SURRY COUNTY, VA - DEEDS - John Allen to John Wall, 11 Feb 1723 (partial) ----¤¤¤---- THIS INDENTURE made the 11th day of February in the tenth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George by the grace of God of Great Brittain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty three BETWEEN John Allen of the county of Surry, gentleman of the one part and John Wall of the same county, planter, of the other part. WITNESSETH that the said John Allen for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to him in hand paid by the said John Wall at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof and himself therewith fully satisfyed, contented and paid, he doth hereby acknowledge and for diverse other good cause, him therewith moving hath granted, bargained, sold, demised, leased and to farm letters and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, demise and to farm lett unto the said John Wall, his Executors, Administrators and assigns certain tract or parcell of land situate on the south side of the Main Black Water Swamp in the County aforesaid containing two hundred acres of land, be the same more or less, which said tract or parcell of land is part of a pattent formerly granted to James Allen dated the 25th day of April 1701 for fourteen hundred acres of land and by the said James given and bequeathed in his Last will and Testament to the above named John Allen and his heirs forever (as relation to the said Will being had may more at large appear) bounded, viz: Begining at the swamp? the south side of the Mian Black Water Swamp aforesaid at the upper part corner of the said pattent thence south eight degrees west one hundred and sixty pole to a red oak, then south eighty six degrees and a half east two hundred and sixty pole to a pine, then south seventy degrees east ten pole to a white oak then north one hundred and eighty? pole to a fir? by the side of the Main Black Water Swamp aforesaid and up the various courses of the run of this said swamp to the begining. Together with all and singular the orchards, houses, gardens, woods, ways and waters and all other royaltys and priviledges profits, commoditys and advantages whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of land belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith or with any thereof used or accepted, reputed or taken as part, parcell, or member thereof. And the reversion and reversions, remainder and dremainders thereof and of every part and parcell thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcell of land with all and singular the premises hereby demised, granted, bargained and sold unto the said John, his executors, administrators and assigns from the day next (end of page) Source: Library of Virginia, Surry Co, VA Parts 1,2,3 1715-1730 Reel 4, page: not visible Notes: Spelling is as appeared. Some punctuation and paragraphing added by transcriber for ease in reading. There are no paragraphs in the original. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Von Mings Stachon ___________________________________________________________________