Lewis-Pierce-King County WA Archives Marriages.....ERICKSON, Anna "Ann" C. - FUSCO, Joseph "Joey" October 21, 1939 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/wa/wafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Stephanie Mannion Wrightson swrightson51@gmail.com October 14, 2008, 5:02 pm Centralia Daily Chronicle, Oct 25, 1939 Tacoma Nuptials Of Interest Here. A wedding of interest in Centralia was that in Tacoma Saturday evening of Miss Anna Erickson of Seattle, daughter of Eric Erickson of Branierd, Minn., and Joseph Fusco, son of John Fusco, Sr, of this city. The Reverend Harold B. Long officiated at the home of the bridegroom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fusco. White chrysantheums banked the fireplace for the ceremony. Mr. Erickson gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a lace down with a finger-tip veil, held by orange blossoms, and at her neck were pearls, a gift from the bridegroom. Her shower bouquet was of gardenias, white roses and valley lillies. Mrs. Clarence Gifford was matron of honor and wore a peach net dress with a bouquet of tea roses and delphinium. Mr. Gifford was best man and Mr. Fusco's niece in blue taffeta was flower girl. Mary Ann Fusco and Jean Fusco of this city played piano and violin selections. Centralians assisting at the reception which followed were Mrs. James H. Sheldon, Mrs. John T. Fusco, Jr., and Mrs. Steven Androsko, former Centralian. Other local people at the wedding were Mr. Sheldon and children, Irene and James Jr.; Bill Androsko, Miss Alice Jean Donaway, Mrs. Charles Friend and Mr. and Mrs. Fusco. Miss Warnecke of Chehalis was also present. After a short motor trip to Vancouver, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Fusco will make their home in Seattle. For traveling Mrs. Fusco wore a navy blue suit with gardenia corsage. Mr. Fusco was graduated from the Tenino high school and later a Seattle business college. He is widely known here, where he resided on and off for several years. Additional Comments: Parents of Joseph "Joey" FUSCO: John Thomas FUSCO (AKA FUSKO; born FUSHKO) and Anna PELOT. Joseph was the youngest of 8 children. Vitals for Joseph: b.January 07, 1911 Washington State; d.June 24, 1984 Seattle, King, WA. Vitals for Anna: b.May 19, 1910 Branierd, Crow Wind, MN; d.September 26, 2001 Seattle, King, WA. Child: J. Richard FUSCO (1945-1989). File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/wa/lewis/vitals/marriages/erickson38gmr.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/wafiles/ File size: 2.7 Kb