Cowlitz County WA Archives Biographies.....Daly, Edgar J. October 28, 1872 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley May 19, 2010, 2:44 pm Source: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. III, Published 1928, Pages 292 - 297 Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company EDGAR J. DALY One of the most extensive real estate dealers in Portland is Edgar J. Daly, who for twenty-five years has been successfully handling down town business properties, and whose activities have contributed to the development and upbuilding of the city. He was born in Kalama, Washington, on the 28th of October, 1872, a son of Peter and Katherine A. (Shea) Daly. The father, who was a printer by trade, came to Portland in the late '60s and was here married, his wife having come to this city some years previously. She was visiting a sister at Kalama, Washington, when her son was born. Both parents are now deceased. Edgar J. Daly received a good public school education and attended Holmes Business College, where he learned stenography, being one of the first dozen shorthand writers in Portland. His first position was as office boy for a wholesale brokerage company, with which concern he remained fourteen years. Three years after entering that employ, he was made a traveling salesman and introduced special grocery lines, one of which was unsweetened condensed milk, which he sold from San Jose to British Columbia. After eleven years in that line, Mr. Daly resigned and went to Alaska during the rush of 1900 and established a wholesale and retail tobacco store at Nome. Among his customers there was Rex Beach, who was engaged in mining and had not yet begun writing, and Wilson Mizner, now famous as a playwright. In the same block were many saloons and gambling houses, one of the latter being run by Tex Rickard, now widely known as a sports promoter. Mr. Daly's store was open twenty-four hours a day, never being closed, and he did a large business. Three years later he returned to the States and spent a year in traveling all over the country. In 1904 he again went to Alaska and to Siberia, remaining through the summer. On his return to Portland Mr. Daly entered the theatrical business, opening the Bijou theater, a ten-cent show house. During that time he hired for seventy-five dollars a week Leon Errol, who is now one of the highest priced American actors. Mr. Daly failed in the theatrical business, after which he borrowed one hundred dollars from his mother and embarked in the real estate business. This proved a successful venture, as he made eleven hundred dollars the first month, and he has continued to handle real estate continuously to the present time. He has sold over twenty-six million dollars worth of property, confining his attention almost exclusively to large deals, in fact has handled not over twenty sales of less than five thousand dollars. During this period he has erected a number of good buildings, including the Penrose building, four stories and basement, one hundred by ninety feet in size, on the northwest corner of Belmont street and Grand avenue; a building on the northeast corner of Thirteenth and Washington streets; one at the northwest corner of Nineteenth and Washington streets, and several others. He is regarded as an authority on realty values and is thus in a position to render valuable service as an advisor in such matters. He has adhered closely to the highest business ethics and has been honorable in all of his relations. Mr. Daly is a republican in his political views and is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, the Rotary Club, the Portland Realty Board, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Portland Golf Club. Affable and genial in manner, he has many loyal friends throughout the city, and all who know him hold him in high regard for his business ability and sterling character. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.4 Kb