Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: Louis HAVLIK ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ From the Adams County Press, Saturday October 12, 1907, Page 8 This community was shocked last Sunday morning to hear of the sudden death of Louis HAVLIK, one of the prosperous and respected Bohemian farmers of the town of Preston. Mr. HAVLIK had been apparently well and with the exception of complaining for a day or two before hs decease of severe pains in his breast, he had shown no symptoms of illness; for this he had nothing done except to have it rubbed with alcohol or other linament. Saturday he worked around the place and had come to Friendship and traded at the stores where he laughed and joked with friends and seemed to be in good spirits. Saturday evening he was at home and one of his neighbors, John BROZEK, was over, and they were having a pleasant visit, when suddenly Mr. HAVLIK rose from his chair, exclaiming "My God, I'm burning up," took a step or two and fell into his wife's arms and was carried by her and Mr. BROZEK to the bed and Dr. Winston was called and also the son, Frank, who was in the village, but before they could reach the home, Mr. HAVLIK had expired. The doctor pronounced the disease heart failure and the immediate cause of the death was syncope. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. Mr. HAVLIK had resided on his farm purchased of Joseph PFLAGER, in the town of Preston, only four years at the time of his decease, coming here from Chicago, but in that time he had gained the respect of all who knew him and was the possessor of many warm friends among the people of this county. He was a devoted husband and loving father. He was born in the village of Uhlisky Janoric, in Bohemia, June 21, 1859, and was 48 years old and a few motnhs at the time of his death on the 5th of October. He leaves his wife, Anna, and the children, Frank, Anton, William, Joseph, Fannie and Anna, to mourn his departure from this life. The funeral services were conducted at the house at one o'clock Tuesday by Rev. J. M. Lavendar, of the Congregational church of Friendship and the remains were laid to rest in Mt. Repose cemetery west of the village. The funeral was largely attended by friends and neighbors who came to pay the last tribute of respect to one whom they had learned to esteem during his residence among them. The following are the names of old friends of Mr. HAVLIK who acted as pallbearers: J. BAUMEL, A. SPLITEK, C. LUKAS, Karel KULHA, F. ZIKA and J. VODIKA