Orleans County VT Archives Military Records.....Johnson, William B. February 1964 Civilwar see previous entry ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/vt/vtfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jan Jordan jnrose@webtv.net October 9, 2010, 1:16 pm WILLIE WENT TO WAR By Marius B. Peradeau 2005, Limited Edition, 049 Of 100 Pages 4 And 5 WILLIE WENT TO WAR by Marius B. Peradeau 2005, limited edition, 049 of 100 pages 4 and 5 [part of] last sentence on page 4 [my heading BIRTH DATE] "Thus it appears he was born in either 1819 or 1821." from bottom paragraph of page 5 "Taking into account the September 7 date of the 1850 Morristown Census, it can be deduced that Willie was born in December 1849. On the other hand, when Willie re-enlisted in the Army in February 1864 he said he ws thirteen years and seven months old. Assuming that his father had told him his correct birth date, that would make him born in July 1850. [My note: I did not type the footnote.] From the 1st paragraph at the top of page 5: "In any case, he was the oldest member in his company. [my heading: EDUCATION] from the 2nd paragraph: "Unanswered is the question of where William obtained his education" [my heading: IMMIGRATION AND WIFE] from the 3rd paragraph: "He migrated to the United States and settled in Morristown, New York, which is located in St. Lawrence County along the banks of the river of that name just west of Ogdensburg. It was originally called "The [sic. Hague?]" but became Morristown in 1821. In his pension affidavits toward the end of his life, William said that in 1837 he married a girl named Eliza in England before coming to the United States." from the 4th paragraph: "The 1850 Census for the town provides valuable data. William dropped the "H" of the "H.B." middle initials and was now merely William B. Johnson, age thirty-one. Eliza was a native of Ireland, the same age. There were three children: Elizabeth, age six, Thomas, age four, and Willie, ten months. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/vt/orleans/military/civilwar/other/johnson1333gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/vtfiles/ File size: 2.3 Kb