Tazewell County Virginia USGenWeb Archives Biographies.....Shrader, Vince December 12, 1860 - March 9, 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/va/vafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Karen EAGLE-Moman arizonaeagle1502@q.com February 20, 2008, 1:15 pm Author: Transcribed by Karen EAGLE Moman Feb 2008 from microfilmed newspapers of 1901-1909 14 February 2008 Tucson, Arizona arizonaeagle1502@q.com THE IDENTITY OF VINCE SHRADER THE DESPERADO OF TAZEWELL CO., VIRGINIA OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY REVEALED Early in the 20th century a Vince “Vint’ Shrader was being sought as a killer/desperado in Tazewell Co., VA. Vince Shrader was an alleged robber and killer. Several years have been spent by me, Karen EAGLE Moman, trying to find the correct Vince Shrader. I started about 1988 looking for the identity of same. I e-mailed several Shrader researchers and called several others. No person knew the correct man….or perhaps some knew but did not care to tell. Sometime in the middle 1990’s archeologist, John Homer Thiel, a friend of my family copied me pages of the “Bluefield Daily Telegraph.” The years ranging from 1901 until 1904. I have had these copies all these years and just got around to looking for my kin the text. One copy had the exact clue I needed to determine the correct Vince Shrader. I was overjoyed. Hence, I am going to share. KAREN EAGLE MOMAN’S CONNECTION TO TWO SHARDER LINES: Henry Shrader, b. c. 1767-d. c. 1848…………………David Shrader, Sr Louisa Kennedy, b. c.1780-d. c. 1851………..Rhoda Knuckles, B. C. 1780-d. aft 1860 census Mildred Permelia Shrader, b. c. 1815-d. 1891………David Shrader, Jr, b.c. 1820-d. aft 1881 Richard Adam Tabor, b. c. 1806-d. bef Aug 1870….Chloe Dillion, b. c. 1830-d. bef May 1878 James Russell Tabor, b. 1824-d. 1920…………….Rufus Jackson Shrader, b 1862, d. 1954 Martha Jane E. Havens, b.1830-d. 1910…………..Corrilda Alice Sluss, b. 1861, d. 1930 * Hugh Edward Tabor, b. 1862-d.1914……………..Samuel Henry Shrader, b. 1891, d. 1979for sometime. Margaret Rebecca Sluss, b. 1865, d. 1944 *………Ocie Lee Tabor, b. 1893, d. 1975 Ocie Lee Tabor, b. 1893-d. 1975…………………Hettie Marie Shrader, b. 1918, d. 2005 Samuel Henry Shrader, b. 1891, d. 1979…………Darcie Ray Eagle, b. 1915, d. 2001 Hettie Marie Shrader, b. 1918, d. 2005……………KAREN EAGLE MOMAN Darcie Ray Eagle, 1915, d. 2001 KAREN EAGLE MOMAN * Corrilda Alice Sluss and Margaret Rebecca Sluss are sisters. I, Karen EAGLE Moman, have since found, on 12 February 2008, that Joshua C. Venson ‘Vince/Vint’ Shrader is the correct man depicted in a “Bluefield Daily Telegraph” of 7 March 1901. This data I have had for about eight years. John Homer Thiel had copied me many pages of the”Bluefield Daily Telegraph,” at the Morman Library Center in Salt Lake City, UT. However, I had never looked at this group of papers until now. THE NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS WILL BE TYPED AS FOUND Remember the same rules of writing have changed sine that era. Following are the details about Vince Shrader the desperado, his kin, and other citizens: Joshua D. Venson ‘Vince’Vint’ Shrader does not show up in the 1910 Census anywhere in the USA. I also checked his four brothers that lived “out West” to see if Vince Shrader was in the area of their homes in 1910: George Washington Shrader, Cass Co Nebraska Andrew Jackson Shrader, Carter Co Oklahoma Zachariah Witten Shrader, Cass Co Nebraska Joseph Looney Shrader, Cass Co Nebraska We know Joshua D. Venson ‘Vint/Vince Shrader died in Creston, OR on 9 March 1920. 1910 TAZEWELL CO VA CENSUS # 90, Clearfork Dist (# 97, image 8 of 38, read MARY J. SHRADER head 56, had been married once for 23 years, NOT LISTED AS A WIDOW-NO SPOUSE IN RESIDENCE-Karen EAGLE Moman) had had 3 children all 3 alive in1910. She and her parents b. VA/farmer * .....Piercy W (sic) Shrader ., son 21, he and his parents b. VA, farm laborer/home farm GEORGIA G. MC MULLENS (sic) , dau. 26 WIDOW had had 1 child who was still alive, she and her parents born in VA * .....Josephine V. McMullens (sic) , 1/12 (One month) Granddaughter, she and her parents b. VA * Georgia Gray SHRADER McMullins was the widow of Siidney J. McMullins, b. 24 Nov 1887, d. 4 April 1910 * Mary J. Shrader =Mary J. Molllie’GIVENS Shrader 1863-1925, daughter of Isiah B. Givens and his wife, Harriett (I do not know her surname. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE IS THE ONE THAT CONNECTED VINCE SHRADER TO JOSHUA D. VENSON D. SHRAER 7 March 1902 “Bluefield Daily Telegraph’ Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV MAY BREAK UP GANG Thieves Arrested at Graham Worked with Cremeans and Shrader Henry Absher and Bob Harman were arrested at Graham Tuesday night on a charge of stealing hams and four shoulders of bacon and two horses from J. B. Shannon , of Bluestone. As already stated in these columns, the meat was peddled through the coal field, and parties from Coopers yesterday identified Absher and Harman as the men who were engaged in selling it. Both later confessed to stealing the meat and their preliminary hearing(s) were held for indictment by the grand jury. They were taken to Tazewell yesterday afternoon and lodged in the county jail. Absher and Harman are the nephews of Vince Shrader , who was arrested in the city about a week ago, on a charge of robbing the postoffice at Rocky Gap, Va. It is suggested that they belonged to the Shrader–Cremeans crowd, and it is hoped that their arrest, following so closely upon that of their associates, will break up the gang. ADDED DATA: Joshua D. Venson ‘Vince/Vint’ Shrader, b. 12 December 1860 at Crockett’s Cove, Tazewell Co., Virginia and died 9 March 1920 in Oregon from exposure to Winter Weather following and accident. Vince Shrader was the sixth son of John Henry Shrader, Jr and Edith Belle Day.Vince’s sister, Tyrecie Maryland ‘Armentia, Shrader married Jacob E. ‘Jake’ Absher. One of the sons of this couple was Henry J. Absher, b. abt 1875 in Tazewell Co., VA. Another sister of Vince Shrader, Naoma Adlaid ‘Nannie’ Shrader, married James Doak Harman and their son, Robert Harman, was born about 1884 in Tazewell Co., VA. The victim of the theft was Joseph B. Shannon b. Jan 1840 THE FOLLOWING ARE THE ACCOUNTS OF THE SAME EPISODE AS ABOVE FOUND IN THE CLINCH VALLEY NEWS: The Clinch Valley News was only published on Fridays Clinch Valley News Friday, March 8, 1901, Tazewell, VA FALLS MILLS HAPPENINGS Bacon Thieves at Work Again A Powder Keg Explosion Falls Mills, Va., March 6- Thieves entered the smokehouse of Joseph Shannon, on Bluestone on Saturday night, and took about four hundred pounds of bacon hams, then loaded them on his horses and took it as far as Elgin Tabors, on Mud Fork, where they turned Mr. Shannon’s horses loose and took Mr. Tabor’s, which they released at Flat Top Yards. The thieves are still at large. Added Data: Joseph Shannon-Joseph B. Shannon b. Jan 1840 to Wm. V. Shannon, Jr, b. c. 1809 & Mary Brown Moore Elgin Tabor-Elgin Whitley Tabor, s/o Richard Adam Tabor & Mildred Permelia "Milly" Shrader. Elgin Tabor my great great uncle-Karen EAGLE Moman Clinch Valley News, Friday March 15, 1901, Tazewell, VA Bailey, Va., March 13 THIEVES On the night that Mr. Shannon’s bacon was stolen, as stated in the News of last week, some person or persons entered the meat house of Mr. C. Neel , on Bluestone, a near neighbor of Mr. Shannon’s, but got no meat as Mr. Neel’s meat had been moved out, but Mr. Shannon, on going to the stable the next morning found two of his horses missing, and on examination found that his meat house had been broken into byway of the roof, and robbed of eleven large hams, and of course, the surroundings showed that his own horses carried the meat. So his son, J. W. Shannon and Hoge Wagner started as soon as possible in pursuit. They found where the meat had been sold near Coopers, W. Va., but did not find the parties in that community, but having a suspicion as to who the parties were they came back to Graham and procured a warrant and placed it in the hands of Constable Greever and watched around a day or two, and on Tuesday night Greever, by the aid of Shannon & Wagner, arrested Henry Absher and Robert Harman. The rest of the article was missing. ADDED DATA: Many of the families in this area were my kin-Karen EAGLE Moman Mr Shannon was Joseph B. Shannon, b. Jan 1840 to Wm. V. Shannon, Jr, b. c. 1809 & Mary Brown Moore J.W. Shannon is John W. Shannon born, June 1870. to Joseph B. Shannon & Mary F. Hambrick Hoge Wagner-I believe to be James Hoge Wagner, born 12 Mar 1877, and the son of Charles Alexander Wagner & Jane Annabelle "Annie" Bailey as they lived in the Bailey, VA., area. Mr. C. Neel-Cyrus Brown Neel son of Gordon C. Neel, b. abt 1816 & Elizabeth Compton. b. abt 1820 17 April 1901 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV BLOOD CRIES FROM THE GROUND Sensational Charges Made Against A Notorious Character ACCUSED OF A DUAL MURDER Morris Cremeans Says Dock Haskins and Minerva Gentry were Killed by Vince Shrader ROBBERY THE ALLEGED MOTIVE Rumors of a sensational nature regarding the death of a colored man and women, who were found buried under the snow a distance west of the tower about a year ago, have been current for several days. It was thought at the time the bodies were found that they had been killed by a train while returning from Graham. At that time, it will be recalled, it was rumored among the colored people that a murder had been committed but suspicion did not point to the man who is at present accused of the crime. The couple who were found dead near the tower were Dock Haskins and Minerva Gentry, a married woman. It now transpires that Morris Cremeans, who was sentenced to the penitentiary for attempt to kill and rob a man in this city accuses Vince Shrader of killing the colored man and woman. Cremeans, it is said, claims that Shrader came to his house after committing the crime and washed his hands which were covered with blood. Cremeans’ wife, bears her husband out in the claim. Cremeans has been brought back from the penitentiary to testify against Shrader in another case. There seems to be some sort of camity (sic) between Cremeans and Shrader and they are indulging in charges and counter charges. Cremeans says that Shrader’s motive for killing the colored man and woman was for the purpose of robbery and that $70 was procured. Cremeans’ motive in telling of the alleged crime is that Shrader did not aid him in his recent trial, notwithstanding they had a compact the provisions which were that they were to help each other out of trouble. Shrader’s trial begins today. He has been indicted fro grand larceny and having stolen goods in his possession. At the time when the bodies of Dock Haskins and Minerva Genrty were found they were examined and the nature of their wounds was such as to create the belief that they had been killed by the train. The man’s head was crushed and the woman was considerably mashed and bruised. They had laid in the snow drift several days and their bodies were frozen and presented a ghastly appearance. It was considered a very strange case, inasmuch as no report was made by their friends of their disappearance, and the crew of the train that killed them evidently did not see them, for no report was made of the matter. The bodies were discovered by and old man who was engaged in picking up coal. A coroner’s jury was empaneled (sic) and an investigation made by Squire Oliver. After hearing the testimony of physicians and viewing the scene the jury brought a verdict that they were killed by a train. 19 April 1901 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page 3 SAYS SHRADER KILLED ‘EM Morris Cremeans Tells a Sensational Story in Criminal Court The trial of Vince Shrader, charged with grand larceny and with having stolen goods in his possession, occupied the entire day in criminal court at Princeton yesterday, and when adjournment was taken over night J. Morrris Cremeans, who was brought from the penitentiary from Moundsville to appear against his former ‘pal’ was still on the stand. His testimony was sensational in the extreme, being along the line forcasted in the TELEGRAPH several days ago. He stated that something over a year ago Shrader came to his house late in the night to wash his hands, which were covered with blood. In the conversation that ensued Shrader told him (Cremeans) that he had killed a colored man and woman and laid their bodies on the e railroad track, and that he had gotten $65.00 from them. This conversation occurred a day or two before the finding of the bodies of Doc Haskins (sic) and Minerva Gentry, under the snow be-side the railroad track, between this city and Graham. The man and woman had been missing for several days, and had evidently been dead a day of so when found., which would make the killing and the conversation referred to almost coincident. Cremeans, who seems to be out for revenge , told of other crimes and murders by Shrader, and told a graphic story of how he and Shrader robbed the postoffice (sic) at Rocky Point, Va. (sic), in Bland county, Va. He stated that his wife would corroborate his testimony. He will again take the stand when court opens this morning. * I think that should have been Rocky Gap, Virginia-Karen EAGLE Moman 21 April 1901 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 4 SHRADER FOUND GUILTY This is the Third Time and Means a Life Sentence The jury in the Shrader case brought in a verdict of Guilty after being out but a short time. The indictment was for having stolen goods in his possession.. It seems that the evidence that Shrader and Cremeans robbed Honaker’s store at Rocky Gap, Va, and brought their booty into this state. Cremeans was sent to the penitentiary on another charge, and was brought back to testify against Shrader. In the indictment it was averred that Shrader had been twice before convicted. This was proven and under the law means a life-time sentence for Shrader. His attorney will make and effort to have the verdict set aside. 24 April 1901 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page 2 SHRADER STILL AT LARGE No Effort Being Made to Recapture Desperado At a late hour last night no tidings had been received of Vince Shrader, who broke jail at Princeton on Monday night. Further, details of the affair are to the effect that Shrader and the two negroes escaped by the window. They let themselves down by a blanket and were discovered by Jailer Damewood, who fired several times at Shrader when only ten feet from him, and the evidence is pretty strong that he missed each time. He is reported as being in his stocking feet and coatless. The searching parties which left this city Monday night accomplished nothing. Probably, if a diligent search were made, Shrader could be located, and the only way to inspire his capture is to offer a reward for his capture. So far, no reward has been offered, and. As a consequence, it is said, efforts to recapture him have been abandoned. 26 April 1901 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page 3 SAW VINCE SHRADER Jail Breaker Said to be at His Home in Tazewell County For the edification of the curious, it may be stated that Vince Shrader, who recently broke jail at Princeton, is still in the land of the living, and not a thousand miles from Bluefield either. A gentleman from Tazewell, who was in the city yesterday, says that he saw and spoke Shrader at his (Shrader’s) home Wednesday, Shrader lives at Bluestone, in Tazewell county, and a recquisition (sic) would be necessary to bring him back to Princeton. No reward has been offered for hi recapture and, consequently, it is not likely that he will be molested. 8 May 1901 Bluefield Daily telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page 4 OFF FOR MOUNDVILLE Sheriff J. F. T. Sents and Deputy Sheriff D. G. Lilly left last night for Moundville, having in charge J. Morris Cremeans and Will young, the latter colored. Cremeans is serving a five year term, and was brought from the penitentiary to testify against Vince Shrader. Young is beginning one year for shooting of Happy George Thomyson (sic) in this city 15 March 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Front Page VINCE SHRADER CAUGHT AT POCAHONTAS YESTERDAY Noted Desperado Was Wanted for Numerous Crimes Tazewell, Va., March 14-(Special)-Vinton Shrader, for whose arrest it is said a heavy reward was offered, was caught in Pocahontas this morning, by Chief of Police George Mays, after eluding officers in Southwest Virginia and West Virginia for several years. Shrader has many things charged against him in Bland and other counties of Southwest Virginia, among the number being the robbing of a store and a postoffice (sic) at Rocky Gap in Bland county, several years ago. It is charged that that he shot Detective R. M. Baldwin in Bluefield several years ago,, when Baldwin attempted to arrest him. Deputy Sheriff R. C. Gillespie, of the west end of the county, went to Pocahontas with a warrant for Shrader and will bring him to Tazewell tomorrow morning, and lodge him into jail. March 16, 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Front Page VINTON SHRADER SAFE IN TAZEWELL JAIL Bad Man, Who Has Been Terror for Long Time, in Durance Vile Tazewell, March 15-Vinton Shrader, who was locked up in the county jail here this morning, having been brought here from Pocahontas, is said to be one of the most desperate men in this part of the country (sic). Shrader was arrested at Pocahontas for disturbing the peace and after he had been confined it occurred to the officers that he was the man wanted for several offences, whereupon a gentleman who knew him was sent for and identified him as the man wanted. Your correspondent learned this morning that Shrader came very near killing Robert Baldwin in Graham a few years ago, instead of W. G. Baldwin, as previously stated. Mr. Baldwin attempted to arrest Shrader, who showed resistance, whereupon Mr. Baldwin brought his revolver into play, and, it is said , ---?— (used?) his entire load of ammunition without effect, and Shrader began to advance on him, and but for the timely appearance of Mr. W. G. Baldwin who at once placed Shrader under arrest a tragedy might have ensued. 1 April 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 6 Under Personal & Briefs Vinton Shrader , who is charged with having committed many crimes in different parts of the country, was tried at Tazewell Wednesday afternoon before United States Commissioner Gillespie and sent to the grand jury, for robbing a postoffice (sic) in Bland county in January, 1900. 2 April 1904 Bluefield daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 6 VINCE SHRADER TAKEN TO ROANOKE Vinton Shader, a United States prisoner from Tazewell county, has been taken to Roanoke for safe keeping and will be held there until the United States court convenes in Abington. Shrader is being held on the charge of breaking into and robbing a postoffice (sic) in Bland county. While he is considered a desperate character in Tazewell county, he has a great following, and was taken to Roanoke in order to prevent his friends from attempting to liberate him from jail. It is alleged that he shot Bob Baldwin about five years ago and would have killed another detective had not his gun failed to firer when he pulled the trigger. 5 May 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 6 TAZEWELL PRISONERS TAKEN TO ABINGDON ROANOKE, VA. MAY 4-Cassidy, alias, Casey, who is charged with robbing a postoffice in Tazewell, was taken to Abington this morning by Deputy Marshall Harris . Casey will probably be indicted today and will be tried some time this week. He was arrested here some time ago for being drunk, and his identity was not learned for some time. Vince Shrader, the noted desperado from Tazewell, who has been in the Roanoke jail for several weeks for safe keeping, was taken to Abington yesterday by Marshall Harris. Shrader made a desperate attempt a short while ago to Kill Detective Robert Baldwin and is alleged that he is wanted for the murder of two men in the coal fields, 6 May 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 2 VINCE SHARDER ON TRIAL IN ABINGTON The trial of Vince Shrader, charged with robbing a postoffice (sic) at Rocky Gap, is in progress at Abington this week. A number of witnesses from this section are in attendance. Friday, October 1 1909 “Clinch Valley News” Tazewell, Tazewell Co. VA Andrew Bertoline, Dispenser of Wet Goods, brought to Jail Here Last Night Andrew Bertoline, a Hungarian, was arrested at Alferdton, near Richlands yesterday, and brought to jail here last night by Deputy United States Marshalls Geo. Harrison and Vint Shrader, charged with selling whiskey without a license. Bertoline is said to have given the management of the Empire Coal Land Corporation and other coal operations in that vicinity more trouble than all the bootleggers in that section combined. The prisoner, according to Shrader, does not deny his guilt. Harrison and Shrader have rid the west end of a great many undesirable citizens, who have caused no end of trouble among the miners and employees of coal companies on Big Creek. ADDED DATA: Could this have been the same Vince/Vint Shrader. If so he does not show up in the 1910 Tazewell Co., VA Census. I find 125 Shraders in the 1910 Tazewell Co. VA Census but no Joshusa D. Venson ‘Vint/Vince’ Shrader. 16 October 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 5 COAL FIELD DEPARTMENT Fresh News from Nearby Towns POCAHONTAS Vince Shrader who is accused of robbing the postoffice (sic) at Rocky Gap. In Bland county. 23 October 1904 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV COAL FIELD DEPARTMENT Fresh News from Nearby Towns POCAHONTAS Policeman George W. Mays returned Thursday from Abington, where he had been tow weeks as a witness in behalf of the government in the case if Vince Shrader, who is charged with robbing the postoffice (sic) at Rocky Gap, Va. It will be remembered that Mr. Mays affected the accused’s arrest. The jury failed to agree upon a verdict, and Shrader was sent to Roanoke for safe keeping to await the next term of the United States court for that district. 24 June 1905 Bluefield Daily Telegraph Bluefield, Mercer Co., WV Page # 5 MORRIS CREMEANS WRITES A LETTER ABOUT HIS LIFE Will Vindicate Vince Shrader Before He Goes to the Gallows “The time has come to tell the truth, “ says Morris Clemeans, who will be hanged at Pearisburg on the 31st of this month. He was referring to the case of Vint Shrader, who was sent to the penitentiary for the robbery of the postoffice at Rocky Gap, on Cremeans testimony. He says he wants to right Shrader before he is hung, as he desires to undo as much harm he has done as possible. He has written to his wife, in this city, saying that his present plight is due somewhat to her treatment of him, and the fact that he loved liquor and had a violent temper which he made no effort to control. He urged her to pay more attention to the children, and lead a better life before them, bringing them up good men and women. In a letter to his uncle, W. B. W. Smith, he indicates that he is a man of more intelligence than he had been credited with. In the letter, which is in his hand writing, he says: “You know my unforuate (sic) condition. I am now incarcerated behind prison bars with the sentence of death hanging over me. My days are numbered and the time is short, and I must make the best possible use of every moment of what little time is left me on earth. I am not unmindful of the fact that I will soon appear before my God who will judge me righteously. “My attorney will take my case to the supreme court, but I feel that little or no relief can be expected from that source. “I know that you are the best friend that I have on earth, and I wish to ask as a special favor that you will look after my children, who so soon are to be without a father. Do all you can for them, and as far as you are able to influence them, try to get them to live right. “You know my life. I am sure that I have made many mistakes, for which I am heartliy (sic) sshamed (Sic) and repent. I trust God will forgive all my wrongs and that I will die a saved soul. I may have been misunderstood by many, and in their estimation of me, but the past cannot be undone, except as the blood of Jesus takes away the stain. If I could see you, I could and would say much to you that is not proper to write. “I cannot close this letter without saying that the jailor and his wife have been exceedingly kind to me. They have supplies all of my wants and have made me comfortable as is possible for one to be whom is deprived of his liberty.. His name is G. H. Dennis. I wish to say the same is true of the sheriff, J. M. Durham. ”With a sense of shame over me, and knowing that I have brought humiliation and sorrow to you, and asking you to look over my errors, and offer a prayer for my salvation, I am your nephew, in sorrow. Annotated by and transcribed by Karen EAGLE Moman arizonaeagle1502@q.com Februaury 20-08 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/va/tazewell/bios/shrader39gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/vafiles/ File size: 25.9 Kb