The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner. From History of North Washington, published 1903, now in public domain. Submitted by Candy L. Grubb Feb. 22, 1997. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded. _____________________________________________________________________________ WILLIAM K. RUSSELL Although Mr. Russell has not been in the Pend d'Oreille valley as long as some, still he has manifested during his residence here the true pioneer spirit and is properly classed as one of the substantial men of the community. He resides about one mile west from Dalkena, where he devotes himself to farming and stock raising, having one hundred and sixty acres of land. This land was secured by the homestead right in 1900 and since that time he has been making excellent improvements, and the fact that he has cleared thirty acres in three years manifests his industry and thrift. William K. Russell was born in Ontario, Canada, on July 29, 1867, the son of Andrew and Clara Russell, natives of Canada. They were the parents of three children, William K., Fred and Nellie. They died when our subject was but six years old. The father was a professor in the academy in Napanee, Ontario, and our subject received his education in the world famed schools of that province. As stated, when he was six years of age he was left an orphan and was thus early thrown out to meet the hardships and responsibilities in the world. After completing his education, at the age of seventeen, he began clerking in a general store, later devoting himself to canvassing, and in 1890 took up lumbering, which he followed until 1900, when he came to the Colville valley. Mr. Russell has been appointed deputy county assessor and in 1902 was elected road supervisor, and in both these capacities has manifested ability and integrity. In political matters, Mr. Russell pulls with the Republicans and manifests a deep interest in the welfare, both of his party and the community. He is a young man of sound principles and has won the confidence and respect of all who know him.