WILSONVILLE CEMETERY (WILSON FAMILY CEMETERY) Transcribed by T Sheldon, proofread by Gavin Vincent, and submitted this 12th day of May, 2000. Location: Section 4, T13N, R10W, at the mouth of the Palix River. The township of Wilsonville is a mere thought of yesteryear for the old folk. What used to be a thriving township and community is now all private land. The cemetery used land previously owned by Daniel "Cougar" Wilson. In the mid-sixties there was known to be a fence surrounding the cemetery, but today there is no more public access. JACK, no dates, Indian medicine man MARION, Mary, b.1855, d.1942 MARION, Rose Edith, d.6 Oct 1873, age 1y28d, d/o Wm and Mary V. Marion MARION, Wm. R., b.1846, d.1910 MORRISON, Wm. A., b.1862, d.1942 SAARI, Alice, d.1961 SHIPLEY, Nell, d.1935 VanCLEAVE, J.S.M., d.3 Feb 1889, age 65y9m11d, a Mason, he was a judge VanCLEAVE, John D., d.2 Apr 1877, age 6y7m, s/o JSM and MJ VanCleave VanCLEAVE, M.J., d.4 Feb 1884, age 35y5m15d, w/o JSM VanCLEAVE, Mary J.R., d.16 Sep 1884, age 16y11m7d WILSON, Amanda, b.1872, d.1967 WILSON, Ann Eliza, d.13 Aug 1868, age 39y7m26d, w/o OW Wilson WILASON, Anna C., b.1873, d.1962 WILSON, Anna Charlotte, b.1873, d.1962, w/o Geo. W. Wilson WILSON, Clyde, no dates, s/o Edwin Wilson WILSON, Delbert, no dates, s/o Edwin Wilson WILSON, Daniel Pegg, d. 14 Nov 1890, age 86y6m, [f/o Nancy(Mrs.John) LAUDERBACK, Mary Jane(Mrs JSM) VanCLEAVE), Martha(Mrs.Job) BULLARD, Sarah(Mrs.Job) LAMLEY, Analiza(Mrs.Wm) MILLS WILSON, Delbert, b.1890, d.1952 WILSON, Earl Alvin, d.1969, age 74y WILSON, Elizabeth, no dates, m1. GOODPASTURE, m2. GW Wilson WILSON, Eugene, b.1859, d.1946 WILSON, Geo. Wash.Jr., b.1867, d.1941, may have b. 1868 WILSON, Geo. Wash.Sr., d.Apr 1911, age 80y7m, an oysterman, served two terms as county commissioner, resident of Bay Center for over 50y WILSON, Howard, b.1877, d.1960 WILSON, John, d.7 Nov 1933 WILSON, Max, no dates, s/o Edwin Wilson WILSON, Rickey, no dates, s/o Edwin Wilson WILSON, Royal A., d.1905, age 11y WILSON, Orlando R., d.14 Jun 1897, age 46y WILSON, Sarah E., d.Nov 1914, age 57y, w/o OR Wilson, m/o Charles, John, Clarence, Walter, Ray, Mrs. AW Shipley, Alice Wilson, from Portland until 18 yrs old then Pacific Co resident, her father came by emigrant train over Oregon Trail at 6y WILSON, Wm. McKinley, b.1896, d.1969, age 74y UNKNOWN, there are many indian burials here as well, though there is no record of these. UNKNOWN, Two Indian children