Tazewell County, VA - Journal of Mary Higginbotham, b. Apr 3, 1869; d. Apr 30, 1941 Submitted for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Larry Gossett , a great-grandson ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net ************************************************************************ January `88 I baked a cake this P.M. for "old Uncle" John Ward as he is going to have a festival. [ erased ] sent me by Florence for a New Year present, he is only a friend I'm sure and a good one, too, I think him. some of the teasing boys have had the presumptions to say we are in love with each other, but our love is of a far different nature why I am a [ erased ] And what if I were not! I could have a friendly cousinly regard for him "but people will talk". I have written to Bertha to-night and ordered some novels, I am fixing to have myself "a time" reading this coming spring. I almost forgot to say that Ava sent me a lovely fruit basket as a New Year present. Tuesday 3" Mr. Alexander spent the day with Papa to-day. What an interesting old gentleman he is! I am going down to Liberty and thank Ava for my present. I began a letter to Warf this A.M. but will not get it finished. Wednesday 4" I went to see Ava yester evening and at her persuasion stayed all night. She, Charlie Jones, Joe, Hugh Brown, Joe and Lora[?] Jones and I went to the darkil festival for a few minutes, saw the "elephant" though and had some fun. I did not do much to-day but chrochet and get supper. I finished Warf's letter and wrote one to Mecca Clark to-night. I had a letter from "cousin" Dayton this P.M. I am sure I have no other feeling than that of a friend for him either, and I am not vain enough to think he cherishes one of a more amarous nature for me. I also went to prayer meeting to-night, saw Lavil and exchanged gossip with her; besides, I saw a certain pair of handsome brown eyes. Thursday 5" Mama and I have been ironing to-day. She went to see Maria Mitchell and will stay all night. I wrote to Aunt Nancy Rogers to-night. It keeps me very busy to answer my letters promptly. The one thing I want to be very faithful in this year. I had a newsy, cheery letter from my beloved cousin Frank Sexton this P.M. her letters always give me something nice to think of for several days. I went down to see _Tivis this A.M. but she was leaving for home and I didn't tarry long. Friday 6" Nothing of interest came along to-day. I made Polly ______ a bonnet this P.M., chrocheted and read a few pages in "Lucile" and took down some extracts there from to-night. Saturday 7" All went to the Baptist church this A.M. except me. I stayed to help Ellie and baked some ginger cakes and did some other things. I got so hot and tired that I lay down to have a nap and rest, but Lavil came and I was soon aroused from my lethargy. She was so lively and we talked so much that I had no regrets whatever to make. I learned her a beautiful pattern of crocheting like mine. We say we are going to trim a dress in it next summer. Lavil's will be white, mine a pink chambray. I had a letter from Lute Clark this P.M. she didn't give me much news. I read the papers tonight, bathed and am going to "rip and tare" now to dream of ________ eating, I reckon. Sunday 8" Today was a long lonely day. Mr. Buckles came down for dinner, none of us went to church. I wrote to cousin Dayton this P.M. Monday 9" Ava and I went to see Maria Mitchell, stayed all day. I came home in the P.M. but went back with Miss Mollie Goodman to sit up that night. We did not get very sleepy. Maria says I said "Let's give her some more laudinum and we won't be troubled with her any more to-night" when they were disputing about giving her some. Tuesday 10" Miss Goodman, Lou Jones and I came home for breakfast this A.M. I got mine at 10 o'cl'k. A cattle dealer from Staunton, Mr. Eisenman, came with Papa for dinner. I got dinner, helped hang out the clothes, then took a long sleep, got up and got supper, wrote a letter to Cousin Frank, now I must go to bed early as I sat up all night last night. I have been cross to-day. Wednesday 11" Today has been dark, rainy and lonesome. I have been reading a novel and crocheting. I wrote a letter to Lute Clark to-night as it is too bad to go to prayer-meeting. Thursday + Friday 12 + 13" Uneventful days. I am afraid my diary will be like the little boy's that fished. Ava and I went to see Maria Thursday A.M. Eva came up for a chat Friday P.M. and to get a novel-"Sydney". Saturday 14" I patched some this A.M., Combed my hair prettily and made myself attractive (!) and went to see Eva this P.M. Florence Whitley and Lou Jones came up this P.M. but they were "not my company". Sunday 15" I went to S.S. and Church today. Mr. Doggett taught our class and made the lesson so plain and interesting. I really must study my S.S. lesson more. No one came home with us for dinner. I laid down and read all this P.M. I didn't intend breaking the Sabbath this year by reading novels but I have done so. Oh, that my will power was a little stronger! Monday 16" Today has been a cold busy day. We "slaughtered" turkeys to ship and I have had my nose turned so high into the elements I am much afraid it will never regain its proper position. Tuesday 17" Today was washday and scouring and churning this P.M. Ellie is sick, consequently Mama and I have been busy and are tired, yet I do not bear as much of her burden as I should. I am doing better though I think. I had a letter from Bertha to-day and a note in it from Katie that made me want to cry. Wednesday 18" Croched all my leisure time to-day and read some, I have fifteen books to read this spring. I will try to digest them and get some good out of each one although some of them might be called "light". I believe I never read a book or piece in my life but what there was something in it I should remember and would be better for the remembrance. Tonight is a cold night and I could not go to prayer meeting, making the 3" time I have missed straight along, I must try to go next night. I answered Bertha's dear letter to-night. I do trust that she and Katie may come over next summer. Thursday 19" I got dinner to-day, but that is a thing to be understood always if I write it every time it would be got dinner Monday or helped to get it same Tuesday, ditto Wednesday etc. Mama went to see Cousin Sis this P.M. The little ones and I were left to keep-house and be good. I answered Miss Byrdie's letter that I have owed her so long. I tried to wait until she forgave for not writing before Xmas, now I do not owe a single letter. Friday 20" Mama and Papa, Lute and Lee have gone to Cousin Will Harrisson's for dinner. Georgia and I are left all alone. I am afraid we will do some mischief. Yes we will, I am going now to get into some peaches and cream. Come on little sister! We got on finally to-day, an old woman Mary Brown came this P.M. she and I did some trading. I let her have $1.00 of crocheting. I want to make $ 3.00 of my own soon. Saturday 21" Today has been a busy day. I have turned my nose into the air again as Papa had a beef killed this A.M. Sunday 22" I went to S.S. this A.M. got in a little late as I stopped to see Aunt Becca's on the way. Loni and Flo. Whitley were here for dinner. Wilk, the boy brought Ebb. down this P.M. I wrote part of a letter to Miss Mary Belle to-night, will finish it tomorrow. Monday 23" To-day has been another uneventful rainy day. I did some sewing and the usual work, finished my letter to Miss Mary B. and fixed up a photo to send to her, wonder if she will acknowledge the receipt thereof. Also wrote to A. H. Tuesday 24" I went to the P.O. and store this A.M. Stopped at Lou's and Aunt B's as I came home. No mail again this P.M. Wednesday 25" Ironed this A.M. Mr. Geo. Davidson came to buy Papa's cattle and was here for dinner. Alex Barns came up to see him this P.M. It is so rainy and snowy I cannot go to P.M. making the forth night I have missed. Mr. D. will stay all night. To-day is Joe's birthday he is seventeen, thinks himself quite a man. Thursday 26" Killing hogs to-day nose sniffing the air worse than common. Had a letter from my dear girl Minnie K.[H?] this P.M. Friday 27" Went to the store this A.M. for cloth to make Maria Mitchell's basque. Lou Jones cut it, stopped to see Aunt and Uncle William, came home and made M's basque and went down and spent the P. M. with Aunty. Had a letter from Frank also one from Dayton, saw [erased] day. {Susan thinks it says Joe today} Saturday 28" The coldest day we have had this winter to my corporeal feelings. Eva came up and spent the P.M. we had quite a laughing time over a recitation book and the "speckled eggs". My friend Leon Palmer sent me his photo, it came to-day. I am so proud of it. Will write my thanks Mon. night. Sunday 29" Went to S.S. this A.M. very few were there, many had gone to church in the {I believe it says cove} this being the first preaching at that place. Stopped to see Aunt B. she is right sick. I came on for Dr. and stayed there a while: found Eva in bed sick. Mama went to see the Auntie. "Old" Mr. Spratt came in for dinner the old crank!!! Read all P. M. Mr. Tart Sprinkle came home with Joe for supper and Mama is with Aunt Becca to-night. Monday 30" Crocheted and wrote to Frank to-day and wrote my thanks to my friend Leon for his picture. I head {heard?} something about some of the boys here that I was so sorry to hear. I wish I could see a certain one of them. Tuesday 31" Leon Jones spent the day here to-day. I went to see Eva this P.M. she is not "a bit" well. Went down with Leon to see Auntie. Tivis [?] and I had quite a chat. How time flies!! I feel as if next month would be livlier. Time will tell and so will this book day by day. February 1888 Wednesday 1" The beginning of another month I hope the second step will be higher than the first. Polly and Ellie washed to-day. Mama and Papa spent the day at Aunt Mary's. I crocheted and got dinner. Had a letter from B. C. Thursday 2" After cleaning up was done this A.M. Nannie Higgenbotham came for me to teach school today for Lavil, which I did. I never knew till this evening how disagreeable a thing it is to the teacher for the pupils to miss their lessons. They all behaved very nicely though and I got through the day very well. Friday 3" I ironed to day. Mama and Georgie spent the day at Lou's. Lavil came over at noon and got a book of mine Jane Eyre to read. Mr. Buckles is here to-night on his way to Cavetts creek. Saturday 4" Patching and the usual Sat. work today. I went down to see Lavil this P.M. but she had gone to Mr. Khale's to the Lady's A. S. I spent a very pleasant evening with the others, stopped to see Uncle William as I came back. Sunday 5" I went to S.S. and church this A.M. Mose Humphrey came home with us for dinner, Will Painter came up with me from church he told me Maggie Barnes was there and that she and Eva both were sick, he asked me to come down to see them this P.M. Florence and I went found them both right sick and Will sitting downstairs very lonesome. Eva says [next two lines erased] Monday 6" I went down to see the sick this A.M. Mrs. Painter had her hands full and I stayed all day. Eva has pneumonia. When I came home this P.M. I found a Bro. Harlis here came to lecture and restore the lodge, there is an announcement for him tonight therefore he put it off till tomorrow night. I trust he will do good. Tuesday 7" I was with Maggie and Eva again today. They are better. I read to them from "For There Dear Sake". Maggie's mother and father came up to-day. It is too bad for me to go out tonight. Ebb and Reese Borien had a "fight" in Liberty this P.M. Mama told Ebb to not go down there unless he had some business. Neither were hurt. Wednesday 8" Papa said this A.M. that they agreed last night to meet next Sat. week , 18". Mama and Sue and I washed to-day and I am taking a fearful cold and feel so badly, but I know poor dear Mama feels much worse. I didn't go down to Dr.'s today but he and the girls are better. Thursday 9" My cold is worse and I did not do much to-day: patched my wrapper and Mama and I picked out the colors for her carpet this P.M. Friday 10" I feel like the "bud end of destruction" to day, and did nothing but sneeze and mope. Mr. Buckles came up this P.M. I do wish it would quit raining. Saturday 11" My cold is no better and my throat is sore. It is raining too hard for Mr. Buckles or any of us to go to church. I had a letter from Frank this P.M. She says "cousin" Dayton our mutual friend is f(c)ussing about my long delay in writing to him. I'll write him a line tomorrow and tell him I am "sick unto death". Will P. brought me a letter that was for Eva and I from Manda Barns. Lou Jones and Florence Whitley were here this P.M. Mr. Buckles will stay to-night. Sunday 12" My cold is some better; but the weather will not permit my going to S.S. and I did not want to miss any. Mr. B. and Papa and Joe went to church. Mr. B. went to Mr. Perry's. I wrote part of a letter. Monday 13" I churned this A.M. and that is about all I did to-day. I finished my letter in time to go off by this mornings mail and I spent the P.M. with Maggie and Eva. Tuesday 14" Ella washed to-day. Mama helped her and I got dinner. Papa's friend, old Mr. Alexander, came for dinner and at the eleventh hour too; but we got through all "do___". Maggie and Eva came up this evening, Maggie to tell me good-bye as she is well enough to go home. I went down to the store with her, saw Charlie Copenhaver as he is there till they get an invoice on the goods, Maggie is going to his home Sat. night, he asked me to go down with him and get some maple sugar. I quickly told him I would gladly go. Mrs. Khale came to call this P.M. I like her more every time I see her. Wednesday 15" I went to the store this A.M. got three initial pins L. F. M. for Cousin Lute, Frank, and I. I had to tell Charlie I couldn't go home with him, I forgot about the lodge meeting Sat. night and I must be here first meeting. I stopped to see Lou as I came back and also was at Cousin Sis' I teased Cousin Nancy about sending Mr. Alexander to see her, she only laughed and said he came to see me. I should not make sport of such a good old man. I went to P.M. to-night; saw my friend there. Thursday 16" I ironed this A.M. my cold is almost entirely well. Mama has her yarn colored and warped for her carpet. I have been helping her choose the colors. she is much worried because she hasn't as much yarn as she wanted, but she can do no better than make it do. As supper was almost ready a top buggy and a horseback rider came up to stay all night. We girls were in a flurry not knowing who they were. It proved to be old Mr. & Mrs. Prather, my uncles wife's parents, they had been to Tenn. to Uncle Hugh's and then to their son in law's Mr. Bowman's at Wytheville. Mr. B's son was with them taking them home; to Mr. Lester's in the lower end of the county. Poor old people; they are decrepit in both mind and body, the old lady especially. Papa let them have our jersey to go on home in as it was too much for the old man to ride horseback and he couldn't drive the buggy. Young Mr. Bowman is very nice he will be back here on his way home. I'm going to make a mash I wish he was a little older. I am glad they came for we heard of "loved ones far away". Friday 17" Mr. and Mrs. P. went on their way rejoicing this morning. Mr. Will Spratt from Rich Valley came to make a trade with Papa on his tobacco, he gave us all of the valley news. Said Nannie Ward was not expected to live, has Typhoid and meningitis, she was to have been married 21" inst. to Frank Sexton's old sweetheart Charlton Long. Mama got her web in. I went down to see Aunt Becca this P.M. and gave her all the bits of gossip I had heard, she gets very lonely there with Uncle William and Martha, the little hired girl. I heard a bit of news that greatly pleased me, it was that Cousin Will Harrisson was thinking of buying Mr. Moore out and staying at Liberty. Eva was up this P.M. Saturday 18" I patched some things this A.M. Wrote off an article for a school. I am thinking of teaching the children and wanted a few more pupils as Lavil is not going to try to get a school. Imagine myself a dignified school -marm. I went up to Mr. Belshee's and Mr. Lee's go {to?} get some scholars, but they were not at home, will go again Monday. Mr. White signed two. Papa has sick headache and could not go to the lodge. Florence, Ella White and myself went, there was only ten there, we promised to come back next Thursday night and bring other members with us. Cousin Sis and Miss Goodman up this P.M. Sunday 19" There was preaching in the cove today by Mr. Richardson, he is paying his "best specs" to Lavil, something marrying is the idea. I hope it isn't, but he seems very much devoted. Ella H. and Eva came home with us from S.S. this A.M. Eva left soon after dinner to go to Mrs. Bowen's to school. Ella and I went over to the schoolhouse this P.M. we went in the boys room and wrote a rigamorole on bro. Joe's and Joe Barns' slates. I went as far as Lori's this P.M. with Ella, we met Florence and Sue going home from Mrs. Khale's with Florence Whitley with them. When I came back Mr. Bowman and little John Prather had brought the Jersey home, oh my, I did not get to speak to "my mash" but he is coming back for his "rig". We went to church to-night. I sit by Ella H. and she kept me laughing half the time, I am sorry to say. [ erased ] came up the roard {road?} with us but walked by Joe on the other side of me. Ebb says he was bashful, but I am sure he would came by me if he had wished it. Monday 20" Mama commenced weaving this A.M. I got dinner and wrote to Manda this P.M. Joe + Ebb came home for dinner, I will have the phun of getting something extra every day this week as their examination come off and school is only half day. Tuesday 21" Ella washed to-day, I went down to see Eva this evening. Brought my books home. I have not much to write today; but one would not think so many little things could happen in these days that seem so much like each other. Wednesday 22" Miss Ross came up for some vinegar this A.M. and she told me they would send Will to school, she wanted Mama to go down to see what is wrong with her web. Mama went saw Cousin Sis and Cousin Tava there and heard all the news, said Tivis, Liza and Willetta Young were at Aunt Beccas. Tivi's and Willette came up this P.M. and will stay all night. I got a letter from "our mutual" this P.M. Ebb and Florence tried to take it from me and I crumpled it into 100 wrinkles. I can not go to p.m. to-night. Florence and Ella went and I got mad because I had to wipe the dishes - I reckon - and a few other things. Thursday 23" I wrote to Frank S. this morning. Tivis and Willette were gong to Joe Jones for dinner and I went with them. We had a splendid dinner. I am chrocheting some trimming for an apron. I came up home this P.M. along with Eva, she told me that Ollie Gillespie and Mr. Hurt are to be married 4" April. Tivis told me that my old teacher and friend Miss Mary Belle Davis had been brought home in very bad health from Catlettsburg Ky. I wish I could go to see her. The lodge met last time tonight. The regalias were put in my hands to sell. Friday 24" I heard a piece of news the first thing this A.M. that made me mad. Some one told me that Lavil thought I ought not to have gotten a school and that Cousin Letta said I had jumped in and taken the school from Lavil. I can not believe they said such things. I intend asking Lavil. She told me herself she was not going to get a school. I had no intention of taking it, such a thing is as far from me as the moon. I do not want a few dollars to make me a half dozen enemies. I told Nannie to tell Lavil to stop this P.M. this is the last day of her school. I sent for Addie McNeil to come over, I had no chance to see her father and I asked her she said Ella would be the only one of them to come to me. Lavil came by, but I could not ask her she was so friendly and I love her too much to think such a little thing can come between us, but I should have asked her, and I will yet. I wish I had a more determined spirit. Florence had a letter from Grandma this P.M. saying Aunt Lizzie had pneumonia, Uncle Hunter was past recovery and that Uncle William and Cousin Lute would go to Tenn. as soon as Aunt L. could spare Lute. She also said she had heard Nannie Ward was no better. Willette came up a little while this A.M. to get her horse, they are going home and it is raining too. I promised her to go and stay a week with her next summer. Saturday 25" I went down to Liberty this A.M. Stopped to see Lavil and I asked her if what I had heard was only idle talk. She was very sorry I had heard such stuff, said she never thought it much less said it, besides she wanted to go to Washington City this spring and would not have gotten a school if I had'nt and she knew she had said before I ever attempted to get a pupil that she was not going to teach. Cousin Willet Letta were still in town. I was at the store and to see Cousin Jinnie and Mr. Moore they are not going to send to school. I did'nt much expect either as Beverly is so small and will not go to school unless made and Mr. Moore and Papa had a little difficulty about a school here once; but I do not think that was why he did'nt send, he was very polite and he likely would have refused any one else. I was to see Aunt B. + Uncle William besides. I helped Florence finish ironing when I came back. After dinner Mose and I fixed up some dye and we made some blackboard on the walls of the schoolhouse. Little Ruff Gillespie, a colored friend, helped me paint it. They are nice and smooth. I will begin school Monday. May the Teacher of all teachers be with me and help me. It is only a little school but I will try to do my duty. Eva and Lou Jones were here this evening. E. says she is going to school, I hope I will have over twenty in all. Papa brought home some nice oranges from the store to-day. Disappointed again! got no mail. Sunday 26" I went to S.S. school this A.M. after I came back I read some. I had begun a letter to "our mutual" but Willie Painter came and interrupted me. I went down and we played and sang all of the songs I knew and nothing more of interest occurred. Monday 27" I began school this morning with thirteen scholars, the day is very snowy and cold and I did not expect more. They all have "plenty of sense" and if they do not learn it will not be my fault. We have four little lambs on hand(s) that give my mother a great deal of trouble and she is not very well to-day no-way. I finished my letter to-night. No one went to the P.O. to-day. Tuesday 28" Nothing at all occurred to-day worth recording, it is still cold and snowy. Wednesday 29" The last day of Feb. and another step is laid, this month has been even "quieter" than the last. I expected a letter from Frank but it failed to come and I was so disappointed. To-day was a sunny day, and I had one more scholar. Joe, Ebb, Florence and I went to p.m. Today I pecked Lute's head, she looked up at me so surprised and said, "now old ficety what ye' hittin' me for!". They all behave very nicely and I think I shall like teaching. I hope I will teach them enough to pay for my time and trouble, they have enough sense to learn. March 1888 Thursday 1" I wrote to the Indian Lodge this A.M. asking them to buy our regalia. Papa went to Indian to-day. Ebb brought a chequer-broad {checker board or multi hued lady?} home this P.M. I beat Florence, helped Ebb to beat Joe, and bragged that I could beat Joe but I failed in that endeavor. I wrote to Mecca Clark to-night. Friday 2" All things went on quietly at school this A.M. but they talked this P.M. and I laughed when I corrected and scoled them and that spoilt it all. We kept up a racket for a while; but there must be no more of that. Joe beat me at chequers this evening again, and afterwards I went down to see Uncle William he is much worse. I fear he will never be better. Saturday 3" I worked button-holes this A.M. darned and polished the hearth this P.M. Florence took a button-hole adv. down for Cousin Sis to see, but she isn't going to get one. She heard Eva was sick again and went to see her a few minutes, found her in bed. She, Lavil and Maggie Bowen are going to Washington City in a few weeks. I did not get any mail this P.M. what can be the matter with everybody or with me? I come to think I owe several letters. Sunday 4" I sit down to study my S.S. lesson this A.M. and the bell rang but I did not hear it. Then I got on a dyke and started to S.S. I found I was to late and went in to see Uncle William, saw Mr. Cubine he gave me a young man. Joe Barnes came home with Joe from S.S. They went to the Baptist Church to kilachin [?] this P.M. Flo and I went down to see Eva a few minutes. Lavil and Nannie came in while we were there, Nannie came home with us stayed a few minutes. Uncle John Young and Mr. Buckles, Joe and Joe B. and Ebb came soon after we came back. Joe et Joe, Ebb, Flo, and I, yes and Sue, went to church to-night. Maggie Barns, Maggie Bowen and Will Painter caught up with us and went down as we did. Monday 5" To-day was a cold snowy day. I went down to Dr's this evening after some medicine to cure the stys on my eyes. Eva is not any better. Tuesday 6" To-day is not so disagreeable as yesterday. I was very much surprised when I received a letter from the Indian Lodge and found that my old friend Will Gillespie is secretary, and he of course wrote it and wishes me to write to him occasionally to give him the doings of his many friends here, and of course I will. I was glad it was from him. Wednesday 7" To-day passed off like many of its predecessors, uneventful. I had a letter from Frank this P.M. It bore very sad news, she says it is settled that Uncle Hunter cannot recover, poor dear Aunt Mary, when Frank and I left Tenn. last August we little thought that the good man at her side would be taken away so soon. I answered Franks letter tonight and wrote to Will. I brought that about with my own hands, but I little thought of it when I wrote offering our regalia to the Indian Lodge + and Franks letter. Thursday 8" Mama got her carpet out to-day. Lou Jones came up awhile this P.M. I got a letter from Cousin John Higginbotham, he wrote like he might visit VA. soon, said he did'nt get my photo, that Cousin William would'nt send it on to him. No other mail came. Friday 9" Nothing more than usual to-day. Mama went out to Oscar Mitchell's this morning and will stay all night. Maria died last night, poor woman she is better off, her life has been short and not altogether happy. I don't think my uncle did as much for her as he should have done. Ans. Miss Byrdie's letter to-night. Saturday 10" Joe and Hugh Brown went out to Oscar's last night, Joe came home early this morning and took a horse for Maria and she came before breakfast. Florence , Sue and I went out there this A.M. we started walking; but Cousin Octavia called us in there and said a hack was going out that we could go in. Lavil was there all dressed up. I thought she must be expecting someone and I soon found that Mr. Richardson was expected to make a talk at the burying. They all took Maria's death very hard and I feel so sorry for Oscar. Nearly all went to the burying ground. Mr. R. with Lavil, of course. We walked back home and Jennie Moore and Sallie Smith came with us. A R.R. man is here to-night, he came to see Papa, he seems to be real nice and like all his class had plenty to say. Sunday 11" It rained so hard I could not go to Sunday school this A.M. Mr. Procer stayed for dinner, Joe, Flo., and I went down to Dr's this P.M. Eva is still poorly. It is very cold and snowy now. Monday 12" A cold and snowy day passed off very quietly indeed. I am getting on very well with my little school. Tuesday 13" I expected a letter surely this P.M. but it failed to come. I wrote to Bertha to-night. It is still cold and very cold . Wednesday 14" It is very cold yet, but clear. Joe, Ebb, Florence and I went to prayer meeting, very few were there. I expected a letter from Frank to-day, but she failed me. Thursday 15" Today is a pretty clear day. Mama let us have a can of peaches at school to-day, they were delicious. Mama went down to Aunt Becca's a while this P.M. Frank's letter came this P.M. Bless her!!! Papa started to Bramwell to-day to take some beef and two mules to sell for Mr. Jon. Barnes. I did something this evening that I am verily ashamed of. I feel as if I would never deserve forgiveness, dear mother! Friday 16" Ella scoured to-day and Mama put her room in good order and things are nice and clean. We popped corn at school at dinner to-day divided with the boys. Lou Jones was at our house when I got home from school. We are alone to-night, Joe and I played checkers, I had the fortune to beat him once. Saturday 17" It rained like everything to-day. I had intended to go to see Lavil and Mrs. Khale this P.M. but the weather was too indecent. I expected a letter this evening but was disappointed. Papa did not get home to-night, I suppose his horse give out. I do hope he will buy a riding horse and sell "Bobtail". Sunday 18" Mr. Medley went to Bramwell to drive for Papa, he came in a few minutes this A.M. said Papa sent him back as soon as he got to Bramwell. I went to S.S. and home with Lavil a few minutes from there. Cousin Will got in from Balt. last night, brought cousin Letta the lovliest gold watch I ever saw, and Lavil and the other girls cuff-buttons. I wish I had as good a brother-in-law. Charlie Jones was up to-day. I stopped there a few minutes as I came home this A.M. Mama sent some things to eat up to Mr. Dave Hall this evening by Mr. White, poor old man he says he will die and be lost. I wrote a long letter to Frank this P.M. she says she hopes I will ans. her letters as promptly as I did the last few times, I will try to do so. Ebb, Florence, Ella and I went to church to-night. Joe said he was too sleepy, but I think too contrairy. I heard that Joe Barnes was at church drunk! I should be most sorry to know it was so. I wish he would be better, anyway. I hear that Willy Painter and some of the other boys promised Mr. Doggett to be better. Willy came up from church with me to-night. Mrs. Painter said Eva was better. Papa got home this evening, said it was too much for him to come all the way yesterday, got dinner in town to-day. Was at Uncle Johnathan Smith while gone said he and Cousin Becca Ball were coming to see us this spring. Mr. Rosenhiem was at church with Ava to-night. I think they will marry soon. I saw Dee at church the first time I have seen her since before Xmas. I did'nt get to speak to Mr. Doggett and I don't know when I did. Monday 19" It is raining and "shiny" both today. I had a letter from from my friend at Indian this evening. of course I was very glad to get it, will answer it Sunday. Tuesday 20" Eva came up to the school house to see me at dinner stayed about an hour after school began this P.M. and as I was coming home after school I met her and Maggie Bowen taking a ride. Maggie asked me to go with them, a kindness that I gladly accepted and she was good enough to have me get in the saddle. We had a nice little ride went above Mr. Spratt's. When I came home there was a very sad letter awaiting one from Cousin Dayton telling of the death of his father 13" inst, poor, dear Aunt Mary I feel so very sorry for her. I must write Cousin D. tomorrow, but I feel that all my kind words cannot comfort him. Wednesday 21" We went to p.m. to-night, Flo was sick and couldn't go. I sit by Ava, she said she had something to tell me and was coming up soon. I suppose she wants to tell me that she is going to marry. we can hardly give her up there is so few young folks here. I had a short letter from Frank this evening, said Aunt Mary would come and make her home with theirs, I know they will gladly welcome her back, but under such sad circumstances. Mama wrote to Aunt Mary tonight and I put a little letter in hers to Cousin Dayton, am afraid he will think I should have written a long letter to him; but I just could'nt as much as I wish to do. Thursday 22" It is very cold today and as many little things that happened in one day, I have nothing worthy of record. I blush to think of putting down my many sharp words and selfish acts. I don't think I am getting good much fast. I will keep trying. Friday 23" Cousin Letta, Margie and Nannie spent the day here to-day, Cousin Will came up for dinner, Cousin L. says that Lavil will go immediately to Tenn. from Washington City. I do dread to see her go to stay away so long. Will came for Ebb this evening, but was here only a short time. Saturday 24" Mr. Buckles came up this A.M. we were not expecting as it he did'nt come yesterday, the reason was the day was very cold, none of us went to church as it was too late for us to fix to go when he came. We will go up tomorrow if we can. Lou Jones came up this evening I was sitting there gasing to her as big had on my wrapper that an accident happened to this morning, I caught it on the gate latch and tore it six inches on one side, I kept it on though as Saturday is the only day that I am not tight, a lazy habit that I must rid myself of, although there is nothing like comfort. Well, I was was aroused from my laziness by hearing the gate latch click, of course I jumped, saw some nice looking somebody coming in and I grabbed my frayed froc and did something that was as near like flying as I could make it. I found when I paused at the bend of the stairs, that it was Will Gillespie I got into a more decent dress and went down, he had come up to buy our regalia as they were disappointed in getting the one they ordered he only stayed a few minutes, but I was glad to see him any-way. I had intended answering his letter tomorrow, but will not now, as he will hear more news than I could tell him. He took the regalia, and will send them back if we cannot make a satisfactory trade. Sunday 25" We went to the Baptist church to-day, it rained hard on us as we came back, but the good sermon rewarded us for all that if we would only profit by it. Will and Eva came up a little while this evening. Mr. Buckles is her to-night. Ebb did'nt come this evening, he has nearly quit coming till Monday A.M. Monday 26" I was at Dr's this P.M. Another cold day, but all my little flock were at school today, I made off the grade of the first month and was pleased with it, I will be satisfied if I think when the school closes that they have learned something. I do not feel any tired yet, but am worried when they have bad lessons. Tuesday 27" Papa went to court today and Mr. Howard and two other men came home with him to stay all night. Wednesday 28" It is raining hard tonight. Flo. and I could not go to prayer-meeting. I don't feel very well anyway, and all the others have colds too. Ellie's got a bad cough. Poor old Mr. Dave Hall died today, he joined the church last week and I trust was prepared to go. Thursday 29" I let the children go to the burying this evening, I would have gone but the ground was to damp for my cold. Lute and I went down to see Aunt Becca and Uncle William this evenin, Aunt Becca thought I was a very long time coming, they were about as usual. I got a letter from Bertha and one from Miss Byrdie, I will try to ans. both very soon Bertha's anyway. I have treated the blessed old girl a little shabby. Mama received a very sad letter from Aunt Mary too, she seems very low spirited. Aunt Becca had a letter from Liza said Mr. Cubine was very sick with measles and the baby had been too. When I started Martha came out with me and told me she saw "Mr. Will Gillespie Saturday and she was awful glad to see him and he asked how they all were, and she told him very well and that I was a mighty good girl and was'nt married yet and he said well, that was all right". The little goosie! I wanted to peck her head. I hardly knew whether to believe her or not am afraid that was not all for her tongue is infinite; but she said and declared that was all she told him. I forgot my vail and Ebb went back after it for me. Lavil came up to stay all night with me tonight but I feel so stupid I will forget half I wanted to talk about, she is going away to stay so long, I feel that our happy days together are about over for it is likely she will be ready to marry by the time she gets back, she promised to have some "4 to's" taken in Wash. and send me one, and to write to me while in Tenn. Friday 30" To-day is a real Spring day and my spirits are in harmony with the day, Lavil tells me that Ava is going to invite her and Dee and me to her marriage but she has'nt told me so yet. I would like very much to be there. Saturday 31" To-day is the last day of March and my 19th birthday will soon be here. I dont like to think I am leaving childhood so far behind. I hope there will be a great change for the better in me between before my twentieth birthday. Today has been a regular cleaning up day. I helped Mama make her carpet today. Eva came up to tell us all good-bye before she left for Washington. I did'nt want to tell her good-bye, and kept on setting the table, but she kept coming till she got to me and I poked the carver knife out at her and refused to kiss her, Mama said I should not be so thoughtless, that I might be sorry someday for my foolishness, that sobered me and I kissed her the dear little girl. I hope she'll have a pleasant time and come back to us all safely. Ellie went to Mr. Puckett's tonight and will be gone till tomorrow evening. Mama is not at all well and has'nt been for two weeks. I should take more care of my mother for I love her best of all on this round ball. I've still got a cold and it makes me feel low-spirited at night. I read a chapter tonight, a thing I will try to keep up hereafter; and not put off doing what I should do at the accepted time. April 1888 Sunday 1" Easter. Today is a beautiful spring day. I went to S.S. this morning, and promised Lavil to go and see her this evening, Joe and Charlie Jones came up here from S.S. Charlie gave us some very good candy, and they went up on the mountain almost as soon as they came. I went to see Lavil and she was at Mr. Khale's, Ella and I went down for her, stayed a few minutes. Lavil went to Mr. Bowen's tonight, we saw her off amid smiles and good wishes, but I was sorry to see her go. Flo. came to Cousin Will's and stayed a while and as Ella wanted me to stay for church Flo. would have me do so and she came home. Ella and I had a good old talk, just like old times, she and I will be "all this world" to each other this summer as there are so few girls here now. We exchanged hats tonight for a week or so. Mr. Khale preached a good sermon. I begun a letter to Will tonight but am too chilly to finish it will have time to do so in the morning. Monday 2" I finished my letter this morning and after all did'nt get to send it to the P.O. in time; and school was later beginning than usual too. I cut my dress out this evening will try to make it this week. I found a four leaf clover at dinner, I put it under the stamp on Will's letter this evening. I began a letter to Bertha tonight. Mama cold is getting well, and she is feeling better than she was last week. Tuesday 3" My birthday, I have been most too much occupied to think much about it, except that this time next year I will be twenty, and then _____________. [the preceding was underlined with nothing in it] I sewed some on my dress this evening, after school. I finished Bertha's letter and sent it to the office this morning and the other on too, as Lute went out the door I said, "now, Lute don't let anyone see those letters". Ebb heard me and ran after her and promised her a stick of candy to let him see them which she did, he just hollowed! Said he was going to tell Will many things next time he saw him, I hope it won't be soon for I do'nt know what he might tell for fun, I made him promise to not tell Joe or any body that I wrote to him. I did'nt want Ebb to know it either and Joe is such a pest. Wednesday 4" It has been very warm today, Mollie Dorton came home with the children from school, Lou Jones was up here this evening we got an invitation this morning to Ava's wedding. Minnie Scott and Ross came up tonight, and Charlie Young is here too. I did not go to church tonight, had a good chat with Minnie. I had a letter from Frank this P.M. thought Dayton would have written too. Thursday 5" We got up this morning and took a bit of breakfast at home, then fixed to go to Ava's wedding, got there in plenty of time. I went down with Dr & Mrs. Painter, Mama and Flo. did'nt go as they had no dyke just now, and Papa was complaining with his back. Everything was so nice, had a fine breakfast there was a great many there or more than I expected at least, she got some lovely and valuable presents, many from Mr. Rosenhiem's friends, Ava looked beautiful in her gray travelling dress with wrap and hat to match. I did so much hate to see her marry and leave us all. I feel so sorry for her mother. They left immediately for Philadelphia, Baltimore and other places, will be gone till middle of April. I had a nice time at the wedding, met my cousin Bud Higginbotham for the first time, he and Mrs. Hanna came up a while this evening, I think so much of her, they will go home tomorrow, gave me a cordial invitation to visit them next summer, wish I could. Florence began school for me this A.M. I got back a little past ten, and heard some of this P.M.'s lessons, only gave half hour for dinner in order that I might get out early this evening. Cousin Tavia sent Mama some cake, everything was so nice, just lilke Ava! I hope she will be very happy in her new home. I like Mr. Rosenhiem a great deal. Friday 6" Nothing more than usual occurred today, Florence went down to stay with Aunt Becca tonight as she is right sick. I had a letter from Lute Clark this evening. I suppose she got tired waiting for me to write, I did treat her a little mean. Mama had a letter from Aunt Mary saying Aunt Charity is dead, Mama oldest sister, she had'nt seen her since she was quite small as she lived in Arkansas. It is sad to think of a family being so separated, and never know how each other fares, she never wrote home very often and we did not know very much about her family. Joe did'nt go to school today and Ebb only went a few hours as they were too drowsy after fighting fire on the mountain last night. They slept nearly all the fore part of the day. I was sorry for them. Saturday 7" I finished my gingham dress today, all but the button holes and Mama worked some of them, I tried desperately hard to get done to wear to S.S. tomorrow. Sunday 8" I was so lazy this morning that I did'nt get dressed in time to go to S.S. but I went to see Aunt Becca and let Florence come home. I stayed all day, went down to see Ella H. a few minutes this evening, Aunt suffers terribly with her boil, Flo. will stay with girls, Ella and M. to-night. Monday 9" I stayed with Aunty last night she rested very badly, I wrote to Tivis this morning. Miss Nan Hall will stay with them till she comes, Flore was there all day today. Charlie gave me a nice paper of candy this morning, he's a cousin I like extremely well. It is raining this evening, I am going to stay with the girls tonight as Cousin W. and L. will not be back till tomorrow. Tuesday 10" Ella and I went to the store this morning before I came home, we had a gay time last night, sat up till 11' oclk. Wednesday 11" The mail boy brought me a not up this morning from Maggie Barns, wanting me to come down Friday evening if she could send for me, bless the dear girl! I am delighted at the idea for I dearly love to visit her. I had a letter from Mic (?) Clark this evening, a funny little letter. I am owing so many letters. Ebb and I had a scuffle this evening and he nearly cut my back in two with a switch. We all went to prayer meeting tonight, not many were out. Will Painter came up as I did, I have found out that the boy writes to Kate Cox of late he did'nt tell me nor did she. I must write Kate a line before long. Thursday 12" I ordered some dress samples and some envelopes by today's mail and wrote to Maggie a note telling her I would be more than pleased to go Friday. I had a letter from Minnie this evening. It was the newsiest letter that I have received from her for some time. I would dearly love to go to see her this summer. Friday 13" I heard today that one of my pupils had quit me because I did'nt teach till five o'clk P.M. I reckon, I only gave 13 minutes for dinner one day and let out at three that evening as I was expecting some company and thought it would be all right if I taught the same number of hours and heard all the lessons recited, and the little girl has'nt been back since, that's the way with a certain class of people. I have had two letters this week from girls that had taught and they offered me their "deepest sympathy" saying a school-teacher had many trials to beset her, but I have found it very pleasant with these few. I don't know how it would be with a large school. I had a letter from Cousin Dayton today, he did write at last, somehow I don't take as much interest in writing to him as I did wonder if the correspondence is beginning to lag with him, I am sure I like him as much as ever. Maggie sent a horse for me this P.M. she did'nt get to come herself as she had nothing to ride, Ella H. will go down with me. Monday 16" Ella and I had a fine time while in the cove, the greatest pleasure I have had since Xmas. Maggie, Ella and I went over to "Uncle" Oscar's for dinner they told "Aunt" Mary I came to see Joe, she said she hoped we all did. Maggie and Ella "picked at" me all day, they said, to pay me back for sticking the poker in Maggie's face and scaring her. Joe came home about dinner and stayed a while then went off somewhere and we did'nt see anything more of him till evening. We all tried a hand at checkers with "Uncle Oscar" but none of us were lucky enough to beat him. Maggie played about two hours trying to beat him. "Aunt Mary" got our hats and said we should not go back to Maggie's that night and about that time Cousin Liza Copenhaver came and she insisted on our staying all so we all stayed. "Aunt" Sarah and "Uncle" Clint went to Smyth that day and would not be back till sometime the next week and we had promised Cousin Will we would be back early that P.M. to play croquet with him but we found the checkers so interesting we stayed all night. Mr. Moore and wife and Mrs. Steele came to "A uncle" Oscar's that night too, he told us he wanted us "to hustle home". Joe had Millie's baby and all of them were kissing it an I walked up and did likewise for it was such a sweet little fellow just as soon as I kissed it Joe kissed it the girls laughed so I kissed it again, then they "hollered" but I was determined he should'nt tease me. We had a fine time up there. We went "home" next morning as soon as we ate our breakfast, Cousin Will took us to S.S. and Ella was going on home, I was expecting bro. Joe for me and thought I should not go back with Maggie for dinner but when Joe came several of the boys were with him and they wanted to stay somewhere and Maggie would have Joe and I go back with her, Oscar Mitchell was driving our hack and Joe Jones was along and they went along too, Charlie and Will Painter promised to go with us but did'nt, went with Joe Barnes, and of course he had to go home, M. and I "got mad" at them for not going with us too. Mrs. Bower met Ella going home and made her come back for church. Mr. Studebaker came down to fill Mr. Doggett's appointment, preached a short and a very good sermon, but I would rather have heard Mr. Doggett. Sam Thompson and George Ward went to Cousin Clint's too for dinner. A Northern methodist preached in the P.M. we all went, very few were there, none of the other boys were there (but those with us I mean). Sam and George came in and sit down by Maggie and I, it was all we could do to keep from laughing sometimes as the preacher made some very amusing gestures, and he looked right at us, too nearly all the time, when we went out of church George and I walked out together and Maggie and Sam M. said Sam says to her "did you hear George?" he came on up to me and says, "Cousin Mary, what did George say?" I could imagine what he meant as we had only made some common place remarks about the sermon and George said he talked very fast like he was in a hurry and Sam had heard some of that and he thought he had heard something, said George said for me "to talk fast that time was short" he did'nt tease us though but he laughed about it and we told him our minds were still on the sermon, they helped us in the Jersey and we bid them good-day and I don't know when we four shall meet again. Maggie and I gave them a boquet and Maggie gave Joe one two. Joe brought his home and put it away but I know the other boys did'nt treat theirs half as tenderly. Maggie came home with me and stayed all night, when we came to Luther's Alex and Joe Barns were there waiting to ride home but there was'nt room for them and they walked through. I was very sorry too for Alex had put his horses in our (Jersey?) and went down and it looked mean that he had to walk home. Joe Jones wanted to walk and let him ride but he would'nt consent to that. Maggie and I made up our minds to not speak to the boys that did'nt go with us for dinner so when we got to the branch at Dr's there sat Will on a log, he bowed and smiled but we took no notice of it when we got past Maggie spoke to Jimmie Pierce as she did'nt intend to slight him. Joe had to take Alex's horses home and he told Will how it was. Will came up after supper we were having some music, I forgot and said "howdy" Maggie did'nt speak. he stayed and sang awhile with us. I found a letter here from Will G. I was very glad it was awaiting me for I enjoy his letters. Maggie and I made a trade, we said we did wish we were sisters, of course the only chance for that is for me to give her my brother as her single brother is mortgaged property, she said she would give me one of her cousins in exchange and of course I accepted. I'll claim Joe B. as he is young like my brother and we can talk of them as much as we please. Mama let Ella ride Tivi's horse home Saturday as it was a good chance for her to get home, we will have to do the work for a week or two and Florence will have to stay at home to help. We do miss Ella greatly. Monday 16" Maggie went home this A.M. I feel a bit blue, I always feel dull somehow after a pleasant time is over and find it a little hard to pick up my tasks as usual. Joe B. was'nt at school today, had to go back and take his horse home, it failed to go home when he turned it loose yesterday P.M. Will called me to the window and told me he never was much worse treated than he was last night. I told him the next time we insisted on him going with us for dinner he would go. I was down at Aunt Beccas's this evening, found them as usual. I am very glad that Tivis is going to stay home this summer. Tuesday 17" Eva come home this evening. I was down there a little while tonight she had a delightful trip, I would almost "give my eyes" to see this big world. I counted gray horses and got a hundred Sunday and what should I do tonight but shake hands with Mr. Mc. I (?) and I won't count that and wait till I shake hands with someone riding a gray. Eva said she would be up tomorrow to give us the details of her trip. Wednesday 18" I began a letter to Frank this A.M. and did'nt get to finish it till after P.M. tonight, Eva came up this evening, told us many interesting facts, she and Maggie Bowen gave me one of their "4tos" taken together, it is a sweet picture and I am proud of it, Lavil went on to Tenn. and Nannie went over Sunday to join her at Glade, I reckon Lavil will sent me one of hers soon. We went to P.M. tonight, got down there and the church was'nt lighted, that seems to be anybody's business anyway. Joe and Ebb lighted the lamps and I rubbed up too of the chimnies. Thursday 19" I am troubled a little about a horse to ride Saturday. Ella Higgenbotham is going to town and I told her I would go with her, I asked Willie Belshee to see if Zackie would let me have one of his horses and to tell me tomorrow. Ella, Mary and Eva were up this evening, Ella brought some things home she carried in her satchel home from the cove for me, she's a good girl. Cousin Liza Copenhaver said Ella was so good but take care for Maggie and me, we had long tongues. I had a letter from Bertha this evening, a nice long letter so delightfully full of nothing but "stuff and nonsense"; but I love her all the same, oh, I do oh so many letters. I was sure I would get my samplers this eve, as I want to know what kind of dress I get before going to town. Friday 20" I wrote a few lines to Maggie today and sent it down by Mr. Snapp (mail-boy), Will Painter added a P.S. I intended having John Barns doing the same but he was'nt at school today. Florence and I went to the store this evening and I stopped at Cousin Letta's as I came home, Ella will go to town tomorrow but I will wait till I get my dress before I go. Mr. Buckles is here tonight. Papa went over on the R.R. today, Took dinner with Miss Mary Belle, he says she is better, but still very poorly. Saturday 21" Florence, Sudie, Nannie and Mose went to the Baptist church today, they walked and will go to Mr. Brundy's; and Mr. Burton's for dinner. I got dinner and Mama darned and did numerous other things. I was at Drs. this evening, had quite a chat with Eva. Joe went to Uncle John Young's this P.M. Just as he was ready to start we saw the fire spreading and he had to go up there and help put it out before he went. I wish some more of us girls were boys. I feel sorry for Joe often. I did'nt want him to go to Uncle John's this Saturday. No mail again this evening, I owe too many letters to get any. Sunday 22" Mr. Buckles preached today, I went to S.S. and to preaching both . Tivis was here when we got home from church, she spent the evening, Joe did'nt get home till late this evening. Flo was reading and all but Mama had gone to bed down stairs, while I was writing to Will when some one knocked at the door, Mama came in from giving Joe his supper and who should she find there but Eva and Joe Barns, Jimmie, Will and Charlie Jones, I went down to see, never thinking it any body much, with Papa's hat and a big apron on, I came back and divested myself of both articles then went and lit a lamp instead of the dim candle. They stayed awhile and we sang a few & (?). Joe brought me a note from Maggie. I suppose I may thank her for their call. I did'nt quite finish Will's letter. Monday 23" I gave my letter to Mr. Snapp to mail in town. I hear that Ava and Mr. Rosenheim got in yesterday, I must go down to call. We went to singing tonight, "a singing man" from Lexington, Ky is here tuning pianos and I hear he wants to get a class. We enjoyed it immensely as Eva, Flo, and I talked all we wanted to. Tuesday 24" Ella came home from town today, and so did Dee T. I must go to see Dee very soon, I have'nt been there since Novem. Wednesday 25" We went to prayer-meeting tonight, Eva came up with me. No mail this evening except some envelopes I ordered. Guess the samples are'nt coming. Jeff Ward and sister are over. Thursday 26" Mary Higginbotham is here tonight, Ella sent me word she wanted me to go with her tomorrow P.M. to call on Mrs. Rosenheim. Friday 27" Wrote to Mlo tonight. I went with Eva and Ella to see Ava, found Dee and Mattie Brown there, we had quite a chat. Ava will soon go to Belfast to go to housekeeping. They got back Sunday , Mr. R. went to his business Tuesday . Ava says she has been very blue this week by herself. I stopped at the store with Dee, she is as cheerful as ever. I was at Cousin Letta's too. Saturday 28" Florence, Sue and Mary H. went to spend the day with Dasie Thompson today. I got dinner. Mamma was busy too. I wrote to Manda this P.M. Eva, Will and Jim Pierce were up here a few minutes. I am going to stay with Tivis tonight as her mother and father are at Indian. Florence brought me a sample of dress goods that Aunt Mary saw in town. Sunday 29" I stayed with Tivis last night, Jeff Ward was there with Charlie, he did'nt go home yesterday as they expected. His sister was walking yesterday evening and caught up with me as I went down. She seems very pleasant. Jeff is as talkative and egotistic as he always was. I went to S.S. tonday, Hugh Humphrey came over and was here for dinner and will stay all night with us, Tivis and Charlie were here too. We all went down to singing at the church this, stopped with Tivis. Eva,Will and Jeff soon came along and stopped too, to please Will, Eva and I went to Cousin Sis' for Jeffs sister, we stayed an hour or more and then we all went to the church and nearly sung ourselves hoarse. Maggie Harmon is at her Uncle Will Harrison's and will stay down two weeks. Jeff was up here a little while this evening, he said he had a picture of me, stole it from some girl. I accused him of telling a story; but he said it was a fact, I don't see whom he could have gotten it from. Monday 30" I went down to the store this morning at got cousin Will to send to town for my dress, stopped at the house a few minutes. The girls sent up this evening for Florence and me to go to the cove with them. Flo. went and I was half mad because I could'nt go, old selfish thing! Mama has been so busy to day I had to see to things and I could'nt go I wanted Flo. to stay. I did'nt care afterwards. Ebb went to Liberty this evening for the mail and brought my goods up, the dress is beautiful Ebb thought he would get me in a good humor and told me that Charlie J. said it was'nt any prettier than the girl is that is going to wear it. I don't like flattery myself. May 1888 Tuesday 1" Ordered some silk for my dress and wrote to Madame McCulla about making it this morning. Had a letter from Will this evening and Frank this evening Ebb took them from me and I sat down in the door to keep him from bothering me in reading them, but I got so cold I went to the fire as Ebb was busy with something else, he glanced up though and saw W. M. G. on the page from me and of course knew who it was from. Wednesday 2" Lou? came up today and helped Mama sew on a dress for me, she is so good and handy. Sally Puckett came to get Mama to cut a dress for her and she did. I did not go to P.M. tonight, stayed to write to Dayton. I have treated him a little badly about answering but he does'nt care. Thursday 3" Maggie Harmon, Ella and Eva are here tonight, Maggie, Ella, Flo. and myself went over in the meadow to hunt four leafed clovers but we failed to fine any, then we went to Drs. and watched them play croquet. Joe B., Will and Jimmie came up tonight and stayed till bed-time. It is nearly 11 o'clock and Ella and are not in bed. Friday 4" We are going to have a little picnic tomorrow if favorable. I went home with the girl this morning to see what Cousin Letta thought about their going and every thing is fixed. I asked the boys this A.M. as I went to school and they said they would come if possible, but unfortunately it is raining now. Pollie Sheets came down this evening for me to cut her dress and I cut it and baked a cake after school. Papa is in Thompson Valley tonight, Mama intended going down to sit up with Bobbie (Carney?) tonight as he is very sick but it rained to hard for her. Saturday 5" We concluded it was too damp this morning to have a picnic, and Mag and Ella sent Mary up to see us about it, she told Joe Mag said for him to come down and about that time Eva came up, so she Flo. and Joe decided to go down to Cousin Will's for dinner, and I was to go down after dinner to go to the cave with them. I was busy trying to finish my dress this morning Mama called me to the door to see "what nice fellow that was riding in." I hardly knew at first , but I found it was Ebb, come down to the picnic, he was on a fearful dyke. Will Painter came up after dinner and we went down and got the others and went to the mill and in the dry cave, it was a nice walk and we had much fun hunting four leafed clover as we came back. We were very fortunate in finding them. Mary H , Flo. and Will got too lazy to hunt and they left us and went to a nice seat on the rocks, but the rest were eager to hunt, Ebb was the only one that couldn't find any. We stopped at Dr's. as we came home. Joe and Eva played a game of croquet against Will and me and of course they beat us for I hav'nt played since last summer an am clear out of practice. The girls came up home late this evening and we walked home with them. Aunt Becca is very sick and Mama went down there tonight, but came back with us as Aunty is considerable better. I received Lavil's picture this evening I surely must answer that girls letter very soon. The picture does'nt half do her justice but it is like her and I kissed it for her sake. Sunday 6 I went to church and S.S. this A.M. Maggie, Ella, Mary, Eva and Will came home with us for dinner. Joe Barnes came up this P.M. Bro. Joe took us girls to church in the Jersey, Will, Joe and Ebb went up horseback. I went home with Ella and she gave me a card to send some clover to Will on. I stole my picture from her, stopped at Aunt Becca's and Charlie came home with me, we came by Dr's and had a few minutes chat with them Mag is down there tonight. I asked Charlie to come home with me but I came off from Dr's and never said "Turkey" I went back after him though he came up with me only stayed a very few minutes. I wrote to Will tonight and began a letter to Frank. Ebb went home this evening & will not go to school any longer. I hated to see the boy leave, he said he would be back in two weeks. Florence likes him better than I do and he will come to see her as well as the rest of us. Monday 7" Mama began this week by cleaning up and it will take nearly all week. I finished Franks' letter and wrote one to Lavil tonight. I wrote to Miss Mary Van Pelt about making my dress as Mrs. McCulla did'nt answer me. I surely don't know why. Tuesday 8" Still cleaning up. To-day is very much like all other days I write about, when I began this diary, I thought I would write every day, but sometimes I think the events are to small. Wednesday 9" We all went to prayer meeting tonight, I made a bouquet and gave to Joe and he gave it to Joe B. for me. We went down to Lou's a few minutes before prayer meeting. Eva, Maggie H. and Ella and Mary came along and we went up with them. Mrs. Kahle prayed tonight and a deep earnest prayer too. Thursday 10" Mama was busy having carpets taken up and numerous other things done this morning when who should come but Mr. and Mrs. Bundy. Fortunately things were straight in her room and everything wall all o.k. after all. Joe B. came home with Joe from school this evening. Ella and Mag came up for me to go down there tonight and I'm going Eva and I. We told the two Joes to come down after supper. Friday 11" Eva and I went to the store this morning soon for we came home early. The boys did'nt come last night, The bad things were down at the store of course, they pretend they are mad because they did'nt see a light in the parlor waiting for them and we are mad because they did'nt stop. Joe came over for dinner and we made him very useful about moving things, he seems like homefolks anyway, he's so friendly and kind. Mr. Buckles came up this evening. Florence went to Cousin Sis' tonight with the girls. We are about to get fixed up again. Mama's carpets look right nice. Saturday 12" I have been wanting to go to town for a month and as it was pretty this Saturday morning, Mama asked Papa if he could'nt take up if we got Cousin Sis' single buggy, he reluctantly consented and I wrote a note to Cousin Sis and she said of course. I dressed while Joe went for the buggy, and lo! when it came it was Cousin Will's buggy. Cousin Sis had no shafts to hers and did'nt think when she sent me word Thought we had two horses to work, but only one was idle. Well Papa got clear out of sorts and I became so discouraged when he did'nt want to go that I pulled off my hat and said I would stay at home, he said come on that we would have the pleasure of walking home as the the buggy is old and nearly broken down. Florence gave me my gloves and told me to go right on, it did'nt matter if Papa did'nt want to go. I wish I had that childs determination. And so we went. I felt very much like crying. Papa was very good and kind after we got off. We went to Dodd's I intended getting Lou to go around with me but she was not at home. Ida Lynch was very kind and went with me. I got our hats and took my dress to Mrs. McCulla. We were not there long, came back for dinner as Papa had to be at home this P.M. Troubles never did come singly and Papa lost the whip coming home and the buggy broke of course just before we got home, he was mad then too, came on home and nobody was here to take it on home and he had to take it. My father is good and does a great deal to please us but he has a temper that spoils our good spirits sometimes, he is very liberal towards us too. I think he was sorry afterwards that he was so cross today. It made me feel oh, so bad! and I could cry now, but I love him for I know he is good if he does worry about things and scold us. Mama is so good and gentle it hurts her so, my good mother that saves us from many hard places, I am not half careful enough of her, oh may I be better. Sunday 13" I had the headache this morning and did'nt go to church. Every body else went it seems. Joe and Jeff Ward went and walked, that scamp is over again, will go home tomorrow. I did not see him, he bid the boys good-by for California: another one of his "flying trips around the world" I should imagine. I got so tired and lonesome I went down to see Aunt Becca and Uncle William and went on down to Lou's, stayed a few hours, met Mr. Jack Whitley, Ella H's mash, he and Shell Surface, Mag Harmon's fellow, came down yesterday. Mag went home with hers this evening, I was sorry to see her go. Ella H. came up to the (????) with Flo and me, told us all the preaching news, and told me a sad little bit said Will G. had the measles. I won't get a letter Tuesday. Monday 14" This is my last week at school. I am not glad and yet I am not sorry. Mr. Buckles came back here tonight, it has turned real cool. Mr. Medley lit the fire out in the flat this evening and Joe had to go with the others to fight it. That boy has had his share of fighting fire. Ella and me went up and got black Ruff to help them. We went over to Amy Harriet's and talked a few minutes with her. Tuesday 15" Mama got her new lamp up to-day, it is very pretty. Her partition she had run in the kitchen is a great help, she's very ingenious. Wrote to Manda tonight, got her letter yesterday morning it was put with Cousin Will's mail and he gave it to Will P. to give to me and Will did'nt see me till Monday. I was down to Liberty this P.M. Mary H. came up for me to learn her some crocheting and I went down with her, was there a few minutes. Mr. Kahle came up just as I was leaving there and he said he was coming home with me as Mrs. K. was up here, she came to get me to make some rick-rack for her. They are protracting the meeting in the cove several have joined the church, among them Mrs. White, Mary and Ethel, Mattie and Lily Brown. Cousin Josie Stras is helping. I was down at Dr's this evening. Will and I beat Eva and Jimmie playing croquet. I did a great deal better than I did the other Saturday. Wednesday 16" It is still cold , killed all of the garden truck and I'm afraid much of the fruit. I had a nice long letter from Frank this evening, and I answered it tonight, she will be surprised at my magnanimity . Said Mr. Lincoln had been to Tenn. to see Cousin Lute, they will marry I know. I did not go to prayer meeting, preferred holding a pen conversation with Frank as it was raining. F. said Dayton had asked Lavil to go to Cranberry with him, but had'nt heard yet. I know she will go. Mr. L. and Cousin Lute are going. Dayton has'nt answered my last yet. I some how believe he is half mad at me. Thursday 17" I counted the grade today, Mose got the highest, Sue and Mollie Dorton came next and were even. I will give them something too, for they studied harder than Mose did, but all did right well. Sue has sick- headache today. Georgia has been right sick but is getting well again. Friday 18" I went to the store this morning got Mollie a pin, will get Mose and Sue a book. Mrs. Burnett and Cousin Peggie Bouling were here for dinner. Eva came up and went to school with us this P.M. Joe B., Will and Sydney H. said they wanted to come in, I told them to come on and not to peep for that is what they were doing. Mollie was proud of her pin. I am not sorry I taught, it is true my pay was small, but I don't think my time lost. Flo. and I went home with Eva and played croquet. Joe B. stopped from school and he and myself played against Will and Florence, they beat us the first three games but we won the last two with more honor than they did theirs. I enjoyed the evening immensely. Jimmie and Eva dear played mumble peg. Joe went down to the stable to talk to Will and some other fellow I thought Joe Harrison, but when Joe came he said it was Gus Gillespie. I was much surprised, he has been west five years, came home yesterday. I would like to see him. Saturday 19" Miss Byrdie and Cleo Thompson came to doctor's this evening. Florence and myself went down there to see them after supper. Gus Gillespie was there and Mr. McIluaine was in the parlor too. Will Painter and Gus came home with us. Gus improved considerable while gone. Sunday 20" I went to S.S. this morning and came home by Dr's for Miss B. and Cleo and Eva. They came up and stayed for dinner, went home this evening. Charlie Jones, Joe Barnes, Will Painter, Tivis and Lou were here this evening. Tonight is Mr. Doggett's night: but there will be no preaching, I am sorry to say. Saturday 26" I am getting real lazy about writing in my diary and nothing of importance has occurred this week, we have been busy sewing, and doing other unimportant things. I was baking a cake this evening when who should ride up but Wilk and Ebb. I was real glad to see the boys. Ebb came right on to the kitchen where I was. We went down and played croquet with Eva after I got through baking. Ebb and I took Uncle William Jones a little cake I baked him, we waited till after supper to go. Uncle was so proud of it, said he knows I am the best cook and one of the best girls living. Ebb gave me a picture of himself, only a [gem?], but it is like the bad boy, he also gave Florence one. Sunday 27" Mr. Buckles preached today. I went with Wilk and rode his horse. Ebb did'nt go he stayed at home and read a novel. The others went in the Jersey. I went to S.S. too this A.M. The boys and Florence tried to persuade me to go to the cave with them this P.M., but the sun was so hot I would'nt go. We all went over to the school house instead. Wilk threw himself down on the grass and said I had to talk to him or he would'nt go back to the house till dark. He talked a long string of foolishness and then said he was mad at me, which was foolishness too. They did'nt go home till rather late. I like both the boys, and still there is something about them I don't like. Mr. Bundy and Bro. Buckles started to Glade Spring this evening to attend the closing exercises of the Institute. Mr. Bundy is going from there to Russell to see his mother will be gone some days. Mama promised Mrs. B. that I might stay with her while he is gone. I would have gone up this evening but had nothing to ride. Sent Mrs. B word by Wilk and Ebb to send her horse down and I would go up in the morning. Monday 28" Mrs. Bundy sent her horse for me and I went up there. I am afraid it will be lonesome as it is so quiet there. I told Florence to send me my mail. I don't see why Will does'nt write, surely he is over the measles by this. Old "Aunt" Tilda Lanson stayed with us Monday night. Tuesday 29" I like to stay with Mrs. B. she keeps a good table and that pleases as well as fills me. I went to town today with Mr. Peery to have my dress cut and fit. We took dinner at Mr. Suface's with Belle. I came back with Papa as I could'nt come till rather late and Mr. Peery was in a hurry. I must write a note to Florence to have Cousin Will Harrison to order me some buttons for my dress. Wednesday 30" I sent the note down by Snapp, he left me two letters, forgot to give them to me as he went up, but neither of them was from Will. Joe Clark sent me his picture (card size). I helped Mrs. B. sew today. I would like to be at home for prayer-meeting tonight, if it was'nt raining so much. Thursday 31" I am getting on first rate, wrote to Cousin Dayton this evening, poor boy! I am so sorry for him his sister is still very low with pneumonia. I hope she will be spared him. Cousin Lute has been with Aunt Mary, but is coming home this week. I know Auntie feels desolate tonight. I am getting clear behind in my correspondence. I really must "do better". June 1888 Sunday 3" I went home this morning, rode Mrs. Bundy's horse. There was two letters awaiting me and one of them from Will. He said his eyes have been giving him some trouble the reason he did'nt write sooner. I thought something must have been the matter. I went to hear Mr. Khale preach this A.M. and came up to the Baptist church this P.M. with him, and as the horse was so frisky he rode on up to Mrs. B's with me, he was very kind. I will stay with Mrs. B. part of this week. I left Tivis and John and Will Painter at home when I left. Tuesday 5" I came home this evening. Mr. Bundy came just a few minutes before I left, he had a nice enjoyable trip. I like him and his wife a great deal. I am getting so forgetful about writing in this book. Saturday 9" Ella H. was up here this evening and we got in a big way about going to town to Mrs. Gillespie's commencement. I went home with Ella to see what they thought of it and we made all arrangements for us to go in the morning, but just before I left Cousin Will said that he had heard his brother was no better with the fever and he and Dr would go down there tomorrow, and of course the girls will have to stay with Cousin Letta. It was a great big disappointment to us children; but Flo. and I will go anyway and Mrs. Painter and Eva with us. Eva was up here a few minutes this evening and Flo. and I went home with her tonight only stayed a few moments. Sunday 10"