SURRY COUNTY, VA - DEEDS - William & Mary Hart to David Andrews, 23 Feb 1736 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- INDENTURE BETWEEN WILLIAM HART, WIFE MARY, & DAVID ANDREWS (1736) THIS INDENTURE made this twenty third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty six BETWEEN William Hart and Mary, his wife of the County of Surry of the one part and David Andrews of the same county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Hart and Mary, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings current money of Virginia to them in hand paid of the said David Andrews whereof they doth hereby acknowledge the receipt hath bargained and sold and doth by these presents bargaine & sell unto the said David Andrews, his executors and administrators one plantation tract or parcell of land containing three hundred acres be the same more or less scituate lying, and being on the south side the main Black Water Swamp and on the north side the Sealock? Swamp in the county of Surry aforesaid. One hundred acres part the said three hundred where the plantation now is my father bought of my uncle Henry Hart is now and the other two hundred acres was granted to the aforesaid William Hart by two Pattents each bearing date the twenty fifth day of May one thousand seven hundred and thirty four. One Pattent granted on the west? side and the other on the east side the said plantation being three hundred acres in all. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said plantation tract or parcell of land with the appurtenances unto the said David Andrews, his executors, and administrators from the day next before the date hereof unto the end and term and for and during the term of one year from thence next ensuring to the intent that by virtue thereof & of the statute for transfering uses into possession the said David Andrews may be in actuall possession of the said land and premises and be enabled to take and accept of a grant and release of the reversion of inheritance of the same land and premises to him and his heirs to the use of him & his heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS whereof the said William Hart and Mary, his wife, have hereunto sett their hands & afixed their seals the day and year above written. William Hart sealed with a wafer Mary Hart sealed with a wafer Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of: James Nicholson Thomas Gray John Hart? NOTE: Spelling is as shown on original. Paragraphing added by transcriber for ease in reading. There are no paragraphs in the original. Source: Library of Virginia, Wills & Administrations, Deeds & Wills, Etc. 8, Parts 1 & 2, 1730-1738, Reel 5 Deeds: William Hart-David Andrews, Southmark Township, Surry Co, VA ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Von Mings Stachon, ___________________________________________________________________