Sussex Co., Virginia - Indenture: William Wren to Stanton & Watkins, commissioners ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Contributed by Christie Canfield **************************************************************** This Indenture made this 16th day of Feby one thousand eight hundred & fourteen between William Wren, James Stanton & John W. Watkins commissioners agreeable to an order of the County Court of Sussex, having date Feby Court 1814 & Sarah Peebles of the one part and Elijah Peebles of the Said county of the other Part Witnesseth that for & in consideration of the sum of 405.33 that the said commissioners & Sarah Peebles have bargained & Sold aliened, enfeofft & confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain & Sell alien enfeoff & confirm unto the said Elijah Peebles one certain tract of parcel of land lying & being in the said County of Sussex containing by estimation one hundred & twenty one acres be the same more or less, it being the tract of land formerly the property of James Peebles decd reference being had to a Deed conveyed to him from Elijah Bailey will more fully appear. To have and to hold all & Singular the said tract of land & every part thereof, and also all trees, woods underwoods, commons, common of pastures, profits, commodities, advantages, emoluments & hereditaments whatsoever to the Said tract of land above mentioned, belonging or in any ways appertaining or in or upon the same happening, growing or arising, also the reversion & reversions, remainder & remainders, rents title interest claim & demand whatsoever to the said Elijah Peebles, his heirs & assigns forever, to have and to hold all & Singular the land & premises above mentioned to the only proper use and behoof of the Said Elijah Peebles his heirs and assigns forever, against them & all claiming by thru or under them – In witness whereof the said commissioners & Sarah Peebles have hereunto set their hands & Seals the day and year first above written. --- Signed Sealed & acknowledged In presence of Wm Wren (Seal) Thomas Chappell Jas Stanton (Seal) Ann Peebles John W. Watkins (Seal) Elijah Gery Sarah Peebles (Seal) Laban Hix At a Court held for Sussex County the 6th day of July 1815. This Indenture was proved to be the act and deed of William Wren, James Stanton, John W. Watkins and Sarah Peebles parties thereto be the oath of Thomas Chappell one of the witnesses thereto and continued – And at another Court held for said County the 3rd day of August 1815, This Indenture was further proved to be the act and deed of the said parties by the oaths of Ann Peebles and Elijah Jerry and ordered to be recorded. ----- Teste exd H Bailey CC Sussex Co. VA Deed Bk. L, pg 489 FHLC #34169