Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: William John KERSHAW ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ From the Adams County Press, Saturday 28 April 1883 Page 4 Column 2 Death of Colonel William John KERSHAW William John KERSHAW died in Kilbourn City last Monday afternoon. Few men were better known to the earlier settlers of Adams county, than John KERSHSAW as he was familiarly called. He at one time held the office of District Attorney in this county; twice represented it in the popular branch of the Legislature, and in 1869 and 1870 was a Senator from the district comprising the counties of Adams, Juneau and Monroe. Colonel KERSHAW saw very considerable service in the late war. When the 18th regiment was organized he went out as sargeant of Company E of that regiment. Subsequently he was promoted to Second Lieutenant and after that to Captain of Company K. When the 37th regiment was organized he was commissioned Major and was afterwards promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. Shortly after the expiration of his senatorial term, Mr. KERSHAW moved to Milwaukee, and was there engaged in business with C. J. KERSHAW. While a resident of Milwaukee, in 1875, he represented the Third ward of that city in the Assembly. For several years past he has made his residence in Kilbourn City. Failing health compelled him to refrain from labor or business. For years he has been incurably afflicted with consumption. He watched the progress of his disease and contemplated his approaching death with cheerful courage and composure. Although expected, the end came suddenly at last, while he was sitting in a chair. Mr. KERSHAW leaves a widow and five children. Two of his daughters are known to many of the citizens of this county as finely educated and successful teachers in the schools.