Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 4, 1957 Adams County, Ritzville, WA ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ************************************************ ==================================================================== This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Gardner sueboo18@hotmail.com ==================================================================== Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 4, 1957 Ben Setterland Dies In Tacoma Word was received here this week by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sickman of the death of Ben Setterland in Tacoma. Mr. Setterland was manager of the White River Lumber company here for many years. He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Browning, and her sons, Lanis and Kenneth in Tacoma at whose home he lived. Death Claims W. H. Miller SPOKANE - Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for William Halliet Miller with the Rev. G. Christie Swain officiating. Surviving are his wife, Lydia, at the home; three daughters, Mrs. Eva Bembridge and Mrs. Marian Vanderhoff, both of Seattle, and Mrs. George May of Las Vegas, nev.; two sons, Robert Miller of Spokane and Col. Winton Miller of Washington, D.C., and seven grandchildren. Mr. Miller formerly lived in Ritzville, coming here in 1924 from Connell, and was manager of the First National bank for over 10 years before moving to Spokane to make his home. He was engaged in private investment business there. While living in Ritzville he was an active member of the chamber of commerce and all civic affairs, and was secretary for several years of the Ritzville Fair association and local rodeo shows. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 11, 1957 None Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 18, 1957 Local Native Dies In Quincy QUINCY - Mrs. Louise Hoersch, 68, died at her home here Monday. She came to Quincy with her husband, John, in February of this year from North Dakota. She was born in Ritzville to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Weber April 12, 1895, and married John Hoersch Sept. 13, 1913, in Ritzville. She was a member of the Philadelphia Congregational church there. Besides her husband at the home, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weber of Ritzville; four sons, Harold of Quincy and Sam Hoersch of California, Joel of Connecticut and Victor of Quincy; seven daughters, Mrs. Alma Schlegal and Mrs. Wilma Whittman of Kansas, Mrs. Esther Andruss and Mrs. Ruth Jones of Seattle, Mrs. Arlene Fisher of Wenatchee, Mrs. Lois Pflifler of Minnesota and Mrs. Clara Sauer of Oklahoma; 26 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held from the Philadelphia Congregational church in Ritzville at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 20, with the Rev. H. Haemmelmann and the Rev. R. Rieger officiating. Burial will be in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Final Rites Are Held Here for Pioneer Funeral services for Cornelius Peter Nightengale, who died Thursday morning, April 11, at his home in Ritzville, were held Monday at the Menno Mennonite church. The Rev. Lester Janzen officiated and burial was in the Mennonite cemetery. Danekas and Duncan funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Nightengale was born March 20, 1880, at Henderson, Neb., a son of Peter and Agatha Nightendale. When he was 11, his mother died and he made his home with the Jacob Schrag family. They moved to Eugene, Ore., in 1888 and lived there until 1900. He took up a homestead in the Schrag area of Washington state in 1900 and lived there until his retirment in the fall of 1949. He and his wife then moved to Ritzville where he made his home until his death. Mr. Nightengale became a charter member of the Menno Mennonite church and helped considerably in construction of the first church building located near the present church site. He was united in marriage of Lydia Schrag on Dec. 13, 1904. She passed away in 1909. They had two daughters, Mrs. Andrew F. Ensz (May N.) of Ritzville and Mrs. Arthur Hoefel (Esther) of Odessa. On July 16, 1917, he was married to Ursula Bernhardt who survives. Other survivors are a sister, Mrs. Kate Taylor of Elkton, Canada, and one grandchild. Orris Dorman, Ex-Local Man, Dies at 86 ALTADENA, Calif. - Orris Dorman, 86, a former publisher of the Ritzville, Wash., Times and Inland Empire agricultural leader, died at his home here Tuesday. He was born in Sigorney, Iowa, in 1871 and came west in 1887 with his parents who homesteaded near Ritzville. During his early years he farmed and operated a hardware business in Ritzville besides being publisher of the Times. After he moved to Spokane in 1903 Dorman took active interest in banking, farm cooperatives and agricultural activities of the chamber of commerce. For several years he was an officer in the North Pacific Grain Growers association. He was one of the chief promoters in that part of the country for wheat exports during the depression and with others helped in the export of millions of bushels of Inland Empire wheat to foreign nations. From 1923 to 1930 he engaged in wheat growing on a large scale near Lacrosse, Wash. Dorman moved to California in 1947 and his son, Donald O. Dorman, now operates his ranch. Besides two sons, Donald of Lacrosse and Richard A. Dorman of Palo Alto, Calif., survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Martha Smith, Klamath Falls, Ore., and Mrs. Dorothy M. Perham, Spokane; a sisters, Lois Dorman, Pomona, Calif.; 10 grandchildren and a niece, Mrs. William Tanner, Ritzville. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 25, 1957 Mrs. D. A. Scott Funeral Slated Mrs. D. A. Scott, 84, died suddenly Thursday morning (today) at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maynard Galbreath. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 27, from Danekas and Duncan funeral home. The Rev. Alfred Carter, pastor of Trinity Methodist church will officiate. Burial will be in the Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Area Pioneer Dies In City at Age of 91 Funeral services for Mrs. George (Jeannie Hanna) Johnston, 91, who died April 19 at Adams County Memorial hospital, were held from the Trinity Methodist church Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Alfred Carter officiated and burial was in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Danekas and Duncan funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Johnston was born July 1, 1865, at Oneemee, Ontario, Canada, and was married to Thomas George Johnston in 1893. They came to the Ritzville area the same year. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Violet Johnston of Colville, Mrs. George (Iris) LaMonte of Washington, D. C.; one son, Merle Johnston of Ritzville and one sister, Mrs. Dave Sheppard of Spokane; two brothers, S. A. Down of Victoria, B.C., and Frank Down of Port Dover, Ontario, Canada; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was a member of Trinity Methodist church. Jake Fode, 87, Of Lind, Dies LIND - Jake Fode, 87, died in the Adams County Memorial hospital April 24. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27, from the Lind Lutheran church with the Rev. Robert Drewes officiating. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Fred Kramer of Ritzville, Mrs. Walter Roloff and Mrs. Lloyd Wertz of Olympia, and Mrs. Otto Floether of Odessa; three sons, Ted, John and Emil, all of Lind; a half-sister, Mrs. Katherin Bitz of Peshastin; 30 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Burial will be in the Lind cemetery. Danekas and Duncan funeral home is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Lofgren Funeral Saturday Funeral services for Mrs Minnie Ethel Lofgren will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, April 26, from the Danekas and Duncan funeral home with the Rev. R. W. Rieger officiating. Mrs. Lofgren died at Adams County Memorial hospital April 23 following a short illness. Surviving are her husband, Clarie at the home; one son, Clarie Lofgren, jr., of Spokane; and two sisters, Amy Mattson of Minneapolis, and Mrs. E. E. Stoneberg of Grandy, Minn.; and two grandchildren. She was a member of Naomi Rebekah lodge in Helena, Mont., Royal Neighbors of America and the American Legion auxiliary. Burial will be in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Final Services Are Conducted for Hollenback WASHTUCNA - Funeral services for Robert Gerald Hollenback, who died Saturday in a car accident on the Pasco-Kahlotus highway, were held April 24 from the Bruce Lee Memorial chapel in Pasco. The Rev. L. R. Phillips of the Kahlotus Community church officiated. Burial was in Desert Lawn Memorial park cemetery. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hollenback; three brothers, Richard, Donald and Douglas; two sisters, Carol and Mary at the home, eight miles northeast of Kahlotus; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenback of Washtucna and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kroll of Spokane. He was in the Marine Corps reserves and a member of the Kahlotus Community church. Hollenback and six other teen-agers were in the car when the accident happened. The driver, Lynn Blair, 16, was critically injured. The others, Bill Blair, 19, Norma Richmond, 19, JoAnn Cochran, 19, Gary Lathrop, 17, and Dick Moore, 20, received bruises and abrasions. The car went out of control 11 miles east of Pasco, turned over and skidded on its top for about 150 feet down the Kahlotus highway. Lind Community Pioneer Dies; William Yeisley Homesteaded LIND - The community lost one more of its pioneer settlers in the death of W. W. Yeisley, 88, Saturday morning, April 20, at Ritzville Memorial hospital. He had gone there a few weeks previously for treatment of a respiratory ailment and was unable to overcome ensuing complications. William Walter Yeisley was born April 22, 1869, to William Benjamin and Elizabeth Morris Yeisley in Sheridan township, Davis county, Missouri. When he was 18 he came west in a covered wagon with his older brothers, Willard and John, both of whom soon took up homesteads south of Lind. During the next three years, Walter held various jobs, such as working on the railroad, on farms here and in the Palouse country, and in a logging camp near Moscow, Idaho. Upon attaining legal age he filed homestead rights on the Michigan Prairie quarter that became the nucleus of his present holdings which now include the homesteads of those two brothers as well as other parcels of land. All three homestead shacks are still standing. Asked recently why he came west, he said, "I had the idea from the time I was a boy that I could find a better place than Missouri." Although he did not marry until late in life and never had any children of his own, he reared and educated a large family. His widowed sister, Mrs. Ida S. Hughes, and her nine children came to live with him in 1908. The following year another nephew, Walter Ashcraft, whose mother was ill, came from Rosedale, Kan., to join the family. All 10 nephews and nieces lived at the Yeisley home until they married, and each were given the opportunity of receiving a college education. Mr. Yeisely was married in 1935 to Mrs. Daisy Olsen at Waterville. She passed away two years ago. His fraternal affiliations were with the Lind ldoge No. 134 F. & A. M.; Margaret Wadsworth chapter No. 225, OES (charter member); Lind IOOF and the Connell Grange. Survivors include a half-sister, Mrs. Anise Doane of Des Moines, Iowa, a half-brother, Ernest Yeisley of Kansas City, Missouri, and the following nieces and nephews in the Northwest: Mrs. Elver Huse, Glen Eckelberry and Walter Ashcraft at Lind; Mrs. Harry (Nancy) Aumack, Spokane; Mrs. Wilbur (Leona) Morrison, Auburn; Mrs. Del (Bernice) Crow, Snohomish; Mrs. Harvey (Zema) Fern, Bozeman, Mont.; Comodore Hughes, Kennewick; V. J. Hughes, Seattle, and Verner Hughes, Pincher Creek, Canada; and step-daughter Mrs. John Faulkes and her three children Kenneth of Lind and Don and Irene of Spokane. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon in the chapel of the Danekas and Duncan funeral home, Ritzville, with the Rev. W. H. Ritchey of the Lind Methodist church officiating. Members of the Masonic lodge of Lind assisted in the burial rites at the Michigan Prairie cemetery. Solomon Bauer Funeral Held Funeral services for Solomon Bauer, 65, were held April 20 from the Danekas and Duncan funeral home chapel with the Rev. Alfred Carter officiating. Bauer died April 18 at Adams County Memorial hospital. He had been a resident of this area for 54 years, coming here from Nebraska. He was engaged in wheat farming. He was a member of the American Legion C. J. Newland post No. 51, and Marcellus Grange. Suviving are one son, Delano Bauer at home; two sisters, Anna Bauer of Walla Walla and Lydia Bauer of Seattle; and two brothers, Carl Bauer of Ritzville and Adolph Bauer of Espanola. Burial was in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. McCall Funeral Conducted Here Funeral services were held Monday at Danekas and Duncan funeral home for Mrs. Martha McCall, 87, who died April 18. The Rev. Alfred Carter officiated. Burial was in the Garfield cemetery. Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Bertha Barnes of Ritzville; Miss Carrie McCall of Methow, Mrs. Aida Miller of Portland, Mrs. Edith Martin of Spokane, Mrs. Nona Howard of Wenatchee, and Mrs. Pearl McDougal; three sons, Wiley McCall of Fairchild, Harold McCall of Methow and Cecil McCall; one sister, Miss Ora Davis of Alberton; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services for Richard Johnson Conducted at Connell Church HATTON - Funeral services were held Tuesday, April 23, at the Gideon Lutheran church in Connell for Richard James Johnson, who died Easter morning in a Seattle hospital. Richard was born Nov. 3, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Johnson of Hatton in a Spokane hospital, the second of two sons. Reas, the brother, died April 26, four years ago. Dick attended school in Lind until his junior year when the family moved to Spokane. The boys attended Central Valley high, and Dick was graduated there. Then he went to Pacific Lutheran college and to Washington state college at Pullman. He then went into the marines and served two years. He was married to Anne Wicks of Seattle on June 6, 1952. To them were born two children, Richard James, jr., and Nancy Lynn. They moved to Hatton where Dick and his father were engaged in farming at the time of Dick's death. For the past 11 months Dick had not been well, but was still active in his church work. He was director of the choir and soloist for many programs of the Connell Lutheran church of which he was a member. Mr. Johnson was a member of Olympia Lodge F. & A. M. No. 1; Trinity chapter No. 215, OES of Olympia; the Jaycees; and in April he was installed as vice-president of the Junior chamber of commerce in Connell. He is survived by his wife, Anne; son Richard James and daughter, Nancy Lynn; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Johnson of Spokane; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Emma Johnson of Connell; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Wollmuth of Spokane; uncles Harold Johnson of Hatton, Arthur Johnson of Cunningham, Don Johnson of Pomeroy and Alvin Johnson of Orange, Calif.; two aunts, Mrs. Malcolm Morrow of Mount Vernon and Mrs. John Kanz of Wenatchee. The Rev. C. R. Schutz was in charge of the funeral services with the Rev. Daug assisting. Rev. Daug is the minister at the church in Reardan and was a college classmate of Richard at Pacific Lutheran. Graveside services were in Washelli cemetery in Seattle Wednesday with the Rev. Anderson of Phinney Ridge Lutheran church in charge. Rev. Anderson is the minister who married Dick and Anne. Lee C. Colwell Funeral Held at Ritzville Lee C. (Brick) Colwell, 70, died April 20, at Adams County Memorial hospital. He had been in ill health the past six months but in the hospital only six days. Colwell was born June 27, 1887, in Hastings, Mich., and came to the Ritzville area in 1900. He was married to Jessie Flora Reed Oct. 15, 1913. She preceded him in death on April 14, 1951. Surviving are his son, Kenneth B. Colwell; two brothers, Bert Colwell of Davenport and Earl Colwell; one sister, Mrs. Stella Huling of Hastings, Mich. Funeral services were held April 23 from the Danekas and Duncan funeral home. The Rev. Alfred Carter officiated. Burial was in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 2, 1957 Scott Funeral Held Saturday; Area Pioneer Funeral services were held Saturday for Mrs. Alma King Scott, 84, who died last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maynard Galbreath, where she had been living. She was born Aug. 10, 1872, at Humboldt, Nebr. She crossed the plains in a covered wagon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson King to the Oregon territory when she was seven years old. She came to Ritzville when she was 21 and in 1895 was married to Daniel A. Scott. She had resided since then at Ritzville with the exception of four years spent at Olympia when Mr. Scott was director of conservation and development. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Galbreath, Mrs. Anna King of Pullman, Mrs. Verna Gahley and Mrs. Wilma Harris, both of Spokane; one son, Kennedy Scott of Spokane; 10 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Daisey Cargill of Lewiston, Ida., and one brother, Ervin King of Pendleton, Ore. Mrs. Scott was a member of Trinity Methodist church; Zenith chapter 55, Order of Eastern Star; Past Matron's club and Women's Relief Corps. Funeral services were held Saturday from the Danekas and Duncan funeral home with the Rev. Alfred Carter officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Former Local Resident Dies SEATTLE - Mrs. Elizabeth W. Barnett died April 19 in Seattle following a long illness. She was born in Cleveland and came to Washington state as a child with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lehman. Before moving to Seattle in 1930 she lived in Ritzville and before her marriage was a stenographer in the office of the late W. O. Miller. Surviving are her husband at the home, and two sisters, Mrs. Hazen Ely of Olympia and Mrs. Gordon Speck of Edmonds. Memorial services were held April 25 in the University Unitarian church. Private cremation was held. Death Claims Area Pioneer Mrs. Lydia Von Olnhausen, 62, died April 28 at Adams County Memorial hospital. She had been a resident of the Ritzville area for about 56 years. Surviving are her husband, Ernest, at the home in Ritzville; two daughters, Mrs. Elsie Busch and Mrs. Mary Nissen, both of Ritzville; two sons, Earnest Von Olnhausen of Moses Lake and Vern Von Olnhausen of Seattle; one sister, Mrs. Henry F. Scafer of Yakima and 12 grandchildren. She was a member of the Eagles auxiliary and the American Legion auxiliary. Funeral services were held today (Thursday) at 2 p.m. in the Danekas and Duncan funeral home chapel. The Rev. Alfred Carter, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, officiated. Burial was to be in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 9, 1957 Johnson Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Mrs. Florence Johnson, 74, who died at Adams County Memorial hospital, May 2. The Rev. Alfred Carter officiated at the services that were held at Danekas and Duncan funeral home chapel. Burial was in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Surviving are her son, J. E. Johnson of California; two brothers, Casper Lamb of Iowa and Lester Lamb of Ritzville; one sister, Margie Lamb of Medical Lake and two grandchildren. She had made her home with her brother, Ervin Lamb at Schrag, who had preceded her in death. She came to Washington with her parents and was married to Phillip Johnson in 1901. They made their home at Quincy. Following her husband's death she moved to Ritzville in 1940. (Full obituary in May 16 issue) Hudson Dies In Idaho City PALOUSE - George Hudson, 67, died in the Moscow, Ida., hospital Tuesday following a lingering illness. He was born Aug. 24, 1889, in Wisconsin. He had been employed by Potlatch Forests, Inc., since 1919 and had been in Potlatch since 1943 and office manager, retiring in 1954. Surviving are his wife, Gertrude, two daughters, Mrs. Elaine Hobbs of Alderwood Manor and Mrs. Betty Smiley of Ritzville, one brother, Burton Hudson in the east and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, May 10, from the Presbyterian church at Potlatch with the Rev. Joe S. Anderson officiating. Graveside services will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Normal Hill cemetery, Lewiston, Idaho. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 16, 1957 Stohr Funeral Is Held Here Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 p.m. (Thursday) from the Emanuel Lutheran church for Donald Albert Stohr, three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stohr, who died May 13 in Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane. The Rev. F. J. Ahrendt officiated at the service with burial in the Lutheran cemetery. Survivors besides his parents are grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Squire of Portland, and his great-grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Krause. Arrangements were under the direction of the Danekas and Duncan funeral home. Death Calls Iowa Native, Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Florence (Lamb) Johnson, who died May 2, was born near Afton, Ia., March 8, 1883. She came to Ritzville in March of 1899 and in 1901 was united in marriage to Phillip Johnson. They made their home at Quincy. Two sons were born to this union, Stephen and Eugene. Stephen preceded her in death. In 1908 they moved to a farm at American Falls, Ida. In 1913 her husband passed away. She and her son, Eugene, then moved to Schrag and lived there until 1931 when they moved to a small farm near Sunnyside. In 1940 Mrs. Johnson came to live with her brother, Ervin Lamb, near Schrag. In March, 1956, she entered Adams County Memorial hospital and in November was taken to a Spokane hospital where she remained until her death. Funeral services were held May 6 with burial in the Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Surviving are her son, Eugene Johnson of California, two brothers, Casper Lamb of Iowa, and Lester Lamb; one sister, Margie of Medical Lake and two granddaughters. Swanson Rites Conducted Here Chapel services were held from Danekas and Duncan funeral home Saturday morning for one-day-old Steven Curtis Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swanson. He died May 9 in Deaconess hospital at Spokane. The Rev. R. Philp officiated with burial in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Survivors are, besides his parents, four sisters, Barbara, Jean, Rita and Jill, and one brother, Wayne, and his grandmothers, Mrs. Lillie Portney and Mrs. Ida Swanson, both of Lemmon, S. Dak. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 23, 1957 Mrs. Metha Weber Dies In Ephrata EPHRATA - Mrs. Metha Weber, 81, an Adams county pioneer, died May 22 in a Leavenworth hospital. She came to Washington state in 1889 and was married in Lind in 1892. She and her husband established the Weber post office in this county in 1902 and she was postmaster there for 25 years. Survivors include a son, Jacob Weber of Ritzville and three grandchildren, David, Jacob and James Weber. Funeral services will be held in Holy Trinity Methodist church at Ephrata Saturday, May 25. Burial will be in the Lutheran cemetery in Ritzville. (Full obiturary published in May 30 issue) Mrs. Hudson Rites Held In Prosser WASHTUCNA - Mrs. Robert (Donna Rae) Hudson, 23, passed away Tuesday, May 7, in a Santa Monica, Calif., hospital following heart surgery. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday, May 15, at Prosser. Burial was in the East Prosser cemetery. Mrs. Hudson was born Nov. 1, 1933, in Lind, and was a resident of Washtucna, and was graduated from the Prosser high school in 1952. Survivors include her husband; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayden of Selah; a sister, Mrs. Norma Griffith of Prosser; two brothers, Darrell Hayden of Seattle and Wayne Hayden of Selah. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 30, 1957 Area Pioneer Funeral Held; Burial Is Here EPHRATA - Funeral services for Mrs. Metha Weber, 81, an Adams county pioneer, were conducted from Holy Trinity Methodist church here Saturday, May 24. Burial was in the Lutheran cemetery in Ritzville. She died May 22. Mrs. Weber was born July 7, 1875, at Toledo, Ohio. She came to Washington territory in 1889 and was the first woman married at Lind. this event was in 1892. She resided on Lower Crab creek, now the site of O'sullivan dame, until 1917, when she moved to Adams county. The Weber post office was established June 27, 1902, and she served as postmaster there for 25 years. In 1941 Mrs. Weber moved to Ephrata to reside at the home of her son-in- law, J. P. Simpson, until 1949. Then due to failing health she went to Dryden to live with a daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Milbrath. Preceding her in death was her husband, Jacob; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Weber Simpson, and a son, Casper Weber. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Rachel Weber Milbrath, Dryden; a son, Jacob A. Weber, Ritzville; grandchildren First Lieutenant Earl Milbrath, Las Vegas, Nev.; Mrs. Clarence Stanbridge, Wenatchee; John Milbrath, Dryden; John and James Simpson, Ephrata; Mrs. James Anderson, Bellingham; David, Jacob and James Weber, Ritzville; nine great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. T. M. Bollins, Spokane; and two brothers, William Bosch and Wallace Buchman, Colbert. Menno Church Member Dies MOSES LAKE - Funeral services for Walter H. Peters, 36, who died Sunday afternoon at his home on a farm near Raugust Siding, were held Wednesday, May 29, in the Moses Lake Presbyterian church. Peters, a member of the Menno Mennonite church, was killed by what Coroner Richard Penhallurick called a self-inflicted wound from a .22 caliber rifle. The Rev. Lester F. Janzen, pastor of the Mennonite church, officiated at the funeral services. Burial was in Pioneer Memorial Gardens. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Sandra K., 7; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters of Ruff; a brother, Herbert Peters of Ephrata and two sisters, Mrs. Helena Roberts of Seattle and Mrs. Anna Belle Lightel of Ephrata. Johann Serely Rites Are Held In Spokane SPOKANE - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Johann Serely, seven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Serely, at the chapel of the Riplinger funeral home with the Rev. C. M. Depiere officiating. Survivors besides his parents include two brothers, Phillip and George of Ritzville. (The obit both identified the deceased as a daughter and later a male) Beak Funeral Service Held at Zillah Saturday ZILLAH - Funeral services were held Saturday for Toby Beak who died following a tractor accident Tuesday. He was the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Plager, Mr. and Mrs. E. Grams and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Schutz, and cousin Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plager, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Haag, all of Ritzville, who attended the funeral, and Dan Tiede of Valleyford. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 6, 1957 None Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 13, 1957 C. A. Secrist Dies In City Funeral services were conducted this afternoon (Thursday) for Charles Alexander Secrist, 66, who died Monday at the Adams County Memorial hospital. The Danekas and Duncan funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Elder C. L. Vories officiated. He was a retired shoemaker and had made his home in Ritzville the past five years. Surviving are his wife, Margaret; a daughter, Karen, and sons, Joe and Charles at the home; two other sons, Wesley Secrist of Marysville, Calif., Harry Secrist of Tucson, Ariz.; one other daughter, Mrs. Mae Casey of Bonners Ferry, Ida., and one sister, Emma Secrist of Alva, Okla. Burial was in Ritzville Memorial cemetery. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 20, 1957 Final Services Held for Susan R. Towers EVERETT - Graveside services were held Thursday, June 13, for Susan Rebecca Towers, three-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Towers. She died at Children's Orthopedic hospital in Seattle June 10. Surviving besides her parents were a sister, Sally, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Towers of Ritzville, and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson of Wilbur. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 27, 1957 Donahue Rites Held Tuesday WALLA WALLA - Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Patrick (Charlotte) DOnahue of Ritzville, who died at a Spokane hospital last Thursday. She is survived by her husband and son, Michael, at their home in Ritzville, and two brothers here. Mrs. Donahue and her family had lived in Ritzville three months, going from there to Ellensburg. Ex-Resident Dies Recently ABERDEEN - U. S. (Sherdy) Walker, a one-time resident of Adams county died in an Aberdeen hospital June 20. The funeral and interment were in that city. He was born in Garfield county on April 26, 1884, and went to Adams county with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rigg, at an early age. He lived until about 20 years ago on Rattlesnake Flat and in Lind. Then he moved to the Grays Harbor area and resided there between Aberdeen and Montesano until his death. He had been in failing health for several years. Mr. Walker was for many years a member of the Lind Grange and of Lind IOOF. After moving to the coast he joined the Masons and became a member of Central Park Grange. He is survived by his wife, Anna, at the home; a sister, Mrs. Fred Loutzenhiser of Spokane, and several stepchildren.