SURRY COUNTY, VA - DEEDS - Claim for Thomas R. Blow Estate Purchased by Frances Wrenn, 25 Aug 1807 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Surry Co. VA Deed Bk. 3, pgs 355-357 FHLC #34119 This Indenture made this 25th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven – between Francis Wrenn of the county of Isle of Wight of the first, William Bailey executor of the last will and testament of Thomas R. Blow of the county of Southampton of the second and James Simpson of the county of Surry of the third part – Witnesseth that whereas the said Francis Wrenn is justly indebted to the said William Bailey Executor as aforesaid in the sum of Two thousand three hundred and thirty three Dollars and thirty four cents for the purchase of a tract of Land sold and conveyed to him the said Francis Wrenn by the said William Bailey Executor as aforesaid and is willing and anxious to secure the payment of the said sum of money to the said William Bailey and for the further consideration of one Dollar to him the said Francis Wrenn in hand paid by the said James Simpson the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Francis Wrenn hath granted, bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain, sell alien enfeoff and confirm all that tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the county of Surry which Land was formerly the property of Thomas R. Blow deceased and bounded as by Deed from William Bailey Exr as aforesaid to said Francis Wrenn will appear - To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land to him and his heirs forever – Nevertheless upon this special trust and confidence and to this only intent and purpose that if the sum of one thousand one hundred and sixty six Dollars and sixty seven cents is not paid to the said William Bailey his heirs exors or admins by the said Francis Wrenn his heirs exors or admins before the first day of January eighteen hundred and nine and also the further Sum of one thousand one hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven cents is not paid to the said William Bailey his heirs executors or admrs by the said Francis Wrenn his heirs executors or adms on or before the first day of January Eighteen hundred and eleven, that then & in that case the aforesaid James Simpson his heirs executors admrs or assigns shall and may after giving reasonable public Notice expose the aforesaid tract or parcel of Land to public sale for ready money at any time after the first day of January eighteen hundred & nine and with the money arising from said sale the said James Simpson is first to pay and satisfy the said debt of two thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty four cents and the costs attending the complete execution of the within trust and the surplus if any he the said James Simpson is to return to the said Frances Wrenn his heirs or assigns In Witness whereof the parties thereto have hereunto set their hands & affixed their seals the day & year above written Signed sealed & delivered in presence of Francis Wrenn (Seal) Wm Randolph W. Bailey (Seal) Richd F Taylor James Simpson (Seal) Thos Shelly Memo: The last part of the twelfth line & the first part of the the thirteenth on the second page from the word Executors to the word by was erased before the signing of the said Deed and the word admrs added Teste Francis Wrenn Wm Randolph W. Bailey Richd F Taylor Jas. Simpson Thos Shelly At a court held for Surry county February 23rd 1808 The within written Deed of trust from Francis Wrenn to James Simpson trustee for William Bailey executor of Thomas R. Blow deceased was proved to be the act and deed of the Said Francis Wrenn & James Simpson be Richard F Taylor and & Thomas Shelly two witnesses & as to them continued for proof The said William Bailey executor as aforesaid acknowledged the same to be his act & Deed and as to him ordered to be recorded And at a court held for said county June 28th following The said Deed was fully proved by the oath of William Randolph the other witness and by the court ordered to be recorded. Examined and deed delivered James Simpson ???? Teste John Faulcon: CSC ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Christie Canfield ___________________________________________________________________