The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. From History of North Washington, published 1903, now in public domain. Submitted by Candy L. Grubb March 13, 1997. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARCHIBALD G. MCDONALD Archibald G. McDonald, farmer and stock grower, residing five miles east of Bossburg, Stevens county, was born in Glengary, Province of Ontario, in December, 1840. His parents were Philip and Mary McDonald, natives of Canada, where they died. The family were distant relatives of Sir John McDonald, late Premier of Canada. Our subject has three brothers and sisters Margaret, wife of Alexander McDonald, of Glengary, Canada; Hugh, on the old homestead, Canada; and Samuel, in Portland, Maine, engaged in the boot and shoe business. At the age of twenty-one years our subject left Glengary, where he had obtained a fair business education, and mined on the Gilbert river. He discovered the largest gold nugget ever found in that vicinity, weighing forty-five ounces and fifteen drams. For several years he mined in the Lake Superior district, coming to Spokane in June, 1889, thence to Nelson, British Columbia, where he purchased a pony and came to the Columbia river where he now lives. He took a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of land, eighty acres of which are under cultivation. It is fenced and supplied with substantial buildings. He breeds stock and has a fine bearing orchard of various kinds of fruit. June 4, 1872, our subject was married to Matilda Baker, daughter of John B. Baker, of Quebec, where Mrs. McDonald was born and reared. She has one sister and four brothers: Mary, wife of John McClintic, of Stevens county; Samuel, at Vancouver; John, in the Philippine Islands, Company F, Twentyeighth United States Regulars; Donald, with his parents; and Archie. Mr. McDonald is a Socialist, politically, and has been school director and road supervisor several terms.