Obituary: Adams County, Wisconsin: Abbie STOWE ************************************************************************ Submitted by Joan Benner, May 2005 © All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ From the Adams County Press, Volume XLIV Number 3, Saturday August 20, 1904, Page 4 Mrs. James STOWE died at her home in this village, Wednesday morning, August 10th, 1904, aged 50 years, 7 months and 28 days. Abbie M. STAPLES was born at Tremont, Maine, December 12, 1853. When but a year old, her parents moved west, and settled at Big Prairie, Wisconsin. In the fall of 1863 they moved to Strong's Prairie, this county, and a year later moved to Westfield, where they resided two years, when they removed to Lyndon. On December 29th, 1874, she was united in marriage with Charles R. LAPHAM, and of this union five children were born, Viola E., Hayes, Violetta I., Charles R. and Clara A., all of whom survive her. In 1883 Mr. LAPHAM died and it was through the subsequent years that the true character, the unselfish devotion, the mother-love and Christian, gentle, fortitude of the woman was most clearly shown. Left with a family of small children, to be taught and reared, she undertook the task and well it was performed. The teachings of the home, the sheltering from wayward tendencies, and the bringing up of a family to be good and useful men and women, was never more ably done than was done by her. In 1887, Mrs. LAPHAM was married to James STOWE, and four children were born to them, Serena I., Rozella, who passed to the other shore March 15th, 1894, Gladys E., and Bessie B., who with the husband are left to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church, Thursday August 11th, 1904, Rev. A. H. Smith taking for his text the words found in Mark 14:8 "She hath done what she could." The interment was in Mount Repose cemetery. Note: This obit has been edited for genealogical content and is not the complete text of the newspaper obituary.