Southampton County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Obituaries.....Peterson, Emily Hasty, 1970 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ EMILY HASTY PETERSON A graveside funeral service for Mrs. Emily Hasty Peterson was conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Poplar Spring Cemetery by Dr. R.E. Brittle. W.J.M. Holland & Sons Funeral Home was in charge. Pallbearers were Scott Lassiter, Raymond Bess, Garnet Whitley, David Kitchen Jr., Roland Burgess, and James Linwood Kirkland. Mrs. Peterson, 60, died Monday afternoon in Southampton Memorial Hospital. A native of Southampton County, she was the widow of William M. Peterson and a daughter of Mrs. Annie Burgess Hasty of Capron and the late Frank L. Hasty. Besides her mother surviving are five sisters, Mrs. Bertha Joyner of Franklin, Mrs. Curtias Whitley of Portsmouth, Mrs. Boyd Matheny of Scottsboro, Ala., Mrs. A.E. Woltz of Newsport News and Mrs. Paul Kirkland of Capron. Emily (HASTY; Mrs. William M.) PETERSON, Southampton Co. native, d. 13 Apr 1970, Franklin, age 60, interred in Poplar Spring Cemetery (Annex 2, Plot 3*), Franklin, 15 Apr 1970, "The Tidewater News" (Franklin, VA), Apr. 16, 1970 *Southampton County Historical Society {SCHS} Cemetery Project, Poplar Spring list: Her husband's obit ("Tidewater News," Nov. 16, 1967, p.8) is posted at: Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Mrs. Bruce Saunders (, and re-formatted by File Manager. file at: