The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. From History of North Washington, published 1903, now in public domain. Submitted by Candy L. Grubb March 20, 1997. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. _____________________________________________________________________________ ELI S. WESTON Eli S. Weston, an enterprising and successful stock breeder of Stevens county, residing seven miles east of Bossburg, was born in Iowa, December 19, 1859. He is the son of Dr. E.W. and Jennie R. (Hayes) Weston, natives of New York. They came to Oregon in 1877, where the doctor practiced his profession many years. In 1888 they removed to Washington, settling on the Columbia river, where he died in 1900. His widow then located in the north portion of Washington where she at present resides. Montana, Oregon and Washington combined to afford scholastic privelages to our subject, and in 1886 he settled in Stevens county, taking a homestead upon which he now lives. Forty acres of his land is under cultivation, and he has some fine, fancy-bred stock, an orchard of five hundred trees, substantial barn and an ample supply of excellent water. In 1881 our subject was united in marriage to Lizzie McCoy, daughter of William and Thresea (Sykes) McCoy, the father a native of Ohio, the mother of Texas. They were the parents of eight children, three of whom survive: Lizzie; Emma, wife of Samuel Price, of Lewiston, Idaho; and Mary, wife of George Tyson, residing near Tekoa, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Weston have five children, Charles H., William E., Jessie N., Mary E. and Lillian B. The political affiliations of Mr. Weston are with the Republican party. He manifests a keen interest in the local affairs of his community, and is a broad-minded, public-spirited man and popular citizen. Fraternally he is a member of the Bossburg Lodge, No.164, I.O.O.F., is past noble grand, and has been representative to the grand lodge of the state.