FLETCHER CEMETERY (Central Cemetery), Douglas County WA The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. Transcribed by Sandra King April, 1998, and submitted June 15, 1998. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. djk@televar.com Fletcher (Central) Cemetery, Lamoine, Douglas County, Washington Fletcher Cemetery is an older cemetery, maintained by Cemetery District #2 out of Waterville, the county seat. Only one burial has taken place there since 1942. The dirt road into the cemetery is unusable in winter and early spring until the land dries out. LOCATION: From Wenatchee, take Highway 2 to Waterville. Turn left on North Rd., go approximately 4 1/2 miles. Turn right on John Long Rd. for 1/2 mile. Left on Lamoine Rd. Follow Lamoine to I NW. Turn left on I NW (dirt road goes between wheat fields) go 1 mile. The cemetery is on the left corner of I 9 NW (That's "eye-nine" NW) NAME BIRTH DEATH INSCRIPTION (comments) Armour, Phoebe no date 6-26-1903 Aged 69 years 10 Mo's. 11 days. "I am the resurrection and the life! He that believeth in me, though he die, yet shall he live." Augst, Hattie L. 4-6-1910 9-30-1912 Asleep in Jesus! Peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest. Barrett, Velma 7-12-1914 7-12-1914 Brown, Mary Georgia 6-1-1895 8-29-1908 Sweet rest in heaven. Mary Georgia Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. George D. Brown Duncan, Gladys Fay no date 7-5-1905 Dau of H.B. & K. Duncan, Aged 1 yr. 11 mos. 1 dy Duncan, James H. 9-3-1888 1-18-1904 Son of H.B. & K.A. Duncan Fletcher, ?? no date 7-19-1915 Son of Fred & Susie Fletcher Fowler, Jennie E. 10-23-1900 5-25-1907 Jennie E. Dau of J.A. & J.G. Fowler. "Weep not Father and Mother for me. For I wait in Glory for thee." Gaiberg, Mr. no date 196? Complete year unreadable. Hagen, Sevrin Martin 11-7-1881 3-23-1909 Son of O.S. and I.M. Hagen "Sweet rest in Heaven" Hawes, Helen no date 1911 Age 6 weeks Heinrichs, Anna M 4-21-1849 8-22-1940 Im Margenglanz, im Abendschem, Wird segnend Sie aus Himmeishohen Herab auf Ihre Kinder schen: Drum strebet fromm wie sie. Z U Sein! (My Great Grandmother, maiden name was Julicher) Heinrichs, William Joseph 2-4-1846 11-3-1909 Wir sind ewig nicht geschieden, von dem Bund, der uns umschlieszt: O Gedanke der mir Frieden, nin die wunde, Seele giest! (My Great Grandfather. Original name was spelled Wilhelm Josef Heinrichs) Hofer, Elizabeth 11-1-1849 4-2-1907 (Double headstone with Frederick Hofer) Hofer, Frederick no date 1-20-1942 (Double headstone with Elizabeth Hofer) Johnston, Neil A. 6-23-1892 7-12-1914 "Let them rest in peace" Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. Johnston, Sam 1855 1926 (Headstone has emblem carved in "G" and a metal Organization Marker) Marshall, Hester no date 1-14-1898 Age 67 years. "Into them that look for him shall he apear the second time without sin unto salvation." McDuffie, Arthus S. 1908 1910 McDuffie, T.C. Dates unreadable Norris, Joseph B. 1841 1911 (Headstone has metal marker "Post 104 G.A.R.) Olmstead, Benjamin 1823 1908 Olmstead, Charles 1853 1935 (Double headstone with Mary Olmstead) Olmstead, Enos 1854 1941 (Double headstone with Laura Olmstead) Olmstead, Laura 1854 1926 (Double headstone with Enos Olmstead) Olmstead, Mary 1817 1935 (Double headstone with Charles Olmstead) Osterkamp, Elizabeth 1841 1931 (Wife of Ernst Osterkamp) Osterkamp, Ernst 1851 1917 Richter, William no date 4-17-1895 Aged 28 yrs. 3 ms. 28 days Sawyer, David S. no date no date CORPL. CO. D. WASH. INF. SP. AM. WAR Sawyer, Sarah E. 1-28-1838 5-30-1907 (Double headstone with Stephen Sawyer) Sawyer, Stephen 11-9-1829 9-16-1901 (Double headstone with Sarah E. Sawyer) (Site has metal marker reading "Grand Army of the Republic 1861- Veteran - 1866) Schmidt, Carl 12-21-1862 6-25-1912 Schmidt, Eddie Carl 4-27-1903 9-26-1908 "Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven, OUR DARLING BABY" Schmidt, Emery R. 12-30-1910 12-21-1975 TEC 4 U.S. ARMY WORLD WAR II Schmidt, Fredarecka 11-20-1864 6-11-1937 Schmidt, Johnnie 7-11-1886 5-27-1911 "Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on this gentle breast. There by His love o'er shadowed, Sweetly his soul shall rest." Shepperson, John W. no date 11-25-1902 2 Mos. 19 ds. John W. son of J.M. and J.M. Shepperson St. Germain, Madelia 3-1-1848 11-18-1916 St. Germain, Michael 9-28-1844 4-5-1914 Tolle, Edward M. 8-21-1904 10-9-1904 Tolle, Margurete 10-23-1910 8-30-1916 "OUR DARLING" Unknown 8 gravesites were marked but contained no legible names or dates.