The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. From History of North Washington, published 1903, now in public domain. Submitted by Candy L. Grubb Feb. 22, 1997. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. _____________________________________________________________________________ GEORGE D. COULTHARD George D. Coulthard, who resides about five miles west of Scotia on Diamond Lake, was one of the first settlers of this portion of Stevens county. As early as 1888 he penetrated the wilds of the Diamond Lake country, selected a favorable location, and settled upon unsurveyed land. He at once began to make improvements and two years later brought the first lumber into that country, which on account of there being no roads was a very difficult undertaking. Mr. Coulthard was engaged in general farming and stock raising, continuing with the latter until the present time, and is one of the prosperous and substantial citizens. He owns several hundred acres of good land, two hundred of which are excellent meadow. In addition to this he has other valuable property, and also raises stock. George Coulthard was born in Shakopee, Minnesota, January 1, 1867, the son of Christopher and Minerva (Reines) Coulthard, natives of Prince Edward Island and New York, respectively, and of Scotch descent. They came to Minnesota in very early days and in 1870 went to California, where the father now lives, the mother died in 1874. They were the parents of four children, Bruce W., deceased, Clara M., Christopher Pevill, and George D., the subject of this article. George D. was educated in the common schools of Lake county and Middleton California. At the age of sixteen he laid aside his school books and began the more responsible labors of real life. In 1886 we find him in Spokane, whence two years later he came to his present place as stated above. On June 1, 1891, Mr. Coulthard married Mrs. Alice Lewis, widow of John W. Lewis, and daughter of Philip and Sarah Kirby. She died in 1897, leaving four children, Grace, Albert, Donald and Alice. In 1901, Mr. Coulthard married Miss Jessie Lewis, and one child has been born to this union, Dorothy. Mr. Coulthard is a good active Republican and takes the interest that becomes the intelligent citizen in political affairs. He was the first elected justice of the peace in his precinct and has held that office for eight years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.