffries by Samuel Williams, his attorney it is ordered that John Darby late Sheriff & admor of Lewis Hammack decd. The same order as to the said John Darby's admon account of the said Lewis Hammacks Est before Com Joseph Palmer. Page 375; Aug 1830 An inventory and appraisement of the Estate of George Thrift decd recorded. Page 400; 1 Nov 1830 The Last Will & Testament of Sarah Tune decd was further proved by the oath of Thomas I. Beane a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Richard Saunders the executor therein named who took the oath of an Executor and entered into bond with Security according to Law. A Certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probat thereof in due form. Page 402; 1 Nov 1830 On the motion of James V. Berrick by Wm. Y. Sturman his attorney ordered that Carter Mitchell Sheriff of this county take into his hands the Estate of John W. Hammock decd & administer the same according to law. Page 418; 7 Mar 1831 An Indenture of Bargain & Sale Between William Hammock and Judah his wife of the one part and Washington Clark of the other part With the Receipt indorsed was presented in Court proved by the oaths of Meshack Clark & William Thornton two of the subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to lie for further proof. Page 438; 4 Oct 1831 On the motion of Jane Thrift by Philip A. Bramham her attorney. It is ordered by the court that Samuel W. Neasom the admor of George Thrift decd pay to her the said Jane Thrift who is the widow of the said George Thrift decd the amount reported by Com. Joseph Palmer to be due the Estate of the said George by the admor for the support of the three infant children of the said George and the Court doth sanction the said admor having paid to the said Jane Thrift her third part of the said Balance found due by the said admor. Page 440; 4 April 1831 On the motion of James V. Berrick by Aldea A. Glasscock his Atto. It is ordered that Com. John F. B. Jeffries do Examine Hale & Settle John W. Hammack's account of his admon. of the Estate of William Hammack decd. [illegible]. Page 476; 5 Sept 1831 Ordd that unless Richd. B. Hutt Gdn of the orphans of Wm Hammack decd do appear here at the next Novr Term of this court & move for the adjudication & decision of the [esceptions?] by him filed to the several [af?s] of his the [?] Richd B's Gdnship of Wm, Mary P., Sophia, & Maria Hammock orphans afsd Wm Hammock decd that the said [escepns?] be rejected & that the said [afes?] do stand confirmed & will be then admd to record - W. A. Wright atto: