Silver Lake Cemetery, Silver Lake, Cowlitz Co., Washington, USA Part 1 Surnames A-M ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ Cemetery District #3 Commissioners: Gary Kessler Carol Shaw Steve Smith Jim Kessler, caretaker Phone (360) 274-4004 Directions to Cemetery: Take Exit 49 from Interstate 5. Go east onSpirit Lake Hwy. (State Route 4) eight miles just past George Taylor Rd.You will see the cemetery on the left. History: In 1870, Jacob Tippery selected a homestead at the northeastend of Silver Lake, Cowlitz Co., Washington Territory. It was a beautifulhillsite, overlooking the lake, and offering a view of Mt. St. Helens to the east. After Jacob Tippery's death in August, 1872, following anaccident incurred while clearing land on the homestead, he was buriedon a corner of the Tippery property. The land was then donated by the family for a community cemetery. After his wife, Lucinda, died in 1901, the property was sold out of the family. Then in 1928, it was legally deeded as Silver Lake Cemetery, Inc.Subsequently, parcels of land were donated or purchased. Location of Graves: First letters indicate rows, and the numbers are the plots within the rows. The last letter of the location will be either Nfor north or S for south. There is a road through the cemetery dividingnorth from south. @ means cremation. Inscription Footnotes: numbers in this column indicate a footnoteappears at the end of the listing. Transcribed by Linda K. Smith PART 1 SURNAMES A-M Name Location Born-Died Inscription/Information Abercrombie, Ronald D. J2N 1957-1977 "Beloved Son & Brother" Abercrombie, William W. J3N 1911-1995 Absher, Willard T. D2N 1907-1975 "Father" Adams, Marguerite Louise M12N 1903-1992 [no marker] Alberti, Walter, 2nd Lt. A17S 3/28/1915-6/17/1944 [Note: monument] Allen, David Wayne B22S 5/31/1959-4/18/1982 "Resting Place of.." Allen, Patricia Belle M5N 1931-12/1999 Anderson,Alfred G6S 1903-1976 "Brother" Anderson, Amanda O. G22S 1875-1918 "At Rest" Anderson, Capt. Nels F. D2S 1894-1970 "Marr. July 12,1920"7 Anderson, Emma Otilla G23S 6/8/1899-4/28/1912 Anderson, Eva Mona D1S 1897-1981 "Marr.July12,920" Archer, Arthur Max D4S 3/10/1923-2/12/1989 Pvt. U.S. Army,WWII Armstrong, Paula K. M6N 4/16/1927-11/12/1998 [cremation] Ashburn, Warren T. C18S 1920-1993 U.S. Navy Barba, Ada H. G1N 1904-1991 Barba, Benjamin R. G2N 1901-1976 Barstow, A. Gregory L23CS 1953-1983 Barstow, Alva Harry L23BS 1902-1979 Barstow, Delpha L. L23AS 1903-1993 Beasley, Gladys M. Q1N 1908-1993 56 Beasley, Keith Martin Q2N 1934-2000 Beatty, Patricia M. J4BN 1916-1980 Beatty, William Henry J4CN 8/24/1941-8/20/1988 SM3 U.S. Navy,Vietnam Beckwith, Bobby Gene K4S 12/12/1949-7/15/1982 U.S. Navy Beckwith, Frank N. K2S 6/18/1922-6/8/1980 Tec 5 U.S. Army,WWII Beckwith, Mike J. K3S 3/30/1946-3/31/1964 "Beloved Son&Brother" Bemis, Effie. L22S 2/23/1864-7/16/1889 51 Benjamin, John F. H15N 8/25/1915-2/16/1990 Black, Kristian Adam C2N 8/2/1973-1/13/1989 "Our Beloved Son"35 Black, George "Dick" BKN 1940-1991 "Father, Friend & Son" Bledsoe, Ben Lee M3S 1890-1967 "Dad""Mar. Sept. 14,1919 Bledsoe, Mary Delia M2S 1897-1966 "Mom" 30 Boogaard, Clarence L. C10S 2/13/1917-12/29/1987 "Bear" 5 Boogaard, Gordon Keith B16S 4/20/1937-10/4/1993 4 Boogaard, Helen L. C5S 1916-1975 "Mar. Sept. 10,1960" Boogaard, Leslie A. C6S 1910-1980 "Mar. Sept. 10,1960" Booth, Allen C. J10N 1910-1994 Booth, Olive L. J9N 1916-1982 "Mar. May 21,1934" Bostrom, Ralph N. M4N 1919-1984 Bruner, Lary Dean L15S 4/1/1950-12/30/1973 Buck, Bob D. R21N 6/6/1949-9/23/1998 SP4 US Army,Vietnam Buker, Michael F17N 4/16/1957-1/1/1991 "Mickey Doodle" 38 Buker, Virgil R. F8N 1917-1998 "Married Sept. 2,1943" Bullock, Osgood M20S 1827- Co. E 3 Cal. Inf. Caffey, Hugh D. N3S 11/24/1919-6/20/1991 PFC U. S. Army,WWII Call, Donna C. N11N 5/21/1927-10/15/1991 42 Campbell, Edward Allen B1N 7/19/1924-9/13/1981 COX US Navy,WWII Campbell, Helene R. R17N 1944-1997 48 Carasco, Andrew M. I32S 7/6/1915-12/18/1999 Carnine, Anna Gloor K16S 1901-1982 Carnine, Charles P. K24S 1/24/1868-12/17/1958 "Father" Carnine, Clair K25S 1898-1914 "Asleep in Jesus" Carnine, Earl Clifford K20S 4/6/1893-1/3/1978 Carnine, Leila May K22S 7/15/1896-7/20/1910 28 Carnine, May K23S 11/29/1868-2/9/1968 "Mother" Carnine, Linda Heyl K19S 1909-5/17/2000 Carpenter, Blanche W1N 1912-1981 Carpenter, Norman W2N 1912-19801981" Caskey, Albert T. (Pat) K2N 1902-1982 "Dad" Mar.Aug 28,1981 Caskey, Alice Cleo K1N 1905-1990 "Mom" Mar.Aug 28,1981 Caskey, Jarvis Leroy Q11N 1933-1997 Chapman, Cora Marie M1N 1886-1983 Chilson, Sister [of Van Chilson] M17S [note: metal marker] Chilson, Sister [of Van Chilson] M18S [note: metal marker] Chilson, Van R. M16S 1891-1962 [note: metal marker] Clark, Amos Walter I2S 1872-1976 "Father" Clark, Anna Irene I3S 1885-1958 "Mother" Clark, Eugene W. P5S 1920-2000 Clark, Marjorie A. I4S 1916-1972 Clark, Martha R13N 4/26/1909-9/1/1999 Clark, Merwin E. F16N 1911-1984 "Dad" Mar. Sept. 22,1931 Claycomb, Frances E. O11S 1910-1980 "Our Beloved Mother" Coburn, Beverlee Ann M12S 8/19/1922-12/8/1985 Pvt.US Army, WWII Coburn, Paul L. M13S 11/19/1919-10/24/1997 CM2 US Navy,WWII Cochran, Jeffrey Joe B11S 6/4/1962-5/13/1987 "In God's Loving Care"1 Cook, Joseph O. C17N 1934-1993 Cook, Madge J. D30N 1899-1993 "Mom" Cook, Otto F. D31N 1896-1976 "Dad" "Mar Feb. 20,1915" Collison, Phyllis J. K27S 1932-1978 Conley, James A. D32S 6/5/1893-5/15/1970 Montana E2 US Navy,WWI Connick, Russell D37S 5/4/1913-3/14/1996 Cooper, Donald E. XN 11/4/1925-8/22/1994 "Mar. Aug. 31, 1954"34 Cooper, George L. CBN 1924-1984 "Mar. Jan. 17, 1948" Cox, James Joseph (Jim) U9N 1942-1991 [steel cross,upstanding] Cram, Betty Lou U20N 1955-1974 "Loving Wife" Dahlman, Justin Edward S3S 10/9/1977-1/18/1978 Dale, Walter C. M6N 4/16/1927-4/11/1989 Tech 4 US Army,WWII Daniels, Louise A. G14AS 1909-1988 Together Forever Daniels, Victor J. G14BS 1903-1981 "Together Forever" Deal, Lydia M. "Smokey" F7AS 8/24/1948-3/3/1981 Deckert, Laura E. G10N 1905-1973 Delapp, Steven Rex EE2S 3/25/1965-2/24/1990 Delapp, Alan Dale EE3S 4/27/1930-1/22/1990 Doble, Robert E39S 1/4/1922-1/15/2000 Donnelly, Shawn Paul N4N 1973-1994 Drew, Norma Jeanne C22S 12/6/1921-7/22/2001 Driver, Marvin L. C30S 3/22/1922-12/28/1995 PFC US Army,WWII Driver, Muriel M. C29S 1912-1999 "Merlee" Duniec, Laura C3N 1914-1987 Dunlap, Alfred A. H17N 1914-1995 "Dad" Dunlap, Viva L. H16N 1924-1984 "Mom" Mar. July 29,1948 Dunn, Helen L. K18S 5/18/1900-10/3/1997 "Loving Wife & Mother" Duty, Minor Leigh H19N 3/13/1904-11/30/1970 Duty, Velma E. H18N 1908-9/1/1980 Dye, Lois E. G11BN 1909-1987 [no marker] Enns, Ruby B. L12N 3/29/1913-7/24/1997 Mar. Sept. 7,1941 Epperson, Nancy E. E30S 2/18/1868-12/23/1910 Faultner, Kenneth Eugene E26N 2/3/1933-2/23/1997 Faultner, Vance D6BN 1/13/1916-5/26/1995 TEC 5 Us Army,WWII Faultner, Voncille (Sue) E20N @ Fiest, Augusta E21S 1/18/1857-6/4/1901 Fiest, Ernest D23S 3/31/1894-7/21/1972 Wa. Pvt. CoA 76 Inf,WWI Fiest, Hazel Lauretta D22S 4/8/1904-10/21/1967 "Thy Will Be Done" 57 Fiest, Henry E22S 6/4/1853-1/9/1921 "Father" Fiest, Max H. D27S 3/10/1889-3/19/1976 "Dad" Fiest, Otto C. D25S 8/25/1892-8/15/1958 8 Flatt, Michael R. H13S 1954-1975 "Beloved Son & BROTHER Fleshman, Nellie E. E17N 3/10/1888-5/6/1974 52 Fleshman, Raymond E18N 7/23/1915-8/16/2000 Floyd, Harold H. Jr. K13N 10/29/1935-1/6/1990 SP4 U. S. Army Forga, William R. D29N 1920-1974 Pvt. U. S. Army Fountain, Eddie L. Q8S 8/18/1953-10/29/1992 32 Foust, Darlene (Corky) F2N 1918-1988 Francisco, Bessie E12S 10/12/1893-4/3/1920 Francisco, Calvin J. E13S 10/12/1912-3/5/1937 "In Loving Memory" Frazier, Lucy Swift C14N 2/4/1910-8/7/1994 Frazier, Wilbur A. C15N 3/21/1907-2/22/1990 PFC U. S. Army,WWII Gallow, Donald James E16N 1932-1994 "Devoted Grandfather" Gallow, Joseph M. BDN 5/23/1930-12/19/1993 "Together Forever" Gallow, Lester W. E13N 1892-1973 Gallow, Marguerite M. E12N 1902-1989 Gann, O. S. L8S 1912-1986 @ "Beloved" Gann, Samuel D. L7S 1932-1973 "Be Prepared" Gardner, Alida V. G9S 1891-1976 Mar Sept.10,1914 Gardner, Arnita Bea G12S 8/17/1949-2/4/1960 "God Bless our Daughter" Gardner, Bertha L. A6N no dates "Postmasters 25 Yrs."53 Gardner, David E18S no dates Co. G 16 Kansas Cav. Gardner, Diane V. G13S 11/9/1941-6/15/1986 Gardner, Floyd J. B10N 1911-1985 Gardner, Gregory Jon G11S 2/25/1948-1/2/1968 "Our Beloved Son" Gardner, Harry N. A5N no dates "Postmasters 25 Yrs."58 Gardner, Joseph J. G10S 1892-1990 "Mar. Sept. 10,1914" Gardner, N. B. A3N 1921-1989 33 Gardner, Napoleon B. F12S 1838-1918 Gardner, Robert J. F8S 11/6/1910-4/12/1997 U.S. Army, WWII Gardner, Samuel Rivers A4N 1/5/1978-1/19/1989 "John 3:16" Gardner, Vera Mae U23N 1917-1992 "Together Forever"[photo] Gardner, William Foster F10S 1877-1963 George, Merless P. P11S 1921-1988 "Beloved Wife & MOther" Gibson, Ethel E. N13S 1889-1987 "Beloved Mother" Gilmore, Avery S. H26S 9/11/1831-7/6/1908 "Come Unto Me" Gilmore, Chester H25S 11/11/1909-12/2/1909"Our Darling Baby"21 Gilmore, George H21S 1906-1979 Gilmore, John W. H24S 1878-1918 Gilmore, Roberta H20S 1908-1982 Gilmore, Willie H22S 1900-1937 [note:picture on stone] Goble, Glen A. H5S 1906-1963 Graham, Cecil I20AS@ ?-1998 [stone on order] Graham, Isaac I21S 1837-1923 "Father" Graham, Lillian I20S 1867-1948 "Mother" Graham, Nettie E. I24S 3/10/1887-3/26/1902 23 Greear, Thusie C. "Toots"F7B@S 4/11/1918-4/23/1989 "Beloved Wife" Greene, Martin, Jr. P1N 3/30/1931-4/19/1989 59 Griffin, Myrtle "Geer" C26S 1907-1999 "Geer Family" Griffin, Winton W. C27S 1904-1976 Pvt. US Army, WWII Hall, Evelyn M. K9N@ 1918-1996 Hall, Harry H. K9N@ 1912-1984 Hall, Margaret H11S 1879-1969 "In Memory of Mother" Haney, Foster Alonzo D8N 1919-1976 1st Lt.US Army,WWII Hanson, Frank C8S 1906-1988 Hanson, Otto E. N8S 1894-1983 "Dad & Grandpa" Hearld, James W. C14S 7/12/1915-6/14/1975 SSGT U.S. Army Hearld, Joseph G. D19S 12/23/1887-6/9/1921 "Bel. Hus. & Father" Hedges, Gyda Birgit P17N 5/28/1938-4/19/1994 "(Schmelling)" 46 Hochstetler, G. Joann M3N 4/10/1949-5/6/1995 Hoenk, Dorothy I. E39S 1909-1998 "Holy Bible" Hooper, David F17AS 1869-1950 "Father" Hooper, David H. F16S 1905-1981 [note: temp. metal mkr.] Hooper, Edward F18S [note: no date, temp. mkr.] Hooper, Jessie Dunn H17S 1838-1912 Hooper, Jacob J. H18S 1877-1930 Hooper, Martha L. H16S 1846-1922 Hooper, Maude E. H19S 1892-1919 Hooper, Roy F19S 1957- "Father" Hooper, Sarah M. G18S 1884-1909 "Wife of T. K. Hooper"19 Hooper, Tommy K. I13N 1910-1974 Hooper, Viola E. F17BS 1872-1966 "Mother" Hoy, Richard Leon I9N 6/16/1963-7/14/1980 40 Huffman, Earl M11S 1898-1968 "Dad" Huffman, Lois J. M10S 1898-1975 "Mom" Huls, Steven James F5S 1959-1964 Hulstrom, Gus G26S no dates [note: replaced wooden mkr.] Hunter, Virginia Rae D31S 10/13/1924-4/20/1997"(Jokela)" "Babe"10 Huntington, Lucille E. B1S 1922-1982 "Mother" Hurley, Daniel V. M1S 1921-1990 "Free as the Wind" Hurst, Lloyd N2N 1920-1990 Hurt, Clarence W. K14N 1914-1992 "Red" Hynning, Andrea P. F26S 1864-1928 [note: temp metal mkr.] Hynning, Baby Girl F28S 1902-1902 [dau. of Soren & Andrea] Hynning, Elias B. F27S 1906-1963 "Beloved Hus. & Dad"18 Hynning, Marcus P. J8N 1906-1991 Hynning, Myrtle V. J7N 1901-1988 Hynning, Soren C. F25S 1838-1921 [note: temp. metal mkr.] Hynning, Wendell LeRoy F29S 1942-1964 "We Never Walk Alone" Ireton, Jackie O3BS 4/10/1930-3/2/1995 54 Jackson, Ida May, Mrs. I28S 2/14/1871-8/29/1898 "Darling we miss thee" Jakus, Leon M. O14N 7/1/1930-3/15/1995 Jensen, Jack Payn, Lt. F9B@S 3/6/1918-2/4/1944 "In Memoriam" Jensen, Violet F9AS 4/16/1890-4/6/1976 Jessen, Edith L. E1N 1909-1983 "Mom" Jessen, Robert W. H3S 8/2/1925-5/27/1992 ABM2 U.S. Navy Jessen, Walter P. E2N 1904-1974 "Dad" Johnson, Charles I14S 11/28/1870-4/3/1955 Johnson, Charles Walter E23S 6/29/1905-7/21/1934 Johnson, Donald C. P6S 1929-1991 FN U.S. Coast Guard Johnson, E. S. D12S [note: metl. mkr. repl. wooden mkr., no dates] Johnson, Edward F4BS 1980-1980 [note: twin, stillborn] Johnson, Ella Kate D11S 1871-1923 Johnson, Gail F4CS 1980-1980 [note: twin, stillborn] Johnson, Harold B. I4N 1911-1976 "In Loving Memory" Johnson, Harry C. I12N 4/30/1929-3/16/1977 Johnson, Lloyd W. O13BS@ 1918-1989 [note: metal mkr] Johnson, Mathilda Alvina F24S 3/14/1892-6/9/1902 17 Johnson, Ruth E. O13AS@ 1917-1982 [note: metal mkr] Johnson, Sophia I15S 9/3/1869-6/14/1948 Jokela, Elizabeth L. D30S 3/21/1899-12/4/1976 Jokela, Fred William E11S 4/20/1921-4/20/1921 11 [note: infant] Jokela, John A. D29S died 9/20/1927 15 Jokela, William D28S 4/3/1896-4/28/1923 9 Kerr, Eunice G5S 1905-1973 "Mother" Kerr, Harold S. F6S 1/9/1919-1/15/1991 60 Kerr, Wilbur A. G4S 8/1/1920-12/9/1965 61 Kessler, Harold L4S 1895-1969 "Dad" Kessler, Iva Captola L3S 1897-1969 "Mom" Kessler, William Harold, Jr.J11S 5/29/1942-7/8/1942 Kidrick, Claude I6N 1915-1979 Kidrick, Rose I5N 1918-1993 Klouse, Stanley E. J "Dad" Kretz, Margaret V. H10N 1903-1986 "Mom" "Mar. Sept. 13,1923" Kretz, Richard V. H12N 3/9/1929-9/12/1973 Wa. Sgt. US Army,Korea Kretz, Wayne T. H9N 1930-1976 "Beloved Son & Brother" Krueger, Lorine M. E4N 1917-1984 Krueger, Richard C. E5N 1916-1978 Kruse, Earl R. F13N 1926-1981 Kruse, Jeanette H. G17N 1900-1992 "Married Dec. 27,1921' Kruse, John F. G17N 1898-1992 "Married Dec. 27,1921" Kubes, Katherine Jean Q14N 1958-1997 Laird, Arthur A. E29S 1896-1970 "Father" Lamberson, Hattie L. F1N 9/13/1888-7/5/1971 Langworthy, Roy A. E38S 1913-1995 Large, Birdie Gardner F13S 1885-1968 Large, Emily P. F13AS 1910-1979 Large, Royal V. F13BS 1907-1984 Lee, Robert Leslie N5N 4/17/1921-12/28/1993 RD3 US Navy,WWII Leonard-Hynning-Johnson, Rachel I3N 1916-1987 Lidorikiotis, Gregory S27N -11/13/2000 [marker pending] Lohr, Franklin P. Q1BS 1918-1986 Lohr, Howard E. Q1AS 1920-1993 Loren, Kenneth L. N10S 1915-1995 "In Loving MemoryofDad" Lowe, Florence Edna M13N -1997 [no marker,pending] Mangs, Fred Stephen D1N 12/26/1895-9/14/1975 Pvt. US Army,WWI Mangs, John E14S 4/10/1853-1/20/1913 Mangs, Mary E15S 11/5/1862-5/30/1937 Markham, A. L. [Abraham] H6S 1892-1973 Marley, George Lawrence G21@N 5/16/1916-8/7/1998 TECH 4 US Army,WWII Mason, Arthur L. JAS@ 1902-1992 Maxwell, Elikapika Elli C1N 1982-1988 McClellan, Jenny C.V. B4S 1/11/1920-10/30/1984 McCully, Arnold L. K11N 1918-1986 "Dad" Mar Jun 18,1950 McCully, Oran A3bS 1922-1998 "Beloved Dad" USMC McDaniel, James J. [Jack]K12BS 1920-1983 McDaniel, James M. K12AS 9/7/1940-10/16/1972 "Beloved Mike" McDonald, Philip E18S 6/10/1844-1/2/1907 13 McDonald, Roy E23S 11/18/1887-4/1/1905 14 McMasters, Brian S13N 1961-5/8/2000 McMasters, Dorothy Irene R11N 9/17/1925-12/28/1999 McMasters, Gilbert R12N 11/23/1924-12/17/2000 McVey, Earl D. I2N 1906-1970 "Dad" Mar Oct 19,1931 McVey, Gordon Earl I1AN 1/10/1933-2/12/2001 Meikle, Melza L. E5S 2/1/1909-1/11/1989 "In Loving Memory" Meyer, Amanda Ruth O12S 3/14/1976-6/27/1976 Meyers, Benjamin W. Varner N7N 11/8/1990-3/12/1991 Mikkelsen, A. Norman G8S 9/18/1882-7/3/1971 Middleton, Mabel G. F3S 1901-1981 "For One so Loved" Middleton, Robert R. F2S 1883-1966 "For One so Loved" Middleton, Robert T. D5S 1931-1995 "Swamp Man" Miller, Charles W. G3S 1885-1980 "Husband" Miller, Eric C. C10N 1962-1978 36 Miller, Marie L. G2S 1897-1973 "Wife" Mills, Coleman H. H8N 10/28/1918-1/2/1979 COX U.S. Navy Mills, Fay Lester K5S 5/10/1889-9/28/1968 62 Miner, Mary H. D17S 1889-1980 Miner, Ray F. D18S 8/28/1891-1/2/1957 63 Miner, William R. D7N 9/16/1893-1/4/1983 Pvt. US Army, WWI Moir, Albena K14S 1909-1985 Moir, Arthur D. K15S 1903-1987 Moore, Amelia P. K9S 1906-1966 "Beloved Mother" Moore, Hazel M. P1S 1915-1991 "Trig" Mott, Emery O3AS 3/10/1931-8/30/1990 US Air Force