Cowlitz-Statewide County WA Archives Biographies.....Veatch, D. M. D., Alvin Earl September 28, 1894 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley September 20, 2009, 7:53 pm Source: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company Author: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company DR. ALVIN E. VEATCH, who has recently opened an office for the practice of dentistry at Longview, Washington, has already won a high place in public esteem having proven a careful and thorough operator, while his personal qualities commend him to the favorable opinion of all who come in contact with him. Born at Provo, Utah, on the 28th of September, 1894, he is a son of Alvin Elias and Isabell C. (Hoover) Veatch. The Veatch family is originally of Scotch-Irish origin, though James Veatch, the progenitor of the family in this country, came from Wales in 1741, and settled near Camden, South Carolina. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Seven generations of the family have lived in this country and one of its members, General James C. Veatch, of Indiana, was an officer in the Union army during the Civil war. Alvin Elias Veatch was born on a farm in Davis county, Iowa, August 19, 1870, and was reared and educated in Kansas. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and in 1893 went to Provo, Utah, where he engaged in the practice of his profession. Subsequently he returned east, locating in Kansas, where he farmed for awhile, and then bought the Washington Post-Register, in Washington, Kansas. From that time to the present he has followed the newspaper business during which time he has owned a number of country papers, and he is now the owner and editor of the Rainier Review, at Rainier, Oregon. He has always been actively interested in the public affairs of the localities in which he has lived, and was elected mayor of Rainier, from which office he was recalled by those who opposed his drastic enforcement of the prohibition law. Isabell C. (Hoover) Veatch was born in Fairfax, Missouri, September 4, 1871, and is a daughter of Michael F. and Elizabeth (Hardy) Hoover, the former of German descent and a Confederate officer from Missouri during the Civil war, while the latter was of Scotch descent, her family having been established in this country in 1739. Alvin Earl Veatch attended the public schools in Nebraska, Kansas and Washington, and the high schools at Colville and Montesano, Washington, and Salem, Oregon. He then entered the North Pacific Dental College, at Portland, from which he was graduated in 1916, with the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. He entered upon the practice of his profession in Mitchell county, Oregon, later moved to Elma, Grays Harbor county, Washington, and from there to Kelso, Cowlitz county, where he remained until 1928, when he came to Longview. He has a nicely furnished and well equipped office in the Kerr building and is meeting with very encouraging success, having built up a good practice. On August 24, 1916, in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Veatch was united in marriage to Miss Hulda Miller, who was born in Blair, Nebraska, September 23, 1894, and is a daughter of Henry and Amelia (Stuben) Miller, both of whom were of German ancestry. Mr. Miller was for a number of years engaged in the hardware and machinery business in Blair, Nebraska, but came west and his death occurred in Portland, Oregon, in 1912. His widow still resides in that city. Mrs. Veatch is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. Dr. and Mrs. Veatch are the parents of two children, Donald, born in December, 1923, and Muriel, born in November, 1920. Dr. Veatch is a republican in his political views and fraternally is a member of Kelso Lodge, No. 94, F. & A. M.; in the Scottish rite is affiliated with Kelso Lodge of Perfection, fourteenth degree, of which he is a past master, the Olympia chapter of Rose Croix, and the council and consistory at Olympia. He belongs to Longview Lodge, I. O. O. F.; Longview Camp, M. W. A.; and the Psi Omega dental college fraternity. He also belongs to the Lions Club, the Longview Country Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He and his wife attend the Community church at Longview. Dr. Veatch endeavored to enlist for service in the World war, but was rejected for minor physical reasons. He is an expert linotype operator and at one time held a membership card in Portland Typographical Union. He is a man of frank and candid manner, friendly in his social relations and commands uniform respect and good will. He resides at 1429 25th avenue, Longview. Additional Comments: History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea, Vol. II, Pages 678-679 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.0 Kb