From "History of North Washington" Published 1904 Transcribed by: Candy Grubb ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHAEUS E. STEWART Alphaeus E. Stewart is a well know business man of Republic, where he has been very active in building up the country in general. He was born in Springfield, Ohio, on August 3, 1852, being the son of William R. and Hanna A. (Hempliman) Stewart, natives of Pennsylvania, and Ohio, respectively. They resided some years in Ohio, then the family moved to Decatur, Alabama, which was their home for twenty years. Then they returned to Ohio, where the mother died at an advanced age in 1898, and the father in 1893, at about eighty-nine years of age. They were the parents of nine children, named as follows: Isaac W., our subject, Aaron W., Jacob H., Samuel, Rebeccah A., Libbie J., Minnie B., and Annie M. The father had followed contracting, merchandising, and farming, and descended from a very prominent and old family in Scotland and the north of Ireland. Our subject went to school for a short time in the private schools of Alabama, and at the age of twelve began working for himself. His first occupation was teaming, but he soon made his way west to the plains and in 1869 located in Texas, where he was employed in the cattle business. He endured many hardships and was in many dangerous positions in his life on the plains in the early days. In 1880 he went to Colorado and turned his attention to mining, then came farther west in 1890, locating at Olympia, Washington. Later we find him in Seattle, and in 1898, he came to Republic. Mr. Stewart followed merchandising in various places and in other occupations accumulated considerable property before arriving in Republic. He owns real estate in different localities on the sound, as well as here, and also has an interest in three business blocks in Republic, besides owning various dwellings. He now devotes considerable attention to mining and was one of the moving spirits in getting Ferry county as a seperate political division. He has been twice city council- man in Republic, and served in this office until January 1, 1904, when he was elected mayor. He was formally installed mayor on the first tuesday in January. In April, 1893, Mr. Stewart married Mrs. Josephine Stewart, formerly Miss Cochran, whose parents were natives of Missouri, where she was born. Mr. Stewart is a member of the Eagles, of which lodge he was an organizer, and his wife is a member of the Women of Woodcraft. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent.