Richmond-Northumberland-Westmoreland County Virginia USGenWeb Archives History .....Ship Passenger Lists To Virginia February 16, 1623 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Brandy Forsman BR2877@GMAIL.COM February 23, 2025, 1:09 am Transcribed as shown location unknown just listed as Virgina Luke Boys, Mrs. Boys, Robert Halam, Joseph Royall, John Dods, Mrs. Dods, Elizabeth Perkinson, William Vincent, Mrs. Vincent, Allexander Bradwaye, his wife Bradwaye, John Price, his wife Price, Robert Turner, Nathaniell Reeve, Serjant William Sharp , Mrs .Sharp, Richard Rawse, Thomas Sheppy, Willam Clemens, Ann Woodley, Thomas Harris, his wife Harris, Margaret Berman, Thomas Farmer, Hugh Hilton, Richard Taylor, ***** Taylor, Joshua Chard, Christopher Browne, Thomas Oage, ****** Oage, infant Oage, Henry Coltman, Hugh Price, ****** Price, infant Price, Mrs .Coltman, Robert Greene, ****** Greene, infant Greene. Additional Comments: Listed as arriving at Neck of the land location unknown.Upon doing a search for Neck of the land this is what it has listed. It includes the counties of Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb