Thomas Blunt Will - 1709 - Surry Co., VA BLUNT, Thomas: Southward Parish. Leg.- Desires that real estate be divided among my children according to my desire and make Will and Testament, etc. To Howell Edmunds and to Elizabeth his wife 100 acres of land adjoining ye land where they now live on ye side next ye Cattail Branch up sd. Branch - to ye Blackwater Swamp and five lbs. money. To son, Thomas Blunt, all ye remaining part of land contained within that pat. Also - land at Seacocke Swamp and whereas Henry Briggs gave my said son cattle, all cattle on plantation be sd sons'. To son, Richard Blunt, the land I now live on beginning at Benj. Harrison's corner tree on ye south side of Blackwater Swamp - to head lines to cor. tree in sd. Harrison's line, etc. except 100 acres conveyed to Thoas. Figgers. To son, Wm. Blunt, all remaining part of ye land contained within both ye two patts, also my old plantation with all ye land belonging which I bought of Mr. Henry Briggs to son William and his heirs. I give to my son, Henry Blunt, 210 acres north side Nottoway River, beginning lower part of pat. already seated. I give to my son, Benjamin Blunt, through unbaptized, the remaining part of ye Patt. of land at Nottoway River 200 acres but if either of my said sons, Henry or Benjamin, die in minority the survivor is to enjoy the whole tract of land. I give to John Flood and Mary his wife 100 acres of land on South side Nottoway River - on Whitewood Swamp on East side of ad. Swamp beginning at Indian line -- I give unto Howell Edmunds and unto Joel Barker ye remaining part of ye pat. of land which lyeth on ye side of sd. Swamp to be equally divided between them and then Howell Edmunds to have his first choice, etc. I give unto my sons, Thomas Blunt and Richard Blunt, all ye remaining part of ye patt. which lyeth on ye contrary side of ad. Swamp to be equally divided between them, etc. To loving wife, Priscilla Blunt, twenty-five pounds current money and two negroes. My desire is that my personal estate be divided between ;my wife and six youngest children only, my son, Thomas, to have no part - his already given to him. Wife made Exer. 21 Sept., 1708. Probated: 7 March 1709. Wit: Wm. Killingsworth, Hinsha Gilliam, Samuel Briggs, Henry Floyd. (Blunt, Thomas: Est. - Admr. by Priscilla Thomas and Wm. Thomas in 1716) Book 5, p. 442. from Wills and Administrations of Surry County, Virginia 1671 - 1750 By Eliza Timberlake Davis ---------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Mary Ann May USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material AND permission is obtained from the CONTRIBUTOR of the file. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.