Southampton County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Briggs, Thomas E., 1861 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Tribute of Respect. In the Providence of an infinitely wise and merciful God, our esteemed friends, John E. and Dollie A. Briggs, of Southampton county, Va., have, in a few short months, realized a most sad an trying bereavement in the death of two interesting and promising children. THOMAS E., the oldest child, a sweet, interesting and kind hearted little boy, died on the 13th of April, after a protracted illness of Typhoid fever, during which time he suffered much. He was 7 years and 21 days old. MARY ELLA, the 3d [sic*] child, a dear little girl, affectionate, sprightly and kind, died on the 20th of September, after a few days' illness and painful suffering, with the diptheria [sic*]. We may truly say that no parents have, in our knowledge, ever buried two more interesting and promising children. It, however, may be, they are taken from the evil to come. Let the afflicted parents be comforted by the recollection that, though they can't bring their little ones back, yet they can go to them. A FRIEND. Thomas Edwards BRIGGS, son of John E. & Dolly A. (THOMAS) BRIGGS, b. 20* Mar 1854, Southampton Co., d. 13 Apr 1861, Southampton Co. Mary Ella* BRIGGS, daughter of John E. & Dolly A. (THOMAS) BRIGGS, b. 22 Dec 1858*, Southampton Co., d. 20 Sep 1861, Southampton Co. interred in the EDWARDS family cemetery*, "Richmond (VA) Enquirer," Vol. 58, No. 28, Fri., Oct. 4, 1861, p. 3, clipping posted with Find a Grave Memorials #31459073 & #31459263, by Jeffry Burden *Additional information: Located on the plantation of their paternal great-uncle Peter EDWARDS; owned in 1993 by Marla Hunnings. Southampton County Historical Society {SCHS} Cemetery Project, Miscellaneous Cemeteries, Vol. 2 (MV-II-36): Their father (27 Oct 1827 - 22 Nov 1861) is also buried there. Find a Grave Cemetery ID #2283100 [no grave photos] The WPA copied the cemetery in 1937; the report is on file at the Walter Cecil Rawls Library in Courtland. The cemetery list gives Thomas Edwards, b. 22 Mar 1854, and Martha E., b. 22 Oct 1848. Southampton Co. B.Reg. gives: Thomas E. BRIGGS, WMA, b. 20 Mar 1854, Southampton Co., s/o John E. & Dolly A. BRIGGS; pa: Farmer, reported by John E. BRIGGS, Owner ('54 #84) Nancy E. BRIGGS, WFA, b. 22 Jul 1856, St. Luke's P'sh, s/o Jno. E. & Dolly BRIGGS; pa: Farmer, reported by John E. BRIGGS, Father ('56 #104) Mary E. BRIGGS, WFA, b. 22 Dec 1858, St. Luke's P'sh, s/o Jno. E. & Dolly BRIGGS; pa: Farmer, reported by Jno. E. BRIGGS, Father ('58 #105) [ shows Rockbridge Co. {1st locale on microfilm}] The 1860 Census - West side of Nottoway River, Southampton Co. - gives: dwelling 284 / family 262 - all b. Southampton Co. 01. John E. BRIGG, 33M, Farmer, $7,000 real / $14,000 personal estate; 02. Dollie " , 25F; 03. Thomas E. " , 6M; 04. Mary E. " , 4F; 05. Nancy " , 2F; 06. Nancy " , 60F, $800 personal estate Southampton Co. D.Reg. for 1861 gives: 98. BRIGGS, John E., 33Wm, d. Nov of Typhoid fever, Farmer, s/o Thos. & Nancy BRIGGS; h/o Dolly A. BRIGGS; reported by Nathan N. THOMAS, Father-in-law 99. BRIGGS, Thomas, 4Wm, d. Jun of Typhoid fever, s/o Jno. & Dolly BRIGGS; reported by Nathan N. THOMAS, Grand Father 100. BRIGGS, Ella, 2Wf, d. Sep of Typhoid fever, d/o Jno. & Dolly BRIGGS; reported by Nathan N. THOMAS, Grand Father all b. & d. Southampton Co. Southampton Co. D.Recs. [recopied] p. 110 gives orig.p. 5: 100. BRIGGS, Ellen, 2F; d. Sep 1861, d/o Jno. & Dolly BRIGGS 98. BRIGGS, John E., 33M, d. Nov 1861, s/o Thomas & Nancy BRIGGS 99. BRIGGS, Thomas, 4M, d. Jun 1861, s/o Jno. & Dolly BRIGGS Their father's obits ("Richmond Enquirer" & "Christian Observer," Dec. 1861) are posted at: Find a Grave Memorial #31459210 identifies the "DOLLY EDWARDS BRIGGS" on the cemetery list [no dates] as their mother. Rather, their mother (1833 - 1913) 2m. 19 Dec 1867 Thomas J. FOX; they are buried in Emporia Cemetery. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by File Manager Matt Harris ( file at: