The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. Submitted by Kevin Fraley from public records Feb. 23, 1997. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. Executive Order regarding Moses Reservation, 1885 It is hereby ordered that all that portion of country in Washington Territory withdrawn from sale and settlement, and set apart for the permanent use and occupation of Chief Moses and his people and such other friendly Indians as might elect to settle thereon with his consent and that of the Secretary of the Interior, by the Executive orders dated April 19, 1879, and March 6, 1880, respectively, and not restored to the public domain by the Executive order dated February 23, 1883, be, and the same is hereby, restored to the public domain, subject to the limitations as to disposition imposed by the act of Congress approved July 4, 1884 (23 Stats., pp. 79-80), ratifying and confirming the agreement entered into July 7, 1883, between the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Chief Moses and other Indians of the Columbia and Colville Reservations in Washington Territory. And it is hereby further ordered that the tracts of land in Washington Territory surveyed for and allotted to Sar-sarp-kin and other Indians in accordance with the provisions of said act of July 4, 1884, which allotments were approved by the Acting Secretary of the Interior April 12, 1886, be, and the same are hereby, set apart for the exclusive use and occupation of said Indians, the field-notes of the survey of said allotments being as follows: (Allotments Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, in favor of Sar-sarp-kin, Cum-sloct-poose, showder, and Jack respectively.) Set stone on north bank of Sar-sarp-kin Lake for center of south line of claim No. 1. Run line north 78 degrees west and south 78 degrees east, and blazed trees to show course of south line of claim. Then run north 12 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east) in center of claim. At 80 chains set temporary stake and continued course. At 20 chains came to brush on right bank of Waring Creek and offset to the right 9.25 chains. Thence continued course to 65 chains and offset to right 13.25 chains to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 80 chains set temporary stake and continued course. At 37.50 offset 4.50 chains to right to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 55.50 chains offset to right 4.77 chains to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 80 chains set temporary stake and continued course to 32.60 chains. Thence run south 78 degrees east 8.23 chains and set stone 10 by 10 by 24 inches for northeast corner of claim. Then retraced line north 78 degrees west 12 chains and set stone 6 by 6 by 18 inches to course of north line of claim No. 1, and south line of claim No. 2, and for center point in south line of claim No. 2 (claim No. 1, Sar-sarp-kin's contains 2,180.8 acres). Thence run north 12 degrees east 80 chains. Blazed pine 20 inches diameter on 3 sides on right bank of Waring Creek for center of north line of claim No. 2, and center of south line of claim No. 3. Set small stones north 78 degrees west and south 78 degrees east to show course of said line. Thence run north 12 degrees east in center of claim No. 3. At 10.50 chains offset to right 3 chains to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 71 chains offset to left 4.23 chains to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 76.25 chains crossed Waring Creek 20 links wide. At 80 chains offset to right 1.23 chains and set stone 8 by 8 by 16 inches for center of north line of claim No. 3, and center of south line of claim No. 4. Run north 78 degrees west and south 78 degrees east and set stake to show course of said line. Then from center stone offset to left 1.23 chains and run thence north 12 degrees east. At 28 chains offset to left 2 chains to avoid creek bottom and continued course. At 80 chains offset to right 3.23 chains and set stone 10 by 10 by 16 inches on left bank of creek for center of north line of claim, and set stones north 78 degrees west and south 78 degrees east to show course of line. (Allotment No. 5, in favor of Ka-la-witch-ka.) From large stone, with two small stones on top, as center of north line of claim near left bank of Waring Creek, about 1/3/4 miles down stream from claim No. 4, and about 1 mile up stream from Mr. Waring's house, run line north 80/1/2 degrees west and south 80/1/2 degrees east, and set small stones to show course of north line of claim. Then run south 9/1/2 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east); at 79.20 chains crossed Cecil Creek 15 links wide. At 80 chains blazed pine 24 inches diameter on four sides, in clump of four pines, for center of south line of claim. Thence run north 80/1/2 degrees west and south 80/1/2 degrees east, and blazed trees to show course of south line of claim. (Allotment No. 6, in favor of Sar-sarp-kin.) From stone on ridge between Toad Coulee and Waring Creeks run north 88 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east). At 18.50 chains enter field. At 24.50 chains enter brush. At 30.10 chains cross Waring Creek 25 links wide. At 47.60 chains cross Waring's fence. At 65 chains set stone for corner 12 by 12 by 12 inches from which a pine 24 inches diameter bears north 88 degrees east 300 links distant. Thence north 4 degrees west 10.50 chains; set stone for corner 8 by 8 by 18 inches. Thence north 16 degrees west. At 29.20 chains pine tree 30 inches diameter in line. At 55 chains set stone for corner. Thence south 66/ 1/2 degrees west to junction of Toad Coulee and Waring Creeks, and continue same course up Toad Coulee Creek to 81 chains blazed fir 18 inches diameter on four sides for corner, standing on right bank of Toad Coulee Creek on small island. Thence south 38 degrees east. At 52 links cross small creek - - branch of Toad Coulee Creek - - and continued course. At 42 chains point of beginning. The above-described tract of land contains 379 acres. (Allotment No. 7, in favor of Quo-lock-ons, on the headwaters of Johnson Creek.) From pile of stone on south side of Johnson Creek Canon - - dry at this point - - 125 feet deep, about 1 chain from the west end of canon, from which a fir 10 inches diameter bears north 25 degrees west 75 links distant, run south 55 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east). At 80 chains made stone mound for corner from which a large limestone rock 10 by 10 by 10 bears on the same course south 55 degrees west 8.80 chains distant. From monument run north 35 degrees west. At 72.50 chains crossed Johnson brook 4 links wide, and continued course east 80 chains. Made mound of stone, and run thence north 55 degrees east 80 chains. Made stone monument and run thence south 35 degrees east 80 chains to beginning. (Allotment No. 8, in favor of Nek-quel-e-kin, or Wa-pa-to John.) From stone monument on shore of Lake Chelan, near houses of Wa-pa-to John and Us-tah, run north (var. 22 degrees east) 10.00 chains, Wa-pa-to John's house bears west 10 links distant; 12.50 chains, Catholic chapel bears west 10 links distant; 32.50 chains, fence, course east and west; 80.00 chains, set stake 4 inches square 4 feet long in stone mound for northeast corner of claim. Thence run west 30.00 chains, cross trail, course northwest and southeast, 80.00 chains, made stone monument for northwest corner of claim. Thence run south 35.60 chains, crossed fence, course east and west, 77.00 chains, blazed cottonwood tree 12 inches in diameter on 4 sides for corner on shore of Lake chelan, marked W.T. on side facing lake. Lake Chelan forms the southern boundary of claim, which contains about 640 acres. (Allotment No. 9, in favor of Us-tah.) This claim is bounded on the west by Wa-pa-to John's claim, and on the south by lake Chelan. From Wa-pa-to John's northeast corner, which is a stake in stone mound run south 64/1/2 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east) 88.56 chains, set stake in stone mound for corner of claim. Thence run south 55.50 chains, trail, course northwest and southeast, 80.00 chains, shore of Lake Chelan; set stake in stone mound for corner of claim, which contains about 640 acres. (Allotment No. 10, in favor of Que-til-qua-soon, or Peter.) This claim is bounded on the east by Wa-pa-to John's claim, and on the south and west by Lake Chelan. The field-notes of north boundary are as follows: From northwest corner of Wa-pa-to John's claim, which is a stone monument, run west (var. 22 degrees east) 113.00 chains, shore of Lake Chelan. Blazed pine tree at the point 20 inches diameter on four sides for northwest corner of claim. This claim contains about 540 acres. (Allotment No. 11, in favor of Tan-te-ak-o, or Johnny Isadore.) From Wa-pa-to John's northeast corner, which is a stake in stone mound, run west (var. 22 degrees east) with Wa-pa-to John's north boundary line to stone monument, 80.00 chains, which is also a corner to Wa-pa-to John's and Peter's land. Thence on same course with Peter's north line 33.00 chains, made stone monument in said line for southwest corner of claim, and run thence north (var. 22/1/2 degrees east) 80.00 chains, made stone monument on west side of shallow lake of about 40 acres, and continued course to 113.35 chains, made stone monument for north corner of claim, and run thence south 45 degrees east 160.00 chains, point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 12, in favor of Ke-up-kin or Celesta.) This claim is bounded on the south by Peter's and on the east by Johnny's claim. From Peter's northwest corner, which is a pine, 20 inches diameter, blazed on four sides, on shore of Lake Chelan, run east with Peter's north line, 80.00 chains, stone monument, previously established, which is also a corner to Johnny's land. Thence north with Johnny's land, 80.00 chains, stone monument, previously established on west shore of shallow lake. Thence run west (var. 22/1/4 degrees east) 80.00 chains. Set stake in stone mound for northwest corner of claim, from which a blazed pine 24 inches in diameter bears south 50 degrees west 98 links distant. A blazed pine 20 inches diameter bears north 45 degrees east 110 links distant. Thence north through open pine timber 80.00 chains, point of beginning. (Allotment No. 13, in favor of Ta-we-na-po, of Amena.) From Johnny's northwest corner, which is a stone monument, run south with Johnny's line, 33.35 chains, stone monument previously established, the same being Celesta's northeast corner. Thence west with Celesta's line, 80.00 chains, stone monument previously established, the same being the northwest corner of Celesta's claim. Thence north (var. 22 degrees east) 85.50 chains, small creek 4 links wide, course east and west, 126.70 chains, made stone monument for northwest corner of claim, from which a blazed pine 12 inches in diameter bears south 10 degrees west 59 links distant. Thence run south 40/1/2 degrees east 123.00 chains, point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 14, in favor of Pa-a-na-wa or Pedoi.) From northwest corner of Ameno's claim, which is a stone monument, from which a blazed pine 12 inches in diameter bears south 10 degrees west 59 links distant, run north 75 degrees west 43.50 chains, shore of Lake Chelan, blazed pine tree 6 inches in diameter on 4 sides for northwest corner of claim, from which a blazed pine 14 inches in diameter bears north 45 degrees east 13 links distant. Thence returned to point of beginning and run south with Ameno's line. 46.70 chains offset on right, 70.00 chains to Lake Chelan; 86.70 chains offset on right, 62.00 chains to Lake Chelan; 101.20 chains, made stone monument, from which a blazed pine 30 inches in diameter bears north 40 degrees west 95 links distant, a blazed pine 30 inches in diameter bears 40 degrees west 72 links distant. Thence run west 62.00 chains, shore of Lake Chelan. Made stone monument for southwest corner of claim, from which a blazed pine 10 inches in diameter bears north 30 links distant. Lake Chelan forms the western boundary of claim, which contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 15, in favor of Yo-ke-sil.) From southwest corner of Pedoi's claim, which is a stone monument, from which a blazed pine 10 inches diameter bears north 30 links distant, run east with Pedoi's line, 62.00 chains, stone monument, previously established, from which a blazed pine, 30 inches diameter bears north 40 degrees west 95 links distant. A blazed pine 30 inches diameter bears south 40 degrees west 72 links distant, the same being Pedoi's southeast corner. Thence run south with Ameno's west line, 25.50 chains, stake in stone mound, previously established for corner to Ameno's and Celesta's claim. Thence continued course south with Celesta's west line to 105.50 chains, pine tree 20 inches in diameter, on shore of Lake Chelan, previously blazed on four sides for corner to Peter and Celesta's claims. Thence with the shore of lake in a northwesterly direction to point of beginning. This claim contains about 350 acres. (Allotment No. 16, in favor of La-kay-use, or Peter.) From stone monument, on bunch-grass bench, about 1/1/2 miles in a northeastly direction from Wa-pa-to John's house, run north 61/1/2 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east) 51.00 chains, enter small brushy marsh. 52.50 chains, leave marsh. 56.00 chains, made stone monument for corner of claim and run thence south 28/1/2 degrees east. 11.60 chains, cross small irrigating ditch - - small field and garden lie on right. 114.30 chains, made stone monument for corner and run thence south 61/1/2 degrees west. 56.00 chains, made stone monument for corner of claim and run thence north 28/1/2 degrees west. 4.30 chains, stone monument - - point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 17, in favor of Ma-Kai.) Field-notes of Ma-Kai's allotment on the Columbia Reservation. It is bounded on the west by Ustah's allotment, and on the south by Lake Chelan. From Ustah's northeast corner, which is a stake in stone mound, run south 64/1/2 degrees east (var. 22 degrees). 80.00 chains, build monument of stone, running thence south. 80.00 chains, to the bank of Lake Chelan, built monument of stone; thence north 64/1/2 degrees west along Lake Chelan. 80.00 chains, to the southeast corner of Ustah's allotment. The above-described figure contains 507.50 acres. (Antwine Settlement.) This settlement, consisting of three claims in the same vicinity, though not adjoining, is located on or near the Columbia River, about 7 miles above Lake Chelan, and about 8 miles below the mouth of the Methow River, on the Columbia Reservation. (Allotment No. 18, in favor of Scum-me-cha or Antoine.) From stone monument about 2 miles north from the Columbia, from which a blazed fir 20 inches in diameter bears south 80 degrees west 60 links distant, run south 35/1/2 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east). 30.00 chains, summit of mountain spur, about 50 feet high. Antwine's house north 35 degrees east, about 20 chains distant. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner, from which a blazed pine 8 inches in diameter bears south 45 degrees west 32 links distant. Thence run north 55/1/2 degrees east (var. 22/1/2 degrees). 58.00 chains, bottom of dry canon 100 feet deep, course northwest and southeast. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner about one-quarter mile from Columbia River, and run thence north 34/1/2 degrees west. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner and run thence south 55/1/2 degrees west. 80.00 chains, stone monument, point of beginning. (Allotment No. 19, in favor of Jos-is-kon or San Pierre.) This claim lies about 3 miles in a northwesterly direction from Antoine's claim, and consists of a body of hay land of about 100 acres, surrounded by heavy timber. From stone monument on hillside, facing southeast, from which a blazed pine 8 inches diameter bears south 60 degrees east 56 links distant. From which a blazed pine 8 inches diameter bears west 76 links distant. Run south 23/1/4 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east). 6.50 chains, enter grass lands. 25.00 chains, leave grass lands. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner, from which a blazed pine 20 inches diameter bears north 85 degrees east 20 links distant. A blazed pine 20 inches diameter bears north 15 degrees east 27 links distant. Thence run north 66/3/4 degrees east. 80.00 chains, made stone monument on steep little hillside for corner. Thence run north 23/3/4 degrees west. 80.00 chains, made stone monument on mountain side for corner, from which a blazed pine 18 inches diameter bears north 40 degrees east 105 links distant. From which a blazed pine 20 inches diameter bears south 10 degrees east 127 links distant. Thence run south 66/3/4 degrees west along mountain side. 80.00 chains, to point of beginning. (Allotment No. 20, in favor of Charles Iswald.) This claim lies about 2 miles in a northeasterly direction from Antoine's claim. It contains no timber, but is mostly fair grazing land with about 100 acres susceptible of cultivation. No improvements. From pine tree on right bank of Columbia River, blazed on four sides where rocky spur 200 feet high comes down to near bank, forming narrow pass, from which a blazed pine 36 inches in diameter bears north 177 links distant, run south 13 degrees west (variation 22 degrees east). 102.25 chains, made stone monument for corner on hillside in view of main trail. Thence run south 5/3/4 degrees west. 78.00 chains, made stone monument for corner. Thence south 1/4 degree west. 25.65 chains, made stone monument on bank of Columbia River for corner. Thence with said river to a point of beginning, containing 640 acres of land. The three following claims are all adjoining. They are located on and near the Columbia River, about 12 miles above Lake Chelan, and about 3 miles below the mouth of the Methow River. (Allotment No. 21, in favor of In-perk-skin, or Peter No. 3.) From pine 12 inches diameter blazed on four sides on right bank of Columbia River, from which a blazed pine 10 inches diameter bears south 40 degrees east, 46 links distant, run north 69/1/4 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east). 3.50 chains, enter corner of small field. 7.50 chains, leave field. 8 chains, cross trail. 80 chains, made stone monument for corner on mountain side about 500 feet above river. Thence run north 20/3/4 degrees east. 24.00 chains, summit of rugged little mountain 700 feet high. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner on top of small rocky hill about 40 feet high. Thence south 69/1/2 degrees east. 80.00 chains, erected stone monument for corner about 15 chains from river bank. Thence south 20/3/4 degrees west. 80.00 chains, point of beginning. (Allotment No. 22, in favor of Tew-wew-wa-ten-eek or Aeneas.) From northwest corner of Peter's claim, which is a stone monument on summit of small hill, run north 20/3/4 degrees east (var. 22/1/2 degrees east). 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner, and run thence north 69/1/4 degrees west (var. 23 degrees east). 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner, and run thence south 20/3/4 degrees west (var. 22/1/2 degrees east). 39.00 chains, summit of steep hill 100 feet high. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner of claim on rolling hillside facing west. Thence south 69/1/4 degrees east (var. 23/1/2 degrees east). 80.00 chains, point of beginning. (Allotment No. 23, in favor of Stem-na-lux or Elizabeth.) From northwest corner of Peter's claim, the same being the southeast corner of Aeneas' claim, which is a stone monument on top of small hill, run north 69/1/4 degrees west with Aeneas' south line (var. 22/1/ 2 degrees east). 80.00 chains, stone monument, previously established for southwest corner of Aeneas' claim. Thence north 20/3/4 degrees west (var. 23/1/ 2degrees east). 65.00 chains, summit of hill. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner from which a blazed pine 24 inches diameter bears south 70 links distant. A blazed pine 24 inches diameter bears south 20 degrees west 84 links distant. Thence south 69/1/4 degrees east. 80.00 chains, monument previously established for southwest corner of Peter's claim. Thence south 20/3/4 degrees east with Peter's west line. 80 chains, point of beginning. The five following claims are all adjoining. They are located along the southern bank of the Methow, and the western bank of the Columbia on the Columbia Reservation. (Allotment No. 24, in favor of Neek-kow-it or Captain Joe.) From stone monument on right bank of Methow River, about three-fourth mile from its mouth, from which a pine 24 inches in diameter bears north 37 degrees west on opposite bank of Methow, for witness corner to true corner, which is in center of Methow River, opposite monument, 1.50 chains distant. Run south 37 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east). (Distances given are from true corner.) 7.00 chains, enter garden. 12.00 chains, leave garden. 39.00 chains, top of bench 400 feet high. 116.50 chains, Canon Mouth Lake, containing about 80 acres. Set stake in stone mound on shore of lake for witness corner to true corner, which falls on side of impassable mountain, beyond lake 160 chains from point of beginning. Returned to witness corner previously set on bank of Methow, and run thence north 53 degrees west. 40.00 chains, offset on right 2 chains to bank of Methow, and made stone monument for witness to true corner, which falls in center of Methow, opposite monument 1 chain distant. Thence run south 37 degrees west. (Distances given are from true corner). 42.00 chains, top of bench 400 feet high. 113.00 chains, marked tree with two notches fore and aft, and blazed one tree on each side to show course of line. 115.00 chains, impassable mountain. True corner falls in course on mountain side 160 chains distant from true corner at other end of line in the Methow River. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARY. From point first described in center of Methow River south 37 degrees west 160 chains; thence north 52 degrees 39 minutes west 40.20 chains; thence north 37 degrees east 160 chains to point previously described in middle of Methow; thence with middle of Methow River to point of beginning. Claim contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 25, in favor of Hay-tal-i-cum, or Narcisse.) From stone monument on right bank of Methow River, previously described as witness corner to point of beginning to survey of Captain Joe's claim, said monument being a true corner to this claim, run south 37 degrees west with Captain Joe's line (var. 22 degrees east). 45.60 chains, set stake in stone mound for corner and run thence south 53 degrees east. 80.00 chains, set stake 8 inches square for corner; thence run north 37 degrees east. 73.10 chains, made stone monument for corner on right bank of Columbia. Near opposite bank of river a black rock protrudes from water. Thence with right bank of Columbia River to mouth of Methow River. Thence with right bank of Methow River to point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres of land. (Allotment No. 26, in favor of Kleck-hum-tecks.) From stake in stone mound previously set in Captain Joe's southeast line, the same being the southwest corner to Narcisse's claim, run south 53 degrees east (var. 22 degrees east), with Narcisse's line. 80.00 chains, corner previously established, thence runs south 37 degrees west. 80.00 chains, set stake for corner, and run thence north 53 degrees west. 73.80 chains, set stake marke W. C., on shore of Canon Mouth Lake, from which blazed aspen, 6 inches diameter, bears north 5 degrees west 94 links distant for witness corner to true corner, which falls on line 6.50 chains further in lake, in Captain Joe's southeast line. Thence which said line north 37 degrees east 80 chains to point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres. (Allotment No. 27, in favor of Ki-at-kwa, or Mary.) From witness corner previously established on Methow, in Captain Joe's northwest line, the same being taken as a true corner to this claim, run south 37 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east) with Captain Joe's line. 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner; then returned on line, and from point 1.50 chains from corner run north 53 degrees west. 64.00 chains, offset to left 22 chains to avoid bend in river and continued course. 80.00 chains, bank of Methow River. Made stone monument for corner, and run thence south 37 degrees west. 12.00 chains, top of bench 400 feet high. 24.00 chains, foot of perpendicular basaltic cliff offset to right 2 chains. 31.50 chains, offset to left 2 chains and continued course. 40.00 chains, made stone monument and continued course. 45.00 chains, impassable mountain. True corner falls 11.50 chains further on line on side of mountain. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARY. From point of beginning south 37 degrees west 80 chains; thence north 53 degrees west 80 chains; thence north 37 degrees east 56.50 chains to corner on Methow; thence with right bank of Methow to point of beginning, containing about 640 acres. (Allotment No. 28, in favor of Ta-tat-kein, or Tom.) From northwest corner of Mary's claim, which is a stone monument on the right bank of the Methow, run south 27 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east) with Mary's line. 40.00 chains, corner previously established, stone monument; thence north 53 degrees west. 80.00 chains, made stone monument in aspen thicket for corner; thence north 27 degrees east. 106.50 chains, right bank of Methow River; made stone monument for corner; thence with right bank of Methow River to point of beginning. this claim contains about 640 acres. DOWNING CREEK SETTLEMENT. This settlement consists of two ad˙joining claims on Downing Creek, on the right bank of the Columbia River on the Columbia Reservation, about 7 miles below the mouth of the Okinakane River, and about 3 miles above the mouth of the Methow River. (Allotment No. 29, in favor of La-la-elque.) From stone monument on right bank of Columbia River, about one-half mile above mouth of Downing Creek, run north 25 degrees west (var. 22 degrees east) 42.75 chains, point on hill about 500 feet high, 30 links to right of old stone mound on top of hill; 79.30 chains, large flat-topped stone, 5 links to right; 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner and run thence south 65 degrees west 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner on hillside near top of hill and run thence south 25 degrees east 78.00 chains, bank of Columbia River. Made stone monument for corner. Thence with Columbia River to point of beginning. This claim contains about 640 acres. (Allotment No. 30, in favor of Snain-chucks.) From northeast corner of La-la-elque's claim, which is a stone monument, run north 25 degrees west 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner and run thence south 65 degrees west 80.00 chains, made stone monument for corner and run thence south 25 degrees east 80.00 chains, stone monument previously established, the same being La-la-elque's northwest corner; thence north 65 degrees east. 80.00 chains, point of beginning. This claim contains 640 acres of land. (Allotment No. 31, in favor of Edward, near Palmer Lake, Toad Coulee,) Commencing at a prominent rock 7 feet by 3 feet by 4 inches and unknown length, the above dimensions projecting above the surface. Running thence (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) north 82 degrees east 80 chains. At 57.70 Thorn Creek, 80 links wide, northeast. At 80 set willow stake 5 inches square and 5 feet long, marked sta. 1, north 8 degrees west 80 chains. A lime-juice tree 18 inches diameter at 80, set basaltic stone 2 feet by 8 inches by 6 inches with monument of stone on the side of bluff on the east side of the valley, sta. 2, south 82 degrees west 80 chains. At 6 chains Thorn Creek 80 links wide bears northeast, at 8 chains the Smilkameen (Similkameen) River 100 links wide bears northeast. At 39, on the same river, bears southwest. At 80 set quaking aspen stake 4 inches square, 4 feet long, marked sta. 3. South 8 degrees east 80 chains to the place of beginning. The terminus. 640 acres. (Allotment No. 32, in favor of Dominec.) Commencing on a slough of the Smilkameen (Similkameen) River, on the forty-ninth parallel (the British line) set quaking aspen stake 4 inches square and 4 feet long, 18 inches in the earth, marked C.C., from which a pine tree 42 inches in diameter bears north 79 degrees 45 minutes west 2 chains, marked C.C.B.T., facing post; thence (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes east) west 31 chains to a point from which the parallel monument bears west 4.77 chains; built monument of granite stone. South 134 chains. At 42.50 chains a spring branch, 5 links wide, bears east. At 134 chains built monument of stone at foot of bluff. East 61.53 chains to a balm tree 30 inches in diameter, marked sta. 3, facing west, from which the Smilkameen (Similkameen) River bears west 2.43 chains. North 12 degrees 30 minutes west 137.43 chains. At 10 chains the Smilkameen (Similkameen) River bears southeast; at 120 the same river west of south. At 137.43 intersect the place of beginning. Terminus. 620.26 acres. (Allotment No. 33, in favor of Ko-mo-dal-kiah.) Commencing on the west bank of the Okanagan (Okinakane) River at the north end of an island, set stake 4 inches square, 4 feet long, marked C.C., with mound. Running thence (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) south 86 degrees 45 minutes west 150 chains, set balm stake 4 inches square, 4 feet long, and 18 inches in the earth, with monument of washed bowlders covered with mound of earth, 4 pits, and marked sta. 1. South 3 degrees 15 minutes east 42.66 chains, set balm stake 4 inches square 4 feet long, marked sta. 2, with monument of granite stones. North 86 degrees 45 minutes east 138.21 chains. A balm tree on the west bank of the Okanagan (Okinakane) River, marked sta. 3, facing west, the true corner falling in the Okanagan (Okinakane) River, 11.79 chains further on in the same line at the east bank of an island, north 3 degrees 15 minutes west 42.66 chains, intersect the north line from which the place of beginning bears north 86 degrees 45 minutes east 11.79, the terminus. Area 639.90 acres. (Allotment No. 34, in favor of Paul.) Commencing at the southwest corner (sta. 3) of Ko-mo-dal-kiah's allotment. Running thence (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) south 3 degrees 15 minutes east 42.66 chains; built monument of basaltic stone, sta. 1. North 86 degrees 45 minutes east 142.87 chains intersect the Okanagan (Okinakane) River. Set balm stake 4 inches square 4 feet long, and 18 inches in the ground, marked (sta. 2). North 9 degrees 45 minutes west 42.70 chains, Ko-mo-dal-kiah's bearing corner a balm tree 12 inches in diameter marked sta. C.C. on the south side. The terminus. Area, 599.55 acres. (Allotment No. 35, in favor of Que-lock-us-soma.) Commencing at the southeast corner of Paul's allotment, running thence (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) south 86 degrees 45 minutes west 43.87 chains; built monument of washed granite bowlders (sta. 1). South 3 degrees 15 minutes east 80 chains; built monument of washed granite bowlders (sta. 2). North 86 degrees 45 minutes east 96.42 chains; intersect the Okanagan (Okinakane) River, set balm stake 4 inches square 4 feet long and 18 inches in the ground, marked (sta. 3); thence up the Okanagan (Okinakane) River, north 45 degrees 30 minutes west 76 chains to a curve in the river. North 3 degrees 15 minutes west 25 chains, intersect the place of beginning. The terminus. Area, 495.47 acres. (Allotment No. 36, in favor of Se-cum-ka-nallux.) Commencing on the west bank of Okanagan (Okinakane) River at a little pine tree 4 inches in diameter; running thence down the river (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) south 3 degrees west 45.65 chains to a pine tree on the bank of the Okanagan (Okinakane); thence down the river north 57 degrees 45 minutes west 22 chains, intersect the old Indian trail, built monument of stone. South 15 degrees west 124.50 chains to a pine tree 25 inches in diameter, marked Sta. 3; thence north 51 degrees 45 minutes west 82.75 chains; at 22 chains a small lake 5 chains wide; at 82.75 built monument of stone, north 50 degrees east 167.55 chains, to the place of beginning - - the terminus. Area, 637.44 acres. (Allotment No. 37, in favor of John Salla-Salla.) Commencing at the junction of Johnston Creek and the Okanagan (Okinakane) River; thence by Johnston Creek (var. 22 degrees 15 minutes) south 69 degrees 45 minutes west 40 chains; built monument of stone on the south bank of Johnston Creek; Sta. - - 8 degrees 15 minutes west 91.54 chains; built monument of basaltic stone, Sta.; north 69 degrees 45 minutes east 117.50 chains to the Okanagan (Okinakane) River; set balm stake 4 inches square 4 feet long, marked Sta. 3, north 45 degrees 30 minutes west 86.53 chains to the place of beginning, the mouth of Johnston Creek. Area, 630 acres. GROVER CLEVELAND.