BEMIS (Rogers) CEMETERY, Adams County, Washington The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. Burial list of Bemis Cemetery transcribed by John Denning. Text conversion by Maggie Rail. Submitted by John Denning June 3, 1999. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bemis (Rogers) Cemetery near Ralston, WA. Established in 1888 and originally called "Rogers Cemetery". Members of the cemetery association met at the "Enterprise School". A. J. Clever, Secretary, May 15, 1891, G. C. Stafford, Treasurer, J. C. Allen. To reach Bemis cemetery go South 14.7 miles on State Route 261 from Interstate 90 at Ritzville. Pass through Ralston at 9.5 miles. (There are two "Providence Road" signs, the first one is for the part W of State Route 261 - proceed to the second sign for the E part) East 1.5 miles on Providence Road (gravel) from State Route 261. (Note: "Homesteader's Apple Tree" in the field on right just before 1.5 miles.) North, Left Turn, 0.8 mile -- Bemis Cemetery is on the left (signed). The cemetery is fenced with a chained but unlocked gate at the roadway. There are some headstones; and a few funeral home markers which are now mostly illegible. Lots 1 and 16 of the NE section have metal fencing enclosures overgrown with vegetation. Much underbrush, watch for badger holes. According to the chart of the cemetery, it appears to consist of four sections. Each section has 32 lots, numbering begins in the NE corner of each section. SW NW 25 24 9 8 25 24 9 8 26 23 10 7 26 23 10 7 27 22 11 6 27 22 11 6 28 21 12 5 28 21 12 5 29 20 13 4 29 20 13 4 30 19 14 3 30 19 14 3 31 18 15 2 31 18 15 2 32 17 16 1 32 17 16 1 25 24 9 8 25 24 9 8 26 23 10 7 26 23 10 7 27 22 11 6 27 22 11 6 28 21 12 5 28 21 12 5 29 20 13 4 29 20 13 4 30 19 14 3 30 19 14 3 31 18 15 2 31 18 15 2 32 17 16 1 32 17 16 1 SE Gate NE ----------------------------- Roadway ------------------------------- Lots are 29 feet (N to S) by 10 feet (E to W). There is an E to W space of 6 feet between lots. There is an N to S space of 4 feet between lots. There is an N to S space of 20 feet between N and S sections. There is an E to W space of 20 feet between E and W sections. NE Section Recorded Burials -- 1 - J. Rogers 2 - F. Linn 3 - F. Eckles 4 - Cline 5 - Beal 6 - S. Montgomery 7 - J. Gaskill 8 - W. Gaskill 9 - Leonard 10 - H. Leonard 11 - G. Shaw (1) 12 - C. Linn 13 - G. Riggs/Hughes 14 - John Allen 15 - W. Watkins 16 - A. Bemis 17 - C. Rogers 18 - Lucus 19 - W. Reader 20 - R. Gull 21 - G. Fogle, Sr. 22 - F. Benge 23 - J. Bailey 24 - A. Setters 25 - Chas. Hawes 26 - Mussellman 27 - Edgecomb 28 - Robert Wells 29 - J. Riggs 30 - Nichols 31 - G. Wilson 32 - C. E. Rogers (1) Gravestone reads "Bessie Shaw" SE Section Recorded Burials -- 1 - B. West 2 - S. Crosley 3 - John Ingles 4 - Carila 5 - J. Houser 6 - Moon 7 - Watkins 8 - Halsey 9 - 10 - Bemis 11 - L. G. Weston 12 - G. Anderson 13 - 14 - Weller 15 - Evans 16 - Hart 17 - B. Gates 18 - Bob Dinsmore 19 - Foley 20 - Fifield 21 - Watkins 22 - 23 - E. Stahl/J. Stahl 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - F. Stewart 31 - M. Straton 32 - J. Stewart NW Section Recorded Burials -- (Chart is partial) 16 - Shaw 17 - Leonard 18 - No Name 32 - Porter SW Section Recorded Burials -- (Chart is partial) 1 - Ross Uncharted burials -- W. C. Reeder A. J. Clever F. A. Davidson G. H. Shaw Frederick Snyder James S. Rogers Wm. Harkness C. D. Linn F. R. Brakefield Wm. Best M. E. Helme G. Leonard A. F. Linn L. M. Shaw J. R. Harding L. W. Martin H. Lucy Chas. Evans Anna Setters Laura Watkins An uncharted and unlisted burial there may be Samuel Wright GASKILL (1834-1908), since according to his death certificate his burial is shown as -- "Near Bemis, PO Adams Co." ....