Land Grant Abstracts, "N" Surnames - Tazewell Co. VA James P. Neel 30 Oct 1838 Tazewell County 43 a. On Maiden Spring fork waters Grants No. 88, p. 417 Robert Neel 30 Sept 1847 Tazewell County 54 a. On the Clear fork of Wolf Creek Grants No. 99, p. 460 William Neel 16 Oct 1804 Tazewell County 554 a. On the head waters of Clinch River and the Clear fork of Wolf Creek a branch of New River adjoining Stump, Stafford, Thorn & c. Grants No. 53, p. 406 William Neel 27 Oct 1805 Tazewell County 500 a. On the waters of Clinch River to include the lines of a survey made for Wm. Taylor Grants No. 54, p. 293 William Neel 6 Jul 1812 Tazewell County 37 a. In Burks Garden adjoining land of Shannon, Thompson, Hall, and Banks Grants No. 63, p. 22 Robert Neil 1 Jul 1836 Tazewell County 50 a. On waters of Clear fork of Wolf Creek Grants No. 86, p. 43 John Necessary 1 Jul 1854 Tazewell County 34 a. On South side of Clinch Mountain Grants No. 100, p. 14 Harman Newberry, 18 Aug 1898 A. G. Cox, and F. M. Moss Tazewell County 372 a. On Muddy fork of Wolf Creek Grants No. 121, p. 586 Jacob Nisewonder 10 Oct 1821 Tazewell County 50 a. On Kimberlain's fork of Walkers Creek Grants No. 70, p. 445 William Norman 31 Oct 1848 Tazewell County 30 a. On first Left hand fork of Hunts fork of Pawpaw Creek Grants No. 101, p. 154 William Norman 1 Nov 1851 Tazewell County 26 a. On head of Hunts fork of Papaw fork of Knox Creek (of Tug River) Grants No. 106, p. 462 John Nuckles 20 Nov 1822 Tazewell County 75 a. On a branch of Brush fork of Bluestone and on Red oak ridge Grants No. 71, p. 444 Submitted by June White View scanned documents online at the Library of Virginia Website **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************