From "The History of North Washington" Published 1904 Transcribed by: Nancy Grubb ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOSEPH W. DUNLAP Joseph W. Dunlap is the pioneer merchant of Loonlake,Stevens county, Washington. He has,also,there established the leading business in his line. Born in Noble,Illinois,October 12,1863,he is the son of William and Eliza (Rundle) Dunlap,the father a native of Pennsylvania;the mother of Ohio. Following their settlement in Illinois William Dunlap died,the mother passing away in Stevens county in 1900. Our subject is one of a family of four child- ren,two dying in infancy and Sarah,his sister,on reaching maturity. Joseph W.Dunlap received a common school education in the public schools of Illinois,and at the premature age of thirteen years began working for him- self. Following a period of five years with the family of a farmer,he obtained a situation in a store where he remained industriously employed three years. He then went to Topeka,Kansas,and secured employment in the general offices of Santa Fe Railroad Company,including one year in the auditor's office. His advent in Loonlake,Stevens county,was in 1891,when he opened a general store,and is at present carrying the largest stock of general merchandise of any business house in town. He also handles farm implements,wood and hay,and owns considerable town and lake front property. At Topeka,Kansas,Mr.Dunlap was married to Miss Mary F.Hopper,a native of Indiana and a daughter of C.B. and Hannah Hopper. To them were born two chil- dren:William F. and Alta M. The mother died in 1895. In 1897,Mr.Dunlap was united in marriage to Anna Gowe Herms,daughter of J.C. and Elizabeth Herms, of Neosho,Missouri,the father a native of New York,the mother of Wisconsin. They now reside in Neosho,Missouri. The present wife of our subject is highly accomplished,having graduated from a prominent Missouri college. She is the mother of two children,Helen Ethene and Thelma E. Mr.Dunlap is a member of the M.W.A.,at the present being banker of Loonlake Camp,No.7976. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent.