From "History of North Washington" Published 1904 Transcribed by: Nancy Grubb ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDWARD S. SULLIVAN Edward S. Sullivan, the stirring and wide-awake merchant of Fruitland,is well known in this locality as one of the early settlers and a man of good ability and integrity. He was born in Dublin,Ireland,on January 2,1865,the son of Marcus C. and Charlotte (Jackson) Sullivan,natives of the same city. Our subject was educated in the public schools of his native place and the Royal Academic Institute of Belfast. When fifteen he entered the publishing house of Sullivan Brothers,the firm being composed of his uncle and father,who were successors to Robert Sullivan.LL.D.,T.C.D., barrister at law,and author and publisher of the series of text books used in the national schools, of Ireland fifty years ago and still retained. Five years were spent in service as apprentice in this house and in 1885 he came to America landing first in New York. He soon sped across the continent to Portland and thence thence found his way to the region of Fruitland,where he secured a stock farm by purchase and settled to farming and raising stock. Success crowned his faithful and skillful labors and he was prospered. Mr Sullivan at once took a becoming interest in political matters and has shown himself to be a man of influence and ability. He has been mentioned on the ticket and madea good race. He has two brothers and three sisters.Marcus L.,Robert,Clementina Vanston,Kathleen and Violet. On October 2,1889,Mr.Sullivan married Miss Lucy A.,daughter of James M. and Nellie L.Allison,who are mentioned in this work. Mrs Sullivan was born in Sutter county,California ,on July 2,1869. In 1894 Mr.Sullivan sold his interests here and removed to Ireland and there took charge of a large estate until 1902. He made a good success of handling it and demonstrated his tact gained as a western farmer. On April 5,1902,his father,aged sixty-eight, passed the river of death. The mother still lives aged sixty. On January 1,1903,Mr.Sullivan,with his wife and five children,Clementina L., Marcus J.D.,Charlotte B.P.,Elizabeth C.K.,and Edna V. returned to Fruit- land. He at once opened a general merchandise store in Fruitland and is now operating there with good success. He has a commodious two-story structure, with other buildings,and carries a well selected stock of all goods needed in this locality. Mr. Sullivan has the energy and sound principles that win in this line of business and his entire walk is dominated by excellent wisdom which qualities guarantee him an unbound success in his venture. He is a genial man and has hosts of friends. Since opening the store,Mr.Sullivan has added a full line of clothing and gents furnishing goods. He also carries a full stock of farm implements,being agent for the McCormick machinery in the Fruitland valley. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent.