Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: Mary PHILLIPS ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ From the Adams County Press, Dece,ber 9, 1899, Page 4 DIED--PHILLIPS--Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. HASKINS, in Kilbourn City, Nov 23, 1899, Mrs. Mary PHILLIPS, aged 78 years, 4 months and 16 days. Mary Maria (WHIPPLE) PHILLIPS was born in Chataqua county, state of New York, on the 8th day of July, 1821. On September 7, 1842, she was married to R. C. PHILLIPS and the newly wedded pair established their home just over the state line in Pennsylvania. In 1852 Mr. PHILLIPS moved his family west, and settled on a farm near Little Lake in the town of Jackson, in this county. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, Mr. PHILLIPS enlisted in the Union army, but the ardorous labors and exposures of the service proved too severe, and he died the following year of disease contracted in such service, leaving to the care of his widow eight surviving children. Two daughters died before the father. Mrs. PHILLIPS was the mother of ten children, seven daughters and three sons, and the death of the husband and father cast a burden upon her such as is given to few women to bear; but she bore it bravely and well--how well only the tender memories, the grateful hearts of her children, and the respect and admiration of cherishing friends may tell. Her oldest child at home when the father died was but sixteen years of age. About forty years ago she and her husband were converted to Christ, and joined the P. M. Church. Later as the Congregational church occupied the field in which was her residence, she united by letter with the church of that name. Three years ago, after her removal to Kilbourn City, she united by letter with the M. E. Church at that place, and retained her membership in that church until she died. She passed away with the full hope in the saving grace of the Redeemer. Among the last of her sayings was this; "The Lord is good, his mercies endure forever." Mrs. PHILLIPS left surviving her six children--three sons and three daughters--Austin PHILLIPS of South Dakota, Lucinda HASKINS of Kilbourn City Wisconsin, Lorania LATHAM of Aurora, South Dakota, Melvin PHILLIPS of Lockett, Colorado, Hattie BUCK of Hooper, Colorado, and Robert PHILLIPS of Seattle, Washington. "After Life's fitful fever, she sleeps well," in the home of Eternal Rest: but the influences for good of the life just ended on earth shall not be lost. The seeds scattered shall bring fruitage in other hearts, and yet others, for all time.