Will of Elbert Catlett Shannon (About 1835 - 1832) Tazewell County, Virginia Will Book 5, page 280 - 281 Tazewell County, Virginia At William V. Shannon's house - June 8, 1880. I, Elbert C. Shannon, of the county of Tazewell and State of Virginia, farmer by occupation, being of lawful age and sound mind, make this my last will. I give, devise, and bequeath my estate and property, real and personal, as follows, that is to say; First, I give to John William Shannon, son of Joseph Shannon, my brother, my interest, which is one half of fifty acres of land bought of James A. Tiller and joining the lands of my father William V. Shannon. Also, I give to Laura Elizabeth Shannon and Margaret Ella Shannon and Mary Virginia, also daughters of my brother Joseph Shannon, the land purchased from William T,. Moore, known as the Tiller land, lying on either side of the Fincastle and Bluestone Turnpike, being my part of the purchase of the said Tiller lands which is one half of said land. I also request my father William V. Shannon, to make a deed to Andrew Jackson Nash to my part of the old farm on which my father now resides, as herefore set forth in my father's will. My personal property I give to my sisters, Mary Ann Bailey and Elizabeth Nash, to be equally divided between the same to wit: except the mowing machine which is not paid for, my brother Joseph, paying for and retaining the same as his property, the said personal property being --------------------------------------- to control our copartnership stock, to settle and pay all dues of said Copartnership business and receive any debts due said firm, and if anything remaining after all claims, dues are properly adjusted, the same to go to my sisters as above written. I appoint Alexander St. Clair, merchant of Bluestone, Tazewell County, my executor. In witness, whereof, I have signed and sealed and published and declared this my will at the place above written. E. C. Shannon - Seal The said E. C. Shannon, at said place, on said day signed and sealed this instrument and published and declared the same as and for his last will, and we, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto written our name as subscribing witnesses. Witness; A. S. Huffard R. C. Graham A. D. Hambrick I, E. C. Shannon, do make this codicil to my last Will and testament . Having in my said last Will and testament requested my father to convey to Andrew J. Nash my said part of the old farm which my father now resides, and my father having since conveyed to said Nash a portion of said land, I hereby ratify and confirm the said conveyance and my father also having by deed conveyed the remainder of said land to me, I hereby will and devise the said land to be divided equally divided between Joseph B. Shannon and Andrew J. Nash this the 27 of October 1881. Witness my Hand E. C. Shannon - seal Teste: Daniel Carter Thomas Carter Virginia: At Circuit Court for the County of Tazewell, continue and held at the Courthouse therein on Wednesday, May 17, 1882. The last will and testament of . E. C. Shannon was this day produced in Court and offered for probate by Alexander St. Clair, the Executor named in said will; and A. D. Hambrick and Robert C. Graham, two subscribing witnesses thereto, came into Court, and being duly sworn, say they signed the same in the presence of the testator, who acknowledges said will and ---- of each other, they being present together; and there being a codocil annexed to said will, the same was also offered for probate.; and Daniel Carter, Jr., one of the subscribing witnesses to said codicil, came into court and being duly sworn, says the said writing here produced was signed by the testator in his presence and in the presence of Thomas Carter, the other subscribing witness to said codicil, and that they signed the said writing as witnesses in the presence of said testator, they both being present together, whereupon said will be recorded; and thereupon the said Alexander St. Clair, who together with Joseph Shannon, his surety, executed and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $100, conditioned according to law, which bond was proved sand received by the Court, took and subscribed the oath prescribed by law, and is hereby authorized to act as Executor of E. C. Shannon, deceased. A copy - Teste: R. Brittain D. C. ***************************************************************** Will of William Shannon ( - 25 Apr 1828) Tazewell County, Virginia Will Book 1, Page 242 In the name of God, Amen, I William Shannon of the County of Tazewell being sick and weak of body, but of sound mind and disposing memory, for which I thank God , and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as hath pleased God to bless me with, I do hereby make my last and testament in the manner and form following, that is to say; Firstly, i desire that all the perishable part of estate to immediately sold after my decease an out of the monies arising there from, all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid. Secondly, after the payment of my debts and funeral expenses, I give and bequeath to my my Wife, Margaret Shannon, one third part of my estate, both real and personal, for and during her natural life and after her decease I give same to my children hereafter named in the following manner that is to say. Thirdly, I give to my son, Thomas Shannon, my daughters Agnes Shannon, Elizabeth Shannon, and also believing my wife to be in a state of pregnancy, the issue of that birth to share equal with the above mentioned son and two daughters, all my land and personal estate , except two hundred dollars herein after mentioned equally divided among them and enjoyed by them and theirs forever. Fourthly, I give to William Shannon, son of Nancy Thompson, and Nancy Corder, the daughter of Susanna Corder two hundred dollars to be equally divided between them and theirs Heirs. Lastly, Id hereby constitute and appoint my friends John Shannon and George Hudson executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 24th of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. Signed, sealed, published and declared , as and for, the last will and testament of the above named William Shannon in the presence of us Witnesses. William Shannon - Seal File contributed by Ron Wagner for use in USGenWeb Achives USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation.