King County WA Archives Cemeteries.....Cherry Valley Cemetery - Complete Survey ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Darlene Glenn March 21, 2007, 6:08 pm Abstracted By: Darlene Glenn Taking HWY 203 north from Duvall you take Cherry Valley Road. Go uphill and around corner.Park at the Historic Dougherty Farm on your left. It is to the left of the farm. It has no makers only a couple of signs telling about the site. The land was originally donated by James O'Leary in 1886. Because of the high water table the cemetery was moved to Novelty. All but 11 graves were moved to Novelty. I will be looking to find dates if possible. Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Death Comment -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duvall Stephanie Dyer ? ? no marker Pinkerton Ardle ? ? no marker Pinkerton Corinda Woodbury ? ? no marker Leyde Mr ? ? no marker Peterson Mrs ? ? no marker Pingway Mrs ? ? no marker Ruddy child ? ? ? Ruddy child ? ? no marker Hible Florence ? ? no marker Allen child ? ? ? Additional Comments: This cemetery was donated by Eleanor Zaremba and Bill Tulson to the Duvall Hisoric Society. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb