Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: Archy RATHBUN ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Adams County Press, Sat 13 Sept 1884, Page 5 Columns 2 & 3 Archy RATHBUN, residing on the old EDWARD'S place on the south end of Pleasant Prairie, died very suddenly on Thursday afternoon of last week. During the day he had been engaged building a chimney for a neighbor, and returned home about four o'clock in the afternoon. It is said that he spoke after getting home of not feeling very well. In a few moments he went out to the granary, and as he was not seen again the family supposed he had gone out into the field to work. As he did not make his appearance at the usual supper-time, a search was instituted for him and he was found lying in the granary, near the door, dead. Appearances indicated that he had gone into the granary and sat down, and had fallen over and died without a struggle. His death was undoubtedly of neuralgia of the heart, primarily brought on by injuries received in the army during the War of the Rebellion, in which he served long, and with courage and fidelity. No one stood higher in the estimation of those to whom he was known, than did Archy RATHBUN. In every relation of life, as a soldier, citizen, husband and father, his character was most exemplary. Quiet, honest, unassuming, he carried with him to the grave, the respect of the community in which he lived, and died regretted by all. Mr. RATHBUN was a member of the Masonic Lodge at this place, and was buried Sunday last with Masonic honors. His remains were also accompanied to the grave by many members of the Grand Army of the Republic of which order he was a worthy member. The respect and esteem in which the deceased was held, was shown by the large concourse of people who attended the funeral. The procession that followed the remains from the family residence to the grave, was more than a quarter of a mile in length. The deceased left a widow and four children--two sons and two daughters.