Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: Emulous P. COTTON ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ From the Adams County Press, Saturday Dec 15, 1888 Page 4 Emulous P. COTTON died at his home in Roche-A-Cris on Wednesday evening, December 12th. Mr. COTTON was born in Attica, New York on the 24th day of December, 1811, and therefore was, at the time of his death, within eleven days of being 77 years old. Mr. COTTON came to this state when it while it was yet a territory, settling first at Oconomowoc, in Waukesha County, where he engaged in the occupation of miller. He was elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1847, which framed the present constitution of the State, serving in that body upon the committee on Schedule and other miscellaneous provisions. In 1856 he came to Adams County, settling at Roche-A-Cris, where, in company with his brother, he purcased and improved a water-power, erected a sawmill, and also engaged in a general mercantile business. The venture did not prove successful, and in the hard times and general business collapse of 1857-58, he sank the larger part of his fortune. Mr. COTTON was a man of extensive information, positive convictions and unbending will, and, of course, so constituted, could not be otherwise than an intense partisan, politically. His business relations were always marked by strict integrity, and he always possessed the respect and esteem of the community wherein he lived. He was twice married, both of his wives having preceded him to the grave. He leaves two sons and three daughters. The funeral occurs at Roche-A-Cris on Friday at 1 o'clock P. M.