Surry County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Tax.....Tithables, 1683 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Surry Co., VA, Tithables: 1683 (partial- Lawnes Creek Parish) A List of Tithables belonging to Lawnes Creek ¶ish in Surry County taken the of June 1683 ¯¯¯¯ W:m Rowland 1 Dan.ll Grant 1 Timo: Essell Jun:r 1 Robert Rainolds 1 Ar: Davis 1 Mr: Jn.o Holt } Wid.o Upchurch for} Ri: Biton 1 Hen: Braderton } 2 Mich: Upchurch } 1 Wid:o Ann Mougett } Walter Bartlett Edward} Cha: Willise 1 for Phill: Shelly} 2 Parrott Jn.o Moore } 3 Walter Tayler 1 Doct:r Fra: Tayler 1 Geo: Essell 1 W.m Peacock 1 Antho: Cornish 1 Tho: Wollves 1 Evan Humphreys 1 Robert Lacy W.m Allen 2 X:to Smith Jn.o Collins 2 James Griffin 1 Sam:ll Newton 1 Anselmn Bayley 1 John Sherman 1 Jos: Richardson 1 Edw.d Browder Ar: Long 2 John Green 1 Mr: Ja: Riddick Jn.o } Jos: Foard 1 Mr: Rob: Parke for} Kindred Hen: Rainolds}3 Hen: Gray 1 Jn.o Robinson } 1 John Dunford 1 Jn.o Gray Pet:r Hopkins 2 John Case } W.m Weldon 1 Thomas Carr 1 Tho: Clary} 2 Tho: Drew W:m Crouch} Mrs. Eliz: Baker for Rob.t} Jn.o Shug:r } Steap.n Seagood } 3 Fellows Ja: Horsnell } 4 Geo: Howell} 2 Ch: Jarrett } Jacob & Mary Negroes } Ch: Williams } Hen: Sanford} 2 Maj:r Ar: Allen Rob.t} Ri: Pearce } 2 W.m Hancock } Harmon; Jeffery } 7 Tho: Edwards } Jn.o Morgan} 2 Simon Emanuell Tony } W:m Clary } 3 Edw.d Tanner 1 Mary Negroes } James a Malato} W.m Little 1 Robert Caufield Arthur } W:m Harrice 1 Mr: Jn.o Rutherford} Davice James Killpatrick} W.m Seward 1 Tho: Cockerham } 2 Ar: Bowen Jn.o Fenly }10 W.m Goodman } John Little 1 Sam, Nando Abraham } Eust: Grimes} 2 James Bruton 1 Jack Mary Negroes }__ John Collins 1 Ni: Pasfield Jn.o Man 2 39 W.m Cockerham} Rog:r Delk 1 41 Edw.d Tayler} 2 Tho: Laine Edw.d Drew 2 41 Rich Morrice 1 Ni: Willson Jn:o Comb} ¯¯¯ W.m Prosser 1 Patrick Brady } 4 in all = 121 Rob: Lancaster 1 W.m Cogan } by ord.r Cort John Barnes } Edw.d Rowell } Martin Thorne 1 And.w Brown } 3 Tho: Wright } 2 WE ClC_r ¯¯¯ Dennis Rethdan} Hen: Clarke for } 122 Jos: Seate 1 Hen: Hollinsworth} 1 To the ¶ish W.m Kitto 1 __ Timo: Essell Sen.r 1 Mrs. Eliz: Holt for} = 41 Ni: Mason 1 Ph: Purrow Edw.d} ¯¯ ¯¯¯ Newbee Ri: Shaw } 4 Bess an Indyan } Tim: Essell Sen.r} for Rob.t Inman } 2 Mi: Essell } __ = 41 Taken ¶ Ro: Caufield ¯¯ _____ vera record:tr ¶ W E ClC_r ----- ¯¯¯¯¯ Surry County A List of Tithables taken the of June 1683 within the precincts of Lower Chipoakes & Black Water in Lawnes Creeke ¶ish (viz.t) Chipoaks precinct Black=Water Precinct Mr: W:m Newsum, Mr: Jn:o Harris} Mr: Fra: Mason ¶ 2 Negroes 2 Hen: Tho: & Rob.t Hart & Grace} 6 ¯Mr: Ri: Jordan Sen.r & Ri: Lane 2 a Negro Woman } ¯ Rob: Savage 1 ¯Mr: W.m Chambers Jn.o Hulit &} __ Ch: Denison } 3 5 ¯¯ 9 [secondary pagination] 640 [page break] Chipoaks precinct Continued [folio # illegible] bro: 9 Blackwater precinct Continued ¯Rog:r Nicholls 1 _Brought 5 ¯Mr: W.m Gray & W.m Parker 2 Charles Savage 1 ¯Jn.o Clarke & Rog:r Pulistone 2 ¯Thomas Maddar 1 ¯Rich: Clarke 1 ¯Ni: Sessums 1 ¯John Phillipps 1 ¯Geo: Morrell 1 ¯W.m Newett 1 ¯Thomas Barrow 1 ¯Martin Johnson 1 ¯Antho: Evans 1 ¯John Burnett 1 ¯W.m Gualtney 1 ¯Rog.r Rawlins & W.m Clarke 1 ¯Tho: Pittman Jun:r 1 ¯Tho: Jarrell 1 ¯John Pittford 1 ¯W.m Alderson 1 ¯John Coker 1 ¯John Rodwell 1 ¯Tho: Waller 1 ¯Mr: Mathew Swann & Geo: Blow 2 ¯Edw.d Napkin 1 ¯Rich: Monck & John Bishop 2 ¯Rich: Jordan Jun:r 1 ¯Aug:t Hunicutt & W.m Rowland 2 ¯John Clarke 1 ¯Tho: Lane Jun.r 1 ¯Jos: Wall 1 ¯Mr: Tho: Dearehim Gilbert Gray} ¯Phill: & Hugh Honiford 2 Rich: Hollis & 7 Negroes } 10 ¯John Byneham Sen:r & Jun:r 2 ¯Peter Adams 1 ¯Merco Mackina & Ja: Byneham 2 ¯Robert Crawford & Da: Rice 2 ¯Mr: Tim: Walker, John } ¯Jos: Rogers Tho: White Tho: } Peter London & Matt (Negroes)} 5 Browne John Gardner & W.m Bly} 5 ¯¯ ¯Robert Ruffin, Noah Barefoot } 32 Tho: Futrill, Ja: Cooke, James} 6 ¯¯ Hugate, & Judee (A Negroe) } __ 55 55 ¯¯ To the Parrish To the County - 87 Jos: Rogers ¶ Ralph Holton 1 ¶ Rob:t Ruffin Vera record:tr ¶ W E ClC_r Tithables in Lawnes Creeke ¶} to the Publ: & County -- } In Mr: Rob: Caufields List 122 In Mr: Rob: Ruffins 87 ¯¯¯ W E ClC:r 209 To the ¶ish in Mr: Caufields 2} 3 in Mr: Ruffins 1}___ 212 641 [secondary pagination] [page break] [Surry Co., VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., 2, 1671-1884, [2d] pp. 640-41. The Library of Virginia, Surry Co. Microfilm Reel 1.] File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Matt Harris (; research subsidized by Mae Cox (