REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - DAVID PERRIGO Contributed by: Kevin Spaulding ( ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Revolutionary War Pension Records for David Perrigo, W19981 Deposition by David Perrigo dated 14 Jul 1820 Revolutionary Claim under act of Congress May 1st 1820 State of Vermont, Franklin County, SS} Supreme Court July ___ ____ 1820. On this 14th day of July 1820, personally appeared in open Court being the Supreme Court of this State for the County of Franklin a Court of Record for said State & County having the Power of fine * imprisonment, David Perrigo aged 60 years a Resident in Highgate in said County who being Sworn according to law saith on his oath(?) that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows-I enlisted in Oct(?) 1776 for three years in Capt. Simeon(?) Smith comp'y & Col. Seth Warners Reg't Massachusetts line & served out my time & was honorably discharged, my first application is dated April 24th 1818, my Pension Certificate is No 12886 & I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 & that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with Intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled an act to provide for certain engaged in the land & naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War passed 18th March 1818 & that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or sureties, contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than that contained in the schedule hereto annexed & by me subscribed. I am by occupation a farmer but by reason of a break(?) that I have I can do but little work, my family consists of my wife Eunice aged 55 years middling good health, my daughter Huldah age 14 years weakly & unable to do much & my son Sylvester ages 12 years health not good, my daughter Clarissa who is left with two young children & no husband to assist in their support is now living with me & dependent on me for subsistence for herself & children, my property consists of a ___ of 100 acres of land in Highgate with about eight acres under improvement with an old poor house on it for which I have an annual rend of twelve dollars & 50 cents to pay & there is now three years back rent unpaid I have no other property of any kind except bedding & clothing, I live with a son of mine & am dependent on him for all ____ except what I can purchase with my pension money, I having heretofore delivered over to my son with whom I now live what little household furniture I had to ____ him to take care of me & my family David Perrigo Sworn to and declared on the 14th day of July 1820} Before the Court Horace Jones, clerk Deposition by Clarissa Stackney dated 22 Sep 1838 I Clarissa Stackney of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont of lawful aage do testify and say that I am the daughter of David Perrigo late of said Highgate deceased who was as I am informed by said decease a soldier of the United States for three years in the Revolutionary War I have often heard my father speak of his being a soldier and he informed me that he served as a drummer in the army during the said term of three years, I further say that my father during his life received a pension for his services for some years before his death until the time of his death which took place on the 2d day of July 1826-I was present at the time of his decease. I further say that my mother Eunice Perrigo is now living and that she has always remained a widow since the decease of my father. I further say that the paper herein to annexed is the family record of my father's family and is in his hand writing Clarissa X Stockney (her mark) State of Vermont, Franklin County} Swanton, Sept 22, 1838 Then personally appeared Huldah Martin the signer of the foregoing deposition and made solemn oath that the foregoing deposition contains the truth and nothing but the truth. Before Me, ____ ____ Deposition by Huldah Martin dated 22 Sep 1838 I Huldah Martin of Highgate in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont of lawful age do testify, depose and say that David Perrigo late of Highgate aforesaid deceased was my father and he died on the 2d day of July 1826 I have frequently heard him say that he served three years as a drummer in the army of the United States during the Revolutionary War. My father drew a pension for his services in the army during the said war, for several years ____ previous to his death and my mother ____ ____ ____ after my father's death that accrued from ___ until July 1826. I further say that my mother Eunice Perrigo is now living and that she has always remained a widow since my father's decease. I further say that the paper hereunto annexed is the family record of my father's family and it has been known as such since my recollection-it is in my father's hand writing Huldah Martin Perrigo Family Record David Perrigo was in 1782 February the 17 day aged twenty one years seven months fifteen(?) days Eunice Perrigo ___ married aged fifteen years ___ months five days Lucy Perrigo born June the 10th 1787 Ebenezer Perrigo born August the thirty first 1789(?) Polly Perrigo born July ___ 1789(?) Zimri Perrigo born November 29th 1793(?) Clarissa Perrigo born August ___ 1795(?) Elijah Perrigo born August the 9th 1798 Pamelan(?) Perrigo born October 8(?) 1800(?) Herman Perrigo born September ___ 18__ Huldah Perrigo born October 4 1804(?) Sylvester Perrigo born August ____ 18__ Deposition by David Perrigo dated 24 Apr 1814 State of Vermont, Franklin County, SS} On this twenty fourth day of April AD 1814 before me the Subscriber one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont personally appears David Perrigo aged forty seven years and upwards resident in the town of Highgate in said County of Franklin who being by me first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States during the Revolutionary War." That he the said David Perrigo on the 25th day of December 1776 at Albany in the State of New York he enlisted in the company commanded by Capt. Simeon Smith in the Regiment commanded by Col. Seth Warner for the term of three years, that he continued to serve in said corps as a drummer until the 25th day of December 1779 when he was discharged from service at Fort George in the State of New York, that he was in the battles of Hubbardton and Bennington and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his said services than the deposition of Benoni Grant herewith transmitted. Sworn and declared before me the day & year aforesaid William Brayton, Judge Supreme Court Vermont Deposition by dated 11 Aug 1838 State of Vermont, Franklin County, SS} On this 11th day of August AD 1838 personally appeared before the Honorable Probate Court for the district of Georgia in the State aforesaid Eunice Perrigo resident of the town of Sheldon in the County of Franklin and State of Vermont aged seventy two years who being duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of Congress passed July 4th 1838 entitled an act granting half pay and pension to certain widows, that she is the widow of David Perrigo late of Highgate in said Franklin County deceased who was a private soldier of the United States during the time of the ____ in the Revolutionary War but in as much as she was not married to the said David Perrigo until after his term of service expired nor was she acquainted with him she is unable to state when the said David(?) served or in what regiment. She has heard him relate respecting his service but owing to her advanced age and feeble health she has forgotten the particulars and cannot give a minute relation but her husband was a pensioner under the law of 1818 and his application is now in the office of the Secretary of War at Washington, reference(?) being thereunto ____ for a more particular description of the service of the same David Perrigo and she further says that all the evidence of the service of the said David Perrigo that she knows of is the affidavits and papers in the Office of the Secretary of War which said affidavits and papers were procured(?) and furnished by the said David for the purpose of ___ his pension under the act of Congress 1818. She further says that the said David drew his pension until the time of his death and after his death his legal representative drew the money that accrued from the 4th of March to the [second of July?] 1826 which last mentioned day was the time of his death-she further says that she has always remained a widow since the death of the said David Perrigo. She further declares that she was married to the said David Perrigo on the 17th day of February AD one thousand seven hundred and eighty two that her husband the aforesaid David Perrigo died on the second day of July eighteen hundred and twenty six, that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first day of January seventeen hundred and ninety four (viz, at the time above stated) Sworn to and subscribe on the day and year above stated Eunice X Perrigo (her mark) Attest N'l Whittermore(?) Before me, William Bridges Judge of Probate