Clark County WA Archives Biographies.....Propstra, J. 1886 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley October 24, 2009, 5:12 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Pages 113-114 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company J. PROPSTRA, owner of the Holland Creamery at Vancouver, has devoted practically his entire life to butter making, in which he is acknowledged to be an expert, and the six years during which he has been engaged in this business here have been marked by steady and substantial progress. Mr. Propstra was born in Holland in 1886 and is a son of Cornelius and Helen Propstra, who still live in that country, where the father has long been engaged in manufacturing butter business. Mr. Propstra attended the schools of his home neighborhood and completed his education in the United States, to which country he came alone in 1904. He located in Chicago, Illinois, where he lived for eleven years, during a large part of which time he was employed as a salesman in a grocery house. In 1915 he came to the coast, locating at Ridgefield, Washington, where he took over a creamery which had been shut down, and began the manufacture of butter, conducting the business with such success that it became profitable within four months. Coming to Vancouver in 1916, he established the Vancouver Creamery and for four years gave his attention to the manufacture of butter, meeting with success, so that in 1920 he was able to make an advantageous sale to Mr. Eardly, after which he took his family on a trip to Europe, where they remained about six months. On their return to this country, Mr. Propstra located in Portland, Oregon, where, in partnership with his brother, Joe Propstra, he bought the Sunset Creamery, which they ran until 1922, when they sold out and Mr. Propstra came to Vancouver, his brother going to Forest Grove, Oregon, where he is engaged in the creamery business. On coming to Vancouver, Mr. Propstra established the Holland Creamery at 305 Main street, where he remained until March, 1927, when he moved into the present fine building, fifty by one hundred feet, which he erected at the corner of Main and Eighteenth streets. Here he is engaged in making butter and ice cream, both under the "Holland" brand, and has built up a large trade, extending from Goldendale to Longview and Kelso, also having some business in Portland. He employs nine people and the plant has a production capacity of four hundred gallons of ice cream a day and three hundred and forty thousand pounds of butter a year, three motor trucks being employed in the delivery of the products. Up to the present time Mr. Propstra has handled the sales end of the business, but plans to put another man on the road so that he can devote more of his time to the plant. He has a splendid equipment of modern machinery, all of which is driven by individual motors, and everything about the place indicates good management and progressive methods. On November 6, 1911, in Chicago, Illinois, Mr. Propstra was united in marriage to Miss Anna Verdenius, who is a native of Holland. Her father died in that country and when ten years of age she accompanied her mother to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Propstra have four children, Ernest and George, who were born in Chicago, and Annette and Jack, who were born in Vancouver. Mr. Propstra has taken all the degrees of York Rite Masonry and belongs to the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Kiwanis Club, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Creamery Men's Associations of Washington and Oregon. Mrs. Propstra is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Adelphians and the Parent-Teacher Association. Both have maintained a constant interest in the welfare of their community, and because of their high characters and splendid personalities are held in high regard among their acquaintances. Mr. Propstra's success has come through hard and determined effort, backed by clear-headed judgment, and he is regarded as one of Vancouver's solid and substantial business men. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb