WAVERLY CEMETERY, Spokane County, Washington The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. All submissions become part of the permanent collection. Burial list of Waverly Cemetery transcribed and submitted by Bud Engelhardt January 9, 1999. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. george@arias.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVERLY CEMETERY Waverly, WA The Waverly cemetery is on a ridge overlooking the town of Waverly. It lies just north of town in the northwest quarter of Sect. 3, Twp 21N, Range 44E. A plat of the cemetery was recorded in Spokane County records on Oct. 1, 1906. This cemetery was walked and read by Bud and Virginia Engelhardt in July of 1998. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME BIRTH/DEATH INFORMATION ABBOTT, Katie Feb 4, 1881 Dec 2, 1916 In Walker area ANDERSON, Bernard T 1903 1970 husband of Nellie m.48 yr ANDERSON, Catherine S 1871 1942 by Thomas A 'Mother' ANDERSON, Edward A 1926 1930 by Thomas/ Catherine ANDERSON, Harold T June 11, 1922 Jun 21, 1922 by Thomas/ Catherine ANDERSON, Howard Dec 22, 1910 Age 7 mo 22 da ANDERSON, Nellie 1900 1983 wife of Bernard, m. 48 yr ANDERSON, Ruby 1895 1987 Aunt,by Thomas/Cath ANDERSON, Thomas A 1873 1942 by Catherine S 'Father' BARNES, Charlie BENNISON, Ellen Wade 1853 1944 Wife of George A BENNISON, George A 1848 1920 Husband of Ellen Wade BENNISON, George W Mar 1, 1895 Jul 28, 1957 WA Co D 12 Inf BENNISON, Martha C. 1883 1980 BENNISON, Samuel Dewey May 30, 1898 Nov 5, 1980 BRAMAN, Frank L 1885 1964 by Grace BRAMAN, Grace E 1891 1978 by Frank BRAMAN, Ramona Jul 30, 1914 m. Vern May 28, 1934 BRAMAN, Vern Jul 30, 1914 Sep 22, 1997 m. Ramona May 28, 1934 BRIDWELL, Harry 1888 1916 BURCH, John C 1860 1939 BUTCHER, Edna R 1901 1930 BUTCHER, Franklin M 1922 1941 BUTCHER, Gary Wern 1892 1976 BUTCHER, Henry W 1861 1935 Stone with Lizzie BUTCHER, Iral L 1898 1973 BUTCHER, Lizzie A 1866 1939 Stone with Henry W BUTCHER, Miss Edith L 1896 1975 CARLISLE, Elizabeth 1858 1939 Mother CARLISLE, John M 1901 1966 Son of Elizabeth & John CARLISLE, John O 1857 1934 Father CHANEY, Elisha T CHANEY, Martha A CHANEY, Zulan COGSWELL, George W Jun 3, 1829 Jan 12, 1904 Husband of Sitney J. Clark COGSWELL, Sitney J. Clark Jul 20, 1836 Dec 13, 1904 Wife of George Cogswell COLLIER, Clarence Ray 1906 1947 Father of Bobbie Doyce CONNOLLY, Mary F Dec 20, 1855 Sep 6, 1910 by William CONNOLLY, William Feb 21, 1841 Mar 15, 1924 by Mary F CONNOLLY, William J Apr 21, 1880 Sept l, 1927 CORNAGIE, Elsie 1864 1933 by George CORNAGIE, George 1840 1913 By Elsie CROOK, Edwin 1853 1920 by Ethie CROOK, Ethie Oct 11, 1863 Dec 18, 1948 by Edwin CURTIS, Giles G 1915 1989 m. Verla C CURTIS, Kenneth William 1917 1987 CURTIS, Verla C 1914 1978 m. Giles G DASHIELL, Frank 1838 1920 Uncle DAVIES, Docia 1886 1966 DAVIES, Earle E Mar 8, 1903 son of L & Maud Davies 9yr 6mo DAWSON, Calhoun Walker 1849 1904 Margaret Ann (Sanders) ESTELL, Elvin Charlie Feb 15, 1917 Feb 14, 1995 Coast Guard WWII m. to Elsie ESTELL, Elsie D Oct 11, 1923 wife of Elvin FELGENHAUER, Doris Mar 21, 1905 Aug 31, 1905 FELGENHAUER, F. W. 1838 1921 by Fredericka FELGENHAUER, Fredericka 1843 1935 by F.W. FELGENHAUER, Gordon Otto 1912 1940 Son FELGENHAUER, Hazel Jan 18, 1908 Jan 27, 1908 FELGENHAUER, John Bennett 1917 1920 by Sophie FELGENHAUER, Margaret 1878 1971 by Otto FELGENHAUER, Otto 1870 1918 by Margaret FELGENHAUER, Sophie 1874 1946 FROSHAM, John F 1849 1915 GALBREATH, Barbara J 1931 m. Orville L. GALBREATH, Orville L 1916 1985 m. Barbara J. GARNER, Lula V Apr 25, 1902 Mar 8, 1971 "Our Dudie" GEORGE, Grace Alma 1888 1932 GEORGE, Marvin 1911 1912 GERLING, Carl W 1897 1973 GERLING, Charles F 1847 1926 Father GERLING, Rolland 1916 1994 GODFREY, Linda W Oct 27, 1889 Sep 10, 1982 GOEHRING, Elizabeth May 13, 1874 Feb 3, 1953 by Fred S. GOEHRING, Fred S Jan 18, 1872 Jul 7, 1943 by Elizabeth GOFF, Frank 1873 1954 by Mona GOFF, Mary J Mar 9, 1842 Apr 9, 1917 by William C GOFF, Mona 1883 1959 by Frank GOFF, William C Oct 15, 1840 Dec 25, 1902 by Mary J. GOTTFRIED, Richter 1891 1919 GULER, Josia S May 8, 1912 age 73 yr 11 mo 6 da HAGAN, Perry W 1889 1938 Husband of Sarah HAGAN, Sarah M 1891 1982 Wife of Perry W HAMMOND, Elmer N 1889 1976 HANSON, infant Apr 12, 1924 Apr 15, 1924 son of Charles & Ruby HAWTHORNE, Charles 1879 1937 HAWTHORNE, Clara E 1884 1972 HAYES, Eliza C 1901 1921 Maurice HAYES, Maurice 1859 1922 Eliza HAYS, Edna Apr 4, 1900 Aged 19 years HEIN, Godfried 1843 1919 Husband of Christina HEIN, Christina 1854 1922 Wife of Godfried HEIN, George C 1896 1984 by Johanna M HEIN, John G 1894 1921 HEIN, Johanna M 1894 1979 by George C HEIN, Marlene 1931 1995 HUFFMAN, Infant Jan 24, 1902 Jan 24, 1902 son of Jacob I & Fanny V HUFFMAN, Nannie E. May 25, 1858 Feb 8, 1888 Wife of Jacob S. JACOBSON, Myrtle M 1898 1982 by William JACOBSON, William 1889 1983 by Myrtle M JAOUITH, Minnie 1873 1949 JOHNSON, Jesse Joel 1902 1943 son of Malhon & Mary JOHNSON, Mabel B 1896 1923 dau. of Malhon & Mary JOHNSON, Malhon P 1866 1921 husband of Mary JOHNSON, Mary E 1874 19-- wife of Malhon P JUMPER, Christenia A Dec 10, 1827 Dec 24, 1908 by Henry JUMPER, Henry Sep 15, 1830 Dec 3, 1912 by Christenia KEENER, A 1835 1917 KELSO, John B Oct 30, 1829 April 1912 Same marker as John Roberts KINNEY, Benjamin G Jul 25, 1820 Jan 29, 1891 KRISTOFERSON, Ott 1877 1951 Ole? LAMBERT, Ada C 1873 1956 Wife of John M LAMBERT, Belle 1868 1950 Mother LAMBERT, Charles E Aug 18, 1872 Feb l, 1962 LAMBERT, Clinton L May 7, 1877 Dec 7, 1922 LAMBERT, Eliza J Dec 5, 1882 Sep 7, 1943 LAMBERT, Elvena E 1900 1926 LAMBERT, Fredrick L Nov 6, 1887 Nov 28, 1918 Vet of WWI LAMBERT, James W 1836 1911 Husband of Mary J LAMBERT, John M 1865 1923 Husband of Ada C LAMBERT, Louise C 1880 1924 by Oscar J LAMBERT, Mary J 1845 1915 Wife of James W LAMBERT, Oscar J 1874 1917 by Louise C LAMBERT, William H 1866 1925 Father LATZIG, August 1840 1903 by Marie A LATZIG, Marie A 1851 1945 by August LEMON, Abby C May 29, 1875 Jan 2, 1955 LEMON, Ada Elizabeth 1910 by Charles LEMON, Alexander J 1849 1936 husband of Emma LEMON, Annette C 1971 1935 LEMON, Charles Glenn 1906 1987 by Ada LEWIS, Benjamin H 1829 1904 LEMON, Diana C May 27, 1827 Jan 30, 1908 wife of Isaac, b.St Catherines CW LEMON, Elizabeth Annette 1935 1936 LEMON, Emma I.H. 1851 1919 wife of Alexander LEMON, George E 1872 1964 LEMON, Joseph B 1851 1920 LEMON, Kenneth Charles 1948 1948 baby son LEMON, Mazie 1904 1905 LEWIS, Arthur M Apr 7, 1883 Oct 20, 1964 LEWIS, B H B.O.A. 86 NG Inf LEWIS, Carl B 1905 1982 by Yvonne L LEWIS, Harry S 1868 1912 by Minnie E LEWIS, Ida 1881 191? LEWIS, James 1878 1904 by Ida LEWIS, Minnie E 1866 1959 by Harry S LEWIS, Yvonne L 1911 1989 by Carl B LINCOLN, Maud 1872 1909 LUNDSTRUM, Amanda 1856 1944 LUNDSTRUM, George M 1881 1958 LUNDSTRUM, Hattie L 1886 1942 LUNDSTRUM, Irwin J 1894 1918 28th Inf.1st Div LUNDSTRUM, John 1848 1932 LUNDSTRUM, Josephine F 1882 1961 LUNDSTRUM, Minnie L 1888 1942 MARION, Charles Gordon May 1, 1910 Oct 10, 1917 MARION, Charles P Sep 22, 1879 Dec 23, 1925 MARION, Dora A Sep 12, 1858 Oct 14, 1931 by Peter E MARION, Edna Elldene Oct 1, 1919 Oct 4, 1919 MARION, Ellen V Jan 27, 1886 Apr 25, 1960 by James E MARION, Elliot Carlisle Feb 3, 1918 Dec 13, 1938 MARION, Elizabeth Saunders 1916 1993 See Elizabeth Saunders MARION, Ida C Jul 26, 1873 Dec 19, 1925 MARION, James E 1884 1966 by Ellen V MARION, Orrie C 1893 1974 by Walter Sr. MARION, Peter E Dec 11, 1852 Dec 12, 1935 by Dora A MARION, Walter S. Sr. 1877 1965 by Orrie C MARTENSEN, Barbara 1938 1971 MARTENSEN, Thelma 1912 1989 Beloved Mother MARTIN-WRIGHT,Austin Ronald Dec 21, 1993 Jul 25, 1996 "Our special boy 'Tiny'" MATTOON, Orla M 1855 1927 by Molly & Virginia MATTOON, Molly 1889 1918 by Orla M ASP MATTOON, Jakie Dec 3, 1903 Son of Orla, age 3 yr 11mo MATTOON, Virginia 1861 1914 by Orla M MILLER, Edith H 1879 1970 MILLER, James 1847 1909 MULLINS, Audry O Jul 22, 1915 Aug 5, 1915 MULLINS, Velma M Mar 2, 1919 Mar 6, 1919 MUNSEL, Fred A 1904 1946 MURPHY, Leonidas N Sep 12, 1855 Jan 22, 1918 husband of Emma L (Woodsman) MURPHY, Emma L Jun 2, 1862 Feb 3, 1948 wife of Leonidas Woodsman of World NORRIS, Genevieve Louise Easter Sun. 1907 Aged 16 yrs 9 mo 5 da NORRIS, Adelaide M 1856 1933 by Melvin S NORRIS, Melvin S 1856 1943 by Adelaide M OLSON, Nellie 1913 1915 OTTO, Gordon 1910 1912 PARKER, Wallace Jasper 1908 1992 by Viola Stenson POORE, Nellie C 1869 1953 POWELL, Florence 1896 1936 RAKESTRA, Anna Florence 1875 1908 RAKESTRAW, Isaac 1850 1916 by Malinda RAKESTRAW, John S 1878 ---- RAKESTRAW, Malinda 1850 1926 by Isaac RAKESTRAW, Mildred O 1911 1923 RAY, Elsbeth 1836 1918 by Jacob RAY, Jacob 1835 1918 by Elsbeth RAY, George P 1872 1925 by Elsbeth/Jacob RICHTER, Gottfried 1891 1919 RIEGEL, Frank 1884 1937 ROBERTS, Adaline M Jan 8, 1850 Nov 8, 1900 Same marker as John Roberts ROBERTS, John Feb 28, 1827 Nov 6, 1905 Same marker as Adaline Roberts ROPER, Alta B(LEFFINGWELL)? ROPER, infant Apr 12, 1915 son of Emmett&Ora ROPER, Ethmer J ROPER, H. Emmett 1874 1946 Husband of Ora ROPER, Opal Sems 1907 1928 ROPER, Ora 1897 1914 wife of H. Emmett ROTHGEB, Ann E.B. Feb 11, 1872 May 6, 1919 ROTHGEB, Daniel Sep 16, 1837 May 3, 1904 ROTHGEB, David Henry 1878 1938 ROTHGEB, Elza D Aug 1, 1870 May 25, 1887 ROTHGEB,(Braman) Grace 1882 1960 ROTHGEB, Joseph T Jan 18, 1882 May 21, 1933 ROTHGEB, Martin David 1910 1946 ROTHGEB, Rachel R Nov 30, 1842 Jan 19, 1900 ROTHGEB, Theodore W Dec 24, 1913 Mar 22, 1972 Tec5 US Army WWII SAUNDERS, Elizabeth Marion 1916 1993 See Elizabeth Marion SCHRODER, Ludwig A 1854 1915 By Cora SCHRODER, Cora 1862 1936 by Ludwig A SCHRODER, Loyd Mar 9, 1890 Oct 31, 1961 SEMS, Opal Roper 1907 1928 SNODGRASS, Ceoe May 15, 1900 Sep 25, 1910 Son of E.S.&J.E. SNODGRASS, Issac Feb 23, 1826 Mar 12, 1908 Father SNODGRASS, Susan Sep 15, 1834 Apr 1, 1919 Mother STENSON, Edna R 1901 1930 Mother STENSON, Franklin M 1922 1941 son STENSON, Iral L 1898 1973 Father STENSON, LeRoy O 1873 1947 by Rachel M STENSON, Miss Edith L 1896 1975 STENSON, Rachel M 1876 1958 by LeRoy O STENSON, Viola M 1916 by Wallace Parker STRONG, Bobbie Aug 30, 1908 Sep 27, 1908 Son of Amos and Alma STRONG, David Feb 3, 1912 Feb 3, 1912 Son of Alvin & Mamie STRONG, Phillip H Sep 19, 1851 Feb 25, 1912 STUART, Bessie M May 26, 1897 Jan 14, 1974 Wife of James A STUART, Bonnie M 1924 1995 wife of James M STUART, James A Mar 3, 1894 Jun 14, 1988 Husb of Bessie M STUART, James M 1920 husb of Bonnie M SWEET, Elias R 1832 1913 husb of Isabelle SWEET, Isabelle 1840 1914 wife of Elias SWEET, Lovinskey 1858 1928 Father SWEET, Susan A 1879 1950 Mother SWEET, William A 1868 1924 SWETMAN, Helen L 1925 1951 TEMPEST, Alfred 1852 1924 TEMPEST, George Alfred Feb 22, 1883 Oct 22, 1952 TEMPEST, Ida May 1881 1943 TEMPEST, James Lewis 1878 1904 TEMPEST, Josephine 1855 1930 TENSFELD, Cacilie Mar 11, 1907 May 4, 1983 by Fred TENSFELD, Fred Jun 1, 1904 Jan 18, 1984 by Cacilie THAYER, A D 1847 1924 Civil War Vet, by Sarah F THAYER, Eli 1853 1924 THAYER, Hanna E Jul 1, 1823 Oct 11, 1900 by Sylvester THAYER, Myrtle Jan 23, 1877 Jun 5, 1920 wife of J.W.Main THAYER, Nettie J Aug 10, 1890 Aug 18, 1890 THAYER, Sarah F 1849 1917 by A.D. THAYER, Sylvester W Jul 4, 1825 Aug 11, 1895 by Hanna E TORGERSON, Adna 1887 1932 nee Yount TRYON, Baby 1920 TRYON, Perry R. Jan 21, 1893 Jun 27, 1933 TYREE, Jessie E Jun 17, 1879 Oct 30, 1908 WALKER, Addie D 1879 1973 by William WALKER, Alice 1865 1903 by Jack WALKER, Baby Jun 13, 1900 Jun 13, 1900 WALKER, Baby Son 1927 by James/ Elizabeth WALKER, Bertie S 1885 1900 son of Wm & Louise WALKER, Carl L 1896 1918 son of Wm & Louise WALKER, Charlotte 1867 1941 E.W. WALKER, Clark 1905 1967 husband of Marguerite WALKER, Claude O 1887 1900 son of Wm & Louise WALKER, Elizabeth 1903 1987 by James W WALKER, Ellen Aug 16, 1887 Jul 9, 1906 WALKER, Harold 1919 1920 WALKER, Harvey 1898 1952 WALKER, H. Cecil 1896 1962 husb of Mable W WALKER, Jack 1859 1935 by Alice WALKER, Jacob S 1864 1935 husband of Margaret A WALKER, James W 1904 1996 by Elizabeth WALKER, Joel 1837 1922 by Mary M. WALKER, Louise J 1866 1925 wife of William A WALKER, Mable W 1898 1939 wife of H. Cecil WALKER, Margaret A 1880 1954 wife of Jacob S WALKER, Marguerite 1906 1991 wife of Clark WALKER, Martha A 1866 1951 wife of Thomas WALKER, Mary M 1841 1928 by Joel WALKER, Sibyl 1921 1922 WALKER, Thomas 1869 1935 husb of Martha A WALKER, William A 1862 1937 husb of Louise J WALKER, William 1871 1959 by Addie D WARD, Elisha Apr 5, 1901 Aged 73 years WASHBURN, Hiram A 1845 1911 WEATHERMAN, Dempsey Aug 12, 1887 Jul 27, 1907 Son of C.H. & Mary WEATHERMAN, Mary E May 24, 1867 Nov 6, 1956 wife of C.H. WEATHERMAN, C H Jun 29, 1867 Mar 8, 1914 Here Rest Woodman of World WILSON, Joseph R 1896 1973 by Ethel I WILSON, Ethel I 1898 1978 by Joseph R WISE, Mary M 1901 1965 Mother WITHERSPOON, baby (REIGEL?) 1924 by J. Vance WITHERSPOON, J Vance 1891 1948 by "baby" WRIGHT, Joe H 1917 1976 Father WRIGHT, Nellie E 1920 1996 Mother YOUNT, Emma A 1868 1928 by Larken Yount YOUNT, Larken 1856 1941 by Emma Yount YUILL, J. B. 1889 1955