Clark-Walla Walla County WA Archives Biographies.....Donegan, Timothy 1859 - September 7, 1913 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley and June 20, 2009, 2:58 pm Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company TIMOTHY DONEGAN. Few citizens of Vancouver have been held in higher general regard than was the late Timothy Donegan, whose death, on September 7, 1913, was deeply regretted by all who knew him. His record stamped him as a man of more than ordinary ability, for he began his business career here on a modest scale, and by his persistent industry, close attention to his affairs and the exercise of sound judgment eventually attained a gratifying measure of success and was numbered among Vancouver's greatly esteemed merchants and highly respected citizens. Mr. Donegan was born in Ireland in 1859 and was a son of John and Anna (McCarthy) Donegan, also natives of that country. He attended the schools of his home neighborhood and at the age of sixteen years, in the hope of finding better opportunities for advancement, he emigrated to the United States. He located first in Boston, Massachusetts, where for a number of years he was employed in a glove tannery. He then enlisted in the Twenty-first Regiment United States Infantry and during his service came to Vancouver. After five years of army life, he was honorably discharged and at once went to Walla Walla, Washington, where he remained about a year. Returning then to Vancouver, he engaged in the shoe business, establishing a small shop on Main street between Third and Fourth streets. This proved a successful venture and, requiring more room, he moved to the Wolf block, where he was located until he erected his own building at Seventh and Main streets, where he conducted a well stocked and up-to-date store and commanded a large and representative trade. He carried on his business personally until 1912, when his health failed and he spent a number of months in traveling in Europe, returning to his home in Vancouver before his death. The building which he erected is still owned by Mrs. Donegan. In 1889 Mr. Donegan was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. McDonnell, a native of California and a daughter of Columbus and Mary (McKilop) McDonnell, both of whom were born in Ireland. Her parents came to the Pacific coast during the great gold rush of 1849, making the long voyage around Cape Horn to San Francisco, and thence to Marin county, California, where Mr. McDonnell was engaged in farming for many years. In 1880 they came to Vancouver, buying a farm east of the city, and there spent their remaining days, the father dying in 1902 and the mother in 1918. This farm, which comprises one hundred and fifty-five acres of fertile and well improved land, is now owned by Mrs. Donegan. To Mr. and Mrs. Donegan was born a daughter, Marguerite, who attended the Vancouver public schools and was graduated from St. Mary's College in Portland. She is now the wife of Robert W. Schulz of Vancouver, and they have three children, Francis Dunning, Clair Marie and Flavia Marguerite. Mr. Donegan was a member of the Knights of Columbus and was a man of sturdy integrity and consistent life, supporting those things which were calculated to advance the public welfare and the best interests of the city in which he lived. He was interested in public affairs but maintained an independent attitude in politics, voting for the men whom he considered best qualified for public office. Kind and generous in disposition, cordial and friendly in manner, and loyal and true in all of life's relations, he was well worthy of the confidence and respect which were accorded him by all who knew him. Additional Comments: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. II, Pages 933-934 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb