Will of John "Ferguson/Forguson" Fergason, 1707/8 - York Co. VA York Co., VA, Deeds, Orders, Wills, Etc. 13 (1706-1710), p. 122 abstracted by Matt HARRIS [brackets & surname capitalization mine] [p.] (122) In the Name of God Amen I John FERGASON being very Weake of Body but of perfect Sence Mind & Memory do ordaine this my Last Will & Testament to be in Manner & form following First I Bequeath my Soule to God who Gave it & my Body to the Ground to be buried in the Christian Buriall at the Discretion of my Executrix whom I Shall hereafter Name: As for my Worldly Estate which the Lord hath pleased to Lend me I Give & bequeath as followeth Item I Give to my Son John FERGASON all that Plantation Whereon W=m TROTTER now lives by Estimation Fifty Acres with all Appurtenances thereunto belonging when he attains to the Age of Twenty one Year's and to his heires Lawfully begotten for ever- but in Case he Should Chance to dye before he Comes to Age, or without Lawfull Issue then the Said Land to returne to my Son William FERGASON & his Heires Lawfully begotten forever And if both of them Should Dye without Lawfull Issue then I Give it to my Daughter Mary FERGASON & her heires Lawfully begotten forever Item I Give to my Son William FERGASON all that Plantation whereon I now live with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging to him & his heires Lawfully begotten for ever, when he Comes to the Age of Twenty One Year's but in Case he Should Chance to dye without Lawfull Issue, or before he Attains to that Age then I Give it to my Son John and his heires Lawfully begotten for ever and in Case both of them Should Chance to dye without Lawfull Issue then I Give it to my Daughter Mary & her heires Lawfully begotten forever Item I give unto my Daughter Mary FERGASON Ten pounds Sterling to be paid her Immediately after her Marriage or at the Age of Twenty One Yeares. Item I Give to wife Elizabeth FERGUSON One Negro Man Commonly known by the Name of Walter dureing her life, Provided Shee remains a Widdow: but in Case Shee Should Marry then I Give the said Negro to my Son William & his heires to be delivered to him at the Age of Twenty one Years and not before, but in Case he Should Chance to dye before he Comes to Age then Successively to my other Son & Daughter. Also I Give unto my Said Wife one Feather bedd, boulster Rugg & a pair of Blanketts. All my Just Debts & Legacy's being first paid the remaining part of my Estate I Give to be Equally Divided betwixt my wife & Children (that is to Say) Each one a part alike. Lastly I doe hereby Constitute & Ordain my Loveing wife Elizabeth FERGASON to be hole & Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I hereunto Sett my hand & affix my Seal this Twenty fourth Day of February Anno Dm 1707/8 John FERGASON *Seale* I his Mark Test John HEYWARD Anne ELLIS A her Mark Richard SLATER York County February Court 1707/8 This Will was then proved by ye Oath's of all the Witnesses thereto is admitted to Record Test Phi. LIGHTFOOT Cl.Cur. Truely Recorded Test Phi. LIGHTFOOT Cl Cur [The above named John FERGASON (FERGUSON) (b. 16 Aug 1670) d. 6 Feb 1707/8, according to the Charles Parish Register.] Submitted by Matthew W. HARRIS Of Richmond, VA, **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************