Southampton County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Wills.....Whitney, Joshua Sr., 1762 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Joshua WHITNEY, Sr. (1720-1762), will dated 18 May 1762, 14 Oct 1762 In the name of God amen I Joshua Whitney in the parish of Nottoway and county of Southampton being sick and weak in body but of perfect and sound mind and memory thanks be given to almighty God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following first and principally I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of the almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent an christian like manner at the discrestion of my executors hereafter named and as for what worldly estate it hath pleased almighty God to bless me with I give devise and dispose thereof as followeth. Item I give and bequeath to my son Joshua Whitney all that part of my land between the Cattail Branch and the land of George Lawrence and Charles Lawrence and Elisha Ballards land and Bennett Hilsmans land the same to him and his heirs forever, Item I give and bequeath to my son Elisha Whitney all that tract of land and plantation which I purchased of George Brewer in the Isle of White(sic) county and fifty acres of land more in Southampton county it being part of the tract of land whereon I now live and joyning of Giles Joyners line and along his his(sic) line to the Cattail Branch then down the run of the said Cattail Branch to the branch called Cppers[?Cypress?] mare Branch and then up the said branch to the head of it and from thence running a straight line to the Pocoson and down the Pocoson to the first station including fifty acres more or less within the bounds aforesaid the same to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son Giles Whitney all the rest of remainder part of this tract of land and plantation whereon I now live the same to him and his heirs forever. Item I give to my three aforementioned sons each of them a gunn(sic) my son Joshua having the largest. Item I lend to my loving wife Magery Whitney all my personal estate not already given and all my negroes during her natural life or widowhood but in case she is ever married again in that case I give all the aforesaid estate together with the increase of my negroes if any in the time to be equally divided between my loving wife Margery Whitney and my four children to say Joshua Whitney and Elisha Whitney and Giles Whitney and Amy Whitney at the time of my wifes marrying again but in case she do not marry any more I do lend her the aforesaid estate during her natural life and after her decease to be equally divided among my four children before mentioned the same to them and their heirs forever. Item I do hereby impower my executors hereafter named to acknowledge to Thomas Lankford of the Isle of White(sic) county or to his executors a good and lawful deed in fee simple for all my land lying and being Blackwater and Black Creek and joyning(sic) to John Lankfords land and William Bulls for which land I have agreed to or let him and said Thomas Lankford have it if he will or can for the sum of sixty pounds current money of thirty five pounds of the said money to be paid on the first day of January next ensuing the date hereof and the remainder part to be paid when the said Thomas Lankford will within three years after and I do hereby impower and require my executors to make to the said Thomas Lankford a good and sure right to the same at any time when the said Thomas Lankford shall require it. Lastly I do hereby appoint my loving wife Margery Whitney and my friend John Joyner to be my whole and sole executors and executrix of this my last will and testament revoking and disannuling all other will or wills by me heretofore made or declared as witness my hand and seal this eighteenth day of May 1762. Joshua Whitney Witness Charles (his mark) Lawrence Joshua (his mark) Minniard Mary (her mark) Bland At a court held for the county of Southampton the 14 day of October 1762 this will was presented in court by Margery Whitney the executor therein named proved by the oaths of Charles Lawrence and Mary Bland two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said executrix who made oath according to law certificate was granted her for obtaining a probat thereof in due form giving security whereupon etc. Teste R Kello Southampton Co., VA, Will Book 2, 1762-1772, pp. 3-4 The Library of Virginia (LVA), Richmond, VA LVA, Southampton Co. Microfilm Reel 16 images online at The Brantley Family Association Southampton Project: [file transcribed by Dale Whitfield, (, and re-formatted by File Manager.] [BALLARD, BLAND, BREWER, BULLS, HILSMAN, JOYNER, LANKFORD, LAWRENCE, MINIARD, MINNIARD, WHITNEY]