Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, October 4, 1945 Adams County, Ritzville, WA ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************ ==================================================================== This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Gardner sueboo18@hotmail.com ==================================================================== Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, October 4, 1945 Judge Succumbs Judge Matt L. Driscott of Pasco died this morning in a Seattle hospital where he was taken following a heart attack last week, the Journal-Times learned at press time this afternoon. D. Knottingham Rites Wednesday LIND - Funeral services were held last Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist church for Donald Knottingham, 55, former Adams county resident, who died suddenly after arriving at the Holy Rosary hospital, Ontario, Ore. He had been ill for several years. The Rev. Edmund Miller officiated at the funeral services and burial was in the Lind cemetery. Donald Knottingham was born June 30, 1890, at St. John, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Knottingham. He came to Adams county with his parents in 1897 and attended rural school at Lind high school. On Dec. 22, 1912, he was married to Miss Lois Moore. Shortly afterwards, the couple moved to Oregon, where he became a well-known stockman. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge. At the funeral services, Mrs. Edmund Miller sang several songs, accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Copp. Members of the Lind Odd Fellows lodge conducted graveside services. The pallbearers were John Miller, George Cozine, F. L. Fox, A. L. Weston, JOhn Fouser and G. G. Plager. Besides his widow, he is survived by four sons, John, chief motor machinists mate in the navy; Frank, coxswain in the navy; Glenn and Paul, at home; his fathe, W. S. Knottingham, Roxboro; three sisters, Eva and Mattie Knottingham and Mrs. Susie Burgeson, all of Roxboro; two brothers, Claude, Roxboro, and O. E., San Diego, Calif. One son, George, preceded his father in death. Transient Succumbs At Local Hospital Woody Blackfoot, transient, died Monday morning at Ritzville general hospital after a week's illness. He was taken off a bus and rushed to Ritzville general hospital Sept. 24 when he became ill. Officials have been unable to locate any living relatives. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, October 11, 1945 Funeral Services For M. D. Thiel Will Be Saturday Funeral services for Martin D. Thiel, 50, prominent Ritzville businessman and sportsman who died suddenly from a heart attack Tuesday will be held at 1 p.m. at the Hazen & Jaeger chapel in Spokane. The Spokane Elks lodge will conduct the service. Burial will be in the Ritzville cemetery. Although Mr. Thiel had been in poor health for several years, his death came as a shock to his many acquaintances since he had been at work Monday evening. He died about 1:15 p.m. Tuesday at his home on Main street. A resident of Ritzville since his birth, with the exception of a few years, "Foxy," as he was called by his many friends, had operated the Pastime Cigar Store since 1926 and was well-known as a sportsman. He was an active member of the Ritzville Golf Club and won the city championship in 1942 and 1944, also winning the championship several times on the old sagebrush course west of the city. He loved to hunt and fish and was an expert at trapshooting, attaining a reputation throughout the Inland Empire for his skill. He served on the city council six years, was a member of the Spokane Elks, Ritzville Odd Fellows lodge and C. J. Newland post No. 51 of the American Legion, Ritzville. Martin D. Thiel was born Oct. 23, 1894, in Ritzville, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thiel, Jr., who farmed near the city. He attended local schools and went to business college in Spokane. After leaving college he worked for Standard Oil for a short time and entered the army in World War I, serving seven months. After his discharge, he returned to Standard Oil and worked in Wenatchee, Spokane, Colville, Northport and Colfax before returning to Ritzville in 1925. He purchased a half-interest in the Pastime Cigar Store with C. T. Laidlaw in 1926 and acquired complete ownership in 1927, when Laidlaw retired because of ill health. He was married to Miss Clarice Seavey, who survives him, on Dec. 21, 1920, having met her while she was teaching school here. They would have celebrated their 25th anninversary this year. He also is survived by three sisters, Mrs. W. W. Wagner, Auburn; Mrs. Melven Oestreich, Arcadia, Calif.; and Mrs. H. E. Scholer, Spokane. Hold Last Rites For Judge Matt Driscoll Monday Funeral services for Judge Matt L. Driscoll, 64, who died suddenly from a heart attack last Thursday in Seattle were held Monday morning at the Catholic church in Pasco. All members of the Adams county bar association and County Clerk Henry F. Meyer attended the services as did members of the bar from the other two counties in the district, Judge Timothy Paul of Walla Walla, and Judge Ivan Merrick of Prosser. Judge Driscoll had been in poor health for several years but his death was unexpected. He and Mrs. Driscoll had gone to Seattle a week before and he had entered Providence hospital for treatment. Matt L. Driscoll was born in Antigo, Wis., and came to Pasco about 33 years ago. He was a member of the law firm of Driscoll & Horrigan until his appointment as judge in 1930, upon the death of Judge John Truax. Governor Roland Hartley made this appointment and the judge was reelected without oppositon every four years. He was widely-known in the three counties in which he served and had many friends in Ritzville. Besides his widow, he is survived by one son, Matt, Jr.; and a brother, Daniel of St. Paul, Minn. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, October 18, 1945 Hold Rites For Carl G. Miller Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Zion Congregational church for Carl G. Miller, 44, Ritzville farmer who took his own life last Friday. The Rev. Pete Ruder officiated and burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Carl G. Miller was born April 3, 1901, at Tacoma and attended school in that city. He came to Ritzville in 1917 with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miller, who farmed near the city on the Chargois place. He worked with them until he was married May 24, 1924, to Miss Anna Miller, and they began operation of their own farm three miles south of Packard a few years later. He was a member of the Zion Congregational church and the Ritzville I.O.O.F. lodge. Besides his widow, he is survived by one daughter, Charlene, at home; one son, Donald, at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miller, Ritzville; five brothers, Frank and Alex, Ritzville; George, Tacoma; John, Portland; and Henry, Spokane. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, October 25, 1945 Walter Koch Died In Prison Camp 'Buddy' Reports The tragic news that Walter Koch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Koch of Ritzville, died in a Japanese prison cmap hospital in December, 1943, was brought to Ritzville this week by Sgt. Rudy Thaut, who was recently liberated after 42 months as a Japanese prisoner. Sgt. Thaut and Cpl. Koch, who enlisted together in 1940, were close companions and remained together even after their capture by the Japanese until they were imprisoned at Tenagowa. Sgt. Thaut later learned that Cpl. Koch died in December, 1943. The two were sent to the Philippines in December, 1940, a year before Pearl Harbor and fought side by side on Corregidor. After the fall of Corregidor in May, 1942, they were sent to the same prison camp. Walter Koch was born Nov. 29, 1913, on a farm near Ritzville and had lived here all his life except for a few years at a civilian conservation camp. He attended local schools and was graduated from high school with the class of 1931. After his graduation he attended the CCC camp and worked later for the county highway department until he enlisted Oct. 24, 1940. After the fall of Bataan, his parents got one letter and one postcard. The letter, mailed in November, 1943, was not received by them until last January, nearly 14 months later and more than a year after he died. Besides his father and mother, he is survived by three brothers, Fred, chief of the Berlin bureau of the U.S. information control service; Eugene of Wenatchee, and 1st. Lt. Calvin, stationed in New Jersey; and three sisters, Mrs. Fred Enelken, Wenatchee; Mrs. Leo Welch, Tacoma; and Miss Dena Koch, Portland, Ore. Edward Bodinger Funeral Tuesday Funeral services for Edward Bodinger, 78, retired Ritzville tailor who died at his home Saturday evening, were held Tuesday morning at the Haight & Sons chapel with the Rev. Otto Ehlen of Lind officiating. Burial was in the family plot in the Ritzville cemetery. Although Mr. Bodinger had been in poor health for some time, his death came suddenly. Edward Bodinger was born in Germany May 23, 1867, and came to the United States when he was 19 years old. He located first in Stockbridge, Wis., but later moved to Minnesota. He was married in Austin, Minn., Aug. 31, 1898, to Tena Hansen. Four children were born to them, of which three survive. They are Leon, Yakima; Harry, Tacoma, and George, Walla Walla. He also is survived by two grandchildren. The family moved to Ritzville in June, 1908, when he resided up to the time of his death. Mrs. Bodinger preceded him in death in 1919. Pallbearers at the funeral were John Eiseman, Paul Hitchcock, W. H. Landreth, Henry Amen, Sam Kanzler and Joe Schafer. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, November 1, 1945 Marshall I. Koehler Listed As Killed Sgt. Marshall I. Koehler of Ellensburg, formerly of Ritzville, has been listed as killed in action on a bombing mission over Yugoslavia in 1944. He had only been listed as missing in action. A gunner, he was awarded the purple heart and presidential unit citation posthumously. He was a brother of Max Koehler of Seattle, also a former Ritzvilleite. Mrs. H. Hubert Succumbs Friday Mrs. Harry Hubert, 62, former resident of Corfu, died at the Ritzville general hospital recently from a heart ailment. She had been in poor health for some time. Mrs. Hubert had lived in Ritzville since the death of her husband, prominent cattleman of the lower Crab creek area, about a year ago. Burial was Friday in the city cemetery. Mrs. Hubert had no known relatives. Former Lind Man Dies In Colfax I. M. Ingham, extension agronomist for the state college and one-time assistant superintendent of the experiment station at Lind, died recently at the Bryant and Wiesman clinic in Colfax following a month's illness. He spent several months in Adams county last summer contacting farmers in the interest of the Columbia Basin commission, prior to the election on irrigation contracts. Mr. Ingham was born in Topeka, Kan., Dec. 21, 1898, and after graduating from high school in that community, attended Washington state college, where he earned his bachelor's and master's degrees. From 1925-1929 he was assistant superintendent of the Lind experiment station. He was agricultural agronomist for Franklin county from 1929 through 1941, when he was appointed extension agronomist at the state college. Hold Last Rites For Pioneer Matron Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Trinity Methodist church for Mrs. Elsie W. Langenheder, 77, Ritzville pioneer who died Friday in Ritzville. She had been in poor health for some time. The Rev. Clifford Knight officated at the services and burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Elsie Wortmann Langenheder was born in Hanover, Germany, Oct. 3, 1868, and came to the United States with friends when she was 23 years old, settling in Iowa. On Oct. 24, 1892, she was married to Charles Langenheder at Lincoln, Mo. They lived in Iowa and Missouri for nearly six years and came to Ritzville with three children in the fall of 1899. Taking up a homestead northeast of the city, they remained there until September, 1924, when they moved to Millwood, near Spokane, where they stayed until October, 1936, when they again moved to Ritzville, locating on a farm north of town. Mr. Langenheder died in this home Nov. 9, 1946, and Mrs. Langenheder came to live in Ritzville. She was a member of the Millwood Community church. Three of eight children born to the Langenheders preceded their mother in death. Those surviving are: Three sons, Fred and Roy of Ritzville, and John of Athol; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Griffith, Klamath Falls, Ore.; and Mrs. Mabel Faler, Wallace, Ida.; 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. J. M. Campbell Hatton Pioneer Funeral services were held Friday in Walla Walla for John M. Campbell, 75, Adams county pioneer who died Oct. 23 at his home in Walla Walla after a short illness. He was the father of Joseph N. Campbell of Lind. Mr. Campbell was born Sept. 30, 1870, in Arkansas and when quite young moved to Purdy, Mo., where he went through school. He farmed there and was married to Margaret E. Robberson in 1895. They came to Washington in 1900 and homesteaded near Hatton, where they farmed until 1931, when they moved to Walla Walla county and farmed until his retirement two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell celebrated their golden wedding last Sept. 16. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and the Lind I.O.O.F. lodge. Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ben Curran of Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. Ruth Fisher of Walla Walla; and two sons, Joseph of Lind, and Lt. Fred W. of the army air corps, stationed at Grand Island, Neb.; four brothers, Matt of Palo Alto, Calif.; Bud of Purdy, Mo.; Will of Turlock, Calif.; and Oscar of Seattle; and four grandchildren. Two children preceded him in death, Opal in 1911 and Otha in 1944. Hold Graveside Rites For Michel Infant Graveside services for the 15-day-old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Michel of Othello, who died recently, were held at the Ritzville cemetery Monday. The Rev. F. J. Ahrendt officiated. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, November 8, 1945 J. H. Vehrs Dies Wednesday Night J. H. Vehrs, pioneer Ritzville farmer and businessman, died at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday in Deaconess hospital, Spokane, according to word reaching here this morning. Mr. Vehrs was active in civic affairs, being a member of the selective service board and the city council. He was also a director of the Ritzville Trading Co., and the Ritzville Warehouse Co. A complete obituary will be published in next week's Journal-Times. Mrs. David Sauer Funeral Sunday Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Philadelphia Congregational church for Mrs. David Sauer, 77, Ritzville matron who died Thursday at the Ritzville general hospital after a short illness. The Rev. R. Kirschenmann officiated and burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Anna Sauer, nee Matzat, was born Sept. 14, 1868, in Kindschen, Germany. She was married in Germany to Fred Negraszus and they came to the United States in 1925 where he died in 1929. In 1932, she was married to David Sauer of Ritzville, who also preceded her in death. Mrs. Sauer is survived by six stepsons, Rev. John Sauer, Fresno, Calif.; Gotthilf, College Place, Wash.; Daniel, Mott, N.D.; Fred, Ritzville; Rudolph, Harrington; and David, Aurora, Ore.; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Fred Stueckle, Lacrosse; and Martha Sauer, Ritzville; and one brother at Arlington, Calif. Hold Last Rites For W. Watkins LIND - Funeral services for William H. Watkins, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident recently, were held last Thursday at the Lind Methodist church with the Rev. Edmund Miller of the Mennonite church officiating. Interment was in the Lind cemetery. Relatives attending from out-of-town were Pvt. Robert L. Watkins, Jr., of Shepperd Field, Tex., Mrs. Robert Watkins, Jr., and Mrs. Don Zietelhack of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watkins of Warden, W. H. Rogers and Mrs. Wm. Lichty of West Salem, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Becker of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Harley E. Rogers of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. Nina Anderson of Ritzville, Earl Watkins of Benge, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DeVore and daughters, Lola and Louise, of Mondovi and Charles Murray of Seattle. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, November 15, 1945 Funeral Sunday For J. H. Vehrs, Local Pioneer Funeral services for J. H. Vehrs, 70, pioneer Ritzville businessman and farmer who died last Wednesday at a Spokane hospital following a short illness, were held Sunday afternoon at the Zion Congregational church with the Rev. P. Ruder officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mr. Vehrs suffered a heart attack and paralytic stroke about a week before his death and for a time appeared to be rallying, but his condition took a turn for the worse early last week and he died Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Deaconess hospital. Despite his age, he was active in civic affairs, serving as city councilman from the 3d ward and as a member of the selective service board for Adams county. Mr. Vehrs was on the boards of directors of the Ritzville Trading Co., and the Ritzville Warehouse Co. for a number of years. John Henry Vehrs was born Jan. 14, 1875, at Rensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and came to the United States in 1891 with his parents. They settled at Grand Island, Neb., where they lived until 1899, when they moved west to Ritzville. He had lived here since that time and had extensive farming interests. During recent years, he frequently assisted Victor Donis in management of the Ritzville Warehouse Co. Mr. Vehrs had been a member of the Zion Congregational church since 1900 and was active in Sunday school, in the choir, as a deacon and as secretary of the church. He is survived by one brother, Hans of Ritzville, and one sister, Mrs. Marie Hazlett of Whittier, Calif. Mrs. E. Garrison County Pioneer HATTON - Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Garrison, pioneer of this district, were held Nov. 4 in Kahlotus. She came to Big Bend country from West Virginia, where she had taught in a girl's seminary for 17 years. Mrs. Garrison and the late Mr. Garrison were known to everyone in the district as "Uncle Joe and Aunt Eva." He died about a year ago and she has lived alone since then although she was 82 years old when she succumbed. The Sunday before her death, Mrs. Garrison taught her Sunday school class in the same church in which her funeral was held a week later. The pallbearers were men who had either attended school or Sunday school where she taught when they were boys. They were Alex Watson, Ralph Watson, Roy Kelso, John Montgomery, Charles Williams and William Curry. Mrs. Garrison was superintendent of the Sunday school held in the Sand Hills school house until 1929 and she still owned the same ranch that Mr. Garrison had homesteaded in the early days. Burial was in the Delight cemetery beside her husband and two children, a son who died at nine years of age, and a daughter only three days old. She is survived by a sister in California and many nieces and nephews. One nephew and his family from Waterville attended the funeral. Calvin Elliott of Washtucna Passes Calvin Elliott, 74, Washtucna pioneer, died this morning at Ritzville general hospital after an illness of only a few days. He made his home at Cheney for the past several years but formerly lived in the Washtucna district where he is well-known. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Washtucna Community church. Hold Rites For Mrs. John Hille Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Philadelphia Congregational church for Mrs. John Hille, 53, Ralston matron, who died last Friday at her home after a lingering illness. The Rev. R. Kirschenmann officiated and burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mrs. Hille had been ill since January and was in a Spokane hospital for some time before she was returned to her home. Soloma Hille, nee Doering, was born June 23, 1892, at Parkston, S.D., and came to Adams county with her parents in 1902, as a girl. She was married to John F. Hille April 17, 1918, and they made their home on a farm near Ralston. Mrs. Hille was a member of the Congregational church and a charter member of Ralston grange No. 943. Besides her widower, she is survived by one daughter, Annette of Lind, and one son, John C., at home; three sisters, Mrs. John Schulz, Quincy, Wash.; Mrs. Henry Melcher, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Alma D. Martin, Beckley, W. Va.; and four brothers, Ludwig, Reardan; John, Odessa; Christ, Kennewick; and Solomon, Spokane. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, November 22, 1945 Calvin Elliott 'Tucna Pioneer WASHTUCNA - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Community church for Calvin Elliott, 74, resident of this district for nearly 40 years who died last Thursday morning at the Ritzville general hospital after a short illness. The Rev. A. K. Walborn officiated and burial was in the Washtucna cemetery. Calvin Elliott was born Sept. 13, 1871, in Pike County, Illinois, where he grew to manhood. He was married in 1891 to Miss Laura Thomas of Lousiana, Mo., and they came west to Washtucna in 1902, living here since then until about five years ago when he moved to Cheney. To this union five children were born, two of whom are still living. Mrs. Elliott preceded him in death two years ago. Although Mr. Elliott has been in poor health for several years, he was active until about three days before his death. He is survived by one son, Elbert, Washtucna; one daughter, Mrs. V. D. Leek, Salem, Ore.; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Griffith, Washtucna, and Mrs. Anna Brokaw of Illinois; and two brothers, Everett of Missouri, and Thomas Elliott of Washtucna. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, November 29, 1945 Details of Pfc. Giese's Death Told Mr. and Mrs. Chris Giese of Lind recently received a letter from Lieut. R. P. Fulmer of Los Angeles, Calif., giving details regarding the death of their son, Pfc. Walter H. Griese, in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. The Gieses had never received any information previously, other than word their son, who was captured at the fall of Bataan, had died. According to the letter, Pfc. Giese died Jan. 27, 1944, and he was buried in the Japanese shrine in the city of Niigato, Japan. Hold Last Rites for Joe Vehrs In Spokane Sunday Funeral services for Joe Vehrs, 43, well-known Ralston farmer who died early Friday morning in Spokane, were held Sunday at 4 p.m. from the Hazen & Jaeger parlors in Spokane with the Spokane Tyrian lodge No. 96 of the Masonic order conducting the rites. Cremation followed. Mr. Vehrs had been in poor health for some time. Joechen Frederick Vehrs was born June 8, 1902, in Ritzville, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Vehrs and attended school in Ritzville until his parents moved to Spokane about 1912. There, he attended Bancroft school and North Central high school, from which he was graduated. After his graduation, he went to work for the Spokane Drug Co. and remained in Spokane until about 1927, when he began farming near Ralston, where he has since lived. He was married July 14, 1923, to Miss Hazel L. Richert. Mr. Vehrs was a member of the Ritzville Masonic lodge, Scottish Rite and Shriners of Spokane, Elks lodge No. 228 of Spokane and the Ralston grange. Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Shirley and Delores; his mother, Margaret C. Vehrs of Spokane; one brother, Edward of Portland; four sisters, Mrs. Gretchen Davis, Portland; Mrs. Anna Dortch, Spokane; Mrs. Dora Poole, Everett, Wash.; and Mrs. Ed Sumpter, Ritzville. William Moore Former Resident Dies Suddenly William D. "Bill" Moore, manager of the Sprague Cash Grocery and Market and manager of the Ritzville Safeway store until he resigned a few years ago to open his own store in Sprague, died of a heart attack Tuesday evening at his home in Sprague. He had been in normal health until stricken by a heart attack Tuesday afternoon at the store. He was taken to his home and appeared to be recovering satisfactorily until he was stricken with a second and fatal attack about 11 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral services have not been scheduled because the family is waiting to learn if his two sons, both servicemen, can be present. William Dwight Moore was born June 10, 1894, at Kendrick, Ida., and was educated at schools in Kendrick, Walla Walla and Umapine, Ore. He had been in the grocery business for the greater part of his life, except for a few years which he devoted to stock raising in the Horse Heaven country and in Idaho. He had been a store manager for Safeway for a number of years before going into business in Sprague two years ago. He was married June 30,1915, in Walla Walla to Willieta Rice. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Ritzville, president of the Lions club of Sprague and chairman of the executive board of the Sprague Boy Scouts. Mr. Moore was active in the Lions club and in Boy Scouts work when he lived in Ritzville. Besides his widow, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Dee Essex at home; two sons, Capt. Robert Bruce Moore, stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va.; Pvt. William R. Moore, member of the military police stationed at San Antonio, Tex.; his mother, Mrs. E. Moore, and a sister, Mrs. Floyd Goodman, both of Walla Walla, and five grandchildren. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, December 6, 1945 None Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, December 13, 1945 Mrs. W. Moeller Rites Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. William Moeller, 53, one-time Ritzville resident, were held Saturday at Emanuel Lutheran church with the Rev. F. J. Ahrendt officiating. Burial was in the Lutheran cemetery. Mrs. Helen Anna Moeller was born in Dayton, Ohio, April 13, 1892. Both her parents died when she was only two years old and Mrs. Bents became her guardian, moving to Spokane when she was about nine years old. She attended Brunot hall, an Espiscopal school in Spokane and later graduated from the old Cheney Normal. She taught four years in the Ritzville schools and was married Feb. 21, 1917, to William Moeller. They lived in Ritzville only 18 months after their marriage and then moved to he Palouse country. Shortly afterwards they moved near Portland, Ore., but after five years returned to a farm near St. John. In 1939 the family moved to Harrington where they have since maintained their home. Mrs. Moeller had been in good health for the last three years and died last Wednesday in a Spokane hospital. She was an active member of the Davenport Lutheran church. Besides her widower, she is survived by two sons, William, Jr., with the armed forces in Japan; Harry, at home; and two grandsons. Hold Rites For Philip Christel Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the Zion Congregational church for Philip Christel, 74, Ritzville pioneer, who died last Thursday after a lingering illness. The Rev. Peter Ruder officiated. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Philip Christel was born Feb. 22, 1871, at Kolb, Russia. He was married to Katherine Miller in 1901 and they came to Ritzville in 1909. Besides his widow, he is survived by one son, Henry, and one daughter, Mrs. Marie Koch, of Ritzville. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, December 20, 1945 Hold Last Rites For Sally Fisher WASHTUCNA - Funeral services were held in Ritzville Monday afternoon from the Haight & Sons parlors for Sally Fisher, 14-year-old daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fisher of Washtucna, who died Wednesday while en route to a Spokane hospital from Spangle, where she was attending a Seventh Day Adventist school. She was believed to have been suffering from influenza and hemmorrhagic pneumonia. Sally Fisher was born Jan. 12, 1931, in Artesia, Calif., and her parents had lived in Washtucna since May, 1945. She was graduated from the Washtucna grade school last spring. She was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church. Besides her parents, she is survived by two sisters, Miss Mary Fisher, at home; Mrs. Joseph Dobias, Rosemead, Calif.; four brothers, W. L. Fisher, Washtucna; R. H. Fisher, Rosemead, Calif.; Charles and Richard Fisher, both of Milford, Utah. Mrs. Fred Moeller Succumbs At Home Mrs. Fred Moeller, Ritzville pioneer, died at her home about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Funeral services will be held Friday at 1 p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran church with burial in the Lutheran cemetery. A complete obituary will be published next week. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, December 27, 1945 Hold Last Rites For Mrs. Fred Moeller Friday Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Emanuel Lutheran church for Mrs. Fred Moeller, 85, pioneer Ritzville matron, who died Tuesday, Dec. 18, at her home. The Rev. F. J. Ahrendt officiated and burial was in the Lutheran cemetery. Mrs. Moeller had been in good health until about 3-1/2 years ago, when a heart ailment made her bedfast for one year. Contrary to the predictions of doctors she regained her health to the extent that she was able to walk around the house. On Thanksgiving Day she was taken ill with pneumonia, and her condition became serious last week. Caloine Sophia Moeller, nee Nieman, was born Oct. 21, 1860, in Hespe, Germany. Her father died when she was only nine years old, leaving the family without means of support. She was married May 30, 1880, to Fred Moeller and they lived at Hespe until 1892, when they brought their family to the United States. In June of the same year they settled on a farm at Tobias, Neb., remaining there for 13 years. In 1905, the Moellers moved to Ritzville and began farming. They retired to town in February, 1920, and have lived here. Mrs. Moeller was baptised in the Lutheran church in Germany and was an active member of the local church. She was a charter member of the Ladies Aid. She and Mr. Moeller celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 1940 with an open house attended by many friends from all parts of the Inland Empire. Besides her husband, Fred, she is survived by three sons, William of Harrington; Herbert of Ritzville; and Otto of Post Falls, Ida.; five d daughters, Mrs. Sophia Wellsandt, Mrs. Caroline Schwisow, Mrs. Ernestine Teske, Mrs. Engel Sielaff and Mrs. Anna Schwisow, all of Ritzville; 25 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. A fourth son died in 1918. Pallbearers will be grandsons Victor Wellsandt, Orville Moeller, Frederick Schwisow, Harry Moeller, Milton Schwisow and Lester Sielaff. Honorary pallbearers were Dale Sielaff, Harry Schwisow, Donald Schwisow and Walter Sielaff.